السفير السوري يتهم اسرائيل و"قوى تكفيرية" بالوقوف وراء اغتيال الحسن
Read this story in Englishنفى السفير السوري في لبنان عبد الكريم علي اليوم الاربعاء ان تكون لسوريا علاقة باغتيال رئيس فرع المعلومات في قوى الامن الداخلي اللواء وسام الحسن، متهما اسرائيل و"قوى تكفيرية" بذلك.
وقال علي لصحافيين اثر اجتماعه مع وزير الخارجية عدنان منصور، ان "سوريا مصلحتها استقرار لبنان، وتدين كل الاغتيالات، وهي مشغولة بأزمتها الداخلية ومواجهة المخططات التي يشارك فيها رجالات الاستخبارات في أوروبا والعالم وفي الاقليم".
واعتبر ان اتهام سوريا بالعملية "كلام مؤسف"، مضيفا "سبق ان حذرنا من الاتهام السياسي".
واضاف ان "سوريا لا علاقة لها بهذا الحادث الاجرامي، بل هي دانته وتدينه وتقدم العزاء لكل اسر الشهداء ولكل لبنان".
وتابع السفير السوري ردا على سؤال، ان "اسرائيل هي المستفيدة" من زعزعة الامن في لبنان. وعما اذا كان يتهم اسرائيل بعملية التفجير قال "نحن نتهم أيضا بعض القوى التكفيرية التي لا ترى بعيون صحيحة، وترى في الفوضى مصلحة لها".
iran/syria/hezb standard response:
deny, deny and blame israel. didn't iran say this on friday?
who didn't see this coming?
No, don't ask him to go home. Let a few Takfiris "break into" the Syrian embassy and behead the SOB. Going home on his own accord is far too easy, let them break into the embassy and teach him the most valuable lesson of his life.
yiiiii!!!! here comes the general's best friend, of course blaming israel, with a new comer: the Takfiri.. hahahahaha
yeah we know this old baassist song.
some oldies are good to listen to but this one stinks from the beginning.
you will get killed Ali! One day revenge will get you with the other baasists. but before that you will be tortured in front of your family.
take care.
of course was Israel and Takfiris, they were helped by the Klingons, Romulans, Reavers and the Assads.
Why does Syria want to stop the Samaha court and the Harriri court so badly then? Hassan was a kep player in both? If Israel did everything you would think Iran, Syria and the Hezz would want to let them proceed.
We all know the truth of who did all the killings. Syria and Nassy can shut up now. The world knows they are the biggest killers and enemies of Lebanon.
He is not starting to look stupid he's always been stupid, on your bike baraze breath.
"Lebanon's stability is in the interest of Syria" hahaha the best part of his lies! why did you send samaha to plant bombs in lebanon then?
If you are giving him a chance for an interview, who do expect him to blame? His own country, Iran, Saudi, Qatar. Isn't the best answer always to blame Israel to gain him a few points.
Unfortunately this time everyone around the world knows just "Who Done It", and so he opens his mouth and "Puts his foot in it".
The arabs also blame Israel on the weather...if Israel didn't exist,the arabs had to invent Israel so they will have who to blame on everything