حزب الله يدين "افتراءات" جعجع: يصب الزيت على نار الفتنة ويقدم خدمة للعدو
Read this story in Englishدان "حزب الله" اتهام رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع الحزب بتنفيذ عملية اغتيال رئيس فرع المعلومات في قوى الامن الداخلي اللواء وسام الحسن واضعا إياه في إطار "الفتنة المذهبية".
وقال الحزب في بيان له بعد ظهر الخميس "طالعنا رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية المحكوم والمدان بسلسلة جرائم كبرى نفذها ضد اللبنانيين أفرادا وجماعات، وأبرزها اغتيال الرئيس الشهيد رشيد كرامي، بمعزوفة اتهامات باطلة حول دور تنفيذي لحزب الله في اغتيال اللواء الشهيد وسام الحسن، نرفضها جملة وتفصيلا".
وإذ دان الحزب "تصريحات جعجع وافتراءاته" رأى فيها "محاولة تحريضية مكشوفة لصب الزيت على نار الفتنة المذهبية ورفع منسوب التوتر في البلاد".
وأشار إلى ان هذا الإتهام "يرفضه أي عاقل ووطني ولا يرضى به إلا من ارتضى أن يقدم خدمة مجانية للعدو الإسرائيلي ومخططاته الإجرامية".
وكان قد اتهم جعجع في حديث الى صحيفة "الوطن" السعودية نشر الخميس "النظام الأسدي بشكل صريح ومباشر في التخطيط إلى جنب إيران بالضلوع وراء تصفية اللواء الحسن، بتنفيذ من قبل "حزب الله".
واغتيل الحسن ومرافقه المؤهل أحمد صهيوني في إنفجار سيارة مفخخة هز الأشرفية بعد ظهر الجمعة.
وادى الانفجار الى سقوط 3 قتلى واكثر من 100 جريح الى جانب الاضرار المادية الجسيمة.
واتهمت 14 آذار النظام السوري و"عملاءه" في الداخل بتنفيذ عملية الإغتيال مطالبة باستقالة حكومة "القتلة" كما سمتها.
AGAINNNNN the same kid with this yellow flag,naharnet dont you have a new pix in your archive ?? try to updated cuz it became boring wata BS of propaganda
Please Hizbullah keep quiet; you should be in Iran not Lebanon. We are sick and tired of you destroying our lively hoods... You keep talking about the Past; the past is over...
I tell GEAGEA and the rest of his followers and all March 14, you guys are getting more funding than March 8 from KSA and USA alone, bring your warriors to the south and eliminate them,and live happily ever after. You Lebnaese are funny, you guys cry when you get your asses kicked and blame the person that kicks your ass for being stronger,GEAGEA the man that killed thousands of lebanese and a few leaders,is lecturing on how to be civil now, geagea bring your force and come take what you want, Mustaqbal tried that in 2008,ended in 3 hrs,israel tried in 2006 ended in 33 days, now you try sir.and Good luck..
Dr geagea is right, Hezbollah might have not had an executive role in it, but surely gave out information as they are the only force in Lebanon with outside state control communications. In my opinion , they only knew about it, but it is Jamil El Sayed who did it. previous Moudir 3am amen el 3am, knew lots of people at the airport under his command still, only way to know when Hassan arrived from paris, his name appeared last months with Samaha, he wanted as well revenge from the hariris, it is clear now.
I dont think Hezbollah was really keen on that right now but Jamil el Sayyed was. And since its not Hezb that decides but Syria, it happened. It was in no interest to spark maybe a war for Hezbollah right now, only in the interest of Syria to divert attention and get rid of this disease that Honorable Major Wissam el Hassan was to her
What can't handle the truth? Day by day the party of the devil is being uncovered for it's treacherous crimes of today, yesterday and future. Everyone knows they don't back Lebanon or it's people but rather Iran and Assad. Yallah the clock is ticking and was ignited by the true freedom fighters aka FSA! Next to go.....the low-life HA and those who follow them!
dear hezoblah.... your very existence is a crime against the lebanese state and the hope of the lebanese people. we gave you an inch you took over lebanon. you have blood on your hands for every syrian/iranian execution of assassinations, bombs, murders, threats, bribes, wickedness!!!! may lebanon follow the light and not this darkness!
The party noted that this accusation “must be rejected by any sane and patriotic person,” adding that “only those who agree to offer a free service to the Israeli enemy” would approve it.
Sane patriotic person? I guess that excludes them! Furthermore....here we go again with the common statements about "Israel". That's the one & only tool they use to keep their conditioned followers (sheep) at bay. How sad!
As for Geagea's comment, i agree he is not directing his attack on who he must right now. But he is nonetheless directing it towards partners in crime. I dont like the way he tackles things though, it is not the way, he is not firm enough. And to March 14th demanding the resignation of this awful governement, what are you going to do? it is going to be the same. You are going to be obstructed by March 8th and the vicious circle will go on. So maybe one of them , should nut up or shut up. Its amazing we all fight for those politicians , whatever the camp, but we all know who is killing the good people which are not really affiliated to anybody exept lebanon. The American-Zionist-Iranian-Syrian allies are destroying us .
Did u ever notice that all that the people died believed in Lebanon and were not really part of a movement? cause March 14th= America+ israel, march 8th = Syria+ Iran, Now tell me Gebran = Lebanese, Samir Assir= Lebanese, Pierre Gemayel=Lebanese, Wissam al Hassan= Lebanese, Francois el hajj= Lebanese...None of them were nowhere refering to be an ally of anybody else than lebanon...
Who the hell gives HA the right to talk abt patriots....scum murdering suicidal drug smuggling terrorists
We can all see the only simultaneous DOWN votes are coming from conditioned sheep who still bow to their tribe leader who cons them into thinking Israel is coming for them. Pathetic yet sad to see because at the end of the day I do beleive they love their country but too naive to see the truth....
an open message to hizbushaitan:
what Geagea, hariri, and all other M14 leaders have said during the last few days, are what we believe and nothing you say or do will make us believe otherwise.
you are murderors, foreign agents, traitors, and occupyiers.
leave my country alone.
I have a simple question or better yet, intrigued to know some basic facts (numbers). Can someone simply give me a rough number as to the following question: How many M14 members/followers were killed/assassinated in the past 10 years and similarly, M8?
It should be phrased as pro-syrian vs anti syrian because there wasn't a M8/M14 until a few years ago. For the pro-syrian politicians, the figure is ONE (Murr, I believe)--I don't know the other figure but it over 15.
Sort of a disparity which HA and Syria don't want to explain.
Thank you for clarifying my question samiam....and for the answer.
Need one say more? Don't think so.
Samir Geagea is the Cancer of Lebanon supported by his Salafist and Wahabi terrorists along with their financiers the Mustahbal Party. He is a digrace to all Christians in Lebanon and a disgrace to the Lebanese State. He should be locked up this time 6 feet under Yarze not 3 floors. He should be banned from using the name "Lebanese Forces" as he has disgraced all the Christian Resistance fighters who faught under this united military resistance against the occupier. He has no right to use the name of the Lebanese Forces as it does us Lebanese harm and our elders even more harm!
Funny you never shared the nerve of geagea when he accused the HA,
and you claim your neurtal, if you support the losers than thats your
buisness but please stop being so biased,stevie wonder can see right
through your true poltical views and your hate towards Shia in every
"“only those who agree to offer a free service to the Israeli enemy” would approve it."
typical argument of a totalitarian group. if not with us then you are with the enemy! we are the onlt patriots here and the others are sold to the foreign plot to destroy us! Staline used it, hitler used it and many others too... all dictators resort to this kind of arguments.
poor and weak, just to strike the minds of their followers.
I live in Canada since 1991 and I am not a sheep following anyone in Leb but I read and hear from every side... I was born in a maronite family but not a believer. I hate the atmosphere in Leb, so desperate. Back in Leb, I was a kid in the civil war living on the Christian side, among the LF and other christian militias... My opinion, as an observer, is that Geagea needs to grow more mature in his political reasoning. Jumping on the gun of accusations and inflaming the feelings of his followers without any solid evidence, is lame. I think that one should be very naive to think that the assassinations are as Geagea thinks... I see in these nothing else but inflaming the Sunni scene, in order to try, once again, to get rid of Hezbolla's power. Again I am not with Hezb or any other party, but one needs to be fair; the assassinations scheme is fishy and seems having a bigger agenda than what Geagea political and intellectual baggage is able to declare.
Let Nasrallah stand in front of the country then and say Hizbcocaine never assasinated anyone in Lebanon. Why are they so interested in stopping the Harriri trial and the samaha case? They only attack the person telling the truth any way possible.....but they don't say he is lying.
“only those who agree to offer a free service to the Israeli enemy” would approve it.
By the way Hizbcocaine.....Lebanon does not see Israel as enemy number one. The internal Hezz enemy and Syria and Iran are seen as the top enemies. Your rhetoric is stale.
When the Hezz murdered Lebanese on May 8 that was true patriotism. When they built on church land that was true patriotism.....yes they are patriots of Iran.
Geagea and Lebanese Forces have no business slandering anyone no matter how bad they are. Geagea should still be in prison. There is no evidence and the primary beneficiaries of this assasination are not Iran,Syria or Hezbollah ,who are not at odds with the Miquati/March 8 government. Isreal and those forces which are trying to achieve through a street coup what they cannot by elections or force are the beneficiaries. You people should congratulate yourselves for your complete devotion to illogic and stupidity. You should be embarassed to be so easily manipulated.
Your flag, your name, your majous devil worship. alone that is reason for fitna. Nobody takes you seriously. You're just a filthy militia, a cancer tumor that must be amputated
secterian strife? oil on fire? by hizballah or hakim? it is normal and we are used to it, but a respected newspaper like annahar, putting the wrong story of ezzi about cutting his fingers by the sunnis is very unprofessional or fishy to say the least, why this fall in the dark for annahar?THE TRUST IS DIFFICULT TO REEARN AFTER LOSING IT IN ASHAMEFUL WAY.
Dear Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah,
I hope that my note will find you well; since 2005 dozens of anti-Syrian politicians have been murdered by Israel, could you give me please the name of one anti-Israeli politician murdered by the Syrians and by your services?
Could you please explain to me why a Lebanese organization would carry out a plot that would only energize the opposition bloc and increase internal pressure on it?
For the same reason Bashar murdered Hariri. Because they think they can eliminate their strong opponents and get away with it.
3 reasons:
1) syria/iran told them to do it
2) they believe they can get away with it--they won't cooperate with lebanese judiciary anyway.
3) arrogance and a brainwashed following.
Energize the opposition bloc? Lol whoever did this I'm sure wasn't worried bout energizing blocs. The head of security n the only person to ever catch some1 like Samaha was blown to pieces just a few days ago... n nothing happened. What internal pressure exactly? Streets in 2007 were hijacked by gunmen that later became what we call the government. This game is played by different rules.
Energize the opposition bloc? Lol whoever did this I'm sure wasn't worried bout energizing blocs. The head of security n the only person to ever catch some1 like Samaha was blown to pieces just a few days ago... n nothing happened. What internal pressure exactly? Streets in 2007 were hijacked by gunmen that later became what we call the government. This game is played by different rules.
The only real "pressure" againt HezbIran was coming from Al-Hassan, the guy who was uncovering the plots of the assassinators and terrorists. They eliminated this "pressure" by killing him.
Only a fool would believe that HezbIran is intimidated by an "energized" M14 bloc. That is hilarious
Let's recap the M8 attempts to decrease "pressure" :
1. Resign from government, lock-out parliament, downtown orgy; all for purpose of stopping the formation of the STL
2. May 7 invasion of Beirut after firing of Wafic Sucair and closure of illegal telecom network (used for assassination logistics)
3. Murder of Wissam Eid, after he discovered Hezbollah involvement in the Hariri murder
4. Instruct their tools to incite vitriol against Al-Hassan prior to his murder
5. Insist on holding the Telecom portfolio in government so that they can block access to telecom data of the assassinators
6. Provide safe haven for 4 saints indicted in Hariri murder, despite evidence against them
7. Block access to the Hezbollah member linked to the attempt to assassinate Harb
8. Make accusations against Al-Hassan for framing Samaha
These are the actions of innocent citizens????
1. They tried to stop the STL because they are guilty. Period.
2. They use airport security to track incoming flights of M14 members before they kill them
3. Wissam Eid found evidence against Hezbollah, then he was killed.
4. You are one of the tools who incited vitriol against al-Hassan
5. 90% of Israeli spies were caught using telecom data. Telecom data showed Hezbollah guilt against Hariri. M8 CURRENTLY uses control of telecom portfolio to block telecom data release to security officials. Why?
6. NO-ONE said the 4 generals are innocent! They were released from jail, but not declared innocent. Al-Sayyed is another saint, and rode in the car with Samaha. No comment on the 4 saints still being protected?
7. Why does HA prevent their member from being interrogated in Harb case?
8. Raad never recanted, only the release of evidence shut him up.
And this was at the expense of 1200 shi'ia lives. Was that a problem for Hassan Nasr-Ahmadinejad???? I remember clear as day on tv as one woman on the streets of da7ye put it: "menkhallef ghairon"
Shi3a will only turn away from hizballah after the gov starts to pay attention to them. The problem is that hizballah is so entrenched in their social fabric that that no matter the outcome it might b too late to separate the two.
I fully agree Syria was behind this... But not so sure bout hizballah. I mean why would bashar bother sending ppl like Samaha if the hizb is ready to do his every command, especially something as high profile as the Hassan assassination.
So weird after reading all the hate speech on here, I get deleted. Who is in charge of the anti intellect here?