انطلاق السلسلة البشرية للمنظمات الشبابية في 14 آذار في ذكرى مرور 10 ايام على اغتيال الحسن

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انطلقت السلسلة البشرية التي تنفذها المنظمات الشبابية في قوى 14 آذار، من ساحة الشهداء وصولا الى السراي الحكومي في رياض الصلح، وذلك في ذكرى مرور عشرة أيام على اغتيال رئيس فرع المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي اللواء وسام الحسن في انفجار الأشرفية.

وأكدوا المتظاهرون على سلمية تحركهم الذي يطالبون من خلاله بإسقاط الحكومة، حاملين الأعلام اللبنانية و لافتات و شعارات معبرة عن مطالبهم، وهي استقالة رئيس الوزراء نجيب ميقاتي، ورحيل السفير السوري في لبنان علي عبد الكريم علي.

وأعلن يوسف عبد النور عن حزب الكتائب اللبنانية: نحن لا نقفل الطرقات بل نفتح الطرقات المقفلة، ونحن نريد ان يعيش اللبنانيون بكرامة"، مؤكدا "مخيمنا سلمي ونضالنا اليوم تكملة لنضال رياض الصلح مهما قالوا اننا نشوه الساحة".

وطالب ممثل عن حزب القوات اللبنانية في الإعتصام برحيل السفير السوري، و تأليف حكومة عادلة، ودولة حرة مستقلة، سيادية، مؤكدا استمرار الإعتصام في الخيم امام السراي حتى رحيل ميقاتي.

بدوره، شدد ممثل عن كتلة المستقبل في الإعتصام من رياض الصلح، أن "إرادة الشعب اللبناني أقوى من الصورايخ وأقوى من قنابل ميشال سماحة، مؤكدا أنهم رغم كل التهديدات لن يتركوا هذه الساحة".

وأفادت صحيفة "النهار" ان المنظمات الشبابية والطالبية في قوى 14 آذار، وهيئات المجتمع المدني والمستقلين دعت في ذكرى مرور عشرة ايام على انفجار الاشرفية واغتيال اللواء الحسن ، ومرور اسبوع على بدء الاعتصام المفتوح امام السرايا لاسقاط الحكومة، الى المشاركة الكثيفة في تجمع تقيمه في الثالثة بعد ظهر اليوم في ساحة الشهداء في بيروت.

وسيعلن المتظاهرون في ختام المسيرة عن خطوات التحرك في الايام المقبلة".

وفي طرابلس، ما يزال الإعتصام امام منزل رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي مستمرا، حيث ينصب المعتصمون خيما للمطالبة بسقوط الحكومة.

و يستقبل وفد من عائلة الشهيد وسام الحسن التعازي في خيمة الإعتصام هناك، حيث حضرت قيادات سياسية ونيابية وشخصيات ووفود شعبية، كما وفد من القوات اللبنانية يترأسه النائب فادي كرم لتقديم واجب العزاء، بعد أسبوع على استشهاده.

واغتيل الحسن ومرافقه أحمد صهيوني بانفجار سيارة مفخخة في 19 الجاري في الاشرفية، ما ادى الى مقتل شخصين وسقوط اكثر من 100 جريح، اضافة الى الاضرار المادية التي لحقت بالمنطقة.

وحاول عددا من الشبان الغاضبين في يوم تشييع الحسن على اقتحام السراي، مطالبين باسقاط الحكومة ،ما أدى الى حصول اشتباك بينهم وبين قوى الامن.

وينفذ عدد من شبان قوى 14 آذار اعتصاما مفتوحا منذ التشييع امام السراي الحكومي، وعدد آخر يعتصم امام منزل رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي في طرابلس.

التعليقات 38
Missing greatpierro 09:41 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

Give us evidence that M14 youths are importing saudi wahabi values in this country. M14 seek help of Saudi and every other western (christian) country because they face M8 backed blatantly by tyrannical regimes.

Demonstrating pacifically is welcome. Burning tires is of course no good but happens in every democratic country. Remember that FPMers were among the first who resorted to blocking roads and burning tires. As long as demonstrating does not degenerate in violence than we should all be glad that we can express our opinions in this country.

Please elevate the debate on this forum and stop accusing each others of empty slogans. M14 are no wahabis, nor el Quaedas, nor Salafists. M8 accusations only serves to justify the presence of HA and the state of cold war that is in this country.

Thumb mouallek 10:52 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

It seems that you have spent the night reading the sayings of your master the failed general Aoun Fu Lee.

Thumb lebnanfirst 10:59 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

Believe you me most M14ers will welcome such partition. You and Aounis go with HA, Syria and Iran and we will go our own way with Saudi and the West. We'll then see what freedom you poor saps will be accorded.
In any case, rest assured that we will beat your asses on all levels: economically, socially and educationally. We will be guaranteed to prosper while you end up serving HA. And Iran's ولاية الفقيه.

Missing maroun 11:09 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

you are starting to sound like the broken record Karim. FT....99% of terrorism in lebanon is imported by Hizb and Syria.

Missing peace 11:29 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

that is the new credo of FPM and hezbis: try to make believe that sunnis now in lebanon are all salafis... they just take the same policy as bashar who tries to say that the rebels are all salafi terrorists!
aoun said that syria would send islamists groups to lebanon to destabilize it once they would leave, rings a bell? hezbos train some sunni extremists from tripoli, forget that too?
so your BS saying that sunnis extremists are at the orders of M14 is laughable while you are allied with some!!!
samaha wanted to make sunnis accused of the bombings he wanted to do in christian villages! you better learn what is M8 propaganda and what is truth first..
no originality with M8 just repeating like parrots their master bashar propaganda..

so pityfully laughable coming from people allied with shia extremists whose motto is the ISLAMIC REVOLUTION! hahaha!

Missing peace 12:20 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

lol! if they did as you said why is there still islamic resistance on their flag hahaha!

please FT don t try to deny facts it only makes appear more ridiculous each time....

Missing peace 12:23 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

yes and assir is resisting with weapons like hezbis isn t he? he may be an extremist but always tell his followersso far to use non violent actions...
oh! and aoun said that syria would send extremists they day they would leave... a few months later we had nahr el bared led by a guy coming from ...syria who hid 15 days in ...dahiye a few days before it started...!
so spare us your BS will you?
pityful FT trying to defend his iranian friends....

Missing peace 12:28 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

funny how you carefully avoided the aoun part and the training of sunni extremists by hezb...and samaha who wanted sunnis to be accused so if it happened you would have been the first one to bark at the sunnis, wahabi M14 sponsored...but you answered with irrelevance as usual, so you d better be quiet and go play with your doll...
truth hurts!

Missing peace 12:43 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

it is mathematical that if one party is let to possess arms why would the others stand still? why wouldn t every party be allowed to have heavy weaponry? but FPM and M8 double standards forbid that and cry like virgins if the others have arms too!
do as we tell you but not as we do is their motto... very patriotic indeed....
they let the situation rot knowing the others would eventually use their arms to then come and cry and say: you see they have arms too! they are evil!
just like when they block the gvt for over a year and then cried that they didn t do a thing! of course, M8 blocked every thing!

same hypocrisy supported by weak minded people such as FT....

Missing helicopter 17:12 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

Another Photo of civilized expression of grief.... Lebanese looking youth waving Lebanese flags. I wish the article was titled "LEBANESE PROTESTERS instead of M14 PROTESTERS. Because any person who does not object to this bombing is not Lebanese regardles of what his/her ID card says.
In regards to partitioning Lebanon I am for the folowing: All Bashar/Khameni lovers go Syria and Iran, all Salfist and Wahabis go to S.A and the rest can work on transforming the nation into a 21st century state (Secular with equal rights, Liberty and Prosperity for all).

Thumb lebnanfirst 18:06 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

Hear hear

Missing peace 17:32 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

you are a trisomic FT! you cannot even read what is written... i didn t write ON the training but AND the training!
but still didn t answer ! truth hurts whatever you do to try to avoid it....

illetterate baby boy! !

Missing peace 17:35 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

"hezb is resisting israel with weapons. "

hahaha! what a stupidity! it was maybe right before 2000 but now they resist the lebanese laws...
if they truly resisted they would have asked long ago the assad to hand the official documents to the UN so that shebaa falls under 425! but no! they wouldn t do that! if israel gets out what is left of their propaganda? nothing... good boy FPMER, always fighting the wrong battle....

Missing peace 18:12 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

FT: "jund al sham and nahr al bared: sponsored by bahiya hariri and it5 is documented that bahiya provided help for jund al sham"

LOL! if really so why isn t it she in jail for treason ? killing soldiers and she is still free? not worried by justice? come onnnn ! if it were so well documented apart from OTV or elmanar documents then she would have been trialed no?

you are soooo funny in trying to make M14 appear like devil!
but you just drown in your illogic M8 stupidity!

Missing allouchi 14:31 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

Is the high ranking FPM Israeli spy Karam still in jail?

Default-user-icon Sir Cheeto of Moutain Dew (ضيف) 20:29 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

Lets just get back to the facts here, a man who stopped many of Syria's plots was murdered, gee I wonder by whom? Was it the jewish tooth fairy like FT would conjure up in his head? It's amazing when you see people not even mention March 14th and slam HB and ASSUMES they're M14? Who cares about burning tires really? it's just a bunch of idiots who want to be on camera cause they were ignored as children "DADDY LOVE MEEE"...come on. At least a peaceful protest is fine and CIVILIZED, unlike killing innocent civilians and people who have the guts to stand up to the truth. Prove civility and you'll get real respect, not through guns, not through drones not authorized by the state, not by bombs, and not by hiring idiots to write on here hoping someone will believe them. PS any person with common sense says FU to anyone who doesn't condemn this tragedy...

Thumb Elemental 21:49 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

I couldn't agree more my good sir, it's exactly like dealing with an individual who has major issues for craving attention. Ignoring them is the best and most logical answer. Cheers.

Default-user-icon Cleardiamond (ضيف) 22:10 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

Hizballah is fighting with his ennemies : the syrian people... The ignorant devil is killing himself and that's how no power can be stronger than god's power in destroying the devils. Their days are counting down... The lebanon dream free of Hizballah weapons is coming soon . Halleloya..

Default-user-icon Ben Dou (ضيف) 22:51 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

M14 are funny, when one Lebanese official is murdered they claim him as their martyr. When hundreds of LEBANESE are killed in defending Lebanon against the zionists they consider them as violators of Lebanon. You never learn it seems. M14 needs to work with other Lebanese parties for Lebanon, and to start, you guys should elect new leaders that are present in Lebanon and not spending all their time outside the country skiing and eating dates in KSA. What have hariri done good for M14, have you asked yourself that question? Hariri is very young and inexperienced and not a leader. There are plenty of great women and men in M14, still none is in the leadership of the party. You can achieve changes by working with other Lebanese, not by storming parliament and creating chaos on the streets. C'mon M14, why be leaded and not lead?

Default-user-icon Ben Dou (ضيف) 22:53 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

At the end of the day we all have the same goals and wish that arms and violence come to a halt that we all can live a normal life. Hizbullah will not disarm till the day when Israel have abandoned the violence against Lebanon and returned occupied land. M14 cannot chose to have M8 as their enemies, if that is the case then you are only serving the zionists and against the nation, Lebanon. Other clichés that Iran and Syria are the bad countries and should be worked against, you simply have to ask your self what is wrong with those two countries. What bad have they done to us, except only to the US and the zionists.. M14s arrogance and ignorance has to stop, cause during the last 7 years you have only been throwing stones while you are inside your glass house, and you never seem to learn the lesson.

Default-user-icon Ben Dou (ضيف) 22:54 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

M14 are directly responsible for the death of Syrian civilians and for the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Syrians. You are part in one of the biggest murder in the history of the Middle East M14. Ask yourself, just because you don't see the spilled blood on the streets of Syria, you don't feel guilt?

Missing peace 23:13 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

when FT is wrong he just disappears and go take his BS elsewhere ....

Missing peace 12:40 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

lol... don t justify yourself again stupid caveman... facts are against you as usual....

Default-user-icon Zoltan Bokassinovitch (ضيف) 00:16 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

March 14, congratulations to you my compatriots. My God if only you were in Lebanon at the height of the Syrian occupation and doing then what you are doing now, which, I would say, is about 22 years late or so. I heard that a good number of you were Syria's best friends and even jumped into the arms of the occupiers to scheme against baladkon and ebn baladkon. But to be honest with you, I personally do not believe one single word of these undocumented fabrications. But warriors, as the saying goes: better late then never. Just keep up the good work and please, please, please synchronize your clocks because neither you nor the rest of the population can afford time-lapses of monumental proportions and disastrous consequences! So my compatriots, get ready for more thundering and earth-shaking actions, get set, and go, go, go, go, go warriors! Just make sure you ignore fighting ghosts, my friends, because nobody wants to be distracted by ghosts. Would you? God bless you!

Missing cedars 02:02 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

Can I claim that I resist Israel and not pay Electricity or Tax, kidnap for Ransom(i.e. Replacement for Bekaa Hashishi), Take my orders solely from an external government and do not even allow the Leb government security forces to enter my area or part of the country before I give them permission.
Hint:I already own/rule part of the country, I have hospitals-schools-farsi/payroll and security.

Missing allouchi 14:34 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

cedars, lol

Missing greatpierro 03:34 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

Again FT you are insisting that M14 are wahabi's while many on this forum pro M14 tell you that M14 is not wahabi nor that they share wahabi's vue.

This should make you happy to know that M14 are not wahabi's. It should make you also happy to know that M14 does not want to divide or weaken the country but would like to build a strong lebanon.

Why FPMers refuses to hear this and continue their baseless accusations rather than sit, listen and talk to M14? HA, Syria followed by Aoun do not want this. They want a divided LEbanon with Syria rule unfortunately.

Missing allouchi 14:28 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

greatpierro, good point

Default-user-icon GoodGuy (ضيف) 06:04 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

Leave the youth alone and out of the rotten politics we have. It's better for them and for Lebanon's future.

Missing peace 12:42 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

israel is your friend and ally FT... thanks to them your hezbi friends can sell their BS to weakminded people like you... both benefit from it, never occured to you? LOL!

Missing greatpierro 06:22 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

than you admit that FPMers also burnt tires. Whoever started does not matter. You see no one is better than the other. Its time to stop accusing each other and sit to discuss.

Missing greatpierro 06:30 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

Please can you give me evidence of M14 youth importing value of salafists or wahabis?
Please listen M14 does not want an islamic state. M14 are saying day after day what you also are saying: democracy, strong government, no weapons but the army's, etc....
You see M14 and FPMers want the same thing. So how stupid it is because they do not agree with each others.
We are all being abused by the leaders who convince us from this or that accusation against the other. To justify the weapons of HA, the alliance with Syrian we need to find a suitable accusation against the sunnis. It is not because you have a few salafist wondering around (thanks to the weakness of the government) that all the sunnis and M14 are salafists.
Wake up to reality and stop believing whatever they tell you.

Missing allouchi 14:26 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

They can't

Missing greatpierro 06:35 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

If you are for democracy, peace, freedom and democracy how could you justify the alliance with tyrant regimes such as Iran and Syria. And please don't accuse M14 of having an alliance with the wahabi state, because there is no alliance with Saudi. M14 are seeking the help of Saudi and the west against the iran-syria-ha coalition (It is like accusing the lebanese working in Saudi to earn a living of being wahabis).

Missing greatpierro 06:38 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

look at the M14 youth demonstrating: have you seen may women with tchador or veils?

Missing maroun 08:54 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

what did he ask the US senate to free lebanon from?was it not from Syria and Hizb..dont know how much they pay you to write your crap,and if you believe what you write to be true then you need a reality check.You Master is nothing but a traitor and nothing else .he will do anything to be president ,but it will never happen in a million years.any person who support the Syrian regime is a traitor

Missing allouchi 14:25 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

kaka, you are an blind idiot...

Missing allouchi 14:27 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

FT, Very week argument indeed...