شربل يؤكد أن الـ"آف بي آي" سيأخذ وقته بتحليل المعطيات ومندوب مكتب التحقيقات ينّوه بعمل قوى الأمن

Read this story in English W460

اعتبر وزير الداخلية والبلديات مروان شربل أن "فريق مكتب التحقيقات الفدرالي (آف بي آي) سيأخذ وقته الضروري في تحليل المعطيات التي حصل عليها تمهيدا لرفع تقرير مفصل سيأتينا لاحقا حول المهمة وما آلت اليه نتائجها".

وأشار شربل في حديث لصحيفة "الجمهورية" نشر اليوم الثلاثاء، الى أن "فريق مكتب التحقيقات الفدرالي قد غادر لبنان مساء امس الإثنين بعدما انهى المهمة التي كلف بها بالتنسيق مع السلطات اللبنانية القضائية المعنية".

وأضاف "لقد نقل الفريق معه ما طلبه من معلومات ومعطيات ومن بينها عينات من مكان الانفجار بالنظر الى مهمته التقنية والعلمية والجنائية التي طلبت منه".

وفي السياق نفسه، رفض شربل الدخول في "اي تفصيل يتصل بمهمة الفريق"، معتبرا انها "تمت في افضل الظروف وبناء على قرار مجلس الوزراء الذي اعطى المعنيين حرية الافادة من الخبرات الدولية اينما توفرت".

وفي النتائج المهمة وتأثيرها على لبنان، قال شربل للصحيفة عينها ان "الفريق سيأخذ وقته الضروري في تحليل المعطيات التي حصل عليها تمهيدا لرفع تقرير مفصل سيأتينا لاحقا حول المهمة وما آلت اليه نتائجها".

الى ذلك، نقلت صحيفة "النهار" عن مصادر مطلعة في عددها الصادر اليوم الثلاثاء ان "المدير العام لقوى الامن الداخلي اللواء اشرف ريفي استقبل مندوب مكتب التحقيقات الفيديرالي الاميركي في مناسبة انتهاء عمل فريقه السبت الماضي في مسرح الجريمة".

وأشارت المصادر الى أنه "عقب الزيارة، أشاد المسؤول الامني الاميركي بمهنية قوى الامن الداخلي واحترافها والمختبر الجنائي التابع لها في متابعة التحقيقات الميدانية ومسح مسرح الجريمة الذي لم يختلف عن عمل الفريق الاميركي احترافا ونوعية".

وأضاف المسؤول الأمني أنه "سيرسل لاحقاً تقريراً عن نتائج عمل فريقه في بيروت".

ولفتت المصادر لـ"النهار" الى أن "ريفي أكد انه لن يتوانى عن تقديم العون اذا ما تبين ان ثمة اموراً تقنية متطورة يحتاج اليها لبنان في التحقيق الجاري في الجريمة، علما ان اكثرية ضباط قوى الامن اللبنانية سبق لهم ان تابعوا دورات تعاون مع "الأف بي آي" ".

وكان النائب العام التمييزي القاضي حاتم ماضي اكد السبت الفائت انه "رسم حدوداً واضحة لفريق الـ"اف.بي.اي" الذي وصل لبنان الخميس، وحدد مهمته في اطار تقديم المساعدة الفنية والتقنية في التحقيق في جريمة اغتيال رئيس فرع المعلومات في قوى الامن الداخلي اللواء وسام الحسن".

يشار الى أن وفد من مكتب التحقيقات الفدرالي الاميركي "اف بي آي" وصل الى بيروت الخميس الفائت وبدأ عمله بمعاينة مكان الجريمة في الاشرفية حيث اغتيل اللواء الحسن وقتل شخصين آخرين وجرح اكثر من 100 شخص، الى الاجانب الاضرار المادية التي لحقت بالمنطقة.

وكان اللواء الحسن قد اغتيل في 19 تشرين الأول الجاري في الاشرفية بتفجير عبوة ناسفة عند مرور موكبه.

التعليقات 23
Default-user-icon Avenging Angel... (ضيف) 09:14 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

A great thank you to the G-Men... I just hope that the Lebanese law enforcement agencies put the findings to good use, apprehend the terrorists and throw them in the same cell as their associates Michel "Judas" Samaha... Then take them out and riddle them with bullets...

Thumb shab 09:22 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

Thank you

Thumb tfeh 09:31 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

LOL & now as usual they will find a qur2an & a cell phone & blame all qua3ida!!

Thumb jcamerican 11:06 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

They found his wallet with Asma's picture in it.

Missing phillipo 09:42 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

I'd like to make a guess.
When the ISF team finishes it work, and issues its report, they will find that they are unable to point 100% to the guilty party.

Default-user-icon Geo (ضيف) 10:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

Seriously, that picture...

Missing peace 12:08 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

how lightly do M8 supporters speak of a dead man with no respect whatsoever for his family, all that because they hated the guy.
it tells a lot on their way of thinking and they claim not to spread hatred? a big farce like M8 is all about...

as i have read FBI was here for technical reasons to lend their technological means... and the investigations are led by lebanese under the control of an M8 gvt... i guess M8 will then approve about the conclusions of the investigation, if syria is involved they ll say that no conclusive evidence points to the culprit. so don t be afraid, M8 will not be worried....

Missing mohammad_ca 13:51 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

your government brought in the FBI...the GREAT SATAN!!! how do you justify this? What would be your reaction if Hariri had brought in the FBI?

Missing mohammad_ca 13:59 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

my point is the double standards and the double face and the general hypocrisy of hizbocrap and its supporters...how can they justify having the GREAT SATAN come to Lebanon to investigate? may hiye elma7kame eldowaliye w 2olto 3anna msayyase what bout the FBI?

Missing peace 15:06 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

i m just saying that M8 has nothing to fear from the investigation, that s all...

Missing mohammad_ca 15:11 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

Raad from hizbollaat defended Smaha as soon as he was arrested...then retracted his comments WTH are you talking about? Security apparatus run independent of the government wala you didn't know that?

Missing peace 12:25 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

lol! so israel and the USA would help syria get rid of hariri? bashar said to him over his refusal to back lahoud " that he would rather break Lebanon over the heads of Hariri and Walid Jumblatt than see his word in Lebanon broken".
the investigation was led from teams from different countries, not one of them would say if UN was covering up?
aoun pointed syria too...hezb said they have evidence but never gave it to STL! if they really had hard evidence they would provide it to defend their friends, no? or too arrogant and superior to do so?

lots of coincidences no?

Missing mohammad_ca 13:40 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

So Israel and the US Killed and your government is letting the FBI investigate? smart!!!

Missing mohammad_ca 13:43 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

I like how you speak so nicely of Hariri here but we all know that hizbollaat supporters before his assassination called him every single type of name and accused him of being a traitor and of wasting the country's wealth...The evidence is all pointing towards hizbocrap and still he insists it's the US and Israel

Missing mohammad_ca 13:49 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

Yes I have seen it actually both in the leaked report by the CBC and in the qarar elzanne...these are not called rumours habibi they're called cross-referenced evidence from some of the world's most professional investigators who work in a world class team....again, professionals, tough for a hizbocrap supporter to understand I suppose since hassoun told them not to believe it...

Default-user-icon Nazih (ضيف) 14:01 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

regardless what they find, no one will be held accountable. The government is powerless and has too many bosses beside the decorated president. It is all show and tell. Shame on any government that can not protect it's own people. All crooks (PM & parlement theives) had hyjacked the country for their own personal gains, while the true geniune innocent people end up paying the price with their lives.

Missing mohammad_ca 14:03 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

ah eh sa7 sa7 la2 "circumstantial" that both their cell phones were in the same place at the same time ? In modern court of law such evidence is allowed in the court of law...tayeb where is your evidence that the evidence was tampered with? Do you have evidence that these agents tampered with the evidence? has your government verified any of this? Who is believing BS now? Keep listening to nasrocrap!

Default-user-icon Nazih (ضيف) 14:06 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

It is about time to change the old regime and let the new blood take over with open minded mentality, with no special group affiliation. Let the people live in Love and Peace among all relgins. Enough is enough.

Missing peace 17:19 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

theresistance: you forgot brains too not only logic.
sure thing you and your friends know it all! you are divine!

Missing peace 15:05 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

and WHY didn t hezb give its hard evidence that proves israel is involved??? if they had such evidence why don t they use it to innocent syria ? lol.....

Missing peace 15:07 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

their wasn t as much people as M14 expected because people are FED UP with the politicians lies...

Missing mohammad_ca 15:27 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

Flame Thrower so why did your government let them in? Elli bye2tlo el2ateel w byemsho bjnezto honni hizbocrap...the FBI was let in and your government let them in...hypocrisy at its best!

Thumb kanaandian 20:32 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

Bashar will face beheading soon. Can't say Lebanon will be better or worse, but justice will be served in one way.