"الاشتراكي" وحزب الله "يتفقان" على تفعيل العمل الحكومي واجتماعات متكررة

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جمع لقاء جرى مساء الإثنين مسؤولين من الحزب "التقدمي الاشتراكي" و"حزب الله" في منزل وزير الأشغال العامة والنقل غازي العريضي حيث تم الإتفاق على "تفعيل العمل الحكومي".

وأفادت قناة "المنار" مساء الثلاثاء أن "لقاء حزب الله الإشتراكي الإثنين أعاد اللقاءات التنسيقية وشدد على تفعيل الحركة الحكومية وهو سيلتئم تكرارا بغض النظر عن الظروف".

واشارت القناة الى ان اللقاء الذي استمر اربع ساعات وشارك فيه عن "حزب الله" الوزيران محمد فنيش وحسين الحاج حسن والنائب حسن فضل الله ومسؤول وحدة التنسيق والارتباط في الحزب وفيق صفا، اما عن الحزب "الاشتراكي" شارك الوزيران علاء الدين ترو واكرم شهيب بالإضافة إلى العريضي.

وشدد اللقاء الذي تطرق إلى "العلاقات الثنائية" بين الحزبين على "الناي بالنفس" تجاه الأزمة السورية "وتهدئة الخطاب والتعاطي بعقلانية".

بدوره صرح العريضي للقناة عينها "اتفقنا على أمور واختلفنا على أمور وتم التأكيد عدم الدخول إلى خط الأزمة السورية" متابعا "تحدثنا عن مخاطر الفتنة المذهبية وتم التأكيد على ضرورة لجمها".

كذلك نوقشت بحسب العريضي "مسألة الحكومة والموضوع الإقتصادي وواقع المعيشة ومعالجة الهدر والفساد والسرقة وتفعيل الإدارة".

وختم العريضي مؤكدا أن اللقاء سيتكرر "بغض النظر عن الظروف لما له من ضرورة حوارية وانعكاسات ميدانية".

وأتى اللقاء بعد خلاف حول الأزمة السورية بين الحزبين وبعد أن صرح رئيس "التقدمي الإشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط أن الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله "يأتمر" من النظام السوري.

إلا ان جنبلاط كان هجوميا على 14 آذار أيضا وأعلن حزبه الأسبوع الفائت أن صفا اتصل بجنبلاط ناقلا معايدة من نصرالله.

يشار إلى أن مشاكل أمنية حصلت في مناطق عدة إثر اغتيال رئيس فرع المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي اللواء وسام الحسن في التاسع عشر من الشهر الفائت.

التعليقات 15
Thumb primesuspect 22:43 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 06

What were those thugs doing until today? NOTHIN! They are shaken because they're going to get ejected soon.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 23:06 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 06

it is a major blow to the wahhabies and the saudi boy.

Thumb boulmich 01:13 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 07

El bek re5iya!! Bada matte ma3 arguille!!

Missing gabby8 23:18 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 06

M8 is trying to pretend to be a gov't now when it is too late. Start by telling the Shia to pay electricity instead of bankrupting the country. Why is Jumblatt speaking to an unelected black trubaned drug dealer in the picture? Although I heard Nassy has the best coke in the Middle East.

Thumb bigsami 23:19 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 06

"The meeting......stressed the importance of "self-dissociation" towards the Syrian crisis," Blah blah blah!

HA will NOT call back their thugs from fighting alongside Bashar's troops in the same manner that they will NOT disarm!

Missing mmckinl 23:48 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 06

The peoples of Lebanon had better reconcile their differences. After the US election the gloves will come off in the middle east. Without reconciliation only chaos and increasing violence await for Lebanon.

Look around the world. The entire global economy is headed for a cliff. The bankster plutocrats only option at this time is war and plenty of it. A stable Lebanon will spare the people of Lebanon much pain.

Default-user-icon Khsorto Ballachou (ضيف) 02:24 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 07

March 14, my compatriots, what's with Jumblat? He was so damn close to flipping to your side only to pull back! What happened, my friends? Has he lost his compass or have you, the pole of this earth, lost your magnetism? Could it be that the forces of backwardness and evil used their voodoo powers again? But here is my word of comfort, warriors: you still have Dr. Arreet 7akeh who, these days, has been reading minds while taking an unusual break from reading the future. ma7rous, inshallah!

Default-user-icon Peter Pan (ضيف) 07:07 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 07

To all those who comment on Naharnet,
You may wish to look at the CNN blog after the election results of the US presidency.
Notice how people from both republican and democrat sites are congratulating the president and calling him president of the whole country. Losers adimitting defeat and winners reassuring the losers that the president is for everyone.
There is not a single comment that is offensive, emotional or subjective.
I wish one day I can surf your comments on Naharnet and find the same level of maturity and political savvy that the Americans (which by no means are the best example in the World) have.

The CNN Blog:

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 08:36 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 07

Funny what country we live in: a terrorist mafioso subdue a whole country at point blank, and bring a politician who lost his father at the hands of the mafioso allies (knowing he could be next on the target list of the very same terrorist he is meeting with) to discuss with him political coordination ! Is this called political wisdom or schizophrenia? Or is schizophrenia the only political wisdom available to the politicians in Lebanon??

Missing canadianadam 15:32 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 07

Well put.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 08:45 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 07

Unity and reconciliation should be banned from the political lebanese dictionary. Those who have killed should be made to pay for their crime. History has shown that tribal reconciliation doesn't work. Only justice works. Let's take out 13 of those M8 pri.ks, either through the STL, or match the fireworks they are so good at, to be level with them. Then there will be a negotiating table.

Missing chouf2 09:29 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 07

Jimblatt is your master and you know it dude ,without the Beik all you M14 can dream on..

Missing chouf2 11:38 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 07

Jumblatt is not a slave dude ,just get it through your thick head no Jumblatt no goverment .I bet all you m14 having a go at Jumblatt but happy to take his vote.Walid Beik is the man .

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 12:13 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 07

jumblat is a professional politician with great ability to fluctuate without breaking his final goal,his latest stance is his standing in front of the wahabies(he told king abdalla:..he is still angry...we will wait till he is not...) he is playing from the top.

Missing chouf2 06:18 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 08

Will said MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI ,try and explain that to most of the M14 children who frequent this site .