مقتل 3 أشخاص وجرح 4 على الأقل في إشكال بين انصار الأسير وعناصر من حزب الله في التعمير- صيدا
Read this story in Englishقتل ثلاثة و جرح أربعة آخرين على الأقل اليوم الأحد إثر إشكال بين أنصار الشيخ أحمد الأسير وعناصر تابعة لحزب الله في حي التعمير - عين الحلوة في صيدا.
وأفادت الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام أن " أحد القتلى يدعى لبنان العزي وهو مرافق الأسير"، مشيرة الى مقتل آخر هو مصري الجنسي و علي سمهون.
وعرف من الجرحى بحس الوكالة شخص من عائلة البابا نقل الى مستشفى دلاعة، و مسؤول "حزب الله" في حارة صيدا الشيخ زيد الضاهر ومرافقه من آل الديراني نقلا الى مستشفى حمود.
وقال مصدر أمني لوكالة "فرانس برس" أن شخصين قتلا وجرح سبعة آخرون في اطلاق التنار.
وأشار المصدر الى أن "احد الجرحى هو "مسؤول حزب الله في المنطقة".
وذكر مراسل "فرانس بسرس" أن الأسير كان قد وضع الجمعة مهلة زمنية مدتها 48 ساعة لإزالة كل الصور واللافتات في صيدا "التي ترفع شعارات مؤيدة لحزب الله وحلفائه الداعمين للمشروع السوري الايراني"، بحسب تعبيره.
وأوضح المراسل ان الحزب قام الاحد برفع هذه الصور والشعارات من داخل المدينة بمواكبة من الجيش اللبناني، الا ان مناصري الاسير دخلوا الى منطقة تعمير عين الحلوة التابعة لصيدا والمجاورة لمخيم عين الحلوة.
وأفاد أن مناصري الاسير قاموا بتمزيق صورة للامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله، ما ادى الى تضارب بالعصي تطور الى اطلاق نار.
وقالت قناة "المستقبل": إصابة مسؤول حزب الله في منطقة صيدا الشيخ زايد ضاهر في تعمير عين الحلوة، ومقتل لبنان العزي مرافق الأسير.
وقد تم نقل الجرحى الى مستشفيات المنطقة.
و يسمع بين الحين والآخر اصوات رشقات رشاشة، ويعمل الجيش على ضبط الوضع
وكان حصل اشكال على حاجز لقوى الأمن الداخلي على الكورنيش البحري لمدينة صيدا بين دورية لقوى الامن الداخلي ونجل الشيخ احمد الاسير.
وفي التفاصيل وبحسب الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام ، أن عناصر الحاجز اوقفوا سيارة من نوع "كيا بيكانتو" سوداء اللون زجاجها داكن اللون، فتبين أن السائق هو عمر الأسير نجل الشيخ أحمد الأسير، ولا يحمل أوراق ثبوتية للسيارة أو رخصة زجاج داكن.
وعلى الفور، عمد نجل الأسير إلى الاستعانة بعناصر مسلحة، حيث حضر إلى المكان خمس سيارات في داخلها 13 مسلحا وعمدوا إلى إطلاق سراحه بالقوة، وغادروا المكان مصطحبين نجل الأسير بسيارته، وتوجه الموكب نحو مسجد بلال بن رباح. على ما أفادت "الوكالة".
وكان لشيخ احمد الاسير كان قد اعطى مهلة حتى عصر اليوم لازالة اليافطات والرايات التي رفعها "حزب الله" في مدينة صيدا، وقد عمدت عناصر من الحزب الى ازالة اليافطات والرايات من شوارع المدينة قبل ظهر اليوم وسط انتشار لعناصر من الجيش.
و طلب رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي من وزير الداخلية والبلديات مروان شربل ، دعوة مجلس الأمن الفرعي في الجنوب الى اجتماع طارئ لمعالجة الاشكال الأمني الذي وقع في صيدا، داعيا الجيش و مختلف القوى الأمنية إتخاذ الاجراءات السريعة لضبط الوضع وتوقيف المتسببين بالحادث .
وقال ميقاتي: "إننا ندعو الجميع الى الهدوء والتروي وضبط النفس وعدم السماح لأي كان بافتعال أحداث امنية في هذا الظرف الدقيق والحساس".
وأكد " أن السلطات المختصة لن تتهاون في ضبط الوضع الأمني ومنع العبث بأمن المواطنين ".

Why is this guys thugs driving around unlicenced? He should be booked for driving unlicenced and having tinted windows unlicenced also. THis guy rocks up at a security checkpoint with 6 of his cars all with no number plates. very good law abiding citizen who wants to rule lebanon via his Salafists thumb. Go to hell pal.

As long as every Lebanese has a cell phone and pretends to speak three languages at the same sentence, who gives a damn about peace, tranquility, and standing in line like human beings.

can't agree more; at least mustaqbal and M14 are against Al Asir. We cannot say the same regarding Aoun and Khizbullah.

You can only run the marathon because the resistance is safe guarding Lebanon:) The salfist is a trouble maker who think he is someone, soon he will crawl back under the stone he emerged from in wahabi KSA.

The Hezz are pushing into areas inflaming the country because they have guns pointed at everyone's heads. I am glad there people are standing up to them. Even better they are getting killed in their foreign adventure in Syria.

in 1975, the civil war started from Saida, will it start again now?
both salafists and hizbushaitan are driving the country down the drain, and they are traitors to Lebanon.
anyone who messes with security is destroying Lebanon.
hizbushaitan are the worst thing that ever existed, and if we look carefully, al asir might be their creation to take away the popularity of al mustaqbal.

it just proves how extremes meet. both want war, both want to fight against each other and who is the victim: the lebanese people once again...none of them is better than the other.
looks like lebanon is still in the middle ages and some lebanese like it that way!
the gvt now should make a law forbidding ALL religious posters, ALL political posters in the streets!
but we know how weak and coward they are....

Well done sheikh Asir, and whilst you're at work, remove this old Israeli tank mounted with fake rockets which date back to 1982. Time to turn the page and remove ALL political and sectarian banners from Lebanon.

Extremism breeds extremism. It's unfortunate that some Sunnis are following such a hardliner, but it's predictable because everyone in Lebanon has a pointed gun at them from Hezbollah. Frustration will lead to extremism.

There should be a law that bans ALL political banners, martyrs, slogans and every other crap that's put up. Speaking as a shiite from the south, it disgusts me when I come to Lebanon to visit and from the moment you enter Saida till Naqoura and every village in between all you see are war slogans, posters of martyr this and martyr that, Liberate Quds, and all. It's very nauseating. I wonder if am coming home or am in a war zone. What backwardness

beginning to see the limits of hizballah....way to go.
arms with the lebanese army alone....or with everybody,that is the only viable solution.

wow--the problem with you types is that you don't get a good education and really don't know how to read. please note: "groups, especially, but not limited to, HA and Amal:--this means other groups are involved. You a genius--NOT
How about talking to uncle hassan and seeing if you can get more than a 5th grade education--it may help in understanding basic concepts like reading comprehension.

Decent people stay home and mind their own business. I had been to Lebanon many times. I found most of you are involved so much in politics, which get you nothing back in return. Civilized people pay attention to their lives and families, not their politicians. But in Lebanon you do the opposite.

agreed--problem here is that the political parties don't want people to have distractions like jobs,public sports venues, or even electricity to keep themselves occupied and be content or satisfied. They want to keep themselves relevant by making everyone miserable or unhappy.
When people figure this out, maybe something will happen.

It will be funny if they have a beard Fight (Hassan VS Asir) the winner gets a one way ticket to Iran or Yemen ..

What do you expect sunis to do? they have killed hariri, 3eedo, wisam 3eed, wisam 7asan, what did hariri junior do for them? he left to france, injustice breeds fundamentalism, there will come a day the she3a yetra7amu 3ala rafiq 7ariri who was patriotic and not sectarian. The suicide attacks are sadly coming to lebanon, matter of time before the syrian tide comes here.

Not a fan of Hezbollah, but one of the only reasons I kinda don't mind them being armed is should Lebanon face an Islamist movement, or the Palestinians, they are almost guaranteed to be put down. Now Sheikh Assir is a cool guy (in a funny way), I like him, but I think he is insane and wouldn't want him to be armed.

I'm pro Assir as long as he doesn't get armed. The day he and his followers roam around in tinted windows jeeps with heavy machine guns is the day he -irreversibly- loses my support.

Well he obviously was armed to an extent. His bodyguard had a gun it seems. Assir does not have many supporters, if I could see one Salafi in Lebanon eliminated I think it should be Fadel Shakr. That coward renounced music and described his past as "haram" to join Assir. Very dangerous example for the youth, read on Naharnet the LAF surrounded his house today. Good first step.

kanaandian: when people get desperate they turn to God. (since politicians don't care about them).
anyway, of course a bodyguard has to be armed, but his followers don't have SUV filled up with RPGs and katyousha rockets. I was there last month near his mosque (with closed road which was news to me since my last visit in Saida in 2011). A hundred meeter from there, there's this lady named 'wadee3a' whom makes the best mana'eesh in the Abra vicinity.
shoo'l 7al anyway? killing people? akeed la'

benzona, I understand your point on Assir but I disagree about the God part. If you look around the Arab and Islamic world, you see "desperate" people who are not facing oppression or living under dictatorship still "turning to God". The Salafi movement, look around. Look at Assir's top dawg, Fadel Shaker. Went from playing music to renouncing it as evil and haram to become one of Assirs Salafists. Was Shaker desperate? Akid la, a rich man who had it all. But I guess his lust for Shia got the best of him, if it were not for Qatari oil money? Needless to say, Assir has a valid point on HA arms - hence, why he has popular support, but should he ever arm himself he becomes "one of them" and even more dangerous.

someone doesn't appreciate our exchange of words.... red thumbs... because they're seeing red. May God help them.

Assir w Hizballa get the hell out of our country we are sick of your mentality , followers as sheep leave LEBANON alone

FTTTTTTTTT............false Throwerrr... where are u? why are u not defending ur mates?

Let them settle their score the old fashion way and may the best beard win..
Asir Looks like an aging Harry Potter with a serious drinking problem.
Cheer Up

This Salafi clown is now fanning the fire of sectarian war in Lebanon. Yet he sheds crocodile tears for Lebanon. These Wahabi and Salafi terrorists don't know anything except the logic of terror. He certainly make his masters happy with his actions