ميقاتي يؤكد عدم استسلامه لأي أزمة مهما كبر حجمها: لا يجب استخدام الاقتصاد لأهداف سياسية
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توجه رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي الى كافة السياسيين في الموالاة والمعارضة، مؤكداً "أننا لسنا بصدد الهروب من الواقع ونرفض أن نستلسم أمام أي أزمة مهما كبر حجمها"، ومعتبراً أنه "لا يجب استخدام الاقتصاد من أجل أهداف سياسية".
وأشار ميقاتي في كلمة خلال المؤتمر المصرفي العربي السنوي، الجمعة، الى ان "ميزة لبنان كانت ولا تزال في خصوصيته الفريدة وقدرته على جمع الاصدقاء مهما اشتدت المحن بهم".
وأكد أن "لبنان يعيش وسط تحولات عربية وعالمية ورغم ذلك حقق نسبة نمو لا تزال ايجابية مع الحفاظ على مستوى منخفض نسبيا من التضخم ورغم تأثر لبنان سلبا بالاحادث في المنطقة والعالم الا انه كان من اقل الدول تعرضا لتأثيرات الازمة المالية العالمية وكان قطاعه المصرفي اكثره مناعة".
كذلك، توجه ميقاتي الى جميع السياسيين في الموالاة والمعارضة بالقول "إننا نرفض ان نستسلم امام اول مشكلة او ازمة مهما كبر حجمها والعيش في حلم الاستقرار الوهمي، وطننا بحاجة الى التزامنا في كل ساعة ولا يجوز"، داعيا الى ان "نكون رواد حلم لبنان المشرق الواع".
وشدد على ان "الله أنعم علينا بأرض خيرة وعنصر بشري مميز وهناك من يريد حتما العبث بهذه الارض ولا يجب ان نساعده على ذلك"،مؤكداً أنه "لا يجوز استخدام الاقتصاد من اجل اهداف اقتصادية ولنجعل السياسة رافعة للوضع الاقتصادي".
أما بالنسبة للأوضاع الإقتصادية في العالم، فشدد ميقاتي على أن "الحكومة تعمل على ازالة المعوقات التي تواجه الاقتصاد الوطني بما في ذلك حركة السياحة والصادارات، وهناك اجراءات تتعلق بتحسين بيئة الاقتصاد وتنشيط عمل المؤسسات العامة لتشجيع الاستثمارات. اما في مجال الحماية الاجتماعية نعمل على تعزيز التماسك والتضامن الاجتماعي وتوفير التغطية الصحية للبنانيين ونتابع موضوع تأمين".
وأضاف ان "القطاع المصرفي رغم الاوضاع الاقليمية الراهنة حافظ على وضعه بجلب الودائع، ونمت تسليفات القطاع الخاص وباتت التسليفات توازي الناتج المحلي. و يقوم حاكم مصرف لبنان بمعاونة سلطات الرقابة المصرفية بتدعيم مناعة القطاع المصرفي وتعمل الحكومة على تفعيل دور هيئة الاسواق المالية كي ينمو قطاع السندات والاسهم"، لافتاً الى اننا " اليوم بحاجة الى وضع حوافز جديدة تساعد على استعادة الثقة الى اقتصاداتنا وعلى رأس ذلك الاستقرار السياسي والاجتماعي".
الى ذلك، لقت ميقاتي الى ان " الحكومة تقوم بدراسة خطط عمل للاصلاح الاقتصادي والاجتماعي تتمحور حول تدعيم الاطار الاقتصادي ومساعدة القطاع الخاص واعادة تأهيل البنى التحتية والعمل على الاصلاح المؤسساتي".
وأردف أن "الحكومة تعمل على عدة أصعدة اقتصادية والكثير من المشاريع التي اقرت منها قانون الاسواق المالية ومبادرة الحكومة للشباب الباحثين عن اول فرص عمل، قانون مكافحة تبييض الاموال، قانون حرية الوصول الى المعلومات، تعديل قوانين بعض المؤسسات الرقابية'.
وأكد ميقاتي خلال كلمته أن " الحكومة تعمل بشكل دؤوب على تفعيل قطاع الكهرباء عبر اصلاح قطاع التوزيع بينما تعمل في قطاع النفط والغاز على استثمار الموارد الاقتصادية الخاصة وعمدت الى تشكيل هيئة ادارة قطاع البترول، كما يتم تفعيل النقل البري والبحري عبر توسيع المرافئ".

Hopefully Hariri and Geagea are listening ... their antics are the main stumbling block in the way of Lebanon moving forward ...

mmckinl, are for real??? The cabinet is made up of M8 idiots !!! they are fighting among themselves (Berri against Aoun, Nahhas quit, PSP against PFM, Safadi against Miquati, Fneish covering his brother's deals with expired medications and the list goes on and on etc..) are you too blind to see that??? or are you just like the rest of the M8rs "SELECTIVELY BLIND"?

hizbushaitan is the worst disaster that fell on the Lebanese people and as long as they control our government (Vichy like government) we are not a free country.
everything done to curb this Iranian invasion is welcome.

The entire world's economy is heading lower and you would sacrifice the well being of Lebanon today for measures you could easily take in next years elections.

We sacrifice nothing to nothing: it is this cabinet that is responsible for its policies that is dragging the country to where it is going.
it is this cabinet whose members have been fighting among themselves, burning tires in the street against themselves that is responsible for this.
it is this cabinet whose members closed the road to the airport, and threatened to kidnap Arabs and foreigners, that is responsible for the lost tourism.

geha, if you don't like the cabinet, don't vote for it in the next elections. Let elections decide who gets to be in power.

"Miqati stressed that efforts to thwart obstacles facing the national economy are one of the cabinet's goals, including tourism and exports."
all is blabla to make believe they are working... the real measures will not be taken as lots of ministers will not vote laws against their own business interests!
the first obstacle is to remove all the financial privileges of the army police ministers and MPs. second is to reform the administration and equip it with computers to stop corruption at all levels= it been a promise since lahoud s era! nothing done so far...
third forbid a minister to practise if there is a conflict of interets between his business and his portfolio like the majority of ministers have and esp mikati and his own telecom businesses and others!
so all he says is just not credible as no minister nor MP will vote against their own interests...

Of course there is much to what you say but do not believe this is just a Lebanese problem. Corruption is rampant these days. War crimes, crimes against humanity, ongoing bank fraud and as you say corrupt politicians.
These problems must be addressed and the best tine to address them is when the people are fed up with government from all sides. Until people from all parties come together and protest this will not happen.

it is this cabinet responsible for bad meat, bad medications, money laundry, drug trafficking, ....

yes mmckinl, people should show how fed up they are with all those tribal leaders just fighting for their own bank accounts!
but there are too many sheep in lebanon that follow a leader without even thinking, just out of blind stupidity...so i guess people have the country they deserve.
lebanon needs a cultural revolution first to change its religious and tribal mind then politicians will start to fear them and serve them as they should!

Tourism is our biggest sector but we can't rely only on this industry. There's an economical crises in Europe and the Us economy is not doing well. People abroad don't have much to money to pay for tourism. The instability by HA is also an other factor. But let's think about it the tourism season is 3 months a year. What do we do during the 9 others? A real government would propose infrastructure programs, technology investments and subsidies to help start businesses. Of course M8 and M14 are too busy fighting each other that none of this will happen as long as those 2 are around.

independant. You have a point. We should stop seeing tourism as this big valve for growth. We should rely on Diaspora tourism. We shouldnt depend so much on arab tourism. Last time in the airport, a saudi was waiting in line and commenting on how much he would need to pay the immigration officer to go quicker. We dont need to sell our lands and to be such big suckers for arab tourism.
Lebanon is a nice place to live. We should have good communications links and airline connections so that lebanese can run businesses abroad while living in lebanon. There are a lot of people living in florida and working all over the US, or living in monaco and working elsewhere in europe. Lebanon's vocation is to be a "place to live", for fortunate lebanese who can do so, and for lebanese retirees.
I am not interested to go to qatar and beg them to come back to lebanon to have sex with ukranian girls here. That is not our vision of a country.

to do that, we should make the diaspora welcome, and at least give them the right to vote as Lebanese.

Here's thought. Stop complaining on what is being "exploited" for politcal gains and tell us the accomplishments of this government. Why don't you try using your "accomplishments" or lack there of for political gain. We are all ears!

hey lebanonfirst... do u mind changing your name? :-) it will get confusing otherwize

Before one asks others to change, one must look within himself for change. or you can just put up an avitar. i've had this name for a while and really like it as it reflects how i feel. not changing it my freind.

well i did consider changing mine. But that wouldnt help you: I have had it for more time than you, and hence I have my own network of friends and enemies on this forum. If you keep the name, you will end up having to deal with people thinking of dealing with me!!
Let us do a deal. Give me the link to the oldest post you put, and if my oldest post is earlier, you drop the name. Else, I drop it. Deal?

deal. once Naharnet's search tool starts working I will post it.

Lebanon will never go forward as long as there are Militias and Arms outside the Government. Just Forget It. Nobody will put a penny in unstable country.... Similar to anybody investing in unstable company.
This is the Facts.. Believe it or Not... Now Poor will get poorer and rich will get richer... already happening.

@lebanon_first and lebanonfirst, you guys are okay in my book, our politicians should learn from you how to compromise civilly ..cheers :)