"غوغل" يحتفل بعيد الاستقلال اللبناني الـ69
Read this story in Englishشارك محرك البحث العالمي "غوغل"، اللبنانيين بعيد استقلالهم الـ69 الذي يحتفلون به في 22 تشرين الثاني من كل عام، بتزيين موقعه بأعمدة بعلبك والعلم اللبناني.
وتظهر في الصورة اعمدة قلعة بعلبك، ملفوفة بالعلم اللبنانيين، مكان حرف الـ"L" من كلمة "Google" التي كتبت بطريقة متداخلة مع صورة للسماء.
وقد احتفل بعيد الاستقلال الـ69، باحتفال وعرض عسكري في جادة شفيق الوزان، بحضور رؤساء الجمهورية ميشال سليمان ومجلس النواب نبيه بري والحكومة نجيب ميقاتي، وحشد من العسكريين والسياسيين والسلك العسكري.
you guys need to realize something. when u go to google.com from lebanon, the website automatically knows that ur in lebanon and so this pic appears. If you were to log in from say somewhere in europe, you wouldn't have seen this.
They do this for all countries as well so let's calm down and not feel extra special.
do you actually think the whole world sees this doodle? i can't believe the arrogance lebanese have... did you ever see israel's doodle? senegals? other irrelevant nations?
to answer: it's localized, much like everything else google does.
I thought everything American was supposed to be zionist according to some "real thinkers" in Lebanon!!!
No positivneutral, it's not on Google.com.lb only, it's on Google.com but perhaps you don't use Google.com to see it.
Google is a great company. It is now trying to take local flavors and be "truly global". Keep the good job google. Smash the hell out of Microsoft and Apple.
Feels so good to see that all Lebanese are proud of their Country. We should all put our differences aside and work for the future of our Country and children and make Lebanon a safe place to live. Lebanon is paradise on Earth, it's up to us to keep it this way forever.
@Positivneutral It is also on the Google international front page at www.google.com .
This is ONLY on google.com.lb, the Lebanese Google. What are you all so excited and proud about?! "Must be the Lebanese execs at Google"?? What the hell people?! Lebanese are so desperate for attention!