الجيش: بيار حشاش موقوف لأنه "مس بسمعة المؤسسة وحرّض" ضدها
Read this story in Englishعزا الجيش سبب توقيف المرشح السابق للإنتخابات بيار حشاش المعروف بمرشح "المقدح" إلى أن أطلق مواقف "تشكل مسّاً بسمعة المؤسسة ومعنويات أفرادها" كما أنه "يحرض" للقيام بحملة عليها.
وقالت قيادة الجيش في بيان أصدرته مساء الجمعة "يتداول بعض وسائل الإعلام والمواقع الإلكترونية معلومات غير دقيقة حول ظروف توقيف المدعو بيار الحشاش من قبل وحدة من الجيش".
وعليه أوضحت أن "المدعو الحشاش قد أحضر للتحقيق معه في موضوع المواقف التي أطلقها بحق الجيش عشية عيد الاستقلال، والتي تشكل مسّاً بسمعة المؤسسة ومعنويات أفرادها".
وأشارت إلى انه "تبين خلال التحقيق أن بحقه ملفات قضائية سابقة، منها إقدامه على الاعتداء على أحد العسكريين وإصابته بجروح في رقبته، وتعرضه بالضرب لأحد أفراد الدورية التي كانت تحاول توقيفه".
كما لفتت إلى أن حشاش حرض "بعض المقربين منه على القيام بحملة عبر المواقع الإلكترونية للنيل من هيبة الجيش والتطاول عليها، ما استدعى استمرار توقيفه بناءً لإشارة القضاء المختص، الذي باشر النظر بملف من ثلاثة ملفات قضائية تتعلق بالمدعو الحشاش".
وتابع البيان "إن قيادة الجيش الحريصة على حماية حرية التعبير التي لا تمسّ بأمن الوطن والمواطن، ترى أن في تزامن هذه الحملة والأجواء الوطنية التي رافقت عيد الاستقلال، تزامناً يثير الريبة ما يستوجب التنبه لمعرفة خلفياته ودوافعه".
كذلك دعت "وسائل الإعلام إلى عدم السماح لأي كان، بجرّها لخدمة مصالح فردية خاصة على حساب المصلحة الوطنية العامة".
وكانت قد أفادت قناة الـ"LBCI" مساء الخميس أن حشاش تعرض "للضرب يوم الأربعاء في الساعة الواحدة ظهرا من قبل دورية مخابرات الجيش بسبب جملة كتبها على فايسبوك انتقد فيها وجود مستديرة تحمل إسم قائد الجيش في البترون تسبب زحمة سير".
وأزيلت هذه الجملة في ما بعد عن صفحته ووضعت مكانها صور دمائه على درج سرايا البترون.
واوضح صديق بيار اميليو الزير للقناة عينها "ان سيارة مدنية بداخلها مسلحون وشخص يرتدي بذلة عسكرية، اعترضته بينما كان يتمشى بسوق البترون امام الـ st stephano، واقدموا على ضربه حتى غاب عن الوعي واقتادوه بعدها لجهة مجهولة تبين بعدها انها سراي البترون".
من جهتها، اكدت شقيقة بيار، جوال حشاش انها تعرضت ايضا للضرب عندما ذهبت للاطمئنان الى بيار في سراي البترون.
اما محامي بيار، باسم العم ،" فاشار الى ان بيار تلقى منذ نحو اسبوع اتصالا هاتفيا طلب منه الحضور لاحد المراكز الامنية بالشمال في القبة، وسأله ما اذا كان هذا التبليغ قانونيا، فأكد له انه غير قانوني ولا يترتب عليه اي نتئاج قانونية".
هذا وأفاد متضامنون مع حشاش عبر المواقع الإلكترونية الخميس أنه لايزال "معتقلاً في سجن القبة في طرابلس".
وكشفوا أن رأس بيار ينزف "بعد ان اعتدى عليه عناصر من مخابرات الجيش قبل ان يقتادوه، ثم ابلغوا شقيقته قبل قليل انهم عالجوا جروحه".
وروى المتضامنون ان "بيار كان على خلاف شخصي مع ظابط في الجيش اللبناني برتبة رائد وهو من آل شويري، الرائد قام بتلفيق اخبارية عن بيار مفادها ان بيار شتم قائد الجيش على الفايسبوك وبناء عليه جرى "خطفه" للتحقيق معه".
يشار إلى أن بيار كان قد كتب على صفحته عبر موقع "الفيسبوك" قائلا "إنو الجيش ما بيطلعلو نهار يسكر الطريق؟ بالقليلي ما عم يحرق دواليب".
كذلك كتب "الجيش خط أحمر . العرض العسكري إشارة حمرا".
So they beat him up??? Congrats to the army and the freedom of speech! "Sarcastic"... Why don't you go and pick up all illegitimate weapons throughout the country??? Yalla, Hay Balad!
I'm not familiar with this dude but it seems the army is going too far. This seems to be a personal vendetta between the commander and HAshash
arrested the mokdads? lol yes but only because hezbis gave the army the green light otherwise ..... you are so funny FT and naive.
hey qahwagi got get me coffee boy and not temper tantrums this time or I will send you to your room without the presidency.
Why don't the army arrest and beat up the real trouble maker in Lebanon Assir? He is directly instigating violence and murder in his speeches and nothing is done. You arrest a civilian and beat him up! What men we have in the army, and I fully now understand why Hizbullah is the strong force that defend Lebanon when it is attacked while the lebanese "army" is hiding with their mummies eating hummus:)
most probably they think this country can be ruled by moukhabarat! they are in for a major surprise.
as if it was not enough we pay salaries to an army that does not defend our borders, as if it was not enough that this army completely disrupted the lives of Lebanese to train (they could have trained somewhere else), as if it was not enough what this army is doing supporting the Syrian regime, as if this army is not killing people at checkpoints,....
most probably they think this country can be ruled by moukhabarat! they are in for a major surprise.
as if it was not enough we pay salaries to an army that does not defend our borders, as if it was not enough that this army completely disrupted the lives of Lebanese to train (they could have trained somewhere else), as if it was not enough what this army is doing supporting the Syrian regime, as if this army is not killing people at checkpoints,....
He should be arrested and judged to pay a hefty fine. He should not be beaten. If the army has extra testosterone to spare,let them take on HA.
He probably cursed,insulted or attacked the officers arresting him. At the same time I am not saying that the members of the internal security are 100% perfect. I am sure the truth and more info will come out.
lol! isn t lebanon a free country? only in dictatorships you get arrested for that kind of crime! shame on lebanon.....
A sad day in Lebanon. Not only we have to deal with political mafia, now our army is mimicking the basij. Either the silent majority should wake up and clean up the political and military arena, or we should all burn our Lebanese passports and let the country goes to hell because Lebanese don't deserve freedom and democracy or don't have the guts to ask for it. Either way we are getting what we deserve and the Cedar Revolution od 2005 woulb remain a sad reminder what the country could have been but why Lebanese continue to live in the mud.
If Jean Qahwaji thinks he is going to become President, he has another thing coming. Go Pierre Hashash!
This guy should be locked up and never released. He should wipe his mouth clean before mentioning the Army and it's command! If it wasn't for the Army habibe you would of been stoned by a Salafist court in Batround or Tripoli. It's stooges and narrow minded individuals like this moron in Lebanon who do not understand geopolitics and the threats imposed on Lebanon and it's Military and Civilian Institutions. He should be greatful and demosntrating support towards the LAF.
The army is correct in arresting him for causing a breaking of the peace, in any other country this is don't by the police, however they don't have the right to abuse him. But then again... There is no evidence that the army did that apart from this guys statement and if he is a rapper he probably was high on hashish or something and made the story up...
No one (including should be arrested at the whim of a certain agency. There was no valid warrant against pierre. He wasn't High as you said and got beaten and brutalized. there was 60 witnesses at the scene. He was not threatening civil peace, no more than you do with your comments on political issues on this site.
And now they want to prosecute him in a military court.
Well said cedar ,the army cant win with all them freedom lovers ,since when we have rappers in Lebanon .I say to the army keep up the good work and keep on arresting them loose punks .
Congratulation for the army that the only industry in Lebanon always awake and working tosevure the people
Is this a democracy or dictatorship.... Anything can can be used or said to offend the national good... Shame on the army leaders since when do they have the right to arrest people for voicing opinions and instead of looking on Facebook of other Lebanese go protect the borders
zadig this is not dictatorship habib ,its called a wanna be rap dude having a go at our great army ,please give Qahwaji a break he and the army have the following trouble makers to deal with ( Hezb,Asir,Amal,,the camps,M8 ,M14 ,Syrians,Fatah El Shit,and not to name few more )and now you are worried about a twisted rap jerk being arrested ,for the record rap music is crap and this has nothing to do with Iran/ Syria/ Saudi Arabia and I dont like the way they live in either country ,so at the end of the day rap music is crap & yes to Lebanon Punk free,god bless the army..
Kill the evil rapster,do i want my youth to be poisoned by them.I am going into army to serve and protect my country and you.When trained i will use my skills to beat rappers who insult army,or maybe push dow stair and say he fell.Civilians support the Army we are the ones who fight and kill for you...........
M8 government is action...what a joke...freedom of speech should be protected and innocent until proven guilty...what did he say by the way that insulted the Army so much???