تسجيل صوتي بين صقر و"أحد قادة المعارضة السورية المسلحة" يطلب فيه الأخير السلاح
Read this story in Englishنشرت صحيفة "الأخبار" على موقعها الإلكتروني مساء الخميس تسجيلا صوتيا بين عضو تكتل "لبنان أولا" النائب عقاب صقر و"أحد قادة المعارضة السورية المسلحة" يدعى "ابو النعمان" يطلب فيه الأخير من صقر أسلحة ويعدد له حاجات المقاتلين ويبلغه بمكان التسليم.
وعرضت قناة الـ"OTV" التسجيل ضمن تقرير في نشرتها الإخبارية وهو مقسم إلى ثلاثة أجزاء.
وفي ما يلي نص المكالمة الهاتفية:
***ابو النعمان (قائد احدى المجموعات المقاتلة): السلام عليكم
عقاب صقر: وعليكم السلام تفضل
أبو النعمان: يا أستاذ عقاب نحن جماعة مزنوئين كتير ومحاصرين ويعني ما في يوم يومين بتسقط المنطقة
عنّا يعني قصف طيران مدفعية فوزديكا
ما في محور من المحاور الاّ وعمبيضربونا منوّ
فرجاء ساعدونا بدنا سلاح
عقاب صقر: تفضل قلّي السلاح اللي بدّك شو يعني تحديداً شو الكميات
أبو النعمان: يعني الحقيقة بدنا شي 300 حبة آر بي جي وعشرين قاذف
واذا أمكن توفير 250 ألف طلقة روسية و300 بارودة على سلاح نوعي اذا في مجال
عقاب صقر: كل هول لأي منطقة بدكن ياهن تحديداً
أبو النعمان: أعزاز تل رفعت عندان وريف حلب بالكامل
وانت عرفان شو عمبيصير عناّ يعني
هلق من مبارح صار فايتين علينا من ثلاث محاور تقريبا من ادلب (...) ومن جوا حلب عمبيطلعولنا شبيحة
عقاب صقر: طيب مين بدو يستلم وين بدو يصير التسليم كيف بدّا تتم العملية؟
أبو النعمان: هو التسليم مثل العادة بيقسموهن... بيكون هونيك أبو البراء مع الشباب والسيارات بيستلموهن وبوجهن على حلب.
بس بدنا بأسرع وقت ممكن لأنو بتعرف الحاجة كبيرة والقصف شغال
والمجاميع مفرقة ذخيرة ما في
يعني الشباب كل واحد يا دوب معاه مخزن مخزنين وبتعرف الاستهلاك كبير فدبرونا بأي طريقة من الطرق الله يخليك
ما بعرف شو بدي قلك ما في من بعد الله الاّ غيركن.
عقاب صقر: انت حتكون على التسليم؟
أبو النعمان: لا أخوي بيكون أبو النور مع الشباب والسيارات متل العادة بيستلموا منك***
يذكر أن صقر كان قد نفى أي دور له في تسليح المعارضة. وقال في مقابلة على قناة "المستقبل" في السابع من الشهر الحالي إذا كان لديهم دليل فليحاكموني".
وتشهد سوريا منذ منتصف آذار 2011 حركة احتجاجية ضد النظام الذي واجهها بقمع دام أسفر عن سقوط أكثر من 40 ألف قتيل موثقين لدى شبكات لحقوق الإنسان.
Hey Hassan first lay off drinking the sewage it's turning you into a shocked yellow eyed zombie, although the odor has improved. Not even Al-Manure wanted to touch this "evidence" they gave it to OTV.
that's kind of weird though, was he taping himself or was the caller taping him? Either way it doesn't make sense since both would want the utmost secrecy in this transaction. Maybe that's not even him on tape.
One part sends weapons, the other sends fighters with their weapons. No surprises here, its an open SECRET!
so what? He gave them weapons and he supports their cause. At least he is not killing each Lebanese who has balls, and he is not stealing our customs money like other people.
I dont think he has access to our tax money. he is not a minister. But if he did use the tax money, it would be well spent money : Bringing down bachar is a good thing. The Assads are the single factor that caused the most harm to Lebanon for the past 40 years. More so than Israel, more so than the palestinians, more so than Iran, Qatar, the USA combined.
To Lebanon_First
WRONG! THE LEBANESE ARE the single factor that caused the most harm to Lebanon for the past 40 years. More so than Israel, more so than the palestinians, more so than Iran, Qatar, the USA combined.
Since when you Hezbollah nawar pay taxes?
Arming the FSA and shouting it on the roofs
Wou rouh ballit el baher
Habibi - this a losing battle. Bashar will be finished with or without the Hizb. The problem is what will come next: a unitary country or civil war?
Continue the good work Okab Sakr, the regime is falling. The airport in Damascus is shut and soon Assad will hang or be shot hopefully.
Yes. So what, asks cheikh Saad al-Haribi Telteyn al-Marajil, aka lebanon_first while the Syrian flag flutters way higher than that of Lebanon??? After all, Al Mustaqbal al Ta3ees tells us they are not involved in the flow of arms at all! I personally believe them because they are very believable based on their track record. And when they say "arms" they actually mean food and beverages and first-aid kits but say arms only to scare the Syrian regime forces. In any case, I do not believe that the voice in the reocrding was that of Oqab Saqr because that voice was of a man!
Who Cares. People who voted for him will regard him as a Hero. Everyone knows that March 14 are With Opposition and March 8 are with Government. Same as Hizb sending Men to boost army. no need to be shocked :)
The Hezz and Iran are sending troops and weapons there daily. I would like to know the time frame of when this "request" was made.
Either way, true or untrue, the Hezz have had people there for years. I say screw them. Let their benefactor fall. If it is true I am fine with it. It is a way for M14 to hit back indirectly for the way the Hezz made the Leb. gov't fall in a coup. All is fair in love and war. the Hezz don't always get their way nor do they always win. When they fall they will fall hard. This is only the beginning.
Although i share what you feel about the syrian issue, i think we as Lebanese should not interfere in it, and mind our own business as we are already deep enough in shit.
we should concentrate on trying to get out of it
I agree with trigger.
let Syria solve its issues, and let us focus on ours.
hizbushaitan is our major problem and we need it solved. although I believe the fall of the Syrian regime will be a big blow to hizbushaitan, it will not solve our problem totally.
it is about time we take action to solve this problem internally.
He flame thrower.....the best is winning. It isn't the Hezz or Bashar. It is time for payback for all the politicians and journalists they killed in Lebanon.
LOL FT your beloved leader said syrians killed hariri and many journalists and MPs..., so i guess aoun also accuses on baseless evidence, LOL!!!!
i ll remind you of that ecah time aoun accuses others....
Oh the horror! Sakr is providing light weapons to the unarmed civilians to help defending them selves and fend off the brutal that is torturing killing and raping his people.
Lets all give a hand to FlameThrower, this justifies Hizbullah's stand of enforcing this brutal regime indiscriminate hand. Shame on Sakr, he should've allowed this dicator to massacre his people without resistence! Shame on Sakr what a horrible neighbour he is to the syrians! TFEH!!
Dear sir, In Japan, as of 12 Nov 2012, the Government side, amazingly, before the head of newly formed Syrian National Coalition and Opposition Force was recognized. Today, following their work, 5th meeting of the Friends of the Syrian People International Working Group is kicked off in Tokyo.http://www.mofa.go.jp/announce/announce/2012/11/1113_01.html
Who cares if this is a true recording (and I hope it is). Arm FSA and destroy assad and hezbollah. Don't comment if you have nothing new to say. I've heard it all, so sick and tired of the hypocrisy on these forums. At least say, yes I know hezbollah is in syria helping assad fight this dirty fight - don't give me they are there protecting the Lebanese in syria - freaking joke. The more you try to defend hezbollah and aoun and anyone in m8 the more you sound obtuse and show the difficulty you have in grasping the concept of reality.
The tape was leaked by the ministry of telecom, or the army intel. We all know who's running these mafia organizations. It's been known for months that sakr is playing a role in arming the FSA and bravo 3ale. Finally an M14er with balls!
Haters to the right
then dont blame the syrians if they come back to this country if you are already interfering with their business and sending arms to their country.
then all our sissy politicians will be pro Syria as they were before 2005. bunch of crappy politicians in a crappy country where everybody lies to everybody and everybody is waiting for an opportunity to steal and rob everybody.
it is not the fact of being pro syria or not! if syria lives as a neighbor and DOES NOT impose itself over lebanon why should we be against? But a totalitarian regime that has occupied lebanon , built a system of corruption, killed many lebanese, of course one should be against it! except M8 which thank syria for all that...
syrians enjoy life as much as lebanese, same habits, same way of living... syrians are not enemies of lebanon but their regime praised by M8 is...
Yet more proof of the Saudi-Qatari interference into Lebanon and Lebanese politics.
The boycott and stubborn ill advised stalemate can be laid at the doorstep of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
The Saudi-Qatari fatwah on Shiites, especially Hezbollah, is tearing Lebanon apart ...
Is sending arms worse then fighting in Syria? I agree that he should be sued for illegal arm smuggling (if true) but Hezballah must be sued for crimes and war crimes
Assad's Syria was suppling during 40 years weapons and terror to each one who wanted to fight, destroy and kill in Lebanon no matter who... putting oil on fire from all sides.
Assad's Syria assassinated civilians and politicians, lebanese Heroes no matter from which side or religion, kidnaped Youth, young man and families Fathers they didn't appear till today...
It is time to have a modern and free Syria, it is time to have all dictators kicked out, it is time to have a one Arabic world where all Arabic people have the right to move, deal and work without restriction.
it is time to have all Arabic country's free of arms and criminals.
It is time to have PEACE.
" you may say I'm a dreamer... "
Syria and iran have been supplieng ammunition to hizbulshaytan and other fractions in lebanon for the past 30 or 4o years (even more) , killing and raping our country and many important political figuers ... so i dont see anything wrong for mr ukab saqr to aid the syrian opposition in fighting againt a tyrant and brutal dictator or regime ... i actually salut him !
Mowaten. While I am not denying and am sure weapons are pouring into syria from lebanon. At least I said that the alcohol incident was not automatically HA. A wave chart does not and two people talking does not automatically verify it.
And where I don't see a problem is there was so much weapons that poured in from syria to lebanon. Heck. We are just sending them back. Lol