نصب خيمة بالقرب من مسجد النور في طرابلس احتجاجا على "عدم تحديد مصير" اللبنانيين في سوريا
Read this story in Englishأقدم عدد من الشبان في طرابلس على نصب خيمة "كبيرة" على طريق فرعية بالقرب من مسجد النور، إحتجاجا على عدم تحديد مصير اللبنانيين الذي شاعت أخبارا حول مصرعهم في سوريا.
وقالت الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام اليوم السبت: "يقوم عدد من شبان منطقة المنكوبين في طرابلس المحاذية لمنطقة جبل محسن بنصب خيمة كبيرة على طريق فرعية بالقرب من مسجد النور، إحتجاجا على الاخبار المتوافرة عن سقوط ما يزيد عن 17 شابا من طرابلس وجوارها في منطقة تلكلخ في سوريا، من دون تحديد مصيرهم إن كانوا قتلى أو أسرى أو جرحى" .
وأكد الشبان بحسب الوكالة "إستمرار نصب الخيمة لمدة يومين"، مطالبين الدولة بـ "التدخل وتحديد مصير الشبان الذين لا يتجاوز أعمار احدهم العشرين عاما".
وهدد المحتجون "بنقل هذه الخيمة الى الطريق الدولية في منطقة البداوي التي تربط طرابلس بعكار والحدود السورية".
وأفادت وكالة "فرانس برس" أمس الجمعة عن مقتل 17 لبنانيا "اسلاميا" في كمين للقوات النظامية السورية في منطقة تلكلخ السورية القريبة من الحدود اللبنانية.
وقال قيادي إسلامي للوكالة عينها ،"انهم ينتمون الى التيار الاسلامي ويتحدرون من احياء عدة في مدينة طرابلس"، فيما تواردت معلومات صحفية أن 14 لبنانيا قتلوا في كمين للجيش السوري خلال محاولتهم التسلل الى سوريا.
وشهدت مدينة طرابلس الذي ساد فيها توترا كبيرا فور شيوع الخبر أمس ، ظهورا مسلحا سجل في عدد من مداخل الابنية في المنطقة، بانتظار جلاء ظروف مقتل الشابين ".
وتواصلت الاتصالات السياسية والأمنية، طوال ليل الجمعة-السبت وحتى صباح ا لسبت،وترافقت الاتصالات مع اتخاذ الجيش اللبناني تدابير استثنائية، بينها تسيير دوريات راجلة ومؤللة وأقامة حواجز ثابتة وقطع الطرق المؤدية الى جبل محسن.
for once I would like to see m8 guys having the same approach to matters of this sort like all other Lebanese people, i.e. reject any interference in Syria.
most of us criticized what these guys were doing, would m8 guys denounce what hizbushaitan is doing in Syria?
Lebanon following up case of fighters killed in Syria: Charbel
Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Politics/2012/Dec-01/196885-lebanon-following-up-case-of-fighters-killed-in-syria-charbel.ashx#ixzz2DoWY3vIT
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)
yes I read that article and I followed up on this matter closely:
these young men went there, and had the army done its job properly sealing the Lebanese boreders we would not have seen this happening.
but the problem is hizbushaitan does not want to let the army close the borders because they want to go and fight there.
so once again our problem is with hizbushaitan and a weak military command (to say the least) that ae the root ause for our problems with this Syrian regime.
This youth is lost FT, it's a lost generation and guess who's fault it is. Our successive governments.
I don't see what all the fuss is about from hizbocrap supporters...these guys were just "helping their relatives and died performing their jihadist duties" as nasrocrap said...
poor FT seems you didn t listen to your beloved nasrallah who broadcasted that hezbis were involved in syria... was it "discreet" as you pretend? lol! always trying to defend your hezbis friends that once your pimp orangina used to call terrorists....
you don't make a fuss about it? then why are you and your fellow supporters commenting like crazy.
and regarding discretion...was nasrocrap discreet when he revealed that hizbocrap was involved in Syria???
The authorities should demand and find out who sent those terrorists to fight in Syria. Those involved should be sent to jail.
M8 will soon eat their fingers because they helped bashar and his killing machine. even the americans after having done nothing to support the fsa is now changing its policy because they already are thinking in the after bashar period.
but i guess aoun will say that he supported the fsa and was against bashar since the beginning , lol!
there is no doubt whatsoever that hizbushaitan are loosing their mind over the Syrian regime issue deteriorating to this extent, but I reiterate my comment: we should not get involved too in this.
aoun will soon run away once more, especially the majority of the Christians are now aware where his policies have led the country to. they see that he is selling literaly the Christians to the Shiites for a penny of dollars. they see what a Judas he is.
of course we should not get involved in these matters, by both sides. at least the gvt officially says it is neutral even if unofficially we know what is going on but the position of lebanon is clear, we cannot say the same from some political parties.
The youth demanded the government to intervene and determine the fate of the men, ........ *** Walla, who asked you in the first place to carry weapons and cross into Syria to fight? Just like I want the Hezb not to meddle in Syria and to disarm, the same applies to you fanatics.
warning of moving their sit-in to the international highway in al-Badawi ....*** Again, just like I hate it when the Hezb closes roads and highways, the same applies to you. May I suggest that all of those thinking of closing the highway cross into Syria themselves and check on the ones killed. The less of you in Lebanon, the better off Lebanon is.S.
100% Helicopter.
They go do their islamist adventures and come back to the government demanding compensations and doing sit ins and crap like that. What the F...!
They were not fighting for lebanon. they were fighting for their beleifs, good or bad, let them take their responsability. The government has nothing to do with them.
Agree with them or not, these are idealist youth who wanted to fight against a brutal dictator. Some also come from families that suffered terribly at the hand of this regime. This is not something novel. Idealist youth have always volunteered to fight against fascist regimes - see the example of spainish civil war where volunteers came to help the republicans from all around the world against the fascist forces. So please let us avoid calling people names. May God help their families.