مقتل رقيب أول بالجيش أثناء ملاحقته مطلوباً في جونية
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قتل الرقيب الأول في مخابرات الجيش صمصون انترانيكيان أثناء ملاحقته مشتبهاً به في جونية صباح الأحد.
وفي هذا السياق، أشارت قيادة الجيش اللبناني في بيان الى أنه "صباح الأحد وخلال قيام دورية تابعة لمديرية المخابرات في الجيش في مدينة جونيه بملاحقة المدعو حسن احمد غريب لارتكابه أفعالا جرمية، اقدم الاخير على إطلاق النار بواسطة سلاح حربي باتجاهها، ما أدى الى استشهاد احد عناصرها وهو الرقيب اول صمصون انترانيكيان".
وأضاف البيان أن " عناصر الدورية ردت على النار بالمثل، حيث اصيب مطلق النار بجروح، ثم جرى توقيفه ونقله الى أحد مستشفيات المنطقة، كما بوشر التحقيق بالحادث بإشراف القضاء المختص".

He should be found guilty of murdering an army officer and executed by firing squad. If he knows how to fire bullets he should learn to have them fired into him. I have no pity for a ba***rd like that.

How interesting to see that there is at least one person on this site who does not believe that the murderer of an army officer should be executed. Do we need to wonder to which party this denier belongs?
I don't think so.

RIP sergeant god bless you .
Phillipo I agree with you this scum should be shot.

Isn't it interesting, no matter what goes on in Lebanon, you alway manage to find someone who will blame Israel for it.
Reading this from a distance I don't know whether to laugh at the insincerity of the writers or cry for the murdered officer.

R-I-P Rest in peace sargeant Samson. God bless your soul. You were one of the best people i've ever known. You were a good friend, husband, father, and one of the best lebanese army soldiers ever known. You were blessed honered from GOD on a duty protecting our families, community from dirty criminals, not even worth mentioning his or their dirty names who are until now threatening our kids, families future. Somson... your place is saved in heaven and the dirty criminal his place is saved to be burn in hell. The Criminal now is threatening Somson's family, relatives, and friends. do you people think we should keep quiet?
The Criminal's family members, Gang group now are threatening to take the lives of innocent children, and the lives of the people who always loved the God blessed and honored Samson.
You better stop sending warnings, you dirty criminal... God will take your life. your place is ready in hell.
Rest in peace Somson..