الجيش ينتشر في طرابلس بعد تهدئة هشة وتجدد الإشتتباكات وأعمال القنص ليلا

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واصلت قوى الجيش المنتشرة في منطقة باب التبانة - جبل محسن والأحياء المجاورة لها تعزيز إجراءاتها الأمنية بعد ليل "طرابلسي" كان الأعنف منذ سنوات في حين لم تفلح بضبط الهدود الذي استمر منذ صباح الجمعة وحتى العصر.

نهارا غابت المظاهر المسلحة في الشوارع الرئيسية بينما توارى المسلحون عن الانظار في الشوارع الداخلية.

أما ليلا سقط عدد من القذائف على شارع سوريا وفي محيط جامع الناصري وسوق القمح.

وأفادت قناة الـ"OTV" عن "إشتباكات عنيفة بين جبل محسن وباب التبانة".

وأفاد بيان لقيادة الجيش الجمعة أنه وحداتها انتشرت "لقمع المظاهر المسلحة وإعادة الأمن والاستقرار إلى هذه المناطق".

وقامت خلال يوم أمس والليل الفائت "بدهم أوكار المسلحين والرد الفوري على مصادر النيران بالأسلحة المناسبة، وتمكنت بنتيجة ذلك، من توقيف عدد من المشتبه فيهم بإطلاق النار، بعدما ضبطت بحوزتهم كمية من الأسلحة الحربية والذخائر والأعتدة العسكرية".

وقد تعرض بعض مراكز الجيش لأعمال قنص "ما أدى إلى إصابة سبعة عسكريين بجروح غير خطرة، والى أضرار مادية في بعض الآليات العسكرية" دائما بحسب البيان.

وقامت وحدات الجيش بنقل عددٍ من المواطنين المصابين من جراء إطلاق النار إلى مستشفيات المدينة.

وعليه دعت قيادة الجيش "أهالي المناطق المتوترة إلى التعاون الكامل مع إجراءات قوى الجيش بما في ذلك الإبلاغ الفوري عن أي نشاط مسلح أو مشبوه ليصار إلى معالجته بالسرعة القصوى".

وذكرت أنها تتحرك "حرصاً منها على أرواح المواطنين ومنعاً لاتخاذهم دروعاً بشرية من قبل العابثين بالأمن الذين يعمدون بين الحين والآخر إلى إطلاق النار ثم التواري في داخل الأحياء السكنية".

وكان قد شهدت طرابلس اعنف اشتباكات ليلة الخميس على مختلف المحاور في التبانة - القبة - جبل محسن - الريفا - البقار - المنكوبين والحارة البرانية.

واطلقت القذائف / ب 7/ و/ب 10/ واينرغا بشكل كثيف وامكن دوي سماع انفجاراتها في الاماكن البعيدة عن خطوط الاشتباكات في المدينة.

وحصيلة القتلى 12 قتيلا وأكثر من 75 جريحا موزعين على مختلف مستشفيات المدينة.

وعند الساعة السادسة صباحا توقفت الاشتباكات وقام الجيش باعادة الانتشار في مختلف الخطوط وسير دوريات مؤللة.

التعليقات 28
Thumb primesuspect 16:10 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

The time to disarm everyone in Lebanon has come!

Thumb bigsami 17:48 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

AMEN to that! But Iran's servants aka HA will never lay down their arms. They think they are above the law and anyone dare cross their path will be killed......and in the name of 'their' God!

Thumb Chupachups 01:14 ,2012 كانون الأول 08


Missing abraham 16:55 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

shoot first ask question later
that's what going to stop this braindead people to stop waging their hatred.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 16:56 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

Disarm everyone. Period. End of story!

Thumb mckinl 17:58 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

Violence in Tripoli is just more destabilization by the Future Movement. Hariri needs the distraction from the Saqr debacle, his arming of the salafist jihad in Syria, the recruitment of naive salafists from Triploi and his failure to topple the government of M8.

Hariri's position of strength after Oct 19 has now deteriorated markedly with even his M14 allies in disarray over the Saqr tapes, Saqr's prideful admission and then recent embarrassing about-face.

Hariri has proven to be using his Lebanese connections to further his ambitions to the detriment of Lebanon itself. One can only wonder what Hariri will do next. Hariri's grand plans to march into Beirut victorious and reclaim his fathers legacy are in tatters.

Thumb geha 18:08 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

really! what a bunch of crap!

Thumb mckinl 18:14 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

heh, heh ... that's it geha, stand in front of the moving bus ...

Thumb bigsami 19:05 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

Bird brain Farsi BSThrower...always amusing us like a circus mutt! Idiot Persian!

Missing freemind 20:18 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

he is so too the point, it hurts, doesnt it?

Thumb mckinl 09:37 ,2012 كانون الأول 08

@ the1phoenix

Although I usually agree with you, I don't here. There are obviously serious games being played that go much farther up than the street.

How is Saqr an asset? At the very least he has proven to be a liar. What Sakr is, is a liability and a great embarrassment.

As far as being far fetched I'm only looking at the facts of the matter. It is clear that Hariri's moves have back fired.

A resolved situation in Syria will be good for all of Lebanon including the current government. Their greatest divide is Syria.

Once the Syrian civil war is over the Assad card will be gone eliminating an ongoing threat and the bogeyman play.

Then it will be Iran vs. NATO-Saudi factions. We all know who will eventually prevail necessitating HA moving to "normalize" its' functions.

Missing greatpierro 12:40 ,2012 كانون الأول 08

what ever. Just need to take the arms from every one. Why can't the state disarm every body in Tripoli? Guess what. Khizbullah and Syrian does not allow the Lebanese army to do so.

Default-user-icon Starnight (ضيف) 17:59 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

Where all these weapons coming from......

Default-user-icon Minx (ضيف) 18:00 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

Do not understand the word (Army deployment..) they always do this after each fight and for strange reason the army deploys again in Syria street...Where do they disappear after their deployment??And why don't they carry out surgical operation in both sides?These two areas are threatening the Lebanese national security and should be dealt with once and for all.

Default-user-icon Minx (ضيف) 18:23 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

mckinl: Your brain is foggy..How old are you?

Default-user-icon Disgusted (ضيف) 19:08 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

Ur worried about Syria's sovereignty?? They have been breaching ours for years!! They've killed our leaders,beaten our students,occupied our country, stolen our money,armed our militias! Shame on u

Missing gabby10 20:03 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

The poor M8 thugs can't stand it that their master in encircled in Damascus with no escape. Defectors from the army daily, bases falling nearly every day now. The airport is suut down.

Their answer ir to start a fight for Bashar in Tripoli, maybe on the request from Bashar and now the Hezz too. The Hezz are engaged in a battlefield loss of epic proportions. They will spin it and propagandize it on Manar and Orange. But it is a huge loss.

Now they are spinning the propaganda that one minister and harriri from outside the country are completely responsible for the loss of their master. The FSA with virtually no help are defeating the "invincible" Syrian army and Hezz.

The Alawite in Tripoli are trying in vail to start a new front for Bashar and the Hezz. It won't work. Bashar is done. The landscape is going to change. The Persian axis is being chopped to pieces. Even Hamas has publically rejected Bashar and the Hezz.

Missing freemind 20:21 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

i love it how you guys always turn things upside down. did Sakr taught you how to do that?

Thumb primesuspect 22:35 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

Tu madre hijo de...

Missing phillipo 12:34 ,2012 كانون الأول 08

en ingles por favor

Missing realist 20:12 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

The civil war in lebanon is inevitable. After the fall of bashar the rebellion of the lebanese against the hizbustan government will start.

Missing freemind 20:20 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

after the fall of bashar, syria will be in such a disarray, that nothing will change in lebanon. read more, open your mind.

Thumb Chupachups 01:16 ,2012 كانون الأول 08

free mind, the sunni's will think they own lebanon after the fall of bashar.. and u wait and see whats gonna happen..

btw im not supporting bashar or sunni extremists..

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 21:14 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

this round in tripoli will not end like the usual..it is narrowly related to the battle in damascus..perhaps some diehard brains will not agree,but with the coming weeks they'll think again.
N.B. rifaat ali eid, is not now in jabal mohsen,he is in the U.S.A. buying a house for his relatives,it's bad luck for the guys who die in the last days of the fiesta.

Thumb Lebfrcan 21:32 ,2012 كانون الأول 07

I am happy that our Army is acting responsibly, otherwise the lebanese civil war would have started already.
Thank you our soldiers for your sacrifice .

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 01:12 ,2012 كانون الأول 08

i repeat and repeat:
tripoli is not anymore under the influence of the lebanese sphere( practically hizb alla),it is directly linked to the syrian conflict...in other term it is the first front on lebanese territory between FSA and hizb alla.

Default-user-icon OldHand (ضيف) 07:21 ,2012 كانون الأول 08

The army needs to stop "deploying" and "urging people", how many times have we seen that?

It needs to shoot thugs on sight and go grab them inside their homes. The rest is commentary and ta2 7anak.

Missing phillipo 12:43 ,2012 كانون الأول 08

The time has come to send in the tanks and crush the opposition. He who opposes the army opposes the Government of Lebanon, and deserves either to get killed in the fighting or spend a long time in jail if he is lucky enough to be captured alive.
If the army does this in one place of ressurection then others will think twice before picking up arms against the state.