رشاد سلامة يقبل الإدعاء على الحريري وصقر ويحضر أوراق الدعوى
Read this story in Englishقبل المحامي اللبناني رشاد سلامة توكيل الدولة السورية بالإدعاء على رئيس تيار "المستقبل" النائب سعد الحريري وعضو كتلة "المستقبل" النائب عقاب صقر والمنسق العام لدى الجيش "السوري الحر" لؤي المقداد، وبدأ التحضير للدعوى.
وكشفت مصادر واسعة الإطلاع لوكالة الأنباء "المركزية" بعد ظهر الخميس أن "المحامي رشاد سلامة قبل مهمة توكيله باسم الدولة السورية للتقدم بالشكوى ضد كل من شارك في تمويل الثورة السورية بالاسلحة".
وكان قد تلقى مكتب الانتربول في قوى الأمن الداخلي عبر الانترنت مساء الثلاثاء من السلطات القضائية السورية مذكرات توقيف بحق الحريري وصقر والمقداد بجرم تسليح "الجيش السوري الحر".
إلا أن الإنتربول عمم على مكاتبه في العالم أنه غير ملزم بتنفيذ هذه المذكرات.
وقالت المصادر ان "سلامة بدأ تحضير اوراق الدعاوى ليتقدم بها امام القضاء المختص في القريب العاجل متجاهلا او متحاشيا أياً من الاسماء المتداولة".
واوضحت ان "سلامة سيعتمد في شكواه العبارة القانونية التي تشير الى ان الدعوى ستقام ضد "كل من يظهره التحقيق عاملا او شريكا او متدخلا او محرضا" في تمويل وتسليح الجيش السوري الحر وسعيا وراء تكوين ملف شامل يعزز الشكوى بما يحتاجه من وثائق ومعلومات امام القضاء المختص.
وفي المعلومات، ان سلامة لن يدلي بأي تصريح في هذه المرحلة، وهو رفض ذلك امس، ومنذ ان انتشر خبر توكيله على رغم حجم الطلبات التي تقدمت بها مؤسسات محلية تلفزيونية واذاعية ومكتوبة، قبل الحصول على اذن بذلك من نقابة المحامين التي تحدد اصول التعاطي مع هذه الحالات".
من جهتها قالت مصادر قانونية لـ "المركزية" ان "الدعوى التي سيرفعها سلامة لا تعني انها الاجراء الوحيد الذي يقود الملف الى ما يمكن ان تتخذه القضية من ابعاد قانونية وقضائية".
وعليه أوضحت أن "النيابة العامة التمييزية كلفت من يجمع كل الوثائق المتصلة بهذه القضية من اشرطة التسجيلات الهاتفية بين النائب صقر ومحدثيه وما قيل بأنها مخابرة هاتفية بينه وبين لؤي المقداد من الجيش السوري الحر او تلك التي قيل انها ما بينه وبين الرئيس الحريري وصولا الى المؤتمر الصحافي الذي عقده في تركيا الى المقابلات التلفزيونية المتعددة التي ظهر من خلالها صقر على الشاشات المحلية والعربية".
إلى ذلك أضافت المصادر القانونية أن "كل الاجراءات القضائية، سواء تلك الناجمة عن دعوى سلامة او التحرك الذي تقوده النيابة العامة التمييزية اذا ما قررت رفع الدعوى سيصب في النتيجة في مجلس النواب طلبا لرفع الحصانة اذا ما طلب ذلك عن نواب شملتهم او ستشملهم هذه الدعاوى حيث سيقرر المجلس النيابي بتصويته على رفع الحصانة او عدمه".
They had better hurry.....Syria is almost collapsed. Oh and is he going to prosecute the Hezz for sending armed killers illegally to Syria? Is he going to prosecute the Samaha case for Bashar sending assasination bombs to Lebanon?
this guy should be judged for treason for taking such a case.
the principal is not legitimate anymore, and is an enemy of Lebanon.
it would be the same if he took a case from Israel against a Lebanese.
How about Prosecuting HA for their "Jihadist Duty" involement? Or that's totally fine huh?
Oh you poor thing! awww, well unlike you I don't have a master. I'll throw another curveball later and lets see how your brain responds, cheers.
Either this lawyer is being paid by ASSad a buck load of money or he is simply NUTS seeing how the regime is crumbling.
“Failure to bring Hariri, Saqr, and Meqdad to justice is a violation of international law.”..So is mass killings of civilians...you retards.
Zionist? Wow someone was smoking his hashish before he came on here. You've been a very busy little boy I see!
PS keep it up! You're putting a good face for your glorious Iran, only proving to the rest of the civilized world how you really are, have a cookie.
This is just becoming a comedy now. Pretty pathetic on their part--they might as well have given HA assassination orders, it would have been much more believable on their end.
not that they probably haven't done that yet....
It's amazing how many Lebanese are willing to sell out their country for lousy dollar. He should be stripped of his lebanese citizenship. He wants to try Lebanese on syria's behalf, he can go live in syria.
this lawyer is looking for fate not fame,,,and it will end soon,,,bitterly like his boss,,,
you wanna know why this lawyer took this case ? follow the money . in the middle east the money will always lead to the reason . in other parts of the world the reason will always lead to where the money is . so just follow the money
ur luk is the look of syrian intelligence despite the fact that ASAD little men has nothing to do with "intelligence"...case closed b4 started picclehead
March 14, lovers of life, silence this SOB ASAP, but be gentle and let it be quick and painless. Tip: quick BOOM would do, I guess. I love the lovers of life and their friends, those who BOOM the heck out of any life GLOBALLY, if you know what I mean. Peace, my compatriots.
the filthy zionist scum trash and filth has changed the nickname is order to congratgulate himself on retarded joke
is arming the syrian rebels against the law? no it's not. It's called self defense. any juditial system borne from a regime that massacres own people is circus filled with clowns. When Assad told Hariri the dad that he will break lebanon over his head, he did expect the mighty Hariri can break syria over assad head, from his grave. A man of achievement in the flesh, and a hero for lebanon and 50000 dead syrian innocents, in spirit. God bless you, soon assad will meet punishment fit for his crimes, then you rest in peace.
What an idiot this lawyer.
Then we should find 10 other lawyers to sue Hezb & all their leaders that are commiting crimes in Lebanon & Syria.
...Salameh agreed on Thursday to being appointed on Syria's behalf to prosecute...as if some lawyer had the jurisdiction, or the right to prosecute Lebanese officials, in Lebanon, on behalf of a foreign gov that is internationally declared as ILLEGITIMATE! Insolently ignoring Lebanese courts and judicial system; who knew? syria is at it, again...the syrian gov had to do this, through diplomatic appeals Honoring Lebanese courts to prosecute, if they establish a case.
the filthy zionist scum trash and filth is trying to show his "knowledge" of lebanon, thus getting more retarded.
the filthy zionist scum trash and filth is trying to show his "knowledge" of lebanon, thus getting more retarded.
the filthy zionist scum trash and filth is trying to show his "knowledge" of lebanon, thus getting more retarded.
and another filthy zionist (or probably same one) has more to say like that will divert our rockers from your houses.
Assad will be killed or on the run soon enough...aal lawsuit aal...such M8 idiots...Mr. Saqr and Sheikh Saad will soon enter Syria as heroes and liberators...long live freedom and democracy...