المعارضة تعتبر ان نصرالله "بدأ يدرك حجم الازمة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية"
Read this story in Englishرأت مصادر في المعارضة، ان الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله، بدأ يدرك حجم الازمة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية التي يمر بها لبنان، خصوصاً عبر دعوته الى تشكيل مجموعة عمل وطني لمعالجة الازمة، مشيرة الى ان المطلوب هو ان يتحلى الحزب بـ"العقل الكبير".
ونقلت صحيفة "النهار"، الاثنين عن مرجع معارض، تعليقه على كلام نصرالله، قائلاً "بدا من كلام السيد نصرالله امس (الاحد) انه بدأ يدرك حجم المسألة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية وانعكاساتها بما أنه أعطى خريطة طريق للملفات العالقة ولا سيما منها ملف سلسلة الرتب والرواتب والجامعة اللبنانية".
ولفت الى ان الدعوة التي قام بها نصرالله عبر الدعوة الى "تشكيل مجموعة عمل وطني لمعالجة الازمة توحي بأن الحكومة لا تعمل لأن فريقا سياسيا غير ممثل فيها ويهدف الى رفع مسؤولية الانهيار عنها وتحميلها للمعارضة".
كما لفت المرجع عبر "النهار" الى ان "المطلوب من الحزب الذي يقود الاكثرية الحاكمة اليوم ان يتحلى بـ"العقل الكبير" الذي يجعله ينظر بجدية ومسؤولية الى ما آلت اليه الاوضاع ويبحث عن المخرج الذي ينقذ البلاد من المأزق الذي تتخبط فيه".
والقى نصرالله، ظهر الاحد، كلمة في حفل تجرج جامعي لطلاب حزب الله، طلب فيها من "الحكومة أن تعتبر الأساتذة المتفرغين متعاقدين في ألأمن الداخلي لأن الأمر معيب" وتنتهي من هذه المشكلة".
وعن سلسلة الرتب والرواتب قال "آن الأوان للحكومة أن تنهي هذا النقاش وأن ترسل مشروع القانون إلى مجلس النواب وننتهي من هذا الصراع" داعيا إلى "نقاش وطني بمشاركة الجميع" لحل الموضوع.
يُذكر ان "هيئة التنسيق النقابية" قررت الجمعة، قررت تنفيذ إضراب عام وشامل عند أول جلسة لمجلس الوزراء بعد عيد رأس السنة الجديدة.
ويُشار الى ان الهيئة نفذت الاربعاء تظاهرة من البربير الى السراي الحكومي، مؤكدة التمسك باحالة الرتب والرواتب الى البرلمان ومهددة بالمزيد من الاعتصامات والخطوات التصعيدية.
ومن الجدير بالذكر، ان الحكومة وفي جلستها، الاثنين في القصر الجمهوري في بعبدا، لم تحل ملف الرتب والراوتب الى مجلس النواب، في حين اعتصمت الهيئة على طريق قصر بعبدا، مطالبة باحالة "الملف" كما كانت قد نفذت اعتصامات واضرابات في مختلف المناطق اللبنانية، متهمة الحكومة بالـ"مماطلة بإحالة سلسلة الرتب والرواتب الى مجلس النواب لإقرارها"، وملوحة بالاضراب المفتوح و"شلّ القطاع العام".
وفي السادس من أيلول اقرت الحكومة، سلسلة الرتب والرواتب الا انها متمسكة بعد احالتها الى مجلس النواب الى حين ايجاد مصادر لتمويل السلسلة. الا ان الهيئات الاقتصادية، اعلنت، في السادس من أيلول رفضها "لأي قرار يصدر عن مجلس الوزراء حول سلسلة الرتب والرواتب" مؤكدة أنها "ستكبد القطاعين العام والخاص خسائر فادحة" ومحذرة من العبث بالأمن الإقتصادي.
The only time you will be better off when you get rid of all your leaders and replace them with clean and educated nobodies. You cannot build a country, when all of your leaders, none is excluded are bunch of thieves.
I concur to that, provided all let go of their current leaders without exception.
they all proved to be irrelevant and thieves.
So are you daring to say that Lebanon should be at peace with Israel?
Just think how it could be of benefit to develop the natural gas fields together, and how about tourism!
FT i am actually surprised by your comment.. but pleasantly.. this is exactly the problem with Lebanon and why it would never rise. we have 2 groups that do the bidding of others.. and the Lebanese are forced to choose between these two evils.. granted there are parties within the two coalitions who genuinely want to improve the situation for the Lebanese..i am 100% with you that we need a strong third group to form from new blood (and even some of the two currently in power)
Wise statement FT, I agree with it. The issue is, every time "a strong third party" emerges, or at least tries to emerge, it gets blown up in the air. Very unfortunate.
ft,I DONT think the xtian parties are pawns to anyone.The problem is that they are not united,so they have please their allies,who are followers.I can admit that our xtian leaders are immature.
They certainly don't hate them all.
Agreed, there are some Israelis who hate Arabs. However, there are Israelis who like Arabs and there are 1,200,000 Israelis who ARE Arabs, some of whom are Members of Parliament, Judges (including one on the Supreme Court), Army and Police officers, Ambassadors, Senior Doctors, Lawyers, etc. etc.
There are some Arabs who hate Israelis, there are even Arabs who like Israelis, and there are 1,200,000 Arabs who are Israelis.
you surprise us with your sudden common sense.
why aren't your posts like this one?
we all reject these leaders and recognize they are all useless to say the least.
can you reject your leaders too?
If you don't sit down to talk on the matter, nobody will know what agreements can be reached.
If there are enough of you who feel that way, remember you are having elections next year.
A large number of people can establish a non-aligned political party in order to fight for what people all over the world believe in - PEACE.
the filthy zionist scum trash and filth hallucinate about being in peace with genocidal zionist entity.
the other one, the filthiest of all, want all lebanese leaders to go away in order to ha lieberman as president and netanyahu as prime minister
the usually patriotic but this time deluded lebanese hallucinate about peace with genocidal zionist entity.
and that's because genocidal zionist entity will never leave multicultural country right to be in peace.
the genocidal maniacal ideology cannot watch other different people to live happily together. they will do anything to spoil it up. they will use spies, propaganda (including naharnet), killings, drugs and every other means to make trouble in lebanon.
lebanon will be in peace only after genocidal zionist entity is crushed like a worm that you are.
therefore, every talk about peace with genocidal zionist entity is treason.
And just like in 2006, he wants his cake and eat it too... he wants everything his way and no regards to what the rest of Lebanon desires or look forward too... self centered Ali baba...
You all make good points,i just wished you and all the Lebanese people come to the same page once and for all
mr. nasrallah, how do you expect lebanon to enjoy economic prosperity and attract foreign investment to help avoid the decline in its economy and the increase in poverty rates, when you stockpile on weapons and initiate a war with Israel every 4 - 5 years.
Nasrallah has a bigger salvation project that I am sure he is more concerned with and that is to save his own ars. The Syrian Opposition is out of control. It has tanks, it has compromised the Syrian Regime's armories and has shoulder held MANPADS to shoot down Syrian fixed wing and helicopter gunships. The Syrian Regime does not command the skies and now Assad's time in Syria is very short with no clear path ahead other than that which the main body of Syrian fighters will set. Those fighers are funded and armed by Qatar and Saudi Arabia and are Sunni Fundamentalists.
When they get done in Syria, guess where they will go next?? That's right, they can't stand a Shia Fundamentalist group near by that is as armed and powerful as Hezbollah, so they will be coming, mark my words.
lol as though it was not already instgated with the murder of hariri, 3eedo, wesam 3eed, wesam 7assan etc. sa7 el num
"Nasrallah Has Come to Realize Seriousness of the Current Stage"
More propaganda ... It is the boycott of parliament by March 14 that precludes solutions and escalates social and economic threats.
Look around the middle east, southern Europe. Social and economic crisis everywhere. March 14 plays games while Lebanon burns ...
@ beiruti your totally right I agree no one here wants to say what you just did but your right...
What current stage?? No1s gonna win. Without NATO Benghazi would b celebrating gadafi day right now!
the filthy zionist scum trash filth and scum, changing nicknames to support himself is hallucinating on many topics.
too many to comment
I don't know who it is you are refering to, but as I have said on many times before, if people on this website would stop their personal insults of other people, then their comments might be better understood.
Your filthy trash filth and scum are rising to the surface, so be careful when you insult other people. There is a great say you should learn in English, "it takes one to know one".
It's about time that everyone writing on this website realises that the brilliant (!!) writer "jabalamel" just goes on repeating his insulting remarks time after time after time.
It shows that he has nothing really to say, but just needs to get his filth printed.