عون: أطمئن أن لا مشاكل في عدم إجراء انتخابات نيابية بعد "تعطيل" 14 آذار
Read this story in Englishأعلن رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون أن "لا مشكلة في عدم إجراء انتخابات" نيابية بسبب "تعطيل" قوى 14 آذار للمجلس النيابي شارحا أنه "لن نرضى بالظلم على المسيحيين بعد الآن".
وقال عون بعد اجتماع التكتل من الرابية عصر الثلاثاء "هناك سعي لتعطيل المجلس كي يعطل قانون الإنتخابات وإذا لم يقر قانونا جديدا أي أنهم المعطلون وأطمئن اللبنانيين أنه إذا لم تحصل انتخابات لا مشاكل على الأرض ولا ينشغل بالهم".
وشرح عون أن"قانون الستين لديه أسباب قانونية لا تجعلنا ننتخب على أساسه" مضيفا "نحن لن نرضى بالظام على المسيحيين بعد الآن فمنذ 1990 هناط سطو على حقوق المسيحيين في التوزيع بالدوائر وفي العدد" المطروح من النواب.
وتابع متحدثا عن 14 آذار "هم يمنعون الإنتخابات فكيف يفرضون علينا إرادتهم بالمنع؟ أي دستور يتكلمون به؟ الدستور يمنعهم من الغياب".
وعليه طلب عون من رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري "أن تبحث اللجان المشتركة القوانين المطروحة".
وتابع عون الذي كان منفعلا جدا أثناء المؤتمر "السلطة لا تشل ولا يلعب أحد في هذا الموضوع وهناك وقت لإقرار 20 قانون لكنهم لا يريدون التعديل" معلنا أن "التواطؤ الصامت لن يمر وللموضوع صلة".
وردا على سؤال أجاب "عندما نصل إلى استحقاق عدم إجراء الإنتخابات نشرح موقفنا وسنعلمهم أننا لا نتحمل المسؤولية".
كما أضاف "الجميع لا يعلم بالقانون لأنهم ينفذون انقلابا على النظام وبالتالي هم مسؤولون عن كل تعطيل. أن يعطلوا المجلس ويحملوني أنا المسؤولية" سائلا "ماذا بقي من الحياة الديمقراطية أصلا إذا تعطل المجلس؟ هل يصبح عدم إجراء انتخابات حينها رذيلة؟".
وكرر القول "أننا نحن سنبقى محافظين على الإستقرار بانتخابات أو بدون انتخابات" رافضا تقديم أي عرض "انتخابي فهناك قوانيين يجب أن تناقش في المجلس".
من جهة أخرى شكر عون "أميركا وأوروبا على حروبها وإرسال اللاجئين (الفلسطينيين والسوريين) إلينا" شارحا أن "وحجم لبنان لا يحمل هذا الضغط والكلفة المادية لا تتحمل حتى عبر المؤتمرات والمساعدات".
كذلك تابع "نحن بعيدون كثيرا عن الفائض الذي أتى إلى لبنان بالإضافة إلى البدع الدينية التي تأتي إلينا وليست من تربيتنا" معلنا أن "هذه القضية خطرة ويجب أن تتوقف لأنها ليست من تقاليد الإسلام والمسيحية".
وفسّر أن هناك عادات لدى اللاجئين "لا يمكن أن نقبلها من غيرنا خاصة في ما يتعلق بالمرأة والجرائم والإباحية".
عليه أضاف في السياق عينه "يجب أن يقوم أحد بحملة ضد التقاليد التي يحملها من يأتي إلى لبنان فنحن من أجل صورة النبي محمد حرقت الأشرفية" متابعا "أصبح لدينا 600 حركة من هؤلاء والسيد أحمد فتفت كريم في الإمضاء" في إشارة إلى إمضاء الأخير على ترخيص حزب التحرير السلفي عندما كان وزيرا الداخلية عام 2006.
17:18 ,2012 كانون الأول 18
عون: أن ينتظرونني كي أقدم عرضا لأحد "فشر على أكبر واحد إني قدملو عرض". هناك قانونان موجودان وليتفضلوا لمناقشتها وتعديلها أما هم فيرفضون القانون دون مناقشته "إيه يروحوا يلعبوا بهونيك شغلة"
17:17 ,2012 كانون الأول 18
عون: نحن سنبقى محافظين على الإستقرار بانتخابات أو بدون انتخابات
17:16 ,2012 كانون الأول 18
عون: الجميع لا يعلم بالقانون لأنهم ينفذون انقلابا على النظام وبالتالي هم مسؤولون عن كل تعطيل. أن يعطلوا المجلس ويحملوني أنا المسؤولية. ماذا بقي من الحياة الديمقراطية أصلا إذا تعطل المجلس؟ هل يصبح إغلاق المجلس حينها رذيلة؟
17:15 ,2012 كانون الأول 18
عون: في أي نظام ديمقراطي يغلق مجلس النواب؟ هناك دكتاتورية أقلية اليوم
17:14 ,2012 كانون الأول 18
عون: عندما نصل إلى استحقاق عدم إجراء الإنتخابات نشرح موقفنا وسنعلمهم أننا لا نتحمل المسؤولية
17:13 ,2012 كانون الأول 18
عون: نحن طرحنا الإستراتيجية الدفاعية وقلبوا الموضوع لنزع سلاح حزب الله؟ فهل نزع السلاح هو الإستراتيجية؟ قولوا كيف ندافع عن هذا البلد؟ هل تقدر قواتنا المسلحة على ضبط الحدود؟ لا "تنكوزوا" في المقاومة واتركوها تهتم بشؤونها
17:12 ,2012 كانون الأول 18
عون: التواطؤ الصامت لن يمر وللموضوع صلة
17:11 ,2012 كانون الأول 18
عون: نطلب من الرئيس بري أن تبحث اللجان المشتركة القوانين المطروحة. السلطة لا تشل ولا يلعب أحد في هذا الموضوع وهناك وقت لإقرار 20 قانون لكنهم لا يريدون التعديل
17:10 ,2012 كانون الأول 18
عون: هناك مصير شعب ومصير بلد وفي المابل هناك خفة في التعاطي مع قانون الإنتخاب.. هم يمنعون الإنتخابات فكيف يفرضون علينا إرادتهم بالمنع؟ أي دستور يتكلمون به؟ الدستور يمنعهم من الغياب
17:09 ,2012 كانون الأول 18
عون: قانون الستين لديه أسباب قانونية لا تجعلنا ننتخب على أساسه ومن هو قادر فلينتخب ونحن لن نرضى بالظام على المسيحيين بعد الآن. منذ 1990 هناط شطو على حقوق المسيحيين في التوزيع بالدوائر وفي العدد وألفت حكومة بنسبة 13% من المشاركة
17:07 ,2012 كانون الأول 18
عون: أطمئن اللبنانيين مجددا أنها "لن تخرب" إذا لم تحصل انتخابات والأمن يبقى مستتبا
17:06 ,2012 كانون الأول 18
عون: أصبح لدينا 600 حركة من هؤلاء والسيد أحمد فتفت كريم في الإمضاء
17:06 ,2012 كانون الأول 18
عون: يجب أن يقوم أحد بحملة ضد التقاليد التي يحملها من يأتي إلى لبنان فنحن من أجل صورة النبي محمد حرقت الأشرفية
17:06 ,2012 كانون الأول 18
عون: هناك عادات لا يمكن أن نقبلها من غيرنا خاصة في ما يتعلق بالمرأة والجرائم والإباحية
17:05 ,2012 كانون الأول 18
عون: نحن بعيدون كثيرا عن الفائض الذي أتى إلى لبنان بالإضافة إلى البدع الدينية التي تأتي إلينا وليست من تربيتنا. هذه القضية خطرة ويجب أن تتوقف لأنها ليست من تقاليد الإسلام والمسيحية
17:04 ,2012 كانون الأول 18
عون: نشكر أميركا وأوروبا على حروبها وإرسال اللاجئين الفلسطينيين إلينا وحجم لبنان لا يحمل هذا الضغط والكلفة المادية لا تتحمل حتى عبر المؤتمرات والمساعدات
17:03 ,2012 كانون الأول 18
رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون بعد اجتماع التكتل من الرابية: هناك سعي لتعطيل المجلس كي يعطل قانون الإنتخابات وإذا لم يقر قانونا جديدا أي أنهم المعطلون وأطمئن اللبنانيين أنه إذا لم تحصل انتخابات لا مشاكل على الأرض ولا ينشغل بالهم
FPM leader MP Michel Aoun after Change and Reform bloc's weekly meeting: Those who do not want to hold the elections are blocking discussions on the parliamentary electoral law.
really? they are demanding holding elections...you and yours are the ones who are threatening to not hold them
The official armed forces are not capable of liberating them.
while we are all pushing hizbushaitan to give up their weapons to the army so it can do its job, aoun is praising hizbushaitan and diminishing the army.
nice way of supporting the army :)
jajajajajaja ay que bueno. Today's statement is the joke of 2012... because of M14.... I must admit I didn't see this one come.
boycotting murderers, thieves, power usurpators, and sold out traitors to iran is a national must.
keep following your nasrallah and will lead you to a disaster.
do you not see everyone around you hating you more by the day?
you really must be blind to continue following such a traitor.
for your information, I do not wait for anyone or any leader for that matter as I consider all as useless and thieves :)
for your information, I lost personally millions of dollars due to solidere taking my properties and I am not a fan of anyone.
but that does not blind me not to see clearly what a traitor is nasrallah taking orders from iran.
he is pushing the shia community in the region to be considered as an outcast.
as for aoun: well he is an opportunist just doing whatever he can to grab the presidency by any means he can, while his guys are just enriching themselves illegally. by the way can you explain to me why and how kanaan illegally appropriated to himself a parcel of land on the sea side?
again the difference between you and us is that we see clearly what is going on, but you refuse to open your eyes , and one day soon you will realize suddenly that your leaders made you parias within the arab sea.
sweet! it's the tuesday comedy hour. Lets see who else he blames for his incompetence. Hoping for new material for today's jokes.
actually, the last few days it seems EVERYONE wanted to get in on the action---something to do with year-end quotas perhaps...
definately there is not a shortage of that in Lebanon. the easiest fix is education. we need to spend far more money educating all our youths regardless of sects, religion, beleifs or affiliation. unfortunately the people that are benefiting from having uneducated sheep tell them what to think know that. They will do all they can to keep things this way as long as they possibly can.
how can you justify the previous m8 boycotting of the country as a whole and now refuse to accept that others do the same?
There is nothing more falacal than the words that come out of M8's mouths. they have taken this country to the brink of destruction. Their only response is " I didn't do it". what great leadership! if you can't succeed at the simplest of things than just blame someone else. This is the government that he and hizb tz put together after they brought down the previous government. This is their own doing! this is what the wanted! this is their responsibility! all M14 did was give them enough rope to hang themselves. If that is what you want to blame M14 of doing than guilty as charged. It's definately is not M14's fault that M8 is incompetant.
you want M14 to come back to the dialogue table? the solution is simple. Lets start off by not killing them first. I know that is a lot to ask for but you have to start compromising. After all you claim you want a national unity government. Second, lets work on building a state where everyone must abide by the law. that means you have to turn over weapons and murderes and end political cover. How about we put Lebanon's intrest over anyone else's? don't spit in my ear and tell me it's raining. you want a country? then act like it! Your biggest problem is that your B.S. is working less and less on people as the educated population grows. Education is your enemy and you just can't figure out how to stop it.
I can and I will. It's M8 killing/murdering/assasinating M14. In time all will be laid out in history books whether you like it or not. although the biggest shocker is that your response did not blame the murders on the same old scape goat. I guess that got old with you as well.
Aoun: The people should not be concerned if the elections are not held
a taste of things to come???
and here.. ladies and gents.. is the upholder of democracy in Lebanon.
He is calling for a new electoral law in order for elections to be placed, so how is he not upholding democracy?
elections happen.. they chose the 1960 law... if they reach an agreement on a new electoral law ... GREAT!!! it does not mean that if they cannot pass a new law in parliament that they stop the elections... THAT is democracy...
hahaha look who is talking... did you get a floor with you this time?? i need a new one to wipe with you.. i ran out...
and if you bother to read.. i copied and pasted.. do you just get on here to comment and not read the article???
FT is known for his idiotic remarks.. and when shut down reports and disappears.. za7it ..
out of context? he said there will be no elections if they are based on the 1960 law which THEY chose in Doha.... and lost.. pray tell how i took that out of context...
or was it him saying that the people should not be concerned if the elections are not held? democracy at its best.
"arzak is known to crop whatever part of aoun's quotes and display it the way it fits his propaganda"
i will call you what you appear to be.. i was answering gcb1 in a respectful manner until your hateing A__ got on here.. same with mowaten.. it just seems you have 3 brain cells and 2 of them are devoted to name calling.. so get a life or get lost.. loser.
Aoun on flow of Palestinian refugees from Syria to Lebanon: They have become displaced and we are forced to harbor them. Lebanon can no longer support refugees.
then leave...lol
but on a serious note.. what do you want them to do?? get slaughtered by bashar?? human rights beacon you are indeed.
No, we need more international funding as Lebanon's finances is broken and cannot support them. Interpret it correctly.
regardless... lots of poor african countries accept refugees from neighboring war-torn countries... its a humanitarian thing.. why? is anyone asking for lobster?? what is the alternative? leave them to get slaughtered?
ghaltan kteer 7aboob.. the only Palestinians with assad are PFLP-GC... neither Fatah or Hamas are with Assad.. so lets not try and twist the facts...
so very wrong mowaten :) thanks to what bashar did, the Palestinians are now against you too :)
al-akhbar.. hmmm.. nuff said... PFLP-GC is not the mai n faction in any camp.. they are minuscule compared to fatah and hamas.,.. IQ go down by the minute or the second?
keep living in lalaland.
when you will wake up, you will be so amazed to see your world crumbling around you already
well why do you accept your sources and refuse others.. then yes.. end of discussion... and the PFLP-GC is non existent and has close to zero representation of the Palestinian people.
shove something else FT.. something you are used to taking from the top and bottom... like i said.. they are not waiting for your approval.. and i am sure some went to Jordan.. some to Turkey.. not all of them came to Lebanon you imbecile.
Aoun: We thank the U.S. and Europe for their wars and for forcing the Palestinians on Lebanon.
hahaha.. the arabs forced them upon us.. remember your history...
Indeed, it was a European-US decision that exiled over 700,000 refugees in 1948. Remember your history.
no my friend... it was an Arab decision to go to war with Israel... a war they lost and conceded more land... and then it was an Arab decision to grant the Palestinians a free hand in "resisting" Israel from Lebanon... remember your history..
we are talking about 1948.. not 1917.. keep up.. i know its difficult for your three brain cells.. but we will give you extra time to catch up and check in the next day.
the balfour pact gave both communities a homeland (however wrong it is)... 1948 saw the arabs trying to eliminate one... and failing. wheres the link?
And even if the arab speaking people of the middle east had tried to eliminate the zionists, they would be completly justified to do that as nobody would accept to have land divided in half to be given away to foreign immigrants who came from distant cultures as a result of european crimes and were given state of the art training and help in order to have an upper hand over the natives of palestine and the region. I would never accept that lebanon would be divided and given in half to foreigners who came on planes and trains while our ancestors grew the land, so why should anyone else accept it?
Aoun: We thank MP Ahmed Fatfat for facilitating the emergence of Islamists.
you should thank hasoon.. and his decision to make choices for the sunnis
Aoun: The situation in Lebanon will not spiral out of control if the elections are not held.
refer to above...
and you will be the biggest winner if elections are not held.. for you are the one who will lose the most.
Some politicians win, some politicians lose, but it is all Lebanese that lose with the current sectarian political system in place.
ya3ni hala2 it will lose??? so we stop the elections???
and if you are talking about the entire political system (and not the electoral one) it has been in place for ever and a day.. and both sides of the camp are filled with sectarian parties..
Hahahahahahaha ft good one.
The secular islamic resistance and christian representative party as they claim to be.
and last i checked mustaqbal is secular as well.. with many christians forming its ranks... so chill..and put an ice pack on your head.. im sure its starting to hurt.
Aoun: The other camp is preventing the staging of the elections. We urge Speaker Berri to call on the joint parliamentary committees to convene in order for them to address draft laws.
sure sure... how are they preventing them?? by asking for them to be held on time???
and for point 2.. get a quorum and convene ya 7abeebi
hahahah.. if you consider what they did giving the expats a vote you are more demented than everyone thought.. and your brain cell count is down to 2.. w shoo khass toz bi mar7aba.. we are discussing the holding of the elections.. for if they are not held everything "good" that m8 did for the expats will be for naught yes? now take a deep breath,
aoun: What kind of democratic system accepts the closure of parliament? The minority is practicing dictatorship. hahahahahhahaha every tuesday we have the best quote and today it is this one! One question that should be addressed to his best mate.... berri
Aoun: No one should be led to believe that they can cripple the country and the authority of the state.
nobody needs to do anything.. youre doing a swell job all by yourselves
because you pushed them aside.. you thought you could rule without them.. so they are doing exactly what you wanted.. staying at home.
yes.. the coup you pulled off... at least they were man enough to say ok.. you pulled it off.. now you rule.. not like you guys who whined like little girls every election you lost to have the obstructing third.. and now your hasoon comes and says whoever wins rules.. thats what m14 has been saying since the beginning..and THATS why you dont want election in 2013... you WILL lose. everything you have been doing is to postpone or not hold them..
think of this when you call a "coup" what was perfectly constitutional and done through a change of parliamentary majority.
never knew black shirts were mentioned in the constitution... and funny how you asked the president to postpone the consultations so you can change walids mind with the black shirts...since he was still going to vote for hariri before that..
hahah.. eh hala2 it never happened.. even HA said it was an uncoordinated move... now it never happened.. tayeb.. w ne7na min haneek.
Aoun: We proposed a defense strategy for Lebanon while they demanded that Hizbullah disarm. Is the disarmament part of the strategy? How should we defend Lebanon if Israel is occupying some of its land.
ummm the army??? and HA is not defending Lebanon anymore... but twisting the will of people
agree with geha.. join the army as an elite gorilla unit.. whats the difference? or does it have to be called HA to get divine victories?
so like i said.. there will always be an excuse for HA to hang on to their weapons..well people dont have to put up with it... and HA has not done any resisting since 2006...so???
the DEFENSE STRATEGY.. according to HA...HAS to include the resistance.. so whats to talk about and set?
Aoun: We should trust Hizbullah and its arms to liberate this land. The official armed forces are not capable of liberating them.
yes everyone.. just close your eyes and trust HA.. come on.. get with the program.. why isnt this brain washing working yet?
the joke of the day right here. Let's go ahead and put our safety in the hands of the people assasinating us. what could possibly be safer than that?
I honestly wonder what the conversation is like when he and his team are putting this material together. team: do you think people are that stupid to fall for that? auon: they so far, why stop now?
exactly lebanon... why should we trust HA??? and that is such a police state thing to say as well.. yalla everyone.. shut up and trust the gestapo...
thanks mowaten.. talking to you all this time .. i may have stooped to your level... but your IQ doesnt make anything.. let alone anyone jealous..
Aoun: We will not be held accountable for the failure to hold the elections.
ghass bin 3an ra2bitkon you will.. and if you decide to not hold them.. prepare for the worst you wannabe dictators.
refer to above and all my knocks of you... elections can be held if the current govt decides to hold them... end of discussion... no need to go into side streets if you are trying to get from a-b.. but you can explain it any way you want to keep taking it from aoun..
Aoun: We should trust Hizbullah and its arms to liberate this land. The official armed forces are not capable of liberating them.
- once bashar falls, syria will prove to the UN that sheeba is syrian or Lebanese by presenting the offical document. the subject will be closed
inchallah phalangistes... but then they will find another piece of land that they need to liberate... and if not.. they will say till Israel is purged from the middle east.
sorry .. yes ... Jerusalem... but wait if they get to Jerusalem .. they would want to kick them out of the negev desert...and if they move to London.. they might want to liberate that as well..lol
syria verbally said it is lebanese.. and did not provide the necessary documents to the u.n. but they will.. (not assad)
Aoun: What kind of democratic system accepts the closure of parliament? The minority is practicing dictatorship.
lek lek.. bisharafakon look whos talking... ya maskeen into.. when you do it .. its ok.. when others do it.. they are dictators... hahaha
Aoun: What is left of democratic life is the parliament is obstructed?
yes.. thats what an opposition can do in any democratic country.
wlak ya ras ya kbeer inta...
the antediluvian electoral law: set by m8 in Doha
arming mercs.. they are lebanese and while in lebanon cannot be classified as mercs.. and as far as i am concerned as long as one party has weapons.. the others are entitled to as well.
boycotting parliament: we learn from the best... and we didnt whine nearly as much as when you did it.
ma2ilak khas where they go.. they do not want to go to the parliament.. and said they are boycotting until the fall of this govt.
Arming the opposition of another country: active fighting by HA in another country.
check check check check check your facts...
Aoun: What kind of democratic system accepts the closure of parliament? The minority is practicing dictatorship.
Ask Berri He should be extremely informed on the topic.
Aoun 2002: "Hezbollah has prolonged the time of occupation, there was a proposal from Israel in 1994... The Shebaa Farms is a big lie; I am fully responsible for what I am saying. We can't adjust the map in accordance to our mood. Shebaa Farms are not Lebanese."
Aoun 2012, after selling himself to Hezbollah like a $20 whore: "How should we defend Lebanon if Israel is occupying some of its land. We should trust Hizbullah and its arms to liberate this land. The official armed forces are not capable of liberating them."
Aoun should check with Faneish/Hizb to see if his medication was part of the smuggled expired ones...
ya3ne the guy is really loosing it! enno i am bluffed. i have being trying to understand the logic in his speeches during the last 5 years, but since his 3rd or 4th tuesday the logic faded away. How old is he? can he still think properly, does his brain still function properly? (specially that he is not someone who used it intensively during his life, if ever used). weird, he will still always amaze me each and every tuesday
Aoun will alwyas have his hardcore fans such Flamer regardless of what he says. Whether it is logical or not. However, he lost a significant amount of supporters he got early on with his B.S. about curbing corruption. His son in law is the biggest corrupt crook in Lebanon. He is well aware of his shrinking fan base and realizes that his only salvation will be to have districts that would get him elected based on his core fans and hizb tz votes. He is going to lose big on the next elections. He political end is just around the corner.
wloo ya General. 1- only reason you do not want 1960 law because you will lose in both Keserwan and Maten 2-you lost your popularity because you sold yourself to devil, i used to like you, i represented you in university elections when Syrians were locking me and my friends in jail, you changed we did not 3-stop backing a terrorist organization, the hell with Chebaa and other BS excuses, if you think that Iran donated 80,000 rockets for Hizib and paying them salaries only to liberate Chebaa you are delusional not to say fooling your followers 4-If you will postpone elections you will become that small dictator you are talking about 5-last but not least Mon general please explain to me in your proposed law where Shi3a elect Christians in ( Jbeil + Kessrwen) and ( Meten + B3abda) please explain to me how this is good for Christians? again not your fault but fault of sheep's who follow you without asking one question about your sanity
what a sour loser? pitching irregularities in 1960 law, wow took you 4 years to discover them? Did Maitre Rached Salameh enlighten you on these irregularities while he was suing March 14 in behalf of your hero bachar? What a tragic ending for the General, being surrounded by Hizi Allah, Jamil Sayed, Bachar el Assad, and Ahmadi Najad....these carry with them Christian habits right? you are so full of s..it that I cannot believe you still have followers...amazing...you asking me to trust weapons of a terrorist organization who is funded by a terrorist isolated nation to defend me, same guys indicted by world justice for political assassinations? Mon general you should please stop getting the free xanax pills that Fneish is providing you, they might be not as effective...
what a sour loser? pitching irregularities in 1960 law, wow took you 4 years to discover them? Did Maitre Rached Salameh enlighten you on these irregularities while he was suing March 14 in behalf of your hero bachar? What a tragic ending for the General, being surrounded by Hizi Allah, Jamil Sayed, Bachar el Assad, and Ahmadi Najad....these carry with them Christian habits right? you are so full of s..it that I cannot believe you still have followers...amazing...you asking me to trust weapons of a terrorist organization who is funded by a terrorist isolated nation to defend me, same guys indicted by world justice for political assassinations? Mon general you should please stop getting the free xanax pills that Fneish is providing you, they might be not as effective...
I find that statement cowardly coming from an ex-general.No self respecting general would ever say that. but then again "cowedly" is his middle name.
Did anyone notice that whenever the genocidal general opens his filthy mouth, his dogs come to naharnet to bark?
Riddle: Woof, woof, woof - woof woof woof, woof.
Meaning? well, it's Aoun's language... we should ask FT or Movaten for a translation... ^^.
This is the most hypocritical, corrupt, dishonest midget this country has ever seen on every lever.
Aoun is no Christian just like Saddam, Bashar or Gaddhafi are no Moslems. The clothes don't make the nun.
Leik Micho habibeh why do you keep lying to people
Why in 2009 did you claim that the 60s law returned the rights to the Christians and now you say it's the worst electoral law ever?
Why did your 11 ministers vote for the 13 districts electoral law AKA Shiites elect everybody law?
Why when both the LF and Kataeb said they will vote for the Orthodox electoral law if it was submitted for vote in parliament didn't you put pressure on Berri to open Parliament and schedule a vote on that law.
I know why you lie to your sheeple the idiots'll believe anything your forked tongue speaks but why do you keep lying to the Lebanese people? Are you too dumb to understand we don't believe you anymore?
at the end of the day m8 were the advocates for the 1960 law... and as i said earlier.. if they reach to an agreement GREAT!!! if not that does not mean they do not hold elections... remember that in Doha and after may 7 m14 couldnt be adamant about much.. selective memory indeed.. follow what you preach.. and stop you bs...
The circus called, and they want their favorite clown back. I guess the 1960 law was perfectly good when were dragged kicking and screaming under the threat of violence and rampant assassinations to the DOHA Accord. But now that the numbers are not adding up in their favor, they're threatening us with resuming the terror campaign...
How much longer are you going to live you senile backstabber? t7amallnek ktir, we'll wait a little bit longer for your maker to recall you and your followers to wake from your mind control after you pass.