وزير الداخلية السوري في بيروت لتلقي العلاج بعد إصابته بانفجار
Read this story in Englishيتلقى وزير الداخلية السوري محمد الشعار العلاج في بيروت بعد إصابته بانفجار الأسبوع الفائت في دمشق.
ووصل الشعار قرابة الساعة 7,30 مساء اليوم الى مطار رفيق الحريري الدولي، وانتقل منه الى مستشفى الجامعة الاميركية في بيروت.
بدورها أشارت قناة "المستقبل" إلى أن "الشعار يحتاج إلى كميات كبيرة جدا من الدم".
وتوضح مساء أن وضع الشعار "دقيق" بحسب قناة الـ"MTV".
وأوردت بدورها قناة الـ"OTV" خبرا مفاده أن وزير الداخلية السوري "يخضع لعملية جراحية دقيقة وهو مصاب بحروق بليغة".
وقرابة الساعة الثامنة أدخل الشعار إلى قسم الطوارئ.
ووصلت عناصر من الأمن العام إلى مدخل مستشفى الجامعة ومنعت وسائل الإعلام من الدخول بحسب الـ"MTV".
وشهدت دمشق ومحيطها الاربعاء الفائت تفجيرات عدة استهدف ثلاثة منها وزارة الداخلية حيث سقط تسعة قتلى هم نائب وثمانية عسكريين، بحسب المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان، فيما اصيب الشعار بجروح، بحسب ما ذكر مصدر امني سوري.
ورجح المصدر ان يكون الاعتداء حصل نتيجة "خيانة" داخل اجهزة حماية الوزارة. وقال "من المستحيل لسيارة ان تقترب من مدخل الوزارة اذا لم تكن سيارة رسمية".
وتبنت جبهة النصرة الاسلامية المتطرفة على حسابها على موقع تويتر الالكتروني الخميس الهجوم على وزارة الداخلية.
وليست المرة الأولى التي يتواجد فيها الشعار أثناء وقوع انفجار إذ كان في اجتماع خلية الأزمة في مبنى الامن القومي في دمشق حين قتل وزير الدفاع السوري داوود عبدالله راجحة وصهر الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد ونائب وزير الدفاع آصف شوكت، و رئيس خلية الازمة في سوريا حسن توركماني، وذلك في الثامن عشر من شهر تموز الفائت.
He could live a normal life with the tri-therapy.... Infecting him with the Ebola virus would be much more efficient.
the filthy zionist scum trash and filth is getting more sick every day.
at least they move borders in something.
These regimes are a disaster...they've been in power for decades but they do not even have ONE decent hospital that they can go to in Syria that they need to send them to Lebanon...I mean, ONE hospital, couldn't you get at least THAT right??
don t they have hospitals in damascus? or isn t damascus a secure haven anymore ? lol
don t they have hospitals in damascus? or isn t damascus a secure haven anymore ? lol
Yes they are a disaster but just remember that without the christians, lebanon would be too. Every good hospital we have is a christian hospital. So be grateful for that and give thanks where it belongs.
off topic, irrelevant and downright nasty statement, AUB hospital is "Christian"? what about all the Muslim doctors that work in all these hospitals? What makes something successful is not what religion they're from but how sincere and honest they are and thankfully there are sincere and honest people in all religions. Stop the hate.
that is a down right shameful thing to say.. and thats coming from a christian... there are plenty of muslim doctors in AUBH who are as good if not better than their christian counterparts... disgusting robert...
no no.. Syria had the best health systems.. the best educational systems.. and the best social security and pensions in the MENA region.. not to mention the second highest employment rate... what the people are revolting about i have no idea.. so due to the above.. this is all a US/Zionist conspiracy..lol
Peace I was thinking that. Why does Chavez go to Cuba, Maher went to Russia, abnd why does this criminal go to Lebanon. That incident was last week. Aoun says the problem in Syria will be over on Tuesday 10 months ago. He should get treated in Syria.
Seems like the criminal axis killer don't put money in hospitals. Or maybe he needed to come to Lebanon.....so he can escape elsewhere later.
"Syrian interior minister admitted to Beirut hospital... his extended family admitted to Damascus 24/7 "Moukhabarat guest house" in case he defects"
anyone else find it Ironic that he is at "American" University of Beirut Medical Center?
the most retarded zionist scum trash and filth now moved borders of idiotism again, claiming that assad regime will ask his genocidal entity for help.
the best end for him, would be to DIE in Lebanon, The Land where HE killed our true Patriotic politicians! you MF rot in hell
ha! habibi I assure I only have one account. on a serious note, all your comments are from a person who is in desperate need of attention. You should probably find a better hobby where you can make friends or maybe even a girlfriend. Trust me, it's a much better way to pass the time.
Is he considered a refugee from Syrian violence? If so send him to a tent in the Bekaa and let him have the amount of aid the Hezz are allowing other refugees.
Weird !!! we have not seen any comments from FT /Mouwateh and Karim !!!! are they at his bedside ????
I notice that M8 hasn't got the green light from their FPM politi bureau to comment this event... they're just paid propagandists.
the filthy zionist scum is worried about who let one syrian in lebanon and who's paying medical bills.
why don't you worry about 40% of your people planning to leave your genocidal entity?