فيديو يظهر سيطرة الجيش السوري الحر على أول نقطة عسكرية قرب الحدود اللبنانية
Read this story in Englishتمكن الجيش السوري الحر المنشق من السيطرة على حاجز رنكوس العسكري وهو الأول الذي يسيطر عليه قرب الحدود اللبنانية.
ويربط حاجز رنكوس العسكري سوريا ببلدة الطفيل اللبنانية التي تقع داخل الأراضي السورية، ولا يربطها أي طريق رسمي بلبنان سوى الذي يمر بهذا الحاجز.
وقد بث لواء القادسية فيديو يظهر أفرادا من الجيش الحر في المركز الحدودي الذي يقع في رنكوس غرب العاصمة دمشق.
وكان الجيش الحر أعلن قبل ذلك أنه سيطر على حواجز عسكرية في مدينة دير الزور شرق البلاد.
ويظهر الشريط مقاتلون معارضون يحتفلون في السيطرة على الموقع.
وبدت سيارة عسكرية وجيب وأرض قاحلة فيما كان مقاتلون قلائل يشتمون الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد.
Small victory after small victory, then tipping point, then assad will be out. The syrian street is a tsunami that even mighty assad cannot overpower. And each rebel the chabbiha shoot or torture creates 100 foes to Assad.- Snowball effect.
The last representative of stalin on earth AKA Bachar Assad will soon be gone. And we will end up with a bunch of disgruntled islamists fighting liberals on which vision of syria will prevail... These will be called the post assad years...
This boogey man rhetoric is getting old. Even if the extremist elements grow large enough to take control, you think it will happen?
Youre the one who says, this is all controlled by america. You think they want to replace assad by an unstable and hostile regime that could be unoredictable and jeopardize israel?
Grow up already
rudy : contradictions don t scare them, they are not afraid of being ridiculous as long as it fits their propaganda.....
as if the assad regime was ever a threat to israel..
second, had they not wanted assad to stay, they would have taken a libya style approach. they kept support for the regime until it was obvious its fall was a matter of time.
third, to follow up on what i was saying in response to FT, even when assad is gone, it is unlikely the war will stop now. the opposition is only united by a hate for assad. when he goes, they will fight among themselves. thats not so hard to predict right now
MOOOwaten anyone the Syrians will vote in will NOT support hizbocrap since they supported ASSad to the teeth, I am sure they will support Hamas since they stood with the revolution.
Indeed Syria and by "contagion" Lebanon will go through a difficult post Assad phase.
Syria, because it is difficult to replace a bloody dictatorship by democracy especially that the islamists are currently growing in number and strength. Lebanon due to the stupidity of the Lebanese who are divided as ever and will take sides rather than unite.
@mowaten: 60% of the country is in rebel control, in the last couple of days most of the province of Hama fell to the rebels (outside of the city), the Yarmouk camp in Damascus is under rebel control. Every day Assad's controlled area gets tinier.
The FSA is supposed to show a video soon showing the Hezz they were fighting. I can't wait to see it.
Yes, the Syrian people are another step closer to be ruled by conservatism Islamic rule!
well, we had the assad army in that outpost and lebanese was receiving daily rockets, fire and shells from the syrian side.
so you are accusing the free syrian army of what the regime army was doing.
boogey boogey boo.. the ba3 ba3 is coming for you if you dont agree with us. thats what your arguments boil down to
With nearly all the world recognising the FSA as the legitimate government of Syria, why do you all keep refering to them a rebels?
With such border crossings that look more like some patch of land on a distant planet, I am not surprised that the warriors of Syria (and this reminds me of their warrior bros and brosettes of March 14 and Lebanon First Some Twenty-Two Damn Years Late) took such a... well... umm... duh... long time to take control of it? Again, this reminds me of how long it took March 14 warriors and their bros and bosettes of Lebanon First Some Twenty-Two Damn Years Late to realize that the best time to fight the Assad regime was after leaving Lebanon not before while they were two b..ts in the same "sh..tyen!" What a ruse plot! God bless such warriors!!! Bests.
And is the syrian regime a 'threat to israel' lol ? Wala da7aktni. The syrian regime is loved by the west precisely because it is not a threat to,israel and has kept the borders safe for record 40 years. Now this Threat to israel is firing scuds...not against the golan heights astagferulah but against its true enemy: the syrian people, and the sunis to be more precises. Similarly, hizbustan who has defacto became another gaurd for israel's border will soon unleash its arsenal against the sunis of lebanon