إسرائيل تطالب الأمم المتحدة بإدراج "حزب الله" على لائحة الإرهاب: تسلح الحزب يخرق القرار 1701

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أشار المندوب الاسرائيلي لدى الامم المتحدة رون بروسور في رسالة وجهها الى مجلس الامن، الى أن "حزب الله يمتلك الآن ترسانة قوامها عشرات الآلاف من الصواريخ بامكانها ضرب اسرائيل"، مطالباً " ادراج حزب الله ضمن قوائم المنظمات الارهابية في كل زوايا الارض".

وشدد بروسور في رسالته على أن "تسلح حزب الله هذا يعتبر خرقا للحظر الذي فرضه المجلس بموجب قراره المرقم 1701.

وأردف أن "الانفجار الذي وقع في بلدة طير حرف بجنوب لبنان يوم الاثنين وقع في مستودع للاسلحة تابع لحزب الله"، معتبراً أن "هذا الانفجار تذكار جديد للعالم عن المخاطر الماثلة امامنا في لبنان."

وناشد " مجلس الامن وكل الاعضاء المسؤولين في المجتمع الدولي ارسال اشارة واضحة تقول إن تسلح حزب الله امر غير مقبول، على ان تصاحب هذه الاشارة خطوات ملموسة على الارض."

واضاف "كخطوة اولى، يجب ادراج حزب الله ضمن قوائم المنظمات الارهابية في كل زوايا الارض بما في ذلك الاتحاد الاوروبي."

ولفت بروسور الى أن "حزب الله، قام بانتهاك صريح لقرار مجلس الامن المرقم 1701، بتوسيع ترسانته من الصواريخ الى مستويات غير مسبوقة، إذ تحتوي هذه الترسانة الآن على 50 الف صاروخا وهو عدد اكبر من الصواريخ التي تتوفر لكثير من الدول الاعضاء في حلف شمال الاطلسي. وبامكان هذه الصواريخ الوصول الى اسرائيل وابعد من ذلك."

وكان مصدر امني لبناني قد قال إن انفجار الاثنين التي المح اليه بروسور سببه صاروخ اسرائيلي اطلق في حرب 2006 ولكنه لم ينفجر.

التعليقات 30
Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 09:57 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

these missiles are for the israely illegal settelments , think israel has more than 50 000 illegal built homes so the missiles should be double the nb of illegal houses , hizb has a long way to go he needs thousand more

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 10:07 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

israel apply all UN resolutions that are issued against you , before giving lessons

Missing phillipo 12:20 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

Wrong again, Israel is just trying to make sure that the other side, Lebanon, implements UN Resolution 1701. Everyone complains when Israel does not implement UN resolutions, but when the show is on the other foot, Israel is still to blame, what a joke.

Missing phillipo 12:21 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

Sorry should be shoe not show.

Missing canadianadam 18:54 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

I can't stand Mowaten and the other pro Hezbollah morons here, but Phillipo, take your narrow British views, shove them somewhere, and read a book that looks a little bit broader than British colonial history. Seriously, atleast some if the other commentators show some element of critical thinking, even FT does. Stop towing that narrow Zionist line man - it's getting old.

Thumb zahhet 01:30 ,2012 كانون الأول 22

fillo, Zahhet ente w 3israel :)

Missing greatpierro 16:21 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

Phillipo you cannot be more right. To start with the Arabs did not comply with UN resolution 181 in 1947. et on connait la suite....

Default-user-icon A Quiet Observer (ضيف) 12:21 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

The IDF is setting the ground for a devastating assault on Lebanon which will sent it back to the stone age... All because Ali Baba Nasarallah and his Mullahs in Iran got big egos which will be deflated sooner or later... There will be a cost to Israel but Lebanon will be wiped of no fault of the majority of Lebanese...

Missing peace 14:58 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

LOL so for you hezbo lovers hezbollah represent the state! no wonder...
you are just placing your stupid faith in a party rather than encouraging the building of a state! hezballah just weakens it , that s all they do!
but yes you know better! letting a party at the orders of iran and pledging allegiance to it will definetely build a lebanese state! lol you are a big farce...

Missing peace 15:01 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

plus all the M8 leaders who also participated in the previous gvts in the syrian era and filled their bank accounts too... please be objective for once!

Missing peace 15:34 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

the state cannot take that role because of hezbollah and the blackmail they exert on it, are you thick or what? lol
nothing is possible without their consent.... so they are just an outlaw gang and nothing to do with resistance....

Missing peace 18:24 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

waw what a stupid argument once more from fab mowaten!!! we are living in 2012, and not in 1975!!! i m talking about the present situation but you M8ers prefer to resort to the past when out of arguments, so convenient... LOL LOL LOL!!!

Missing peace 19:11 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

hahaha... poor mowaten... still in denial that hezbollah controls the gvt and do all they can to keep lebanon weak to justify its very existence...
why should iran supply the army when hezbollah can do that? LOL! you claim hezbis are lebanese so they should give their arsenal to the army instead of making the gvt spend billions in arms from iran! they should obey the national army not the contrary...

pityful mowaten....

Default-user-icon The Watcher (ضيف) 05:48 ,2012 كانون الأول 22

You and your moukawama are the sankes that should be kept in the pit...

Default-user-icon disgusted (ضيف) 05:54 ,2012 كانون الأول 22

You were born in the stone ages and will remain in it... The stone age that is your world and which you dwell in and refuse to leave and join the 21st century and human civilization... peopel like you are a poor excuse for human beings...

Missing greatpierro 16:39 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

Mowaten why do we need HA to fight the Zionist aggressor if this Zionist aggressor is not aggressing Lebanon. Israel is not aggressing Jordan, Egypt, or Syria. Israel attacked LEbanon because Lebanon allowed the OLP operate in south Lebanon against Israel. Since Israel withdrew from Lebanon, Hizbullah continued its belligerent action threatening Israel which is why we had 2006 war. Now the only way HA can exist and justify its weapons is through the Isreali aggression myth. My fellow M14 sympathizers and myself strongly believe that HA agenda is to strengthen the Iran, Syrian, Chiite axis in Lebanon thus weakening the existence of the plurial Lebanese state. We would be very happy to make peace with Israel and look into building peace and prosperity in this country rather than seeking to defeat Israel.

Missing greatpierro 16:51 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

Mowaten what is weakening the state? Syria systematic agression on Lebanon, its killing of its top people, its non recognition of its border, the presence of pro syrian armed militias : fplp, alawites in jabal mohsen, fath al islam then, and last but not least HA. Why do you think the army cannot order weapons out of Tripoli Only because Syria and its proxy do not allow for such a move. Why do palestinians outside the camps have weapons. Same reason.

Missing peace 12:23 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

yes and hezbis supporters find it totally normal that a political party endangers the whole nation... what a patriotism they have... selfishness and at the orders of iran. they don t give a sh... about lebanon!

Missing peace 18:25 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

but strangely you supported the blocking of downtown and the parliament by M8 mastoul! so stop your lies...

Default-user-icon Disgusted (ضيف) 05:59 ,2012 كانون الأول 22

... And occupying Downtown, that goat herder locking out the Lebanese MPs from the parliament is now forgotten you hypocrite... that did not paralyze the country you imbecile I guess...

Missing greatpierro 17:13 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

while the M14 move is constitutional, the M8 closure of the parliament was not. Not only this, but the closure of the city center, was responsible of an economic disaster for all the business present there. Comme on dirait c'est un juste retour de baton. Morally I find it difficult for M8 to complain while they did worse.
Now I agree with you that it is not the way to move thing ahead.

But one needs to understand M14 that has been suffering the killing of its leaders which if you look at is an enormous thing. There is no where in the world that such a thing is happening where a political force representing a significant part of the country that is suffering such killings. And there are more than enough proofs showing that those kilings are ordered by Syria and facilitated by HA and co.

Missing greatpierro 17:13 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

Do you except that M14 sit on the table as if nothing has happened or should they request that a minimum of justice be done. To start with HA should turn the 4 guy accused by the STL, the killer of Samer Hanna, the suspect in the attack against Boutros Harb. M8 should accept that security forces play a bigger role and have access to data to be able to protect better the lebanese and the threatened politicians.
If you really love your country you cannot accept that your opponent politicians have to
live in hiding or in exile.

Thumb shab 13:17 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

Anything to get of the enemy within, the filthy inbreed militia

Default-user-icon Wokando Laparcha (ضيف) 14:09 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

When Israel urges the UN to act, you know that my compatriots of March 14 and Lebanon First Some Twenty-Two Damn Years Late are out of good options, and this is always a good thing. I am not so sure how this translates for the Israelis, though. I don't think March 14 and Lebanon Blah, Blah, Blah really care anyway. Right?

Thumb AngryLeb 14:20 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

The Jewish States never respected any resolution anywhere pretending it ,s defending it interest, So why should we worry about them and who support them? we tried America in Lebanon? what have we got so far ? Nothing, no,, sorry we got couple of blanket along with 3 remote control planes along with couple of Old Hammer used in Iraq, and I also forgot the factory defected Dodge charge given to Lebanon, My opinion is that we should many turn to Europe and Asia more then expecting anything from the American anymore.

Thumb lebanon_first 16:25 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

Why doenst HA give these weapons to Hamas to fight israel, and keep lebanon out of this?

Default-user-icon The poet (ضيف) 22:18 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

Al saud are the deadly enemies for the Shia. I don't understand why Iran and hizb wants to fight Israel! Israel does not occupy Shia land

Missing peace 22:40 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

well said

Missing lebanonrules 22:47 ,2012 كانون الأول 21

Well said kiserwanimoughadram.I like the bit ( light the fuse and close your ears) your forget to add run for cover,at the end of the day the Jews are a cancer to Lebanon and the Middle East.

Default-user-icon Hammer Head (ضيف) 03:25 ,2012 كانون الأول 22

Every time HA are in trouble, Israel come to its aid.
Think about it.