الإمارات دعت مواطنيها إلى عدم السفر إلى لبنان إلا للضرورة القصوى

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دعت الإمارات مجددا مواطنيها إلى عدم السفر للبنان في الوقت الحاضر إلا للضرورة القصوى.

ونقلت وكالة "وام" الرسمية الإماراتية عن وكيل وزارة الخارجية الشيخ عبدالله بن محمد بن بطي آل حامد "حرص وزارة الخارجية على رعاية وسلامة مواطني الدولة في الخارج".

وأوضح وكيل وزارة الخارجية أن "التأكيد بعدم السفر للبنان يأتي مع اقتراب إجازة رأس السنة الميلادية ونتيجة للظروف السياسية الصعبة والحساسة المحيطة بلبنان الشقيق".

وطالب المواطنين "بضرورة الإلتزام التام بهذا القرار إلى حين صدور إشعار آخر من وزارة الخارجية وأخذ الحيطة والحذر في حال سفرهم لخارج الدولة".

في 15 آب الماضي طلبت الامارات من مواطنيها عدم السفر الى لبنان ومن المتواجدين منهم في هذا البلد المغادرة فورا، وذلك بعد تلقي سفارتها في بيروت معلومات عن استهداف مواطنيها.

وأتى هذا التحذير بعد تهديد آل المقداد بخطف خليجيين على أرض لبنان ردا على عدم تدخل الدول العربية بالإفراج عن اللبنانيين المخطوفين في سوريا.

وكانت الامارات دعت مواطنيها أيضا في 12 أيار الى عدم السفر الى لبنان وطلبت من المتواجدين في هذا البلد مغادرته.

واتخذت قطر والبحرين والكويت تدبيرا مماثلا وذلك مع تعاظم المخاوف من تأثيرات الازمة السورية على الداخل

التعليقات 9
Missing samiam 22:22 ,2012 كانون الأول 22

these are HA's allies--I guess they have to get the uneducated types who still live in the stone age to be their allies because the ones with a little bit of education will shun them.

Thumb lebanon_first 22:52 ,2012 كانون الأول 22

I dont understand. You already said you didnt want people to come to lebanon in august. What is new today?
We know that you are upset that the political foe(mikati) of the grandson of King abdallah (saad) is in power and are using your leverage and teh gcc leverage to make things difficult for him.

Missing peace 01:50 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

so what? don t M8ers refuse saudi, emiratis and co because they are all wahabbis, to come to lebanon? so if the touristic season is nil they won t have to complain! if hotels close, people unemployed as it has just begun because of lack of tourists then again M8 wants that! no wahhabis, no?

so funny......

Default-user-icon Saeed (ضيف) 09:52 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

Sorry to say latizna ma yejou, yrou7ou yet3atou el cocaine in Marbella, London, Las Vegas, Philipine, and Malaysia playing around with Moroccan bitches like usually, smoking Dokha with hash “ this is there men” only GOD nows what there women do ??? If they are judging us from our politics decisions in the region, let us judge them from their decisions and Behaves .

Thumb lebanon_first 11:30 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

100%. we have to build an economy that is not dependant on every whim of those bedouins. They want to control our political decisions these m...kers (not that I like M8). We have a large diaspora, we have interesting touristic sites for cultured people such as westerners, we are commercial oriented, have excellent food, beautiful sceneries, great nitelife, and are becoming an oil nation. Let them go to hell, Lebanon will prevail with them or without them.

Missing ya_kord 19:46 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

maybe you should study economics before making such an assumption like that... a stable Lebanon will help any economy around it grow and threaten it! the market will grow and people from the uae will be able to "invest" money in Lebanon and make profit!! they lost so much in investments in 2006, 2008, and this summer. do u really think anyone other than the gulf states are investing heavily in Lebanon??

Missing ya_kord 19:47 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

not* threaten it

Thumb lebanon_first 23:14 ,2012 كانون الأول 23

The travel warnings from the US have been in place for a very long time, ever since HA bomb on the marines in the 80s. I was talking about Europe, whose visitors did not drop significantly (you can take a google course for dummies if u dont know how to do research), and mostly about diaspora lebanese. If you live in lebanon, and are old enough to drive, you should know that you can barely move by car these days. And that is just with the diaspora. If arabs come, it would be even worse. If arabs dont want to come F..k them. We will get by.

Missing abraham 00:01 ,2012 كانون الأول 24

Everyone should thank UAE, QATAR AND S.ARABIA for devising,financing and destroying the economies of Lebanon, Syria,Egypt and Lybia.
Arab friends like them who needs enemies