عودة: لبنان لن يستعيد السمعة الطيبة الا بابنائه الشرفاء

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شدد متروبوليت بيروت وتوابعها للروم الارثوذكس المطران الياس عودة، على ان لبنان "لن يستعيد السمعة الطيبة الا بابنائه الشرفاء".

ولفت عودة في عظته في قداس رأس السنة الى انه "لا نريد ان نكون مجتمعا ذكوريا فعلى الدولة التي تنظر الى كفاءة الانسان وليس الى الى دينه الى انتمائه".

واكد ان "البشر متساوين امام الله لو اختلفت اوضاعهم الاجتماعية والثقافية وهم متساوون بالواجبات ايضاً وواجب الدولة ان تحمي حرية ابنائها وان تعاملهم بالعدل والمساواة".

واشار الى انه "طالما ننتمي الى وطن واحد يجب ان تجمعنا حياة واحدة على ارض واحدة".

وتمنى عودة في عظته ان "تكون هذه السنة مثمرة باعمالنا البناءة".

التعليقات 12
Thumb andre.jabbour 16:22 ,2013 كانون الثاني 01

Beautiful speech, we need more men like him. Cardinal al Rahi is inferior to him in many ways.

Thumb geha 17:57 ,2013 كانون الثاني 01


Missing fares_mansour 03:19 ,2013 كانون الثاني 02

And you judge that based on political stances instead of spiritual stances.

Missing helicopter 08:55 ,2013 كانون الثاني 02

I judge it based on nationalist and patriotic stances.

Thumb chrisrushlau 19:14 ,2013 كانون الثاني 01

He's calling for the end of confessionalism in politics (Taef Accord, etc.); or is he just mumbling?

Missing helicopter 20:16 ,2013 كانون الثاني 01

Why don't you start ending confessionalism in your mind first. There is nothing in your comments (I think I readd most of them) to indicate that you are secular minded and enlightened person. You are the kind that believes that dictatorship of the majority is better than dictatorship of the minority and that is your ultimate goal.

Thumb andre.jabbour 23:05 ,2013 كانون الثاني 01

Go back to Israel and stay with your philistine friends.... Stay away from lebanese politics please.

Missing fares_mansour 03:16 ,2013 كانون الثاني 02

Andre jabbour, chrisushlau is lebanese and he is entitled to voice his opinion regardless if you agree with him or not. Shias are the single largest religious group in lebanon like it or not and chrisrushlau is calling for shias to get their fair share. What is so wrong with that? you dont get to tell him to go anywhere. You yourself should go away. And lol at your name 2al andre 2al, nothing more pathetic than when an arab (yes including maronites) are called english and french names, it simply doesnt suit you so go to france would you and leave lebanon for the real lebanese. Or simply shut up ya andre hahahahaha what a gay name.

Thumb geha 08:37 ,2013 كانون الثاني 02

you just did exactly what you criticize andre jabbour of :)

Thumb andre.jabbour 13:53 ,2013 كانون الثاني 02

No fares, he's Israeli. Don't you ever read his posts? He lives in Zion.

Missing gabby12 22:33 ,2013 كانون الثاني 01

The finest pries in Lebanon. Part of treating everyone equally is everyone pays their electricity instead of bankrupting the country and making others pay double.

Missing cedars 04:15 ,2013 كانون الثاني 02

God Bless you from a car bomb.