إجتماع لقيادات من قوى "8 آذار" رفض "أي محاولة" لتسويق قانون الستين
Read this story in Englishرفضت قوى 8 آذار أي محاولة لتمرير قانون الستين للإنتخابات النيابية المقبلة وذلك بعد اجتماع ضم وزراء وقيادات من أحزابها.
وأفادت قناة "المنار" مساء الأربعاء أن "اجتماعا عقد لقوى الأكثرية ضم المعاون السياسي للأمين العام لحزب الله الحاج حسين خليل، مسؤول وحدة التنسيق والإرتباط في "حزب الله" وفيق صفا والوزير محمد فنيش، وعن حركة "أمل" الوزير علي حسن خليل واحمد بعلبكي، ووزير الطاقة والمياه جبران باسيل عن "التيار الوطني الحر".
وصرح حسن خليل للقناة عينها أن النقاش "حول قانون الانتخابات واللجنة المصغرة التي ستبحث قانون الانتخاب وسنتوجه اليها بأقصى الانفتاح".
كما أشار الى ان اللقاء بحث "مواضيع اخرى مرتبطة بعمل الحكومة وتعزيز التنسيق بالحكومة ومجلس النواب".
هذا ونقلت "المنار" عن مصادر ان اللقاء كان ايجابيا وشكل استكمالا للاجتماع الاخير بين هذه القوى وتم فيه رفض اي محاولة لتسويق قانون الستين او فرض قوانين مفصلة على قياس بعض القوى".
وبحسب القناة حضر ملف النازحين السوريين الى لبنان في اللقاء واتفق على عقد اجتماعات دورية لبحث التطورات.
يُذكر أن دوائر مجلس النواب أبلغت أعضاء اللجنة الفرعية لبث قانون الإنتخاب موعد انعقادها الثلثاء في 8 كانون الثاني المقبل الساعة العاشرة والنصف.وعلم أن النائب روبير غانم سيترأس اللجنة لغياب نائب رئيس المجلس.
ووافق رؤساء ومقررو اللجان النيابية في 14 آذار، على طرح مبادرة بري المتمحورة حول استضافة أعضاء اللجنة النيابية المشتركة في احد الفنادق القريبة من البرلمان.
"...because we're going to lose again"...welcome to democracy ... hizbocrap style...
They do not pay for the phone same as the electricity since they are the only HEROES that fight the Zionists worldwide.
these are actions of people who are well aware that they don't stand a chance of winning the next election.
The Hezz are desperate.....ASSad is going down, the Hezz are losing a war, they can't take a loss in "bolitics" too. They need to try to change things in their favor to try and hang on.
If thye don't allow elections, Jumblatt should resign at that time in protest of an unfair power grab by the hezz. They took over in a shitty style typical of them by resigning when Hariri came to the US. It is time for them to get the same back. They steal from everyone, enough election lies to steal more.
lol! they wanted the 1960 law last time thinking it would make them win...
now they want to change again the laws hoping to still win... so childish people...
they are ready to postpone it till M8 demands are not met.. they are hijacking democracy that is what it is called....
explain to me why we need a new law every election? they've tried 2 laws already and m8 has lost both times...they just want to keep trying until they tailor a law that will get them to win ya3ne? Fail.
always a pleasure to hear hizbocrap supporters (an exclusively shiite militia) talk against sectarianism. M14 was not in power when the first law was enacted ya zakzak. And if you did not like the second law there's something called BOYCOTT THE ELECTIONS. If you run int he elections it means you accept them and everything about them, if M8 was so opposed to it they should have boycotted the election. Stop the stupidity...
sounds like we are going to need another phonecian spring / cedar revolution in lebanon as march 8 will not give up power.
so let them have an election if they're not scared why are they threatening to cancel it :)
no one answers you because you have no proof, you are just another dippoop spreading stupidity.
They pay for every minute of Cell phone same as the Electricity because they care so much about the institution and state they live in to the extent that it's OK for Israel to kill 2000 citizens and destroy every bridge in the state because we have our brotherly Iranians sending us money to rebuild only the Dahyeh and compensate them with free hospitalization and schools so that they can repeat 2006.
M8 can't be accused of buying votes. The dead people that vote for them don't require money ;)
Is it even constitutionally legal not to hold elections when less the 2/3 of the parliament supports this decision? Or do politicians in Lebanon make up rules as they go along?
Does anyone here actually know the answer to this? without insulting one another?