أبو فاعور يرفض إنشاء لجنة تنسيق تؤدي الى تسليم معارضين للنظام السوري
Read this story in Englishكشف وزير الشؤون الاجتماعية وائل أبو فاعور أن " الحديث عن انشاء لجنة تنسيق مع النظام السوري أثار مخاوف لبنانية"، رافضاً "إنشاء لجنة تؤدي الى تسليم معارضين للنظام السوري".
وأشار أبو فاعور تعليقاً على ما نشر في صحيفة "النهار" السبت للصحيفة عينها في عددها الصادر الأحد الى ان "هناك رفضاً لانشاء لجنة تؤدي الى تسليم معارضين الى النظام السوري"، مردفاً "لسنا في حاجة الى مادة اضافية للتجاذب السياسي. وكل الجدل الذي يحصل لا يمكن أن يقودنا إلا الى استمرار التعاطي الانساني السيادي الرصين في هذا الملف بعيداً من أي فرضية سياسية".
وكشف ان "الحديث عن انشاء لجنة تنسيق مع النظام السوري أثار مخاوف لبنانية، وقد قمت بالاتصال بسليمان ومنصور الذي استوضحته الامر فنفى حصوله".
وفي غضون ذلك، لفت أبو فاعور لـ"النهار" الى ان "هناك امكانات واعدة لمساعدة النازحين السوريين ظهرت طلائعها بالتزام المانيا دفع 20 مليون دولار فيما يستعد الاتحاد الاوروبي لتقديم مساهمة كبرى القسم الاهم منها سيأتي الى لبنان. وأيضاً تستعد كندا للقيام بخطوة مماثلة فيما تتحضر الكويت لعقد مؤتمر للمانحين آخر الشهر الجاري على ان تبادر الكويت فور نيل الحكومة الكويتية الثقة الى ضخ المساعدات".
وأضاف في السياق نفسه أنه "تنتظر الولايات المتحدة الاميركية ابرام اتفاق مع المفوضية العليا للاجئين كي تساهم بدورها في المساعدات"، موضحاً ان "المفوضية العليا للاجئين أوصت بعدم اقامة مخيمات للنازحين والاستعاضة عنها بدفع بدلات ايجار اماكن الايواء أو ترميم الابنية التي يمكن استخدامها لا سيما أبنية المدارس المهجورة".
يُذكر ان الحكومة اقرت الخميس خطة لعلاج العدد الكبير للنازحين من سوريا في ظل اعتراض وزراء "التغيير والإصلاح" الذين طالبوا بإقفال الحدود ومنع استقبال النازحين. كما تم الاتفاق -على "القيام بحملة دبلوماسية على المستويين العربي والدولي تهدف الى حث الدول العربية الشقيقة والدول الصديقة على تقاسم الاعباء على الدولة اللبنانية سواء لجهة التمويل والاعداد لهذا النزوح".
يُشار انه ومنذ بدء الازمة في سوريا في آذار 2011، نزح عدد من السوريين الى البلدان المجاورة، حيث بلغ عددهم في لبنان حوالى الـ170 الف نازح.
In addition, Kuwait is preparing to hold a meeting for donor countries in order to present more aid to the refugees, he said..............
Thanks Kuwait but no thanks, we would rather you take some of the refugees and keep your $$. It is a nice gesture but sharing the responsibility of hosting refugees is even a better gesture.
hahahaha! another member of the gvt criticizing the gvt he is part of!!
no day without a good laugh from this incompetent gvt!!!!
you are both two stupid M8ers but no surprise here in your attempt to defend the undefendable...
any gvt shows unity even if the ministers disagree they whether resign or shut up... but your gvt is making a laugh of itself, not a single day when a minister is not criticizing the gvt he is part of!!! and you call that efficiency? LOL!! bright image they give of unity!!
they call lebanese to unite and they are totally unable to set the example!!!!
and that is an example you are proud of it seems!
it seems your brains are bugging...keep on giving me a good sunday laugh!
thank you Abu Faour, and guys, we are going to welcome our Syrian brothers and sisters no matter how much you oppose.
Do u live in Lebanon? I mean no offense, just asking if you've seen what's happening here.
Do u think Lebanon can support an extra 200,000 ppl?... N it's just beginning. if the war reaches Damascus can u imagine how many ppl will cross over? We have to b ready now! Can Beirut house another million ppl by the end of this?
I'm sorry to be unpoliticaly correct, but all these beggers need to go! Wtf they've taken over hamra! If u can afford a house and u want to come to Beirut, Ahla w sahlan, bas gher hek man we need to set up camp as close to the border as possible!!! Like turkey.
Sidon: do you feel safe walking in da7ye at night? why do taxi drivers nto go to da7ye after 9PM? It has nothing to do with Syrian refugees...
But that's the point, the rest of Beirut is turning into da7yi!! The Shia area of Beirut is a Lebanese issue... An extra 200.000+ ppl from Syria is not what we need now! Are u willing to accept that many Persians coming here?!
Turkey has enough money to finance a war, they can help the refugees. Did u hear they closed their border??? Where's the outrage there? This is getting ridiculous, we are a tourist peace loving nation. We don't need this now!
Let me ask you FT, what have the Syrian refugees cost you? Absolutely nothing because the government has NOT been helping, it has been the sympathetic people and NGOs, keep on hating, we have work to do and people to help.
U think if bashar has loyal gunmen left he's gonna send em to kill refugees? If anything all these refugee alleviate alota pressure on bashars gov.
Anyways something needs to be done. Noway we can have more than turkey! Turkey played it smart n made it undesirable for refugees to go there, while speaking publicly of welcoming them. Our gov let them in without registration, now we have a huge problem on our hands.
monitor the borders? LOL... after 2 years you start now to see the problem... really shortsighted M8 gvt...many leaders have called to monitor the borders way before you realize that for your electoral purposes! 2 years you ve been saying that it only affects a few insignificant cities! that the terrorists will soon be crushed! that bashar has everyting under control!! already forgot that, as usual!
now you see the problem? really laughable M8ers believing they are smart! thx for the laughs anyway! good laughs only come from people believing they are serious when telling BS...! hahahaha!
what is untimely the roar is that M8 starts only now to tackle this issue! while being silent over it for more than a year...
see why i m laughing? over their shortsighted policies and lack of planning.... inefficiency is more like it! and now all you M8ers start to cry out ? you are a bit late!
"you're fine if lebanon sinks"
it s entirely M8 fault, so you d better start and make your self criticism! your lack of planning and minimizing from the beginning what led to this situation is M8 responsibility and esp FPM whi have been telling that all is under control in syria!! denial as usual....
so cry as much as you want, deal with it now!
you are calling for unity on a situation your friends are responsible for? waw! that is called a childish behavior! clean up your mess first!!! and act for once instead of insulting others for the mess you created....
That is the issue - if they were christians then they are fine to come,otherwise they are not - reigion is opium of society and so true in arab societies.
THis is not an M8 or M14 issue. I am mostly M14 sympethizer and I am finding myself thinking along the same line as many M8 posters here. It is an issue of Border control, internal security, and infra-structure. I was for tight and controlled borders back in the days when the borders were open to Assad and Hezb to transport arms and armies. I am still for it now regardless of the identity of the violator. We need to be a country not a farm (even farms are fenced). If that makes us less humanitarian than Turkey, Jordan and all other FSA supporters then so be it. KSA and other Gulf countries are more capable of supporting the refugees than we are (so it least do it proportionally).