نساء لبنان يعتصمن على الطريق المؤدي لقصر بعبدا مطالبين بحق منح جنسيتهن لأولادهن: حقوقنا ليست مادة إنتخابية
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أفادت معلومات صحافية عن "إرجاء مجلس الوزراء البحث في ملف اعطاء المرأة اللبنانية الجنسية لعائلتها".
وأشارت الـMTV أن "مجلس الوزراء يرجئ البحث في ملف اعطاء المرأة اللبنانية الجنسية لعائلتها".
وكانت جمعية "جنسيتي حق لي ولأسرتي" قد اعتصمت عند العاشرة من صباح الخميس على مفرق القصر الجمهوري في بعبدا.
وكانت الجمعية قد دعت عبر صفحتها على موقع التواصل الإجتماعي "فايسبوك" الى المشاركة بالاعتصام الذي ستنظمه الخميس "رداً على فضيحة اللجنة الوزارية "الذكورية"، معتبرة أن "نساء لبنان لن يقبلن أن تكون حقوقهن مادة إنتخابية ومصالح طائفية".
في غضون ذلك، أعرب رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي في حديث لصحيفة "السفير" نشر الخميس عن "رفضه توصية اللجنة الوزارية القاضية بعدم منح الأم اللبنانية الحق بإعطاء جنسيتها إلى أولادها من زوج أجنبي"، لافتاً إلى أنه "مع إعطائها هذا الحق، بالمطلق، أسوة بالأب اللبناني".
وكشف ميقاتي أن "هذه القضية مطروحة على جدول مجلس الوزراء الخميس ضمن البند السابع عشر".
وفي السياق نفسه، أكد وزير الخارجية عدنان منصور صباح الخميس أنه "سنناقش مشروع قانون منح الام اللبنانية الجنسية لاولادها في مجلس الوزراء"، مشيرا الى أن "المسالة ليست سهلة".
وكانت الهيئات والجمعيات المدنية التي عملت على إقرار هذا الحق، قد أعربت عن تفاجئها من صدور توصية اللجنة قبل شهر، في حين لم تبلّغ به إلا قبل ثلاثة أيام.
الى ذلك، كان قد وجه أمين سر "الهيئة الوطنية لشؤون المرأة" المحامي فادي كرم بالتفويض عن "حملة جنسيتي حق لي ولأسرتي" كتابا الى ميقاتي اعرب فيه عن "الاسف الشديد والخيبة اللذين انتابا نساء لبنان من مضمون الحيثيات الواردة في نص الكتاب الموجه لدولتكم بتاريخ 14/12/2012 من قبل اللجنة الوزارية المختصة دراسة مشروع قانون الجنسية، وذلك لاستخلاص عدم الموافقة على رفع التمييز اللاحق بالمرأة اللبنانية المتأهلة من أجنبي لجهة منح الجنسية لأولادها كما ولزوجها".
ولفت في كتابه الى ان "مرتكزات المصلحة العليا التي بررت رفض اللجنة رفع التمييز اللاحق بالمرأة اللبنانية وفق ما هو وارد في كتاب اللجنة هي عدم جواز إلغاء التمييز في ما بين الرجل والمرأة قبل إلغاء القيد الطائفي وذلك ضمانا للتوازن الديموغرافي وهذا ما لم يحدث لغاية تاريخه ما إستتبع تمني اللجنة عدم إقرار المساواة، وقد سهى عن بال اللجنة الوزارية عدم تبريرها سبب تجاوز هذه المصلحة العليا عند منح الزوجة الأجنبية المتأهلة من رجل لبناني الجنسية اللبنانية"، متساءلا "لماذا لا يعد مصلحة عليا للدولة اللبنانية منح الرجل اللبناني الجنسية اللبنانية لزوجته الأجنبية في حين أن العكس صحيح".
كذلك، طالب كرم بـ"رفع التمييز اللاحق بالمرأة في قانون الجنسية وعدم الأخذ بالذرائع ما يسهم في إنفاذ هدفكم المتمثل بإقرار المواطنة اللبنانية لجميع اللبنانيات دون تمييز".
يُذكر أنه بتاريخ 14 كانون الأول 2012، رفضت اللجنة الوزارية المختصة دراسة مشروع قانون الجنسية، إعطاء المرأة اللبنانية هذا الحق كي تمنح جنسيتها لأولادها إن تزوجت من أب أجنبي.

the filthy zionist scum trash worm usualy tries to portray itself as a "civil democratic modern lebanese" and similar lies.
therefore, one would expect zillions of posts from him (under different nicknames like always) supporting this.
but they are nowhere to be found!!! why? because he is filthy zionist scum and not "civil democratic modern lebanese" and similar lies.
i support the activists.

oh look, i provoked the filthy zionist and he wants to talk to me lol...

and you skipped the subject of the article of course
filthy zionist methodology, skip the subject attack the author

To hell with this country and its demographic balance... To hell with all those who oppose these women's due rights... Hypocrisy reigns in this poor excuse for a country... For sure...

Now imagine the following scenario:
George: " Dude it's been a while since I have seen a real one"
Mo:"Real What?"
George: " Mo don't you remember the days when our dad's used to tell us about those amazing Lebanese women."
Mo:"It's a myth George let's go and visit the daughters of ammo Ali the ones with the dutch accent, I think they are cute even thou half of what they say I don't get."

actually i never lived there, my family fled from the south because of occupation.
however i do know some arabic, but i don't use it here because i don't know this latin arabic improvization.

by the way, many zionists, especially mossad agents know arabic because it's their job to know arabic.
knowing arabic doesn't make you lebanese.

no they fled because they were linked with resistance movement even before the foundation of hezb'allah.
and contrary to you i have been in lebanon and i can come any time.
you can't :P

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha u never lived here????... U kno ur family can come back now! They can resume their "resistance"! Hahaha :p

I am pure Lebanese and a proud one indeed and I have no problem marrying a woman of any culture or ethnicity. The person's character and belief in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ would be my measuring stick and not her ethnic background. Jabalamel, may The Lord bless you with His wisdom so you can begin to learn right from wrong.
A proud Lebanese!!!

so now we know who is the filthy zionist scum using 100 nicknames.
it's the filthy lebanese zionist from former SLA who escaped like a coward in 2000 and since than found some jewish woman (probably some fat ugly and with only some teeth) and stayed in zionist entity.
you may be born lebanese but you are filthy traitor and zionist now so forget it...

I support the Gov decision, look at the other Arab countries, including Gulf States, witch countries give nationality to kids through woman in the Arab world ?

oh look, beside zionist we have wahabi active here.
go back to the desert and sniff oil

I have 3 swedish cousins and 2 russian ones that were all born and raised in Lebanon but still cannot exercise same rights as me or their other cousins. What a shame.

the filthy zionist scum again talks about division of lebanon

the filthy zionist hanzir thinks i don't know a word of arabic

it is true. I am tired of the condescending attitude of the arabs towards us.

the filthy zionist scum halucinate that i didn't visit lebanon and that i can't talk to the taxi drivers.

but it is you who will never step on lebanese soil again you fitlhy SLA zionist traitor.

than this specific problem can be solved with specific solution.
I don't see why it would apply to all women

Sidon we are talking about children that were born and raised in Lebanon, went to school and afterwards graduated from universities. These children have the least of rights and that is to own a lebanese nationality but trust me they do not need it. It is only a matter of principals and equality, something we do not have in Lebanon. As for the Khalijis, well they do not need a lebanese passport to buy all our lands, they are doing it anyway but i agree we should limit these people from acting freely in our country.

in this case if it s only a pb of palestinians then forbid palestinians to have the nationality and allow the others! pure hypocrisy that is what it is!!

I was assuming its because the women change their that's name, but the men pass theirs on. Like its an Arab mentality or something. But Texas has a very good point, the only ppl that want Lebanese citizenship r the Palestinians... Even Lebanese don't want it!

anonymetexas: i wasn t criticizing your point. but we all know that all gvts refuse to grant citizenship to the children of lebanese women because of the palestinians! so just forbid the palestinians and let the others get the nationality! let the gvt stop being hypocrit on that issue!

no beirutbastard: do you find it normal that a person born and raised in lebanon has to ask for a resident permit every year and all his life as if he were a stranger when HALF his family is lebanese? it s a denial of his culture and making him a second class citizen!

is it normal that a person raised in lebanon his whole life cannot have the nationality because his father is a foreigner? these people are second class lebanese? half their family is in lebanon and each year they have to ask for a resident card as if the gvt negated his lebanese family!!!
what a shame for this country to be sooooooo retarded!

As a non-Palestinian foreigner I can own property in Lebanon. Yet I have a friend, a highly educated Palestinian refugee - born, educated and living in Lebanon all his life - whose elderly Lebanese mother when she dies will not be able to pass on her property to her children, for the sole reason that she fell in love and married another Arab, who happened to be Palestinian, and thus her children are legally foreigners - the only foreigners who cant inherit Lebanese land from their parents. Is this just? Is this how the Lebanese who insist they are at war with Israel support their Palestinian brothers and sisters? You should be ashamed - excuses about demographic balance, Lebanon's highest interests etc. are not credible.

The rights granted to women in Lebanon are from the stone ages. As a pure Canadian who married a Lebanese women I find it shameful that my 15 year old son cannot get the right to citizenship.I have many Lebanese friends who's kids have never even been to Lebanon and my son who loves this country and spends an average of 2 months per year in Lebanon. People are afraid to upset the balance of power. For us its not about a Passport(not interested) or even the right to vote(what a joke)...it's about fairness and equality. My son considers himself half-Lebanese even if the country he loves refuse to do so because of discriminatory laws>

You're wrong Sidon!!... He knows ablest 3 words of Arabic! :p

The problem is that Citizenship by marriage is too easy and is prone to abuse. Other countries require foreign spouses to undergo background checks and impose financial and residency requirements. In Lebanon you get a passport after only one year of marriage without any of the above safeguards. This need to be changed before allowing Lebanese women to give citizenship to their husbands.