المباشرة باستجواب لبناني متهم بالتعامل مع إسرائيل وإصدار مذكرات وجاهية بحقه
Read this story in Englishأفادت معلومات صحافية عن "بدء استجواب موقوف لبناني متقاعد من احدى ادارات الدولة ومتهم في جرم التعامل مع إسرائيل والاجتماع بضباط اسرائيليين في عدة دول اجنبية وتزويدهم بمعلومات عن المواقع العسكرية لكل من الجيش اللبناني والجيش السوري".
وأفادت الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام أن "قاضي التحقيق العسكري عماد الزين باشر الإثنين استجواب الموقوف اللبناني المهندس (ع.ي) المتقاعد من احدى ادارات الدولة في جرم التعامل مع مخابرات العدو الاسرائيلي والاجتماع بضباطه في عدة دول اجنبية وتزويده بمعلومات عن المواقع العسكرية لكل من الجيش اللبناني والجيش السوري والمقاومة الوطنية وعن منازل عدد من القادة في المقاومة منها منزل كل من الشيخ عباس الموسوي الذي قتل والشيخ صبحي الطفيلي والشيخ محمد يزبك"، فضلاً عن "اعطائه معلومات عن مؤسسات خاصة وعامة تعرضت للقصف والعدوان خلال حرب تموز، وحائز جواز فلسطيني مزور كان يدخل بموجبه الى الاراضي المحتلة ويلتقي العدو في اسرائيل وهو تعامل معه منذ نحو اثنين وعشرين عاما مقابل مبالغ مالية ضخمة".
وأضافت الوكالة أن "القاضي زين أصدر مذكرة وجاهية بتوقيفه سندا الى المواد 273 - 274 - 278 - 285 -463 - 463/454 عقوبات وهي مواد تصل عقوبتها الى الاعدام وسيتابع استجوابه الثلاثاء".
The state of Israel gave this man a job, a duty the state of Lebanon failed to do.
He also did every democratic Lebanese citizen a favor by giving the hezbi terrorists' coordinates. We should reward him.
Treason is not patriotism. Anyone convicted of spying to any foreign country (ANY) should get the maximum penalty allowed by law. BUT YES - if we do not build a real country, you will have people questioning their loyalties.
No Flamer, it just means that he was more patriotic than most politicians because he was doing Lebanon a favor by helping our Israeli neighbors. He was heading in the right direccion, doesn't mean he's a friend.
First part of the post is extremely idiotic. Getting a job spying for a foreign power cannot be justified by lack of employment opportunities at home. Should we also absolve the shabbiha mass-slaughterers in Syria because the opposition failed to give them better jobs?
As for helping to ridd the country of Hezbollah terrorists, it is probably the only good part of his job description.
Primesuspect, shame on you. Thats disgusting. A spy should recieve the death penalty. He didnt do us any favours whatsoever, he did it to get some cash thats all. Spies are not patriotic in any sence. This is why people dont take m14 seriously, cuz you dont wanna take on hezballah but you want israel to do it for you and support spying for them. Shame on you. No wonder you keep getting setbacks. And this is coming from someone who is neither m8 nor m14. Oh and occupiers are not neighbours, they are occupiers and criminals you coward. Go fight hezballah if your a man instead of counting on baby murderers to do it for you. You dont even live in lebanon. What a coward.
What the status of the arrest warrant against the four HA members who are accused of bombing Harriri?
What is the status of the minister who cooperated with the Assad terrorist regime to bomb Akkar and destabilize the country.
the filthy zionist scum want to accuse patriotic lebanese and syrian regime for bombings in Akkar
just out of curiosity, why is naharnet not censoring this jabalamel guy?
I mean what he says makes no sense....
They should pick-up his IP and filter all the crap that he is seing.
p.s. i may be filthy but am no zionist
all filthy zionist scum trash worm attempts to divert attention from the subject has failed.
this is an article about another zionist spy caught and there's nothing you can do.
the filthy zionist scum think i work for them
again, mossad falied in gathering information