جعجع يشدد على متانة التحالف مع "المستقبل" رغم التباينات حول قانون الانتخاب
Read this story in Englishشدد رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع على متانة التحالف مع "تيار المستقبل"، مؤكداً ان "لا شيء ولا أحد يمكن أن يفرق بيننا"، وفق ما نقله عنه زواره.
وافاد الزوار صحيفة "النهار"، الخميس، ان جعجع اكد ان "القوات" حريصة "على علاقتنا بتيار المستقبل بقدر حرصنا على حسن التمثيل في قانون الانتخاب وأكثر".
كما اكد ان قوى 14 آذار "مستمرة موحدة الأهداف بمعزل عن الجدل حول القانون الأمثل للتمثيل النيابي ولن تختلف على مقاعد أو مناصب ولا ترى "القوات" المستقبل إلا مع "المستقبل"".
بدورها، أكدت أوساط "كتلة المستقبل"، لـ"النهار" أن ثمة أفكاراً يجري تطويرها ودرسها "من أجل توحيد رؤية مكونات 14 آذار حول مشروع قانون الانتخاب لمواجهة طروحات فريق 8 آذار بعدما ظهر عقم النقاش الذي دار في اللجنة النيابية الفرعية وخرج عن جادة الحوار بفعل سلوك ممثل "التيار الوطني الحر" العلني".
يُذكر ان "القوات اللبنانية" و"الكتائب" يؤيدان "اللقاء الاورثوذكسي" (حيث كل طائفة تنتخب ممثليها) في حين انهما منفتحان على كافة الاقتراحات. وبدورهما تياري "الوطني الحر" و"المردة" يدعمان بقوة هذا المشروع، الا ان تيار "المستقبل" يرفضه.
So are you claiming that Al Mustaqbal is Al Qaeda? Do you support the mass murderer Bashar?
the filthy zionist scum want to divert this comments section from spitting on lady gaga into their usual zionist/wahabi propaganda direction.
Because you're either HA or FMP supporter and you're being brainwahed since you were young to hate any one who opposes them. This is exaclty what the problem is in Lebanon. This mentality has to change.
This is, at least, the only politician who sounds "human" when he speaks.
the filthy zionist scum defend lady gaga and in the same time accuse patriotic lebanese to be brainwashed.
Al-Mustaqbal, or even better, the anglo version the Future Movement, is a cancer in Lebanese society and is harming the social fabric since 1992. Those who reject the Orthodox Proposal would also be rejecting real partnership = Al-Mustaqbal = Salafists = Al Qaeda = FSA Supporters = Terrorists.
"and is harming the social fabric since 1992" check your BS it exists only since 2005...
the filthy zionist scum does not know when mustaqbal started.
of course mossad didn't brief you that far in the history
partnership? seperating votes into religion is partnership? are you insane? so ur telling me that the christian minister in some village will only represent christians because they were the only ppl that voted for him and a muslim represents muslims and so on.. do u really call this partnership. you are brain washed mate... just like sheep.. what ever the minister tell you you believe. no wonder why u live with no jobs, no electricity, no rights, no law,.. unreal
'nothing could separate':
If the highest bidder decided to stop issuing cheques, then what?
It would be a something that would cause separation Mr Geagea!!
Naharnet: Geagea is an untouchable; however, keep in mind freedom of the speech that you value dear
why would the biggest traitor (sorry bashir you died young and can't beat gaga) in christian population and lebanon now turn side and become patriotic?
he would remain in same position even if hordes od crazy wahabis would kill 95% of all the christians in lebanon (which of course won't happen).
It is unfortunate that Geagea would double down on his support for the Orthodox Gathering's plan. Very unfortunate.
stop wasting your breath DownUnda. The only way Lebanon will get better is if people start holding whomever they voted for responsible and accountable for their action or in-action. Lebanon is where it is today is because the people that vote for all these "saviors and holy politicians" are the first to justify their theft and give them any excuse they can think of (plausible or not plausible) for their actions. It's amazing when someone points out a politician is stealing, the first words out of his supporters are "your politician is stealing more". you can apply that to any scenario in Lebanon. theft, murder, corruption, terrorism etc...
I wish more people would start thinking like you!
and you.. who do u follow bro.. follow im repeating it.. its because you ppl are all followers,. no one can think to himself and say enough of this crap. who do u follow..? bashar or 3oun illi kassar libnen and harab leaving his solidiers die and their families suffer. follow your dreams and try to build you . better than following pests that are robbing your future.
Hakim is a wise man and loyal to his allies not like the crazy general that betrays his longtime partners (like Abou Jamra etc..) and only supports Israeli traitors like Karam...god bless you ya Hakim we are VERY proud of you...
the filthy zionist scum praise their most valuable collaborator and spit on patriotic lebanese political leader.
of course something can separate him from future movement :: MONEY . let the checks stop flowing and geagea will fly away
Loved the auto-correct on narcotics gave bar optics, it actually made me pause a second there wondering what on earth bar optics dealing is all about. :) A nice diversion in the usual sea of trolls that populate the comments on Naharnet.
On a more serious note: Zionism, Salafism, Materialism, Communitarism and other factional philosophies expressed here and on the Lebanese public forum are all such grand all encompassing concepts, so big that they actually cloud the real issues.
The population is severely prone to a host of physical and mental illness due to many sources of pollution and an unhealthy environment. Basic third-world level services such as electricity, sanitation, affordable health care, accessible communications, roads, public transport, civil rights, citizens safety, corruption and other topics that make up the foundation of a durable state are all but ignored.
I don't really care about which politician are in bed with each other, or how the pie is divided. I don't care about the oppression of Zionism if to fight it I have to be oppressed. What difference does it make if I live under the boot of this or that regional power.
STOP BEING SHEEP! THINK FOR YOURSELVES and please, stop feeding the trolls.