عون يدعو "المستقبل" الى عدم مقاطعة الجلسة النيابية: "هل أنتم سنة فقط أو نواب"
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أكد رئيس تكتل التغيير والاصلاح النائب ميشال عون استعداده للقبول بأي صيغة تؤمن 64 نائبا للمسيحيين كما يحققها القانون الأرثوذكسي، داعيا كتبة المستقبل الى عدم مقاطعة الجلسات النيابية، سائلا "هل أنتم سنة فقط أم نواب في السياسة"؟
وقال عون عصر اليوم الثلاثاء بعد اجتماع التكتل الأسبوعي: "أننا دفنّا بالفعل قانون الستين الذي اثير حوله جدل كثير بدءا من عدم دستوريته"، لافتا الى أن "قانون الانتخاب لا علاقة له بالدستور بل آلية لتنفيذ المادة 24 الدستورالتي تحدد توزيع عدد النواب على مختلف الطوائف اللبنانية".
وأضاف: "هي أسقطت سبب رفض قانون اللقاء الأرثوذكسي".
ورأى عون أن القول بأن القانون الأرثوذكسي يشعل العصبيات الدينية والمذهبية، كلها تقديرات لا تستند لا الى خبرة ولا الى نصوص تقديرية معقولة".
وعليه، أكد أن "التنافس بقانون اللقاء الارثوذكسي لن يكون بين المسلمين والمسيحيين ولا بين الموارنة والارثوذكس بل بين ابناء المذهب الواحد".
وأردف:"كل واحد يريد اظهار محاسنه امام طائفته، وهذا العذر ساقط لمن يتخذه عذرا للقول ان القانون سيء".
وشدد "لدينا قانون يؤمن لنا 64 نائبا للمسيحيين، واي صيغة اخرى تؤمن لنا 64 نائبا فمستعدون للسير بها".
وأمل عون أن "تبدأ اللجان المشتركة بالعمل غدا"، مؤكدا أن "وزراء التكتل سيحضرون الجلسة، وجميع اعضاء اللجان في تكتلنا ايضا سيشاركون".
ولقد صدقت اللجنة النيابية الفرعية اليوم الثلاثاء، محضر جلساتها حول قانون الانتخاب والذي ستقدمه الاربعاء الى اللجان النيابية المشتركة وتناقشه معها.
كما توجه عون إلى نواب تيار "المستقبل" بالقول: "إما هم سنّة او نواب بالسياسة".
وأوضح ا"ذا كانوا سنّة ويريدون المقاطعة فهم أحرار، اما اذا كانوا نوابا فلا حق لهم بالمقاطعة"، مضيفا: "فليأتوا الى مجلس النواب ويلتزموا برأي الاكثرية".
وتابع: "يعتقدون ان غيابهم عن جلسات اللجان المشتركة يمنع اقرار القانون لكن غيابهم لا يؤثر وقانون الانتخاب لا يحتاج الى اجماع"، معتبرا "أنهم كل مرة يقصرون بشيء ما يقومون بتعطيله".
و لفت "لم نعطل يوما شيئا ورئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري عطّل المجلس مرة واحدة عندما كانوا يريدون تمرير قانون خلافا للدستور".
يشار الى أن "القوات" و"الكتائب" أكدا مشاركتهما في الجلسة النيابية المشتركة غدا، في حين ان تيار المستقبل اعلن مقاطعته الجلسة اذ ان الحكومة ستكون حاضرة.
وقال عون أن التعابير التي تتهم التكتل بالعنصرية والطائفية "نردها لأصحابها".
هذ وتوجه عون بالشكر الى الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله "الذي تدخل لاخماد مفاعيل حادث القتل الذي حصل في وطى الجوز والذي كان ممكن ان ينتج عنه فتنة وطنية".
17:22 ,2013 كانون الثاني 29
عون حول سوريا: يبقى مصير الأسد معلقا بإرادة الشعب السوري لا في سوريا ولا أميركا
17:21 ,2013 كانون الثاني 29
عون: هناك قانون يؤمن 64 نائبا للمسيحيين أي صيغة تؤمن هذا العدد نحن على استعداد السير بها
17:21 ,2013 كانون الثاني 29
عون: لن بتزونا بتعابيرهم واتهاماتهم لنا ويجب حفظ الوطن سليما
17:19 ,2013 كانون الثاني 29
عون: نحن لم نعطل المجلس أبدا مرة واحدة عطله رئيس المجلس نبيه بري عندما أرادوا تمرير قانون
17:19 ,2013 كانون الثاني 29
عون: غياب المستقبل لا يعرقل القانون ولا يوقف آلية تنفيذه
17:18 ,2013 كانون الثاني 29
عون الى تيار المستقبل: هل أنتم سنة فقط ام نواب في السياسة وإذا هم نواب عليهم أن يذهبوا الى جلسات مجلس النواب وان لا يقاطعوا
17:17 ,2013 كانون الثاني 29
عون حول الزواج المدني: ما قاله قباني لا يعنيني بل يعني السنة وهذا يعنى بداخل الطائفة السنية
17:17 ,2013 كانون الثاني 29
عون: أتأمل أن يتم العمل غدا في اللجان المشتركة ووزرائنا سيحضرون الجلسة غدا وجميع اعضاء اللجان الذين هم في تكتل التغيير والاصلاح سيتواجدوا في كل الجلسات قبل الظهر وبعده والخميس أيضا
17:16 ,2013 كانون الثاني 29
عون: تهذبو وافهمو معاني الكلمات قبل اتهام الناس بها
17:15 ,2013 كانون الثاني 29
عون: هناك نوع اخر من العنصرية هي رفض مجموعة ضمن بيئة أكبر منها كما يفعل اليهود بالفلسطينيين وهناك نوع ثالث من العنصرية هي بين الرجل والمرأة يرتكز على الجنس بمعنى ان يكون بها حقوق أقل من الرجل
17:14 ,2013 كانون الثاني 29
عون: اتهمنا بالعنصرية وجزء من الجهل ظهر في بعض الكلمات فالعنصرية تستند الى تراتبية الأعراق وأن هناك عرق أرقى من آخر ولها حق السيطرة فكيف نكون عنصريين وإذا نريد أن نتهم بالعنصرية نتهم الكل ولا أحد يتهمنا
17:13 ,2013 كانون الثاني 29
عون: تكلموا عن سبب آخر وقالوا ان يشعل العصبيات المذهبية وهذه التقديرات حول القانون الارثوذكسي لا تستند الى خبرةولا نصوص لأن التنافس لهذا القانون لن يكون بين المسلمبن والمسيحيين التنافي سيكون بين ابناء المذهب الواحد
17:11 ,2013 كانون الثاني 29
عون: قانون الستين أثير حوله جدل كبير بدءا من دستوريته وقانون الانتخاب هو آلية لتنفيذ مادة 24 من الدستور التي تحدد توزيع عدد النواب على مختلف الطوائف
17:10 ,2013 كانون الثاني 29
عون: أحيي السيد حسن نصر الله الذي أخمد ما حصل في وطى الجوز

It's comedy time. One of the three stooges is on the wires while the other two, Sayyed and Bashar, having a pillow fight.

"They said that the Orthodox Gathering law fuels sectarianism. Such claims are not based on facts or experience."
So a law that forces the individual to vote only for members of his or her own sect, and a law that forces MPs to represent members of his or her own sect, is not sectarian? How illogic is that?

"The fact that Lebanon is sectarian cannot be denied". But if we recognize that this is a problem, shouldn't we work against it rather than exacerbate it? You cannot advocate for a law based on how bad the 1960 law is. The fact that the 1960 law is bad doesn't make the Orthodox Law any better.
Sure each community is more recognized, but is this the type of government we seek? Where MPs only have the incentive to work for people of their own sect, rather than the whole of Lebanon?
We need a law that gives incentives to MPs to work and represent all of Lebanon, not just representation of sects. Both the 1960 law and the Orthodox Law fail to do that.

Of course, the full composition of the Senate and the details must be worked out. On that front, I invite you to read Professor Elias Muhanna's paper on the creation of a Lebanese Senate (I think you'd find it interesting).
Ideally, I think we could have a Senate who's law is based on the Orthodox Law, and a lower Parliament who's electoral law is based on a pure PR system with no sectarian quotas.
If such a system would work effectively in combating corruption and excessive government spending, then consider the extra expenses of creating a Senate as an investment to the future of Lebanon, and a bridge to full secularism.

Again, you are trying to justify the Orthodox Law by pointing out the flaws in the 1960 law. I have already said the 1960 law is bad, so why exactly do you claim I am not willing to see that side?
I am in agreement with you that the 1960 law is bad, and neither do I believe that Jumblatt and Mustaqbal reject the Orthodox Law because they believe in the noble cause of secularism - they are simply looking out for their own political interests, and I agree with you on that front.
My problem is with the Orthodox Law specifically. Yes, the 1960 law has problems, but the Orthodox Law has many problems as well. Saying that there is no practical alternative (there is) and justifying the law based on the flaws of the 1960 law aren't very strong arguments.

Aoun: "We thank Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah for his efforts in containing the repercussions of the Wata al-Joz crime."
So you deduced it was a "crime" was it, I guess you're not waiting on the verdicts of the courts.
There shouldn't have been repercussions in the first place numbnut, it was an individual incident and the fact that neither you or your area's MPs didn't say anything about how the residents of Lassa blew it out of proportions shows how attached your pucker is to Hassin's fat ass. The incidents shows again that the Shiites of Lassa are just thugs as illustrated by their filthy towelhead threats to the Christians community that protected them all those years during the war, shame.

Any law that does not treat me as a Lebanese and wants to treat me as per my secte (not even my confession) is a step backwards towards abolishing sectarianism.

Just because we can't go full secularism, doesn't mean we have to go for sectarian. There are alternative where a compromise can be made (creation of a Senate), but these alternatives are being completely disregarded in favor of a pure sectarian law (Orthodox Law)

on the senate and sectarian laws:
- instead of always calling for dialogue conference, rather call for the senate. the senate should be there to represent the sects and religions. starting by creating the senate helps reduce sectarianism in the parliament.
- a non sectarian parliament is the target we should all look for. but to even consider accepting going backwards to more sectarian laws is just falling into the hand of those creating sectarianism.
laws are passed to deal with the future and not the present.
what is the Lebanon we want?

Any law that does not treat me as a Lebanese and wants to treat me as per my secte (not even my confession) is a step backwards towards abolishing sectarianism.

Aoun said: “If the Mustaqbal bloc wants to act as a Sunni bloc, then it is free to boycott the committees meeting,”
“If they want to act as lawmakers, then they should head to parliament and commit to the decision of the majority,” he stressed.
This comes from a person who, himself wishes to act as the leader of a Christian bloc, not as a political party. And his stating that others should commit to the decision of the majority when he is part of a bloc that boycotts, obstructs and sits in the street when the majority is not with him. He continuously attributes to others his own worst attributes. The fact that he does so without much forethought or comprehension of the patent hypocracy of his statements serve as signs of his growing mental dementia. That is, he is not someone who should be listened to by serious people.

the rightfull representation of christians is the problem not the the electoral law
any law that gives the christians their right is welcomed
god bless lebanon

why did he boycott the parliament for more than a year and prevented the gvt to do any reforms at the time? and now he is barking over the boycott of others?
pityful man....

You "only once boycotted parliament"??? It lasted 18 months because Nabih Berri locked parliament down!
How stupid and ignorant do u think the Lebanese people are? Not everyone is a blind aouni and hezbollahi!!!

I had some support for FPM precisely because of their support for secularism. But to me I am not seeing them work hard enough towards that goal, which is especially obvious by proposing a law that is as sectarian a law could be (Orthodox Law). It has caught me by surprise and I am deeply disappointed.
You believe that there are very little practical alternatives, whereas I believe there are. Simply settling for a really bad law as the FPM has done is what disappointed me, and in my eyes it has stooped down to the level of other sectarian parties such as LF and Kataeb.
I should also repeat that I am extremely against the 1960 law as well.

"i smell a trap closing on christians," typical sectarian sentence...
christians have half the parliament for 35% of the population! whereas muslims have the half for 65% of the population... speaking of unfairness! typical lebanese christian victimization syndrom that we ve heard for decades and decades once again a proof of how sectarian they are and the urge for a secular state!

You would be quite surprised to find out that a large number of Lebanese do not support our sectarian political system. We only need a new party or movement that fights for secularism in order for its supporters to vote for them.
Look up the movement "Take Back Parliament" (www.vote2013.org). These are the parties that we need to start giving more attention to.

Thus when you say that Lebanon, whether we like it or not, is sectarian in nature, I disagree. The sectarianism that lives is the consequence of our political system. In other words, our political system isn't sectarian because the population is sectarian; it is the opposite, our people our sectarian because the political system is sectarian.
Poll after poll shows that more and more Lebanese are in support in abolishing a confessional system, so I strongly disagree with you when you say Lebanon is a sectarian country. But so long as political parties are only looking and speaking out for their own sectarian interests (as the FPM has done along with other major Christian parties), the people that support a secular state are silenced and marginalized.

FT talking about secularism while supporting a sectarian leader, big laugh!!!!

what a stupid logic FPMers have...FPM is "secular"? LOL... they propose a sectarian law which shows how "secular" they are...
if FPM was a true responsible party willing to change things as they boast, they wouldn t propose a sectarian law!
a responsible leader is the one who proposes a vision for a society , a change, not maintaining its flaws and fighting to keep his sectarian privileges...
they say they are "secular" but all aoun always does is defend the rights of christians, says he is the leader of christians and so on! all his speeches are sectarian!
if he was really thinking of the interest of LEBANESE not his sect he would set an example of secularism not clinging to his interests just to win the elections....
but twisted sheep folowers pretend he is secular! what a farce....

people like you are the reason salafism is increasing. they see your sectarian rhetoric and they radicalize.