مقتل ضابط ورتيب في اشتباكات مع مسلحين في عرسال والجيش يؤكد "عدم التهاون مع أي محاولة" لتهريبهم
Read this story in Englishوقعت اشتباكات اليوم الجمعة بين مسلحين والجيش اللبناني في جرود بلدة عرسال على الحدود اللبنانية السورية، ما أدى الى مقتل ضابط ورتيب في الجيش وجرح آخرين.
وأكدت قيادة الجيش مديرية التوجيه في بيان صادر عنها، أن الجيش لن يتهاون مع أي محاولة لتهريب المسلحين".
وأوضح الجيش أنه "أثناء قيام دورية في اطراف بلدة عرسال بملاحقة احد المطلوبين الى العدالة بتهمة القيام بعدة عمليات ارهابية، تعرضت لكمين مسلح".
وأضاف:"دارت اشتباكات بين عناصر الدورية والمسلحين، اسفرت عن استشهاد ضابط برتبة نقيب ورتيب، وعن جرح عدد من العسكريين".
كما اشار الى "تعرض بعض الآليات العسكرية لاضرار جسيمة، بالاضافة الى اصابة عدد من المسلحين".
وكان مصدر امني اشار في وقت سابق الى مقتل خمسة عسكريين ومسلح.
وذكر المصدر ان المسلحين الذين اشتبكوا مع الجيش هم من الاسلاميين، وان المسلح الذي قتل هو الرجل الذي قدمت دورية الجيش بهدف توقيفه.
وقال بيان الجيش ان "قوة كبيرة من الجيش توجهت الى المنطقة" بعد الاشتباك و"فرضت طوقا امنيا حولها، كما باشرت عمليات دهم واسعة بحثا عن مطلقي النار".
ودعا الجيش في بيانه أهالي البلدة الى التجاوب الكامل مع الاجراءات التي ستتخذها قوى الجيش تباعا لتوقيف جميع مطلقي النار"، محذرة من "انها لن تتهاون في التعامل مع اي محاولة لتهريب المسلحين او اخفائهم، وسيكون مرتكبوها عرضة للملاحقة الميدانية والقانونية".
يذكر أن مصدرا أمنيا كان قد أفاد أن "الاشتباك اندلع عندما وصلت قوة من الجيش الى عرسال لتوقيف احد المطلوبين الاسلاميين الذي عمد الى الهرب"، وأضاف أن "خلال ملاحقته، حصل اشتباك بين المسلح مدعوما من مجموعة من المسلحين الاسلاميين وعناصر الجيش، ما ادى الى مقتل الرجل المطلوب والجنود الخمسة".
وأفادت قناة الـ LBCI أن "ثلاثة شهداء وسبعة جرحى من الجيش اللبناني سقطوا في اشتباكات مستمرة مع عصابات سرقة وخطف بين جرود عرسال وجرود بريتال" .
وأوضحت معلومات أن "الاشتباكات توسعت بعد تدخل الجيش اثر اشتباكات بين أهالي عرسال وعصابات السرقة والخطف".
فيما تحدث معلومات أخرى، عن أن "الاشتباكات اندلعت اثر تدخل الجيش في المنطقة بعد قيام وحدة سورية بخطف عنصر من المعارضة السورية في الاراضي اللبنانية" .
وقالت قناة الـ OTV أن "اشتباكات بالاسلحة الرشاشة حصلت بين وحدة عسكرية لبنانية ومسلحين من المعارضة السورية في البقاع الشمالي"، فيما ذكرت قناة "المياديين" أن ستة جرحى سقطوا من الجيش اللبناني في كمين نصبه مسلحون في جرود عرسال".
وأوضحت "الجديد"، ان "الجيش كان يحاول إلقاء القبض على أحد المطلوبين الذي قتل وهو خالد حميد، والجيش يعمل على إعادة الهدوء الى عرسال".
ونقلت إذاعة صوت لبنان(93.3) الى أن" تعزيزات جيش استقدمت الى عرسال بعد تعرض وحداتها الى هجوم ، ما أدى الى استشهاد 3 عناصر من الجيش وجرح ستة أخرين بينهم ظابط"، مشيرة الى " مقتل أحد المسلحين هو خالد حميد الذي عرف اسمه بقضية خطف الأستونيين السبعة".
وأشارت معلومات الى أن خالد حميد هو لبناني ويشارك مع الجيش السوري الحر.
وكانت الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام في وقت سابق، أفادت عن "اقدام عدد من المسلحين على خطف المواطن خالد حميد في عرسال بعدما أطلقوا النار عليه".
وعلى الفور، توجهت الى المنطقة قوة من الجيش وعملت على ملاحقة الخاطفين الى جرود عرسال حيث تدور في هذه الاثناء اشتباكات مع الخاطفين.
ووقعت حوادث امنية عدة خلال الاشهر الماضية بين مسلحين في الجانب اللبناني وعناصر من القوات النظامية السورية في الجانب الآخر من الحدود،أوقعت قتلى وجرحى.
وتفيد تقارير أمنية عن تسلل مسلحين من والى سوريا. وتوجد على الحدود اللبنانية السورية الطويلة معابر عديدة غير شرعية يسلكها ايضا لاجئون سوريون هاربون من العنف في اتجاه لبنان.
March 14! Lebanon First Some Twenty Damn Years Late and Still! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for bringing onto Lebanon the 21st century Pales-Syrian problem. You have not learned a thing and you will never learn one darn thing my compatriots. We all love Lebanon but apparently not as much as you. The doors of hell are opening wider ONCE AGAIN. Thanks a million, warriors! lebnan el akhdar!!!
Shattt up Farsi BSthrower aka Motormouth. Talking out of that rear as usual. This has HA written all over....directly or indirect! The only filth here is your fanatic Persian servants HA and conditioned fools like yourself!
"you still havent realized i dont care about the thumbs? if that's what i cared about i wouldnt post here would i?" Yes you would because you are part of a multi-alias individual aka FARSI BSThrower that has no life and pathetic!
bigsami, mowaten is not wrong here and he does not have to shut up. We need to stand up with our army against all extremists and militias that threaten our country.
FARSI Motormouth states"if you can't accept the fact that people have different opinions i dont care.".....I accept different opinions from "people' but you don't qualify as 'people'. More like a delusional conditioned goat herder that believes/worships ideologies of fanatic religious extremists!
Nice....Voted yourself one thumb up the gazoo through alias BSThrower! Pathetic mustool.
Furthermore....Mr. Motormouth....if you 'respect' the Lebanese Army as you state then why don't your scumbags HA acknowledge them and surrender their arms to the one & only legitimate armed force in Lebanon? If they are so patriotic and love their country...simply join the LAF and follow typical protocol. There is no room for more than ONE armed force in a country. The formula never works (worked). So take your BS love for the army and sell it elsewhere. Your love is for a group of terrorists that serve Iran and not Lebanon!
To comment the news, the Lebanese army should retaliate at anyone that fires within our national borders. Should they be Sunni/Shia/Christian/Druze etc...
Agreed! As to your question on using various names (aliases) the answer is YES. BSTHrower is the master of this scheme. He must have 3-5 different email accounts (yahoo/hotmail/HA.R.US/etc.) allocated to different aliases. The reason: He has NO ONE that supports his love for the terrorists HA/Iran/Assad. Pathetic....absolutely!
I totally agree. I spotted too many similarities between the way each of me writes. For instance, jabalamel is also lapeaudecouille... Etc. it takes a trained eye then you get used to it.
Well put smarty. Anyone found guilty of murder or attempted murder of an army officer should the death penalty. The army is off limits and deserves every Lebanese person's support and respect!
I swear Hariri should be sentenced to death for supporting and facilitating the deaths of our army at the hands of the terrorists of Nahr il Bard and Arsel
"wipe your mouth bigsami, it's foaming all over"....wow good one FARSI! As always....full of it! BTW...change that avatar....your disrespecting our country. I'm sure you can ind the flag of Iran. You claim to be Lebanese...lol. If you are you would respect ONE ARMED force - LAF! We don't need HA to protect us from Israel. We can do it on our own! Your scums won't (can't) surrender their arms to the LAF....you know why? Hint: It's not because they are needed to protect us from Israel....it's because when or should Iran give the command to attack Israel...they will not be able to do so when they are under the command of a legitimate LAF. Only Lebanese can make that decision to attack....no one else should! Hablee!
Mowaten. Either HA cooperates fully with the State or they should be disarmed. In. Any case they shouldn't be able to carry any sort of weapon. They don't need them.... Nobody feels secure when you see a black SUV on the highway with tainted windows almost shooting at you because you're obstructing THEIR highway... They endanger EVERYBODY's life. And all of this because they're in a hurry to buy a manooshi or the meet with friends.
They should cooperate with qahwaji and train the regular soldiers should they feel they're poorly trained compared to them. Not compete with them... They've had their chances but never did it. This means Lebanon is jut a pawn... An agenda for Iran and Syria by extension.
They risk their life to protect yours and mine. They deserve our utmost respect! Everyone guilty of murder deserves to be encarcerated but anyone attacking our army gets an elevated penalty. Death penalty!
Motormouth writes >>>> i believe we need HA to defend Lebanon against israel, and the history of the past decades clearly proved it.
At one point....yes, I will agree with you & I commend them for fighting for their beloved Lebanon. Back then we never had a unified armed force. It was a mess. That was then & this is now. BUT since then, HA sold their sold to the devil (Iran/Assad) starting will strings of assassinations and turning their Iranian weapons on Lebanese. They are NOT to be trusted and one last point....get it out of your empty skull...we don't need HA to protect from Israel anymore. Israel will not mess with us if it was not for HA always antagonizing them! HA is not made in Lebanon....it is made in IRAN now!
@mowaten Irani stop accusing others of having multiple accounts when you are the leader of the pack. I only have one account and hardly the time to comment as often as I like, yet you and your other screen names are on here night and day debating yourself. Get a job, find a wife, make a family and stop your loneliness driven dribble on Naharnet.
You have him pegged bandoul like we all do. Pathetic Farsi who clearly prefers a dictatorship like Iran to steer him in life. He fears freedom and democracy because they are all insecure prehistoric religious fanatics. We don't need their kind in Lebanon nor does anyone for that matter in the world.
Very well said, I second that. May their soul rest in peace, nothing will bring them back, but punishing these cruel killers would at least prevent this tragedy from happening to other families. And for the Lebanese Army haters, you hate your country and betray it, so no wonder why " you don't excuse the attack on the army", what a shame
So this is my opinion ... Syria , Iran , Israel and whoever else wants a piece of Lebanon should get the hell out and leave the country to those who care ... All these little petty armed forces should join the army andvunitevas one nation .. Showvthecrest of the Middle East how strong and patriotic we are ...
To claim that m14 is responsible is pathetic. How about this government who refuses to secure the border? How about the hizb fighters who are involved in fighting in syria? M14 has been demanding from day 1 that the border be secured. M8 is the one opposed to this and they are the government. However, as long as the hizb will materially support the syrian regime, you will not be able to prevent some sunnis from supporting the FSA. In this situation the unfortunate lebanese army can try and muddle through a terrible situation.