سليمان شدد من المريجات على عدم ايواء المسلحين: سيتم إلقاء القبض على المجرمين
Read this story in Englishشدد رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان على ضرورة الإلتفاف حول الجيش، وعدم إيواء المسلحين، مؤكدا انه يتم إلقاء القبض على المجرمين.
وقال سلبمان خفور وصوله الى بلدة المريجات لتقديم العزاؤ بالرائد بيار بشعلاني الذي قتل في اشتباكات عرسال: "يجب أن تكون الكلمة للدولة".
ودعا الى على "الالتفاف حول الجيش ورفض المتطرفين والارهابيين وعدم ايواء المسلحين"، آملا أن "يأخذ الحق مجراه وان يتم القاء القبض على المجرمين".
وكانت اشتباكات دامية استمرت لساعات بين الجيش وأهالي عرسال، إثر مقتل المطلوب خالد حميد.
ولقد أحكم الجيش قبضته بطوق أمني وعسكري مشدد على منطقة عرسال بعدما استقدم مزيدا من التعزيزات العسكرية المؤللة الى المنطقة ووحدات من فوجي المجوقل والمغاوير.
وأقام عددا من النقاط الثابتة على مشارف البلدة واطرافها وأقفل المدخل الرئيسي في منطقة اللبوة بآليات مؤللة، كما اقام حاجزا ثابتا ضخما أخضع المارة للتفتيش. وأوقف الجيش خلال عملية انتشاره عددا من الاشخاص بلغ حتى المساء أكثر من تسعة.
يذكر أن الجيش أعلن في بيان صادر عنه انه و"أثناء قيام دورية من الجيش في أطراف بلدة عرسال بملاحقة أحد المطلوبين (خالد أحمد حميد) إلى العدالة بتهمة القيام بعدة عمليات إرهابية، تعرضت لكمين مسلح، حيث دارت اشتباكات بين عناصر الدورية والمسلحين أسفرت عن استشهاد النقيب بيار بشعلاني والرقيب أول إبراهيم زهرمان، وعن جرح عدد من العسكريين.
ونفت مصادر عسكرية في حديث الى صحيفة "النهار" ما قيل عن ان الدورية التي دخلت الى البلدة كانت بلباس مدني وسيارات مدنية، موضحة أن عناصرها كانوا في آليات "هامفي" عسكرية لا يستخدمها الا الجيش اللبناني، ولوحاتها عسكرية ولباس عناصرها عسكري.
This where the prez falls in the trap of armed militias outside state control. keeping the arms of hizballah, even after israel gOt out, and now the push of the formula ( people, army and resistance, meaning we will never give up our arms) has given others every reason to get weapons which made the state looks like an anarchy state than anything else. Here is an army, is playing the role of internal security devoid of any strength or legitimacy to protect our borders while internal security has turned out to be traffic police when in flooded cities and towns. This is the county that hizballah and aoun wants us to live in.
The problem is not the formula of "people, army and resistance." The problem is that since the syrian withdrawal, the hizb has expanded to most parts of lebanon, armed different factions, created security zones which are effectively outside government control, confiscated the lebanese decision making, stormed beirut and instigated a coup. Continued.
Continued from previous post:
In addition, the hizb is engaged up to its knees in the mess in syria. All what I mentioned is giving excuses and reasons for rival factions to arm themselves and create their own security zones to protect themselves and (see arsal). Lebanon needs the resistance at this juncture because the army is week. But this resistance has become far more a liability than an asset pushing lebanon into external adventures that the country cannot handle. Another problem is that the shia community in particular is solidly for the resistance and does not question the actions of the hizb while the other communities largely oppose the actions of the hizbs and dragging lebanon into "the wars of others" -- continued
Continued (2)
The solution has always been multi-faceted:
- strengthening of the lebanese army. This may mean the re-institution of a system like israel or swizerland. This may mean a draft.
- the hizb agreeing to limit its activities to south lebanon. It also must agree not to initiate combat or drag the country into conflict.
- as the lebanese army become stronger, the resistance is merged or subsumed by the army
- I think a 10 years plan to effect this and to get rid of sectarianim is in order.
Lebanese’s army should punish anyone try to heart its soldiers, anyone. Mr. president , you were the head of the army when Hezbollah killed Samer Hana, why then you didn’t apply your thesis as now? Fairness is not by one side, right!
FlameThrower why don't hizb then hand over the suspect in Botros Harb's assassination attempt?
FT. True Hezb has been acting pretty responsibly these last 2 years, I would even say that Hassan has exhibited statemanship and pragmatism i never would have expected of him. However, they are "acting" this way because it suits them right now. We dont know when acting responsibly (arresting mokdads etc...) will stop suiting them, and they revert to milicia behaviour. Bottom line, Hezb is a wild card which is currently , and only currently, "reasonable"
i am sure that fakhamto knows where is the problem , deal with it! samaha, wissam el hassan, samer hanna then will,deal easily and proudly and swiftly with arsal
phoenician,the partition idea is very very appealing to myself also. However, our problems and conflicts of interests are not between chiite, sunnite and christian. They are between sectarian and non sectarian. Between liberal and conservative. Between working class and the rich. Between politicians and the people. So partitionning will yield nowhere as we still will have those problems. (still, sometimes i see it as a dream come true when i look at the junk we have around...)
Have they turned over the guy that tried to murder Butrous Harb and anyone else who might have been in the elevator with him? Hizb only turn over people who go do things on their own without the hizb's permission such as the meqdads. Sorry to burst your buble flamer. You either support the army or you support a militia that the army must ask permission from. Can't have it both ways. I support Lebanon and Lebanon's army
Sir, all these problems you mentioned above are because of Lebanon is not partitioned yet,too many retards holding and pulling our country back from both Christians and muslims and hopefully when partition does happen then 99% of the Christian politicians needs replacing coz they are nothing but thieves and crooks,God save Lebanon and Israel.
God save israel? Are you out of your mind? Come on man, israel is a racist supremacist cancer designed and built on the suffering of people. I agree to tolerate israel. No need to do further wars. But I would never celebrate or trust them.
Compare that to lebanon. a beautiful mosaic of 17 communities living together, (of course there will be some differences, but what puts us together is much stronger.) A mission as JP2 said.... Give some time for the chiites to come of age, they will soon start beleiving in the state like the sunnites did in 1993.
So now all the march 8 ppl are excited and think the incident that happened is a sign that sunnis are the main problem in lebanon and only March 8 are pro army........i guess they forgot who killed Samer Hanna,,,who was also an officer in the army...shame on all of these ppl who use such incidents for their own advantages.
And thats why i have always believed that PARTITION IS THE ANSWER,yes there is moderate muslims but there is no such thing as moderate Islam and we will always end up bickering and have done so for the past 1400years enough is enough.
Please spare us the racist hysterics. Human history is steeped in blood and those purporting to be christians killed far more than those purporting to be muslims. May be it is a matter of "christian"-dominated countries reached the age of industrial mass murder well ahead of muslim-dominated one.
Now we can be assured that more bags with millions of dollars are on their way to the punksident of the Scumpublic.
We are witnessing another example of professional prostitution versus inexperience one. Hizbollah executes and eliminates high ranking targets meanwhile idiots in Nahr el Bared and Arsal follow the doctrine of Ussama Bin Laden. Both are equal as the outcome of their deeds so stop defending any of them as both are cancer to Lebanon.
Nahr al bared and arsal are two fundementally different cases. At any rate, the moment I see military intelligence raiding homes in the dahiye searching for those accused of killing hariri, I will have time to hear from the anti-sunni biggots (do not mean you) on this forum. Also, you cannot arrest those helping the syrian people while doing nothing vis the hizb who is involved up to his knees in syria. But then again, the military intelligence in lebanon is still staffed by the same people as during the syrian regime.
FT - where do you get your info from or do you simply have a hate for sunnis and for mustaqbal?
Good comment FT ,no point trying with them people as they will always bring Hezb into it,for the record I'm not a Hezb lover @ all ,we are talking about them scum in Arsal that attack our army for no reason.
by far the most useless president Lebanon has ever seen. Makes me miss Emile Lahoud or even worse Elias Hrawi