عون دعا الدولة الى "ضبط حملة السلاح": لا يجب أن تتحول قضية عرسال الى قضية فئوية

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شدد رئيس تكتل التغيير والاصلاح النائب ميشال عون على ان الجيش ليس بحاجة الى غطاء سياسي ليقوم بعمله، داعيا الدولة الى "استعادة سيادتها وضبط حملة السلاح"، لافتا الى أن قضية عرسال لا يجب أن تتحول الى "قضية فئوية".

وقال عون عصر اليوم الثلاثاء بعد اجتماع التكتل الأسبوعي: "نبهنا كثيرا لعدم النأي بالنفس عن الاراضي اللبنانية ولم تسمع نصائحنا فكان فقدان السيادة في عكار وطرابلس وعرسال".

وأضاف: "انجرف قسم كبير منا للبنانيين بالمشاركة بحرب سوريا وهذا ما دفع برئيس بلدية عرسال للاعلان على انه يسيطر على ما يقارب المئة كلم من الحدودوكأنه يرسم حدود امارته".

وإذ رأى أن "الجريمة في عرسال كانت نتيجة التخلي عن المنطقة"، شدد عون على ضرورة أن تعمل "الدولة باستعادة سيادتها على كل الاراضي التي فقدت السيطرة عليها"، داعيا إياها الى "ضبط حملة السلاح واعادتهم الى ممارسة حياتهم الطبيعية كباقي المواطنين".

وأردف: "لا نريد ان نسمع بعد اليوم كلمة النأي بالنفس لانها اصبحت لعيا بالنفس ، ولا نريد تكرار الكلام بأن الجيش لكل اللبنانيين لان تكراره يثير الشك".

وعليه، شدد عون "لا يجب ان نخشى الاصطدام بمسلبح او خارج عن القانون خوفا من الفتنة، فان لم نصطدم بهم لاخمادها فلسنصطم بهم لاحقا"، مؤكدا ان "الجيش ليس بحاجة لغطاء سياسي ليقوم بعمله و ليس بحاجة الى رفع الغطاء عن المسلحين المعتدين".

وسأل "الى متى سنسمع ونرى هذه المهازل تتكرر؟. وقال:"في كل مرة نرى شركاء المجرمين يدافعون عنهم في مختلف المراكز السياسية والدينية".

وجزم "لا نقبل ان يتحول ما حصل في عرسال الى جريمة فئوية، لان الجريمة لا طائفة لها ولا دين".

كما أشار عون الى أن "هناك سلاح مقاومة وسلاح ارهاب، وهناك منظمات ارهابية ومنظمات مقاومة"، موضحا أن "سلاح المقاومة لم يقتل عسكريا".

وتايع: "اذا ذكرنا بكل الحوادث من حادثة المطار الى حادثة حي السلم الى حادثة مار مخايل لم نر ايا من حزب الله رفع سلاحه بوجه الجيش، وعندما حصلت كل الحوادث كان القانون يُطبق من المقاومة، و عندما حصل الحادث قضاء وقدر مع سامر حنا سُلم المتهم وحوكم".

وأكد أن "سلاح المقاومة لم يتدخل في البقاع لمطاردة المهربين أو الخاطفين".

وأضاف: "لم نسمع ممن مع المقاومة فتاوى تحبذ الثقتل".

هذا وأكد عون أن "قانون الانتخاب سيبقى سائرا والنواب سيكملون عملهم"، مشددا على أنهم لن ينجرفوا "الى النقاش وسنترك السلطات تقوم بواجبها".

  • 17:12 ,2013 شباط 05

    عون: هناك منظمات ارهابية وهناك منظمات مقاومة ولم نسمع ممن مع المقاومة فتاوى تحبذ الثقتل و لا اعتقد ان النواب الذين تحدثوا في طرابلس وعكار يمثلون كل لبنان

  • 17:09 ,2013 شباط 05

    عون: لم نسمع من أي شيخ ينتمي الى المقاومة كلاما طائفيا كالذي سمعناه في عرسال

  • 17:06 ,2013 شباط 05

    عون: نحن نرى ان شركاء المجرمين يدافعون عنهم من مكانهم السياسي والديني ولن نقبل ان يتحول ما حصل في عرسال الى قضية فئوية فالجريمة لا طائفة ولا دين لها

  • 17:05 ,2013 شباط 05

    عون: الجيش ليس بحاجة الى رفع الغطاء عن المسلحين المعتدين

  • 17:04 ,2013 شباط 05

    عون: إن لم نخمد الفتنة في بدايتها سنصل لها حتما والجيش ليس بحاجة لغطاء سياسي للدفاع عن نفسه

  • 17:04 ,2013 شباط 05

    عون: الجيش من كل المواطنين ولهم وليس بحاجة لشهادات بحسن السلوك

  • 17:04 ,2013 شباط 05

    عون: لا نريد ان نسمح بعد اليوم كلمة النأي بالنفس لأنها أصبحت "لعيا للنفس"

  • 17:03 ,2013 شباط 05

    عون: الجريمة التي وقعت كانت نتيجة التخلي عن المنطقة وحفظ الامن وعلى الدولة ان تستعيد سيطرتها على كل المنطقة وضبط حملة السلاح

  • 17:03 ,2013 شباط 05

    عون: رأينا إندماج اللبنانيين فيما يحصل بسوريا

  • 17:02 ,2013 شباط 05

    عون: نبهنا عن عدم النأي بالنفس عن السيادة اللبنانية

  • 17:01 ,2013 شباط 05

    عون: تعزية حارة لعائلة الشهيد بشعلاني والشهيد زهرمان

التعليقات 24
Thumb LEBhasNOhope 17:14 ,2013 شباط 05

Here comes a pathetic attempt at PR to not take responsiblity for the murder of our true heros who risk their lives for us. Anyone with any self respect or dignity would state that the army needs to be the strongest force in the country. I don't know about the rest of you but I am so sick and tired of the ridiculous rhetoric on why it's ok to have ONE group have arms outside the state and be stronger than the state and the rest of the country don't. ALL ARMS need to be under state control. EVERYONE has the duty and obligation as a Lebanese to support our army.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 18:09 ,2013 شباط 05

FT - m14 is totally against militias no matter who they belong to. However, it is difficult to tell the sunnis not to organize after the storming of beirut, the continual harrasment of their neighborhoods and the night of the lack shirts. The position of m14 and especially al-mustaqbal is that lebanon may need the resistance. However, they should operate within strict confines of the lebanese army and that the decision of war and peace is that of the lebanese state. This, the hizb refuses since it takes its queue (or orders) from Qom (iran) and not from the lebanese government.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18:26 ,2013 شباط 05

Flamer- stop lying! M14 are trying to bring ALL ARMS under state control. They are NOT stating that others should be armed. M14 is stating that people are arming themselves because they fear hizb's arms and it needs to stop. They condem it and are trying to curb it by clearly and unequivacly stating that ALL ARMS MUST BE UNDER STATE CONTROL.
BTW- They have reached out to M8 to ensure the army is above all, and upgraded, our borders demarcated so that hezb issue is resolved in the most peaceful manner. M8 is the one refusing ALL OF THAT! I honestly don't know how you could even attempt to claim otherwise!

Thumb bigsami 19:33 ,2013 شباط 05

Farsi BSThrower full fledged diarrhea running at full force. Idiot!

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18:14 ,2013 شباط 06

FLamer you are pathetic! when M14 won the government, did they not build a national unity governemnet? when M8 won, did they not form a one sided government? as for calling people sissies for leaving the country after they are threatend and excuted by M8 terrorists who plant bombs and kill them along with inocent people shows how the kind of character you have.
As for your post- we all know the integrety of tayyar and ounist. we all know about their photoshping skills. we all know about their tape tampering skills. NO ONE TAKES THEM SERIOUSLY ANYMORE! so you tell me based on past reputation and experience who is lying? Only an absolute MORON could try and convince anyone that M14 does not want all arms under the state when that is ALL THEY PREACH! your an idiot on your best day!

Default-user-icon myname (ضيف) 17:15 ,2013 شباط 05

Aoun: The resistance's arms did not kill any soldier in the past or present. who killed then the lebanese pilot?????? ghosts? What an effing idiot!

Missing samiam 17:23 ,2013 شباط 05

"Aoun: The resistance's arms did not kill any soldier in the past or present."

and the army helicopter that they shot down was occupied by whom?

Lies have become old general--the truth is more useful.

Thumb geha 17:24 ,2013 شباط 05

the resistance arms did not kill any soldier in the past or present
what is he talking about? what about samer hanna? what about the previous incidents where soldiers were injured and killed?
no memory, that means he is senile.

Missing samiam 18:12 ,2013 شباط 05

and yet your friendly neighborhood general claims that the arms by HA have NEVER killed any soldier and this was the only one that HA admitted to and probably not the the only one.

did he forget or did he hope his minions forgot?

Missing peace 20:30 ,2013 شباط 05

samiam: he kept repeating for years that hezbollah was a terrorist group... now that they are his pimps he just shut up and cash the dollars....

Missing samiam 11:55 ,2013 شباط 06

FT--I know you are brainwashed, but not a complete idiot (I hope)--Aoun's statement is "The resistance's arms did not kill any soldier in the past or present."

What brought down the helicopter--if it isn't a rock or a bird, my very educated guess is that it was brought down by ARMS. It was a Lebanese Army helicopter and was shot down by HA in LEBANON. PERIOD, END OF STORY. Whether the fire was friendly or not (it wasn't), the fact remains the HA's arms brought down the helicopter and no matter how you try to spin GMA's remarks, he lied and misrepresented the truth.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:57 ,2013 شباط 05

"Aoun: We no longer want to hear the word "disassociation" because it has not been applied." - and here it goes! Who benefits most of the Arsal incident? The Syrian regime! We need an independent Judicial investigation. Anything less is not acceptable.

Default-user-icon joe (ضيف) 18:25 ,2013 شباط 05

how about SAMER HANNA ?? did you forget about him?

Default-user-icon Pisco (ضيف) 18:26 ,2013 شباط 05

The state must regain its sovereignty and apprehend the gunmen,” he demanded

I am wondering when did the state gain and lost sovereignty to regain now!!!

The state will be sovereign only once all weapons are under its control.

Default-user-icon Majd (ضيف) 18:51 ,2013 شباط 05

Funny he's just gone against everything he said about the so called "Resistance" between 1990 and 2005. The senile coward also forgot that the so called "Resistance" acted like every other militia during the war, kidnapped based on identity and used it's arm to kill other Lebanese and members the Lebanese Army.

Missing allouchi 19:15 ,2013 شباط 05

Aoun is so delusional..z general should take his hizb medical fix...who follows such a lunitic?

Missing peace 20:29 ,2013 شباط 05

look at bozo once again trying to blame others to incite hatred among lebanese... he is deliberately provoking the others to get a reaction so after he can say "see! i was right! see how they are!"
why doesn t bozo say that hezbi were also involved? LOL....

Thumb andre.jabbour 21:28 ,2013 شباط 05

Aoun is turning his coat just like Putin turned his coat on Bashar. The vast majority of gunmen in Lebanon are hizballahi.

Missing samiam 00:05 ,2013 شباط 06

and the minion speaks again. He may have a 3rd grade education but he has a doctorate in indoctrination.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 01:19 ,2013 شباط 06

Why is Huzb Allah allowed to have their own territory off limits to the Lebanese military or authorities but when this is done by someone else it is a tragedy to Aoun? Either end all security zones or shut up about it.

Missing Cyanide 01:39 ,2013 شباط 06

He is %100 right this time

Missing helicopter 03:53 ,2013 شباط 06

The sad thing is your comment reflects reality, at least you are honest stargate. Hence the reason why Lebanon is in such a condition. The boot of the resistance is on the head of the Lebanese State. May the resistance fall so Lebanon can rise.

Missing cedars 05:45 ,2013 شباط 06

Resistance in Hungarian playing an important role to dmarc Sheb3a Farms. Who are we joking that Hizbollah same as those fanatics or Palestinians will never lay their weapons because their servant is made outside of Lebanon.

Thumb beiruti 16:52 ,2013 شباط 06

So Aoun wants to "crackdown on gunmen" now does he? Such statements as these are only further evidence of the delusional world in which this man lives where he is surrounded by bootlickers and his mental disease is allowed to fester to the point that he says these things while boasting of his alliance with Hezbollah, the fountainhead of gunmen running about in Lebanon, and saying that his support of Hezbollah supports the sovereignty of the State. Only someone divorced from reality can make such statements and only people divorced from reality would say, "Aish ya generale!" when he says such things.