تقارير: ليبيا تشدد تدابيرها الامنية تجاه اللبنانيين

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بدأت ليبيا، بالقيام بـ"حملة" ضد اللبنانيين المتواجدين على اراضيها او القادمين اليها، يصل الى حد ترحيلهم، انطلاقاً من فكرة ان كل لبناني "مشبوه"، فيخضع لسلسلة تحقيقات، لاتخاذ القرار النهائي بإبقائه او لا، وفق ما افادت صحيفة "الاخبار".

ولفتت الصحيفة، الخميس، الى ان ليبيا حيث يقيم نحو 18 الف لبناني، تعتبر ان كل مواطن لبناني "مشبوه حتى يثبت العكس". وكشفت ان وزير الداخلية الليبية عاشور شوايل اصدر منذ نحو شهر، قراراً يقضي بمنع دخول اللبنانيين إلى ليبيا.

الا انه استثنى من مفاعيله في بادئ الأمر الشخصيات والوفود الرسمية.

وتضمن قرار وزير الداخلية "منع منح اللبنانيين تأشيرات دخول إلى ليبيا، إضافة إلى منع دخول اللبنانيين عبر مطار طرابلس الدولي إلى ليبيا، رغم حيازتهم تأشيرات دخول صالحة. ويرحّل أي مسافر لبناني من المطار على متن أول طائرة مقلعة إلى لبنان"، وفق "الاخبار".

الا ان الصحيفة اشارت الى ان الرسميين الليبيين ينفون وجود هكذا قرار لوزارة الداخلية الليبية، موضحين أن كل ما في الأمر هو إجراءات احترازية اتخذتها الوزارة، ضد بعض اللبنانيين ممن تحمل جوازات سفرهم تأشيرات صادرة عن جمهورية إيران الإسلامية.

الى ذلك، اوضحت "الاخبار" انه ما ان يصل اي لبناني إلى مطار العاصمة الليبية، يُساق الى غرف جانبية داخل المطار، حيث يخضع لتحقيق يبدأ بسؤال عن مكان إقامتهم في لبنان ثم يتطور ليصبح السؤال مباشراً وصريحاً عمّا إذا كان يقيم في الضاحية الجنوبية من بيروت، وما إذا كانت له علاقة بحزب الله أو إذا سبق له أن زار إيران.

وكان تقرير لصحيفة "الاخبار"، في حزيران الفائت، كشف معلومات مفادها ان هناك حوالى 1000 لبناني سيطردون من الامارات. وتابع أن بعض اللبنانيين الذين طُردوا خلال الاسابيع الماضية، أجبروا على توقيع وثيقة "يعترفون" فيها بأنهم يدعمون حزب الله، أو أنهم يقومون بأعمال أمنية غير مشروعة.

وأضافت الصحيفة، أن هؤلاء خيّروا بين توقيع هذه الوثائق أو دخول السجن، فاضطروا بتوقيعها.

التعليقات 23
Missing ArabDemocrat.com 09:47 ,2013 شباط 07

This is the unfortunate consequence of the Hizb and this government support of Assad. Lebanese used to be the most liked in the Arab world. If we continue along this path and are seen to support the monstrous regime in Damascus, we will be tje most despised.

Thumb mckinl 10:32 ,2013 شباط 07

Lebanon is in the way of the US-Zionist-GCC policy of destroying all things Iranian/Shiite. Trouble is there is no where for Lebanon to go.

Increasing pressure will be brought to bare before the elections so that the Salafist Future Movement can get a majority government.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 02:44 ,2013 شباط 08

"US-Zionist-GCC policy of destroying all things Iranian/Shiite"?

Missing samiam 11:30 ,2013 شباط 07

well, without an infrastructure with you know, running water, electricity, safe roads and security, you face an uphill battle for that. I haven't seen any politician from either M8 or M14 propose how we are going to get there.

Missing samiam 20:40 ,2013 شباط 07

bassil and electricity--don't make me laugh

Three years ago my electric bill for 2 months averaged nearly $300, now it is about $100--so doing the math, since 2009, I am getting ONE THIRD of the electricity. He has his own plans and doesn't know how to achieve them and gets mad when others take the stage. How many power plants are currently being built or are planned to be built? The answer is ZERO. Good one--next joke please

Don't take this as anti-FPM thing--Minister Sehnaoui has done a pretty decent job managing the sector--I wouldn't give him an A, but he has actually shown tangible improvements in the sector. Nothing close can be said for the SIL.

Thumb mckinl 10:14 ,2013 شباط 07

I thought Jumblatt had squared things away in Sunni land. Looks like everyone is going after Iran, Hez and Shiites in general. The fatwah on Shiites and anyone who supports them moves into high gear.

Default-user-icon Adam (ضيف) 10:27 ,2013 شباط 07

You idiots this article does not have one source for it's information. Who said what?

Thumb mckinl 14:00 ,2013 شباط 07

"al-Akhbar daily said Thursday."

and more ...

Did you read the piece ???

Missing greatpierro 10:57 ,2013 شباط 07

Let the FPM supporters keep supporting Hizbullah who proved too many a time that they are a terrorist, money laundering organization, plus drug and arms trafficker. Thank you for keeping high up the reputation of Lebanon and the Lebanese. Keep it up.

Missing greatpierro 12:33 ,2013 شباط 07

after all need no proof. What really maters is what the international community believe and the negative measures that the Lebanese will suffer.

Thumb mckinl 13:25 ,2013 شباط 07

Suffering for the boasts of Ahmadinejad is no honor. Iran has alienated the rest of the world with their over the top rhetoric and behavior. How does one practice resistance when one is constantly undermined by childish antics.

Once again Ahmadinejad has threatened Israel, this time in Cairo. He is an embarrassment and a liability for Iran and what is left of her allies not to mention insulting Egypt's hospitality on the first visit after 30 years.

Fortunately Ahmadinejad seems to be signaling that Iran is open to the replacement of Assad through negotiations and elections. We will see how good his word is on that matter. Ahmadinejad has placed his allies and his people in unnecessary jeopardy by his behavior.

Missing greatpierro 14:50 ,2013 شباط 07

what the international community believes does matter as it will affect the lebanese directly. If our youth cannot go and work abroad, or our businessman have difficulties traveling, etc...

Missing greatpierro 15:46 ,2013 شباط 07

Lets say the US gave the green light for the dictator to occupy us. So I may understand why you don't like the US. What I really do not understand is why do you like so much the dictator that occupied us, is not allowing us to take our right share of water from Nahr el Kabir and the Oronte, that does not allow our fishermen to fish off the coast of Akkar, that does not give the evidence to Lebanon to prove Chebaa is Lebanese territory, that gives explosives to Samaha to wreck havoc in Lebanon, etc.....

Missing peace 21:32 ,2013 شباط 07

"i had my free speech DURING the reign of the syrian in lebanon"

sure collaborators of the syrian regime had their free speech called assad s propaganda... seem you forgot how those speaking against the syrian regime were treated and humiliated, short memoery huh? oh! yes because aoun supports syria now then all FPMers forgot what it was like under the syrian regime...

so stupid FT ...

Default-user-icon vicking (ضيف) 11:24 ,2013 شباط 07

Lebanon must take measures against Libyans - take back all visas from Libyans in Lebanon and impose strict visa measures against them.
This is NOT ACCEPTABLE - Lebanon is 1000 more advanced than Libya and will soon exceed its wealth thanks to our new gas resources

Default-user-icon Ahmed (ضيف) 14:01 ,2013 شباط 07

News flash - Lebanon will never have Libya's wealth. What planet ar eyou living on. We produce 1.6 mm bbls/day - that's roughly $160mmm daily revenue for the country.

I could write a book about comparing the 2 countries, wealth wise but go and so some reading on our country first !

Missing beirutbastard00 11:50 ,2013 شباط 07

Hahaha Libya is banning US????? -_-

Missing greatpierro 15:52 ,2013 شباط 07

Yes which shows how bad is now the reputation of Lebanon and the Lebanese thanks to Hizbullah.

Thumb AngryLeb 12:52 ,2013 شباط 07

Usually I would expect to hear,,, Lebanon has banned entry visa to Libyan ,,, not the contrary, Who is Libya ? A terrorist country but with cash, the only difference is that they have $$$ and We don't bess that s it.

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 13:13 ,2013 شباط 07

The Lebanese government must act swiftly and ban libyans from entering Lebanon.. many of whom sneak into Syria to kill innocent people.

Thumb mckinl 13:47 ,2013 شباط 07

Did you notice the other countries banning Lebanese? It is clear that the GCC and the Zionists are exercising their power in order to isolate Lebanon.

Iran must make concessions to relieve this pressure to avoid even more pain for itself and its' allies. And that appears to be happening in Cairo as Ahmadinejad has agreed to talks to replace Assad.

Default-user-icon Ahmed (ضيف) 13:57 ,2013 شباط 07

That was then - Watch us get to the top now Mr. Cedar !

Thumb shab 15:02 ,2013 شباط 07

Send all the expelled Shiite to Iran and let the rest stay.