تقارير: اعادة فتح ملف "بنك المدينة" بعد المناوشات بين حرب وماضي

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ادى قرار النائب العام التمييزي القاضي حاتم ماضي، بإعادة فتح ملف "بنك المدينة" الى طرح تساؤلات عدة حول خلفيات هذا القرار، خصوصاً بعد طلب ماضي رفع الحصانة عن النائب بطرس حرب بتهمة التعرض لرئيس الجمهورية وللقضاء.

وأصدر ماضي، الخميس، قرارا كلف بموجبه لجنة من الخبراء تسليمه تقريراً باسماء جميع الاشخاص الذين تقاضوا اموالا من مصرفَي "المدينة" و"الاعتماد المتحد" او من احدهما مع بيان قيمة المبالغ المقبوضة وسببها، على ان تنهي هذه اللجنة تقريرها في مهلة اقصاها 3 اسابيع.

يُشار الى ان لجنة الخبراء هذه كانت معينة عام 2003 من أجل تحديد مدى انطباق صفة تبييض الاموال على عمليات المصرفين.

وقد ادى هذا القرار الى طرح علامات استفهام، خصوصاً لجهة توقيتها، واذا كانت تستهدف في احدى جوانبها النائب بطرس حرب كون الاخير كان مكلّفا كمحام في احدى المراحل بملف "بنك المدينة"، اونه على لائحة المستفيدين من اموال هذا المصرف.

الا ان اوساط حرب اكدت لصحيفة "السفير" انه "لم يكن من المودعين في البنك، ولا علاقة له لا من قريب ولا من بعيد بمسألة لائحة المستفيدين".

في حين اوضحت الاوساط ان المديرة التنفيذية في "مصرف بنك المدينة"، آنذاك، رنا قليلات كانت قد طلبت من النائب حرب، بصفته محام، استلام قضيتها، غير ان حرب وضع علامة استفهام بشأن مبلغ قيمته 300 مليون يورو كان يجب على قليلات تسديده الى مصرف لبنان.

وقد صارحها يومها حرب، وفق اوساطه، بانه اذا كان الملف يحتوي على مخالفات صريحة مسؤولة عنها، فانه لن يسير به. ووتابع الاوساط، لـ"السفير" ان حرب راجع مصرف لبنان، وتأكد من الاخير بان قليلات قدّمت شيكا للمصرف تبيّن لاحقا انه من دون رصيد، فتنحى فورا عن القضية، بعد قبض كامل اتعابه.

وادت مسألة الادعاء على محمود الحايك، بجرم محاولة اغتيال حرب، في تموز الماضي، الى تبادل اتهامات عبر الاعلام ودعوات شخصية بين حرب وماضي.

وكان المدعي العام التمييزي القاضي حاتم ماضي قد وجه ظهر الاثنين، كتابا الى وزير العدل شكيب قرطباوي "طلب فيه احالة طلبه الى المجلس النيابي لرفع الحصانة عن النائب حرب لملاحقته جزائيا بجرم الاساءة الى شخص رئيس الجمهورية (ميشال سليمان) ومقامه وقوله ان رئيس الجمهورية تدخل مع القضاء، واتهامه القضاء بالتواطؤ".

وفور الاعلان عن الطلب، رد حرب عبر الـ"MTV"، قائلاً "من سخرية القدر أن يسمح قاض لنفسه ان يطلب ملاحقتي جزائيا".

وكان حرب قد كشف أن "في جعبتي كلام كثير في هذ الأمر والمعلومات التي لدي عن صفقة كانت تُجرى بين القضاة والسياسيين من أجل لفلفة هذه القضية لن أعلن عنها الآن".

التعليقات 32
Missing rudy 08:55 ,2013 شباط 08

Now that's interesting. Yes please do reveal ALL the names.

For once let something be made public without under the table deals.

Missing rudy 12:45 ,2013 شباط 08

im not defending him or accusing him.

as a matter of fact i dont really care about this specific case, but i think these inquiries should be made on the widest scale possible.

if hard took some money that is his lawyer fee, then he didnt do anything wrong. if he took a few million dollars, thats different.

all i am hoping for is that if this goes through, the final report will name all those who took money, how much, and what for. not just harb.

Thumb geha 09:15 ,2013 شباط 08

they will not reveal all the names, rather they are using this to try to discredit m14 ahead of the elections. do you seriously think they will disclose how much went to the pockets of Berri?
they tried to kill Harb, and they failed. now they try to discredit him with false accusations. all that to clear the way for the son in law to be elected.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 17:12 ,2013 شباط 08

"do you seriously think they will disclose how much went to the pockets of Berri"
"now they try to discredit him with false accusations"
how did you get that geha is implicitly admitting that m14 is corrupted from that?

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 17:13 ,2013 شباط 08

you should be their official spokesman. what a joke!

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 17:50 ,2013 شباط 08

Being a good judge of character isn’t your strong suit, is it?

Thumb ado.australia 18:37 ,2013 شباط 08

This scandal involves the Syrian occupation forces and their collaberators in Lebanon. Where it leads, we don't know. It was suddenly stopped mid investigation because too many Syrians were implicated... Boutros Harb, for those who can't remember back more than 7 years, was the Syrian 1st choice to replace Presidant Emile lahoud. He was first elected as an mp when all christains boycotted the elections after the civil war ended. The free syrian terrorist army's hero, ex-vice Presidant of Syria, Khaddam, the godfather of syrian occupation and rapist of Lebanon is rumoured to of made millions of dollars on this scandal alone. Inshallah more will come of this finacial rape of Lebanon.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:20 ,2013 شباط 08

your words are mumbled. can't really understand you. I'll wait till Tuesday to see if you can sneak out a word or two while claoun has his mouth open.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 21:14 ,2013 شباط 08

momo- maybe one day I will grow up to be just like you. I mean it is such a great accomplishment when you were able to count all the way up to 20 using your fingers and toes. I could only hope to get to be that smart someday. Your parents must so proud.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 21:28 ,2013 شباط 08

I doubt that! If I can't win you or Moliere then I’m afraid it's hopeless for me. However, there is still a chance for you.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 21:38 ,2013 شباط 08

I do. Just ask your moma!

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 21:48 ,2013 شباط 08

like I said. Being a good judge of character isn’t your strong suit.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 21:58 ,2013 شباط 08


Thumb LEBhasNOhope 22:21 ,2013 شباط 08

So, a thought crossed your mind? Must have been a long and lonely

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 22:25 ,2013 شباط 08

I'd like to leave you with one thought...but I'm not sure you have
anywhere to put it!

Default-user-icon zozo (ضيف) 11:06 ,2013 شباط 08


The Circus called...

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 11:31 ,2013 شباط 08

Time to get rid of Madi. We have now a politicized and personalized legal process. Is this guy for real?

Missing peace 11:35 ,2013 شباط 08

seems this judge is more into politics than in the search of objective justice... what next? a talk show? oprah winfrey?

Missing samiam 12:05 ,2013 شباط 08

yeah--pretty obvious the judicial process is politicized as well as everything else in this country. So what happened to the case of the guys that sold all that bad meat to the restaurants and groceries last year? How about the assisinations of figures? Why haven't they been brought to at least trial?

Oh, do we really have to answer that or is the answer in plain sight?

Missing samiam 16:30 ,2013 شباط 08

No offense dude, but I have dealt with lawyers and judges alike and if any on them saw the actions of Madi a few days ago and then go after a case from 9 years ago, it shows bias and any competent judicial system would throw out the prosecutor and put in another one.

This raises too many flags of bias and lack of partiality considering what cases are being tried and which ones aren't.

Missing billabash 12:58 ,2013 شباط 08

It is funny how picky they get when they are allegedly trying to fight "corruption". If they want to fight all the corruption they should also trial the FPM MPs such as Gebran Bassil and Nicolas Sehnaoui as well as Hizballah scams such as the fraud medicine as well as the captagon issue for example.

However Boutrous Harb had nothing to do with the issue. And this is clearly a prooaganda for M8.

Thumb jcamerican 13:05 ,2013 شباط 08

The problem in Lebanon, they are all dirty. Each one of you want to defend his affiliation. If the judge has a case let it be. I am sure M14 has judges too, let them chase their cases.

Missing allouchi 14:47 ,2013 شباط 08

All corruptions should be exposed and the guilty punished, but it is really obvious that this so called Judge Hatem Madi is using his position politically and for revenge...we are all in grave danger when our judiciary is politicized...

Default-user-icon zozo (ضيف) 14:50 ,2013 شباط 08

Everyone is corrupt...Not just one side... Grow up people.

Default-user-icon ghassan dafshoush (ضيف) 16:44 ,2013 شباط 08

Harb: no worries my friends. My Syrian occupier buddies will rescue me as they always have.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 17:57 ,2013 شباط 08

hahaha- yeah Madi wants justice so badly that he waited 9 years and is using it as a second attempt at intimidating the victim. However, the victim, Boutros Harb, refuses to be a victim and is fighting back. I can't wait until this turns into a huge snowball effect and people start rolling on each other.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18:44 ,2013 شباط 08

They tried to kill Boutros so his seat can go to Claoun (same scenario with Pierre RIP) and failed. Now they are trying a smear campaign. These are the same people that circulated pamphlets insinuating that a terrorist attack survivor and an amputee is a half a person. If there is any sense of justice in this world, they will fail miserably this time.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:22 ,2013 شباط 08

Yawn. You should go make friends with Karim.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 21:57 ,2013 شباط 08

What happened to ignoring me? My brain got mad me when it found out I was suing it for non-support!
I finally took your advice.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 22:05 ,2013 شباط 08

you thought you were the only one having fun and I'm the idiot? whatever you have to tell yourself

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 22:24 ,2013 شباط 08

I do have to admit. I was a bit slow and didn't catch on nearly as fast as a couple of other commentators. So I do desrve being called an idiot.

Default-user-icon foulen (ضيف) 07:20 ,2013 شباط 09

Guys wake up! They are both corrupt! It has become a common practice that when our esteemed politicians are accused of crime they dont care to defend themeselves anymore! They just accuse their opponents of more crimes. The truth is a criminal is a criminal. One crime is enough. The sad part is we got accustomed to follow the less criminal. Well i think we deserve more. Wed
eserve to have someone clean to represent us. And to both 14 march and 8march politicians i say: you are all criminals you deserve to be in prison!