عون: جذور من الفساد سوف تقلع ونخوض حرب تحرير للمجتمع اللبناني

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أعلن رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" أن هناك جذور من الفساد في الإدارة "سوف تقلع" مطلقا عملية "تحرير" للإدارة اللبنانية أثناء إطلاق رسمي لكتاب أنجزه التكتل عن حسابات مالية ضائعة في أعوام ماضية.

وقال عون في حفل إطلاق كتاب "الإبراء المستحيل" في فندق الحبتور مساء الإثنين "نحن كسرنا كل الحواجز وما حلمنا به سوق تحققه والحلم لا يتحقق إلا بإقدام وشجاعة لأن الفريق المضاد هو الأقوى وجذوره مرسخة أما نحن نقوم بحرب تحرير للمجتمع اللبناني من وضع فاسد في الإدارة".

وتابع عون قائلا "أدركنا أن أهم شيء في الدولة إذا ضبط هو المال العام والمال العام يضبط بضبط الجبايات والإنفاق وهذا ما يسمى موازنة" مضيفا "نسمع دائما ان السياسيين فاسدين ومن عمم هذه الكلمة هو الفاسد والسارق".

وعاد عون "إلى أمثال بسيطة وكانت المرحومة أمي تمثل الحكمة عندما كانت تقول لي "من يصرف دون أن يحسب كالذي يخسر من غير أن يدري".

أضاف "نحن برهننا أن هناك "أوادم" يعملون للصالح العام وعلى المواطن أن يقوم بواجباته وله حق المقاضاة أمام المحاكم وماله هو ما يهدر".

هذا ولم يخف عون أن "هناك كذابين محلفين لدينا في المجتمع ويجب أن يكون لدينا ثقافة المحاسبة ومجتمعنا متسامح لأنهم يأسوه وهنا يجب أن تلعب منظمات المجتمع المدني الدور الأبرز".

وإذ سأل رئيس التيار "الوطني الحر" من يضمن حق المحاسبة أشار إلى أن "الإعلام هو جزء إذا أضاء على الحقيقية ولكن هناك مؤسسات أخرى وهناك هيكلية للدولة وسلطة تنفيذية تحاسب وسلطة قضائية تحاسبها واليوم الدولة بأكملها تحت التجربة فإما تقف أو تنهار".

وتابع مشددا على أن "هناك جذورا عميقة للفساد سوق تقلع وممنوع أن يئن كل مواطن في بيته".

وكشف عون أن "الوثيقة تتناول كل شيء وليست منشور انتخابي بل أعمق من ذلك وأي كلمة موجودة في هذا الكتاب لها وثيقتها ونتأمل من الجميع أن يبذل جهده للإصلاح بإرادة ونية طيبة كي نصل بوطننا إلى مرفق الأمان" مضيفا "يمكن أن نكون أفضل من الوضع الحالي إقتصاديا ونحن سنقدم منشورات جديدة لتضاف على الكتاب".

بدوره اشار عضو تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ابراهيم كنعان إلى أن هناك "نحو 170 مليار دولار انفقت بدون حسابات حسب الاصول"، من العام 1993 وحتى العام 2010.

التعليقات 40
Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18:30 ,2013 شباط 11

I always get a good chuckle when I hear Aoun talking about ending corruption.
If this book of his has any substance and he, by some miracle, comes out as a "clean" politician, I will eat my words and apologize to every aounist out there.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:42 ,2013 شباط 11

No need to worry about eating your words lebanonfirst. The Lebanese will eat their fingers in regrets for electing such clowns while we have intelligent and competent people who would not get 10 votes.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 19:59 ,2013 شباط 11

Couldn’t agree with you more rafehh. It always boggles my mind to hear people complain so much about the piss poor performance of the government. Yet said people go back vote to the same old stooges along with their kids and kids in law and so forth. Clearly someone needs to introduce them to Einstein theory of insanity.

Thumb geha 20:23 ,2013 شباط 11

he is the one that needs to be uprooted. do not forget his thief in law.
they are traitors to Lebanon and Syro/Iranian collaborators.
the damage they are doing to Lebanon is tremendous.

Missing rudy 21:19 ,2013 شباط 11

If the information in his book has any substance, he would have given it to the judiciary as he always threatened to do.

Missing rudy 21:23 ,2013 شباط 11

Instead he figured why not make a book abd get paid for it.

Why actually fight corruption if you can make it propaganda and get paid for it

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 21:28 ,2013 شباط 11

Smear campaigns are his specialty. The more people realize that, the more credibility he loses.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 16:02 ,2013 شباط 12

Fact sheets? what a joke! If they were so factual why isn't Madi prosecuting them? is it because there was no failed assassination attempt on them by your allies? Let’s not forget the pamphlets that were circulated by non-other than your buddies insinuating that Maya Chidiac was a half person because she was going to run against Aoun. That was actually lower than a smear campaign. That was insulting a patriot that survived an assassination attempt by your allies and is a double amputee because of it.

Default-user-icon meembay castings (ضيف) 18:52 ,2013 شباط 11

are the lebanese so"pauvres d'esprit"?

Default-user-icon Georges (ضيف) 19:22 ,2013 شباط 11

Whats the saying about living in Glass houses?!!

Thumb Bandoul 19:42 ,2013 شباط 11

@ leader of the Failed Political Movement, start by uprooting your thieving son in law first and finish by uprooting yourself second. There are a lot of corrupted evil polititians in Lebanon, no one is innocent, but you & your thug son in law are at the top of the list. I spit on you!

Missing peace 20:23 ,2013 شباط 11

i guess half his staff at least will then have to resign for corruption!!!!

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:40 ,2013 شباط 11

half? ha! only if you investigate half of them.

Default-user-icon Neal (ضيف) 20:32 ,2013 شباط 11

well let's see "Aoun want to end corruption in Lebanon " . i think it is a great idea , i think it will do everyone good and make us a better country and we all be better for it . but for a person to make such claim a self examination must be in order , maybe Mr. aoun will tell us how he accumulate those $30 millions in banks on a General salary . or maybe he can tell us how can his son in law buy all that land in the batroun region on his salary , or maybe he can tell us how the Lasa residents can occupy church land with his blessing . there is a lot i can mention but like the old saying " the people who lives in glass building should not throw stones " . if you add some substance to your words you might start to earn some respect General .

Default-user-icon Wassim (ضيف) 21:34 ,2013 شباط 11

guys i can point out a fact on how FPM is corrupt.
Jebran Bassil's wife has a an advertising company called clementine.
Without a pitch (mounakassa) they have acquired the majority of the business of the government. how can they justify that?

Missing aounophobia 21:52 ,2013 شباط 11

is this your indirect way to tell us that you are resigning? you uproot yourself hahahaha?

you and your ubercorrupt frodo baggins son of yours

Default-user-icon le phenicien (ضيف) 22:31 ,2013 شباط 11

OMG, Sahnawi, Bassil quick run for the hills the "general" is coming after corruption!

Missing samiam 23:16 ,2013 شباط 11

actions speak louder than words--what are you really going to DO?

Been hearing this crap for a while and him being allied with Berri doesn't scream the end of corruption.

Missing peace 00:03 ,2013 شباط 12

yeah! how many audits did he promise? how many did he carry out? none...
how many files did he say he had in his possession? how many did he hand to the justice? none...

this is just populous talk before the elections. just a bark as many others!

Default-user-icon Marlene (ضيف) 00:36 ,2013 شباط 12

Ah yes, we are on the eve of elections and as it been customary the Freaking Pathetic Morons are out with a new book of fiction, remember the orange book of 2005.

Thumb beiruti 02:14 ,2013 شباط 12

Let his first arrest be of his son in law Thibran Basil, and his daughter, and his brother and uncle and wife and cousin for robbing the country blind, and then , may we listen to this reality challenged individual.

Missing thatisit 03:18 ,2013 شباط 12

this guy is an idiot and he is selling what he ain't got ..

Missing greatpierro 07:38 ,2013 شباط 12

Aoun is making such declarations as its election time soon. Yet on the ground his ministers Basil and Sehnaoui are not showing the lebanese that they are are respecting the government procedures regarding public expenditures.

Missing samiam 09:59 ,2013 شباط 12

wow FT, you have become a public service announcement for FPM and Bassil. You really want to rehash the EDL argument again, because you aren't going to win it in a real court or the court of public opinion.

Missing greatpierro 10:13 ,2013 شباط 12

Common stop politicizing every thing. President Suleiman even asked sehnaoui why he is not respecting the procedures. I am not accusing sehnaoui of corruption as I have no proofs to do so. The only hard fact is that he is not respecting the procedures of public tendering and accounting transparency. You as an fpm supporter you should request that fmp ministers are sticking scrupulously to the rules.

Missing samiam 15:15 ,2013 شباط 12

FT, you repeated the same thing in the EDL argument, almost verbatim, again blaming his ills on other people. I knew someone like that at a company I worked for--he kept blaming everyone else on why he couldn't get the job done, and after 2 months, the boss finally fired him. If he can't adapt, then he should move on--PERIOD.

Coming up with 'great' plans doesn't mean a damn if he doesn't execute the plan--we call those people dreamers, not doers.

Missing maroun 08:26 ,2013 شباط 12

the biggest thief in Lebanon is barking again .i did not think in this day and age there are still illiterate people in lebanon that believe him...

Missing samiam 11:13 ,2013 شباط 12

there's a start--at least you called him a thief. Now there is common ground....

Missing maroun 12:21 ,2013 شباط 12

yo are blind to facts ,,a thief can not accuse others of been a thief's.paying his rent with stolen money..you are a joke FT...dont know how much they pay you to post there propaganda..i cant be bought for any amount .

Thumb habib 08:54 ,2013 شباط 12

7aka yodas

Missing lqu7 09:15 ,2013 شباط 12

General Aoun is doing the mistake of assuming that the Lebanese public reads. And the M14 public at that.

Missing samiam 11:17 ,2013 شباط 12

General Aoun needs to put his money where his mouth is and actually do something instead of vowing to do something. Transparency is a good first step--so let's see those contracts that your SIL signed with the Turkish ships and see exactly how much his cut is. If there is nothing to see, then he has nothing to fear.

Missing samiam 15:03 ,2013 شباط 12

If he is true about his intentions, starting with himself would be the most sincere step--if not, he and you should just shut up about it. Actions, not words--as for your general, the he has only been accusing the other side and none of his allies.

As a detective, you FAIL again.

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 12:55 ,2013 شباط 12

He should start with himself first. I unfathomable to me how could a corrupt person want to fight corruption. I might be a simple person, but not a stupid one indeed.

Missing billabash 13:46 ,2013 شباط 12

Dear FT,

Your Minister Gobran Bassil admitted that Aoun took the money from the government when he fled to France, and claimed to have given it back in an episode of kalam el nas. My Question is did they also give the interest from this Money also back? So stop BSing. There are even evidence as Aoun transfered the money over a period of 2 years onto his Wife's account. Do you about the "Jarret el Fakahar" during Aouns days in Baabda? There are papers proving that, you only have to open your eyes as well as clean your ears ;).

Well i dunno if you have been reading the news lately but aren't they running now a case against nicolas sehnaoui? Or have you forgotten the diesel fiasco (Mazoot el a7mar, Shipment to Syria) by Jobran bassil? M14 doesn't need to do anything since the aounist Ministers are so stupid and delivering this "electorial gold" to them.

Missing samiam 15:17 ,2013 شباط 12

it is a good thing he came against nepotism at one point in time, and now he is the nepotism king.

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (ضيف) 16:07 ,2013 شباط 12

Okab most probably got it from Hariri ... Geagea from the money he got during war ... now it is your time to answer how did your General and his family make their fortunes? ... I'll give you a year as well

*mind u that neither Okab nor Geagea are preaching on virginity ... are they clean?! hell no ... bas they are not trying to insult the public by saying they are

Missing billabash 16:10 ,2013 شباط 12

Here this is the homer simpson logic that the aounists such as Flamethrower possess!


Default-user-icon Nomad (ضيف) 17:33 ,2013 شباط 12

this should be the first skit on late night comedy!!! i'm trying to understand the logic behind this illogical action of Aoun: he's been talking about corruption since '05, and now he's the majority in govt. since 1.5yrs and what has he done about corruption???...written a book!!! what a pathetic and sad situation. Since M8 has taken over, it's been corruption scandal after another: medicine, food, the port, electricity, kidnappings, etc. etc. etc.

Default-user-icon Nomad (ضيف) 17:36 ,2013 شباط 12

forgot to add the destruction of the Phoenecian port and Maaloof house after Layyoun said agreed not to destroy it. Every man in FPM has his price!