عسيري مستنكراً الرسم الكاريكاتوري للراعي: المملكة تحترم البطريرك وتقدّر جهوده في تمتين أواصر الوحدة الوطنية اللبنانية

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أعرب السفير السوري في لبنان عليبن سعد بن عواض عسيري عن "استيائه واستنكاره إزاء الرسم الكاريكاتوري للكاردينال مار بشاره بطرس الراعي"، مؤكداً "احترام المملكة العربية السعودية للراعي وتقديرها لجهوده في تمتين أواصر الوحدة الوطنية اللبنانية".

واسنكر عسيري خلال زيارته النائب العام التمييزي القاضي حاتم ماضي ما "نشرته صحيفة الوطن "اون لاين" السعودية من رسم كاريكاتوري للراعي"، مبديًا "استيائه لنشر هذا الرسم"، ومؤكداً "احترام المملكة للراعي وتقديرها لجهوده في تمتين أواصر الوحدة الوطنية اللبنانية.

وذكّر عسيري أن "المملكة العربية السعودية وبتوجيه من خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز رعت وترعى دائما حوار الأديان".

وأضاف عسيري "أن جريدة الوطن التي نشرت الرسوم لا تعبر في أي حال من الأحوال عن رأي المملكة وهي - أي الصحيفة- قد اعتذرت علنا في عددها الصادر بتاريخ هذا اليوم عن نشر هذه الرسوم"، مشيراً الى ان "واضع الرسم الكاريكاتوري ليس من التابعية السعودية بل من التابعية الأردنية".

يشار الى أن المحامي اللبناني وديع عقل تقدم بشكوى لدى النيابة العامة التمييزية، وفق ما افادت تقارير صحافية، مع اتخاذ صفة الادعاء الشخصي، على الصحيفة بجريمة القدح والذم والافتراء والتعرض للشعائر الدينية واثارة النعرات المذهبية والعنصرية.

وطالت الشكوى، الصحيفة، ممثلة بناشرها "مؤسسة عسير للصحافة والنشر"، ورئيس تحريرها طلال آل الشيخ وجهاد عورتاني بصفته واضع الرسم الكاريكاتوري، وكل من يظهره التحقيق محرّضاً شريكاً أو متدخلاً.

ونشرت صحيفة "الوطن أونلاين"، الثلاثاء، كاريكاتوراً يتناول زيارة الراعي الى سوريا اثناء مشاركته في حفل تنصيب البطريرك يوحنا العاشر اليازجي، في موقف منتقد لزيارته الى العاصمة السورية.

وجاء في الكاريكاتور صورة الراعي في ثلاثة مراحل، وقد تم تحوير القبعة الكاردينالية التي يعتمرها الى صاروخ. كما تمت كتابة الاحرف الاربعة الاولى من اسمه بخط عريض لتصبح "بشار" بدلاً من "بشارة".

وقد اثار هذا الرسم سخطاً من الاعلاميين والمواطنين على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي من "فايسبوك" و"تويتر".

يذكر ان الراعي زار سوريا نهاية الاسبوع الفائت، وأعلن من هناك أن كل مطالب الإصلاح التي ينادي بها المعارضون "لا تساوي قطرة دم بريء تراق".

التعليقات 24
Thumb mckinl 14:20 ,2013 شباط 15

“I am certain that al-Rahi knows the moderate approach by Saudi Arabia, which enjoys good ties with the Lebanese Christians,” ~ Asiri

heh, heh ... believe that and I have "remodeled" homes in Homs to sell you ...

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:28 ,2013 شباط 15

Habibi - if you are accusing KSA for the "remodeled" homes in Homs, you are looking at the wrong party. All reports shows no or very little damage to areas that has always been controlled by the regime. On the other hand, areas that are or were controlled by the revolutionaries are devastated by indiscriminate artillery bombardment. Now seriously, people should grow up. We do not need the Christian community in Lebanon to act like children in Lebanon. It is enough we have some "muslims" who do. We have enough of willayat al faqih and takfiri imams. We do not need holy patriarch who are above criticism.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 01:09 ,2013 شباط 16

So you found an idiot on youtube!! I am shocked.

Thumb primesuspect 14:29 ,2013 شباط 15

#1 Freedom of Speech!

Thumb Lebanese_Templar 14:52 ,2013 شباط 15


Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 14:40 ,2013 شباط 15

the caricature of mahomet in 5 of february and what issued after?
the caricature of our batrak rahi and what issued after ?
all the difference is here ya MR saoudi embassador
hope u get it
god bless lebanon

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 14:43 ,2013 شباط 15

caricature of mahomet and what happenned after( 5 february)?!!!
caricature of batrak rahi and what happenned after ?!!1
all the difference is here , hope ya ambassador u get it
god bless lebanon

Thumb mckinl 14:54 ,2013 شباط 15

I have just the Homs property you need ... just needs a little work.

Thumb lebanon_first 15:47 ,2013 شباط 15

tx asiri. That explanation settles it. See, we dont need to go around burning saudi interests because we know that your cartoons are the act of stupid outcastt. I hope you teach your constituents to do the same when one of us draws a cartoon of your religious figures, and beleive me there is cartoon material over there...

Thumb geha 15:53 ,2013 شباط 15

Asiri clarified the Saudi stance and for sure it does not appeal to m8 followers who want by any means to instigate sectarian strife.
Sunnis have constantly shown us they are moderate in Lebanon and whenever they state it they are stupidly attacked by m8 followers! why? is it because they want to justify the shia extremism?

Thumb geha 17:41 ,2013 شباط 15

the Saudi king during taef said plainly: Lebanon without the Christians is not Lebanon, and they should be properly represented.
this is what I am referring to as well as the Lebanese sunnis stance.

Thumb geha 17:44 ,2013 شباط 15

my problem actually is the insistence of m8 to create a sunni radicalism here through:
hizbushaitan arming fanatic sunnis.
miqati and safadi arming fanatic sunnis.
nearly daily comments from fpm, al akhbar,... about sunni radicals, as if they represent the main stream sunnis in Lebanon.
they do not. sunnis in their majority are moderate, and this is the point.
so the question remains: why are m8 pushing sunnis to radicalize?

Thumb geha 19:46 ,2013 شباط 15

look who is talking: a fanatic shia :)
again as a Christian I can only hope that other Lebanese are more like the moderate sunnis, while still being amazed how much m8 try to portray them as radicals.
as for hizbushaitan and mikati and safadi arming small groups of salafis in Tripoli: that is a fact already all over the news for those who want to see the truth.

Thumb geha 15:53 ,2013 شباط 15

Asiri clarified the Saudi stance and for sure it does not appeal to m8 followers who want by any means to instigate sectarian strife.
Sunnis have constantly shown us they are moderate in Lebanon and whenever they state it they are stupidly attacked by m8 followers! why? is it because they want to justify the shia extremism?

Thumb bigsami 16:31 ,2013 شباط 15

lilfaglee....took you 6 posts to try to get a point out ya mustool? And....ya FARSI fagblower....you still was unable because no one understands vulgar language that is taught at HA Academy of Skanks. You probably are too limited and stupid to know what that word means...Google it and you will see a picture of yourself peeking out of a mules rear! Lolololol. Mustool.

Thumb bigsami 16:45 ,2013 شباط 15

"bigfaG How did you get here? Did someone leave your cage open?" wow what a good one. I'm so proud of you. Maybe this qualifies you to move on from Pre-K to Kindergarten. Hable!

Hey lilfaglee....by the way....haven't used this one again for about an hour...."I heard you got a brain transplant and the brain rejected you!".

Figures....genes from HA rejects!

Thumb bigsami 17:40 ,2013 شباط 15

lilfaglee aka fagblower simultaneously appear together.....how coincidental. get out of here schizo FARSI fagblower....we all know you and lilfaglee are ONE the SAME! Next time....pick a better choice of alias....this one is sooooooooooo lame!

Thumb bigsami 17:46 ,2013 شباط 15

"bigfaG He is living proof that man can live without a brain!"....wow that is soooo good lilfaglee....aka fagblower. Your really outdoing yourself with your responses! Must be getting a headache by now straining yourself with these childish one-liners. Pick another one from your book of jokes for idiots. Or just use the same ones as usual. Mustool! Common fagblower....you can do better than this. Even your ASSistence was a tad better.

Thumb bigsami 17:53 ,2013 شباط 15

"BigfaG I heard you went to have your head examined but the doctors found nothing there." Case & point! Mustool & hable fagblower once again proving to all how pathetic he is. Yallah get another one of your book of dummies. Can't blame you....a clear sign of HA lack of education and class. Common fagblower....honestly...is that all you got with this new lame alias?

Missing lappeaudecouille 19:09 ,2013 شباط 15

In my opinion Sunnis are the least moderate in Lebanon geha and the muslim world and if muslims were to control the country they would turn it around in a matter of days. We can become worse than Saudi Arabia or Iran as a matter of fact.

Thumb dourtnikbokhshakian 21:17 ,2013 شباط 15

ya andouille

Missing kusoftheday 22:43 ,2013 شباط 15

All nominations DM me. Tweet Tweet..

Default-user-icon vampire (ضيف) 11:55 ,2013 شباط 17

This is the third comment i put and forbidden on Naharnet , loool ..Is criticizing aoun the judass forbidden ? ,, Tfooooooooo w alla yer7amak ya jebran ...

Default-user-icon صفاء (ضيف) 23:27 ,2013 أيار 18
