دريد لحام يزور ريفي معرباً عن تقديره لدور قوى الامن بحماية الاشخاص
Read this story in English![W460](http://images2.naharnet.com/images/69505/w460.jpg?1361089656)
زار الممثل السوري دريد لحام المدير العام لقوى الامن الداخلي اللواء اشرف ريفي، صباح الاحد، معرباً عن "اعتزازه بالدور البناء الذي تقوم به مؤسسة قوى الأمن الداخلي".
واثنى لحام على الجهود التي يبذلها رجال الأمن في سبيل حفظ النظام وتوطيد الأمن وحماية الأشخاص والممتلكات العامة والخاصة.
زيارة لحام لريفي تأتي غداة يوم واحد من طلب شبان بلدة القلمون شمالاً منه مغادرة البلدة بسبب دعمه للنظام السوري.
فقد تعرض لحام خلال مشاركته في تصوير عمل فني، في فيلا في منطقة القلمون في منطقة الشمال، الى هتافات مناهضة للنظام السوري، من قبل عدد من الشبان الذين طلبوا منه مغادرة البلدة بحجة أنه من مؤيدي النظام.
وتدخلت القوى الامنية، وغادر لحام البلدة.
FT is that what yous ay whenever nasrocrap says he wants to cut off the hands of his opponents etc. etc. etc.?
According to the info I have: it was a small demo started with some people from Tripoli. The leader of the demo is not from Kalamoun but he is the son in law of the leader of an old islamist group in Kalamoun. There is no info that any kalamounis joined the demo at this point and will try and get further info. Nonetheless, the demo to my knowledge was peacefull.
Josh - I doubt if you have any Sunni friends. Wahhabi is a name referred to people who are salafis. Most are peacefull minding their own business like everyone else. What Jesus said is correct and from your writings, you are a bigotted hatefull man.
bigjohn its not the SSNP ,for sure it is some Salafists Asir loving person..
I am deeply sorry that this great actor became a small man. Thanks God there are Syrian actors who were not affraid to stand behind people. Among them - women. It is seems they are more honorable than one man. :) Laham will stay in Syrian history, but together with hist taint. You know, the support of famous Syrians was very important in the beginig of the revolution. Now, thanks God, we don`t need publicity any more. And people like Laham with their miserable position. The worst thing thah could happened to him is to loose the respect of the people and as a result, his work in Syria in future.