صور كاريكاتورية للملك السعودي في جل الديب والفنار

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عملت القوى الامنية، صباح الثلاثاء، على ازالة صوراً مسيئة للعاهل السعودي الملك عبد الله بن عبد العزيز، علّقت في منطقتي جل الديب والفنار.

وافادت اذاعة "صوت لبنان" (100.5)، ان الصور تأتي رداً على الرسم الكاريكاتوري المسيء للبطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي في صحيفة "الوطن" السعودية، الاسبوع الفائت.

ويظهر الملك مصوراً على ورقة "الملك" من اوراق "الشدة" وهو يحمل سيفاً ملطخاً بالدماء.

وكان مجهولون قد اقدموا على تعليق صورة للملك على جسر للمشاة في منطقة جل الديب، في حين افاد مواطنون عبر "الفايسبوك"، انه تم ايضاً توزيع صور مصغّرة لهذه الصورة.

وفي وقت لاحق، كلف النائب العام التمييزي القاضي حاتم ماضي قسم المباحث الجنائية المركزية اجراء التحقيقات لمعرفة ناشري الصور المشوهة للعاهل السعودي.

يُذكر ان "الوطن" كان قد نشرت الاسبوع الفائت كاريكاتوراً للراعي، بريشة راسم الكاريكاتير جهاد عورتاني، اثر زيارة قام بها الى سوريا، مصوّرة اياه في ثلاثة مراحل، وقد تم تحوير القبعة الكاردينالية التي يعتمرها لتتحول إلى صاروخ، وكتابة الأحرف الأربعة الأولى من إسم البطريرك بخط عريض لتصبح "بشار" بدل "بشارة".

وبعد البلبلة التي اثارها الكاريكاتور، اعتذرت الصحيفة عن الرسم، لافتة الى أنها لم تتعمد الإساءة لرمز الراعي الديني بل "وجهة نظر" عن زيارته سوريا.

ثم نشرت وبريشة الراسم عينه اعتذاراً من ضمن رسم بألوان العلم اللبناني، حمل اسم لبنان بالاحمر مع تصوير الحرف الاخير (النون) على انه هلال وتلوينه بالأخضر وفوقه اشارة صليب..

وذيل الرسم بعبارة "الرسم المنشور في عدد الثلاثاء الماضي ليس المقصود منه تعمُّد الاساءة للرمز الديني في لبنان البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة الراعي، بل كان يتضمّن وجهة نظر خاصة، لذا أعتذر عن اللبس الذي تَسبب في سوء الفهم".

** الصورة من مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي

التعليقات 48
Thumb geha 10:40 ,2013 شباط 19

thank you aoun for what you are doing to Lebanon and the Lebanese people.
m8, your sectarian hatred has pushed all the limits, and you wonder why sunnis are getting more radicalized by the day? it is what you are doing that is driving things where they are going.
you want a civil war, and if you continue this way, you will have it.

Thumb geha 15:07 ,2013 شباط 19

OK let us prepare something about your nasrallah and hang it on the streets of Lebanon.

Thumb geha 15:18 ,2013 شباط 19

to all the sectarian commentators:
free speech is totally different from what is going on.
this caricature is coming after the comments of aoun and is intended to harm all Lebanese in the diaspora and cut us from our regional surroundings in a hope to make us closer to iran.
I do not care less for the king of KSA but when things are done for a political reason which is evil then it is no more free speech.

Default-user-icon woof (ضيف) 15:27 ,2013 شباط 19

So the response to Sunnis radicalizing is it do what they want and what makes them happy? Sunnis in Lebanon are the weakest group by far, they are only courageous enough to act when they outnumber their enemies 100 to 1 like they did with the army soldiers. Im not Shiia, im Christian and for the benefit of my country I think it is a must to destroy march 14 and their christian puppets. In fact most christians dotn even support hariri, its just geagea who does because he is benefitting financially, dont think for one second that he would lift a finger to help hariri in case of a civil war. On topic with the Saudi incestuous pedophiles and hypocrites, their time is coming and they know it.

Missing loko 10:46 ,2013 شباط 19

@geha , dont you think it's time for a change where things needs to head to the extreme ? i wonder if you have ever thought about a lebanon without those old fashioned racist ?

Thumb geha 10:55 ,2013 شباط 19

a civil war is never something good. we live through one already, and we know that no one can win it. only destruction can happen from such a thing.

Thumb geha 16:44 ,2013 شباط 19

there is nothing open minded about you and no one forgets your comments on the movie a few months back :)

Thumb andre.jabbour 10:57 ,2013 شباط 19

Like the king cares about this poster.... He won't even hear about it. However, we should encourage creativity and satire caricatures as it is art.

Missing loko 11:01 ,2013 شباط 19

Yes Indeed it's not something Good but it's a change maybe towards a better life a better mentality to another brainwashed century , a War a revolution may put some things on the edge and show the real anger of us the Youth , that are looking for a better quality of living and a better government and most importantly a better surroundings

Missing loko 11:01 ,2013 شباط 19

Yes Indeed it's not something Good but it's a change maybe towards a better life a better mentality to another brainwashed century , a War a revolution may put some things on the edge and show the real anger of us the Youth , that are looking for a better quality of living and a better government and most importantly a better surroundings

Missing loko 11:01 ,2013 شباط 19

Yes Indeed it's not something Good but it's a change maybe towards a better life a better mentality to another brainwashed century , a War a revolution may put some things on the edge and show the real anger of us the Youth , that are looking for a better quality of living and a better government and most importantly a better surroundings

Missing loko 11:03 ,2013 شباط 19

i am against Wars but i strongly believe the only way out is a war in Lebanon either against each other or against current leaders .

Missing sanctify 12:05 ,2013 شباط 19

We should act more civil and set an example to all Arabs. We Lebanese were the forerunners in culture and pioneers in many aspects in the Arab world and we should work hard to regain our hard fought place once again.

Missing ssnp4ever 12:56 ,2013 شباط 19

Ta7ya Syria.

Missing ssnp4ever 03:31 ,2013 شباط 20

Ta7ya Souria .

Thumb cedar 12:57 ,2013 شباط 19

They should add the Ayatollah next to him as the joker. No Sunnis No Shia. Lebanon will be a better place

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 23:40 ,2013 شباط 19

I guess if Sunnis and Shias act as non-alias Muslims, Lebanon would be a better place. But I am sure Cedar meant it the other way.

Thumb music66 10:15 ,2013 شباط 20

I beg your pardon. I am a Sunni and where I live in the world is a major mix of christian Lebanese and Muslim Lebanese. We as friends don't divide amongst each other. We are all Lebanese and that is enough for us. Its too bad that in Lebanon the place of my birth there are people who are not able to maintain friendships with those who are from various parts of Lebanon.

Thumb music66 10:21 ,2013 شباط 20

Oh and another thing.. YOU know Politics is a dirty game in any country anywhere in the world . welcome to planet earth. You should not be hateful towards an entire sect of people of certain religion groups for the actions of one idiot amongst the group.

Default-user-icon Rudy (ضيف) 13:16 ,2013 شباط 19

Mocking our patriach was wrong, and the next day the newspaper appologised and had a nice carricature about christians the next day.
Thou what happened today in Lebanon may insult some people, thou we shouldnt directly run scarred that it will kickout the lebanese working diaspora just for an individual thing.
So everyone should cool it, and if you talk about it less, it will pass unnoticed.

Thumb bobby90 13:24 ,2013 شباط 19

You Guys Sitting There In Lebanon Whether Employed Or Jobless REMEMBER THAT YOU SURVIVE ONLY AND ONLY ON LEBANESE EXPATRIATES MONEY SENT TO YOU FROM OUTSIDE!! Whether From Saudi Arabia, Uae, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman Or Non-Middle Eastern Countries!
whoever insults one of these countries is actually contributing to the lebanon's economic failures That Is Already On The Edge!!

Missing lqu7 13:26 ,2013 شباط 19

God bless the brave Lebanese Christians who rise up against the tyranny of kings and princes.

Missing loko 13:36 ,2013 شباط 19

Thank you Bobby for that reasonable comment , couldn't agree more .... @ FT you sound like a reasonable man , i follow what you say indeed but come on Man it''s Lebanon here we are talking about it's Nabih Berre , Saad El Harriri , Hassan Nasrallah , Aoun w you know the rest , what kind of Mindset you looking exactly ?

Missing loko 13:52 ,2013 شباط 19

Why can't we just revolt united for once ? i am sure plenty will join , even if we had to become savages to fight our own but i am sure as hell we can write a new history for this country , you guys always argue with the wrong people always instead of arguing with the one hiding behind 12 armed body guard driving so fast to get from a place to another like he's about to be attacked anytime now , a true say to be heard is that when you want to argue , Don't just argue , demonstrate ...

Missing sanctify 13:55 ,2013 شباط 19

+1 for that!

Thumb dasphinx 13:57 ,2013 شباط 19

Aoun <<<< Nasrallah << Bachar <<< Najad <<<< Khamenei

Aooun is nothing.. He is just a voice and a mercenary in the Wilayat Al Fakih.

Missing loko 14:06 ,2013 شباط 19

@Phoenix , couldn't agree more with you , no one should dare to disrespect our holy figures , but Media is considered to be a Zone free despite the facts , why take the blame for some reporter who lives in KSA and probably not aware of how serious his caricature insults our beliefs ... therefore i would ask you to take a minute and think about us struggling outside our home country in the Desert to make a living ... they would take minor action if this get any bigger no doubt it will cause a deportation for all christian s working in the GCC .. we are left with no choice hoping you would understand .

Default-user-icon j-p sejean (ضيف) 14:23 ,2013 شباط 19

maybe we should think of all the Lebanese workers in Saudi Arabia and the gulf before we start going tit for tat .... These workers found their dignity by having been accepted in the gulf ....something Lebanon can not offer to all it's citizen ....and this is the case since Lebanon existed ....so we accept to leave our beautiful land in exchange for work and dignity ...on top of that ...it is these workers that are transfering money to invest in their dream country and often to assist family members and our economy ....please consider

Thumb cedar 14:51 ,2013 شباط 19

We make Lebanon exist. The international conspiracy are trying 2 get rid of the Christians from Lebanon.

1 The Devil killed Jesus Christ (using the Jews)
2 The Devil controls the Jews. (using Satanist worshiping via their council of high priests)
3 The Jews r therefore automatically against Christians (weather they say so or not - they are because their commander-the devil- killed Jesus -> and the Christians follow Jesus)
4. Muhammad can be considered the false prophet by many religions & intellects. (Hypothetically - without trying to insult any Muslims here) If Muhammad was also controlled by the devil via the highest suni shia clerics then the Muslims are also working against the Christians.

IS it not evident enough from the civil war & the reduction of the Christian population that this is exactly what is happening!
The Muslims & the Jews r working together strategically 2 eliminate the Christian presence world wide - with their main objective being Lebanon.

Thumb cedar 16:13 ,2013 شباط 19

Nothing, im just informed. Also this information is written in the Torah (included in the Bible - and the Koran).

Missing loko 15:06 ,2013 شباط 19

CEDAR at some point you were right , but with regards to Muslims working against christians and specially leabanese muslims are not considered and should not be a threat to our existence , they need christians in Lebanon , without us there's no true culture of the same . i doubt the muslims are against christians but i can say they are against jews indirectly .

Thumb cedar 16:12 ,2013 شباط 19

Loko a muslim is a muslim , a christian is a christian. How are Lebanese Muslims any different to their leaders in Saudi Arabia and Iran - (apart from being slightly more relaxed - Because of Christian influence in the first place?)

Thumb geha 16:50 ,2013 شباط 19

first off, it has been established by shia mowaten and FT a few months back that shia are not muslims and muslims applies to sunnis only. so you need to correct your understanding as I did.
second, you said it: Lebanon would not be Lebanon without the Christians. and in that you agree with the same king of KSA who said that during Taef, as well as the need to preserve the Christian community in Lebanon.

Missing peace 17:59 ,2013 شباط 19

cedar has nothing to envy to the salafis... he is the same thing christian version....

Default-user-icon Kam (ضيف) 03:05 ,2013 شباط 20

Its really sad how racist u are
Im sure u dont live in beirut where a new generation off muslims and christians coexist, are friends, party together etc..were all the same, we share the same lebanese culture...we dont even ask what the other persons religion is anymore...im sorry for u

Thumb geha 15:22 ,2013 شباط 19

free speech does not mean insulting others for political reasons.
may I remind everyone that your rights end when you reach the rights of others?
whatever the GCC people are, and I am no fan of their acts, today we have proven that we are worse.
furthermore, years of work of Lebanese expats are now threatened, if the GCC decide to kick all Lebanese out.
where is the logic about all your comments except sectarian hatred.

Default-user-icon ali ammar (ضيف) 16:23 ,2013 شباط 19

Notice no one attacked peaceful areas like the filthy hezb scum did when they attacked ain el remeneh and achrafieh after the bas mat watan nasrallah sketch. People forget why no one dares lampoon the filthy perpetual sewer resident anymore his terrorists would riot and go on a rampage.

Missing greatpierro 16:55 ,2013 شباط 19

I do not have an issue with putting such a poster, I have an issue putting such a poster anonymously.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 17:28 ,2013 شباط 19

Freedome of speech! Freedom of expression!

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 17:31 ,2013 شباط 19

These moves are childish and destructive. The king is one of the most respectable people in the world. portraying him in this way is bad not for the king but for those who did it. We should be civil and rational. I lived in saudi Arabia and know how good the king is not only to his people but also to us the Lebanese. Doing things like these harm the good relationship between us and Saudi Arabia. Shame on us.

Missing lappeaudecouille 18:38 ,2013 شباط 19

i did not mind the caricature made on al rahi and neither do i mind this one. it is a good and fun way of expressing yourself.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 19:36 ,2013 شباط 19

lebanon is a democracy , ksa is not a democracy
so freedom of speech and opinion and religion is a part of our democratic life
as for ksa all these things do not stand cause KSA is not a democracy

Default-user-icon John Marina (ضيف) 19:51 ,2013 شباط 19

This guy Aoun must go, he is mentally sick, sick people must retire. Unfortunately Lebanon is full of people like him.

Missing peace 21:04 ,2013 شباط 19

nice caricature but why don t those who put it there assume and tell their names or party or whatever??

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 22:15 ,2013 شباط 19

Fear of reprisal. We do not live in a free country.

Thumb cedar 10:10 ,2013 شباط 20

We love to co-exist with our muslim human brothers and sisters, however Islam is a militant religion, and they will work directly and behind the scenes to get their objectives complete. When you understand this then you will stop thinking that your fellow hippies in Hamra are your friends, because they will backstab you at the end and side with their islamic cause.

Thumb music66 10:38 ,2013 شباط 20

Hi the1phonenix, you may not agree with what I am about to right and that's OK with me. lol I remember when there were drawings done about the Prophet Muhammad and a movie too. I personally was so not happy about that. But I did not go out in the streets and make a fool of myself. I voiced through conversation that it was wrong of them to do this.
Even if we are at different ends of the world doesn't mean we have to be uncivilized. There are things I don't like in Rome but I say to each their very own. Sometimes a person may attack and mock you personally for the way you dress, walk, talk or even for the religion you were born into and Its not right. To rise above it you have to turn the other cheek and let Allah deal with the mockers. I love both Muhammad and Jesus and would never mock either one. If I don't like something or someone I would voice my opinion but in a intellectual and civilized manner without stooping so low. that's my point . peace

Thumb music66 11:06 ,2013 شباط 20

Did I forget to mention politics is a very dirty game. Look at around the world politicians make promises and break them all the time. And to Greenie war is a terrible thing for any human of any religion on the planet. Wishing peace for not for Lebanon and its neighbours but also for our planet. We have no where else to go we are all stuck here together on this earth too bad we cant use the best tool Allah gave us and that is tongue and ability of communication. You know I don't a lot of things but I try not to be too sarcastic when voicing my opinion against them, I don't like tabbouleh for example LOL just because I am Lebanese doesn't mean I have to it eat it. lol