الجيش السوري الحر يمهل "حزب الله" 48 ساعة لوقف قصف اراض سورية او سيرد في لبنان
Read this story in Englishاعلن الجيش السوري الحر، في بيان، ظهر الثلاثاء، انه يعطي حزب الله "مهلة 48 ساعة ليتوقف عن قصف الاراضي السورية والا سنرد على مصادر النيران واخمادها داخل الاراضي اللبنانية".
وتوجه البيان، الى الشعب اللبناني، قائلاً ان "حزب الله ينقل معركته على الشعب السوري الى داخل الاراضي اللبنانية لعلمه ان النظام الذي يدافع عنه فقد كل طاقته ولم يعد قادراً على الوقوف بوجه الشعب السوري".
كما تابع "نشد على ايديكم لتعملوا على لجم هذا الحزب الذي علا في الارض واستكبر واراد ان يجعلنا شيعا وشرادمة متناحرة".
وحذر من انه "ان لم يتوقف حزب الله عن قصف الاراضي السورية والقرى والمدنيين العزل من داخل الاراضي اللبنانية خلال 48 ساعة، سنتولى بسواعدنا الرد على مصادر نيرانه واخمادها داخل الاراضي اللبنانية".
وتمنى الجيش السوري الحر في بيانه على اهالي الهرمل البقاعية "الابتعاد عن اي منصة او راجمة لصواريخ حزب الله ومراكزه العسكرية".
من جانبه نفى مسؤول إدارة الإعلام المركزي في القيادة المشتركة للجيش الحر فهد المصري لـ"صوت لبنان-صوت الحرية والكرامة"، "اي علاقة للقيادة المشتركة للجيش السوري الحر بالتهديد الذي نسب للجيش الحر حول الرد داخل لبنان على اعتداءات حزب الله".
واتهم المجلس الوطني السوري، الاحد، حزب الله بشن "هجوم مسلح" على منطقة في وسط سوريا، متهما في هذا الاطار الحكومة اللبنانية "مسؤولية سياسية واخلاقية للعمل على ردع هذا العدوان".
كما كان الناطق بإسم المجلس الأعلى "للجيش السوري الحر" لؤي المقداد في حديث الى قناة "المستقبل"، قد اكد، الاحد، أن "حزب الله يقصف بالمدفعية وراجمات الصواريخ الأراضي السورية من الأراضي اللبنانية".
وكان الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله اكد في تشرين الاول 2012 ان بعض المنتمين الى الحزب من اللبنانيين المقيمين في هذه القرى يقاتلون "مجموعات مسلحة"، نافيا علاقة الحزب بقرارهم.
واتت تصريحات نصر الله بعد تشييع الحزب في البقاع عددا من عناصره الذين قال انهم قتلوا "اثناء قيامهم بواجبهم الجهادي"، من دون ان يقدم تفاصيل اضافية عن ظروف مقتلهم.
Do you guys see where this is going ? what's next ? taking heavy fire from the FSA ?
Mowaten - do you believe what you are saying or just wants to defend "your side" - no matter what. A friend of mine who is active with the opposition has been telling me for over 6 months that the hizb is involved in supporting the regime of assad in different capacities. I used to dismiss him and asking for evidence. It is now impossible to deny that HA has been involved and more so in recent month with its fighters burried for performing their Jihadist duties. As Basmet Watan sketch pronounced: after shaba'a, HA will be defending lebanese rights in Detroit - hence we can all forget about HA disarming. The seeds of our next civil war have been planted and the address is HA.
Mowaten - The evidence is becoming overwhelming that the Hizb is involved and some of the dead are from South Lebanon and the Bekaa. These people were NOT defending their homes. The FSA did not claim that there are 10,000 Hizbi fighting in Syria - only that the Hizb occupied a string of villages (approx 8) near the border of Lebanon and they tried to occupy four more. As well, there are reports that the Hizb is training militias in Syria.
If FSA attack lebanon I will be on hezbollahs side ( even though u guys know I hate Hezbollah ) .. Also Hezbollah shouldn't be in syria in the first place
aoun and hizbushaitan are drawing civil war at Lebanon by force.
we need to thank them for returning Lebanon some 50 years back while everybody else is advancing.
it is the doing of aoun and hizbushaitan whether you like to admit it or not.
what is the business of hizbushaitan in Syria? if there are Lebanese there, they should leave, end of story.
aoun is attacking the GCC, thus creating more sectarian strife.
why do you expect that Lebanese should support hizbushaitan? a terrorist Iranian militia?
definitely you have to expect that sunnis will assist FSA in battles against hizbushaitan. or do you expect them to sit idle? why? because of the nice oppression of hizbushaitan to all Lebanese?
Oh I said it. and you can revert to my comments about those guys who were ambushed in Syria.
I said it plainly then and I repeat it now: this is not our business.
but you are blind and read whatever you which or you are senile and forget what you want :)
As for your comment Mowaten:
the traitor is you and the likes of you. go check the meaning of traitor first and then accuse others.
you support a militia armed and following the orders of a foreign country.
so who is the traitor? especially when this filthy militia is controlling our country?
we are under Iranian invasion and aoun the clown is just another Vichy.
Actually whether you believe me or not does not matter.
what matters is that I was in Beirut then resisting the Israeli invasion. we lived hell but we stood our ground. remember the first act of resistance in Hamra? I think not :)
a person walked down hamra street and opened fire at 2 Israeli officers having coffee.
resisting Israelis started long before you were born and not by your people.
your people were totally spared by the Israelis during the invasion. no one touched them nor their weapons.
this is Assad's tactics if FSA gets diverted to Hizbullah then they need to look at two ends Syrian Army supported by Iran and from the Lebanon side Hizbullah...while they fight towards Lebanon Syrian Army can attack from the other end
Hizballah is capable of wiping out those mercineries FSA in a week. They are too busy fighting inside Syria to open a second front. But as usual lots of talk thinking readers do not know what is going on.
Talk and talk is the best industry the Arabs have.
This is probably a bluff, but if not, then Lebanon is finished. Thanks Hezbollah, that's the second war you've started against this country.
I will support whomever attack this militia thugs called Hizbolshyatan. Even if Israel attack lebanon to wipe out this filthy militia, they will have my blessing. Then we can rebuild Lebanon once for all. Call me traitor, zionist, bla-bla...we are sick of this old rhetoric called resistance and somebody needs to do the dirty work if we are not willing to clean up this mess with out with our own hand.
and again to FT, Mowaten and co..I don't give a damn what you think about me or whatever label you give me. Your mind is so controlled by your Gods Bashhar, Khameny and co, that having a discussion with you is vain.
it is true that if GMA and HA focus on internal matters and stop doing regional politics, things will be much better.
it is true that if GMA and HA focus on internal matters and stop doing regional politics, things will be much better.
The FSA are clearly terrified of Hezbollah, all the more reason for them to get involved and wipe them out. The FSA are just a pawn of the west anyway.
FT and mowaten the two baath defenders still here to defend their beloved regime.... pityful
yes you are defending the syrian regime.... just read your posts dude! if you are not aware of that better go to psychiatric hospital get a treatment....
still playing on words, no wonder how you twist things....
read all the posts you send when it comes to syria and you ll see that you are defending syria and you friend bashar the "resistant" LOL!
This bad for everyone.In the name of the Lebanese nation, Hezbollah should retire from Syria ASAP.