بري : ثورة الأرز أعادت لبنان قانونيا وديمغرافيا 60 عاما إلى الوراء

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رأى رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري أن ثورة الأرز "أعادت لبنان قانونيا وعلى المستوى الديمغرافي ستين عاما الى الوراء واستهلكت الأموال العامة وزادت الدين على المستقبل وأمنت المناخات للمزيد من التدخل الأجنبي بحاضره ومستقبله وهذا هو سبب فشلها" مشيرا إلى أنه "في لبنان يذهب العاشق ويأتي المشتاق والهدف استخدام بلدنا كقاعدة ارتكاز لإسقاط سوريا".

وأبدى بري خلال كلمة له في المؤتمر الدولي الفكري لتكريم العالمين محمد مكي الجزيني وزين الدين الجبعي مساء الإثنين اطمئنانه إلى أن "جيش سوريا يعرف واجباته الوطنية وأن ليس هناك تاريخ للصراع الطائفي في سوريا، وما شهدته سوريا فتح الباب امام حركة تصحيحة ثانية يقودها الرئيس (السوري) بشار الأسد".

ولاحظ أن "السلوك السياسي للبعض جعلنا ندرك أن هناك من يحاول قلب الجغرافيا وخلق تماس مع سوريا من جهة الشمال" داعيا إلى التنبه ووعي حقيقة من حافظ على وحدة هذا البلد ومن دمره واحتله مرات ومرات.

وإذ أكد رئيس مجلس النواب أن الشيعة العرب واللبنانيين خاصة لن يقعوا بفخ الفتنة والحروب الداخلية كشف "أننا نلمس الوسائل المتبعة لجرهم اليها".

وعليه شدد في السياق عينه أن "الشيعة سيكونون الأكثر مسؤولية بنزع عوامل التوتر" قائلاً:" نحن في لبنان سنكون الأكثر التزاما وتمسكا بالوحدة الوطنية وصيغة العيش التي أكد عليها الامام موسى الصدر".

التعليقات 16
Default-user-icon Hammoudi (ضيف) 21:15 ,2011 أيار 30

Look who's talking the biggest snake ! Off course a scum like u is against the cedar revolution and what it stands for but the biggest mistake is they never added you with the 4 generals

Default-user-icon Johnny (ضيف) 21:39 ,2011 أيار 30

Cedar revolution " Taj rasak" ya harami, you robbed the lebanese of their parliament while you were and still licking syria's back side

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 21:40 ,2011 أيار 30


Default-user-icon Erasmus (ضيف) 22:39 ,2011 أيار 30

He's right.

60 years ago, Lebanon was in much better shape than it is today.
We didn't have scum like him in a position of power.

Default-user-icon Malek Francis (ضيف) 22:51 ,2011 أيار 30

يا استيذ نبيه، انت الذي سرقت وما زلت تسرق أموال الشعب
من مجلس الجنوب. انت الذي عطل الديمقراطية بإقفال المجلس
النيابي..... انت عدو الديمقراطية والحرية وعدو الشعب السوري
الحبيب المناضل الذي يقتله صاحبك المجرم وحش الشام.
يا استيذ، انت بري وستبقي بري.

Missing bigdigg 23:01 ,2011 أيار 30

Very true, and had it not been for G. Aoun, the cedar revolution would have brought about the end of Christian presence in Lebanon (since M14 Christians are subordinates to the subordinates of the Saudis)

Default-user-icon lebanese guy (ضيف) 23:31 ,2011 أيار 30

What are you talking about! shame on you! syrians are slaughtered for freedom and life and you are supporting this despotic tyran! Really shame on you!

Default-user-icon Iben el nimer (ضيف) 23:37 ,2011 أيار 30

Mr Berri

we do not want to live with people like you who have no loyalty to Lebanon. Your motto Syria and Iran first will not succeed

Default-user-icon ado (ضيف) 00:16 ,2011 أيار 31

Funny Bi Det, all of M14 now sound like the Christians of M14 sounded before M14 05.On the other hand Aoun sounds like Hezballah on M8 and before. He has to after the deal he made with the Syrians when he was in Paris,. they let him keep the money he embezzled and return to Lebanon and he became what Patriarch Rahi called their tool.

Default-user-icon zaza (ضيف) 00:27 ,2011 أيار 31

how pathetic of this warlord scumbag to utter nonsensical BS. I'm not saying that 14th March is any better, but it's truly sad that the Lebanese people still hasn't awaken to the fact of these handful thieves stealing the resources of the nation..

a bunch of lunatics and halfling creatures ruling a jungle..

Default-user-icon Banana Republic (ضيف) 00:36 ,2011 أيار 31

I hope you didn't dig too hard to come up with your comment Mr. bigdigg. In order for me to believe that we can still build a country with a knowledgeable people I am hoping that you just posted a satirical comment. If not then you are going to need 60 years of rehab and education to get to the average intellect of normal Lebanese people aka (to break it down to you: "a"lso "k"nown "a"s) non-March 8 people. Please tell me you didn't mean your comment. Thanks.

Default-user-icon amirmansour (ضيف) 07:36 ,2011 أيار 31

Is this a joke
or another embarrassing speech of nonsense

Default-user-icon freeleb (ضيف) 07:39 ,2011 أيار 31

the only thing that set lebanon back 60 years is the 60 years you have been in control of the parliament. How are you not dead of old age yet?

Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (ضيف) 07:43 ,2011 أيار 31

Cedar Revolution was Lebanon's best hope for genuine democracy and civility. It liberated Lebanon from Syrian occupation and educated oppressed Arabs and Iranians on effective peaceful demonstrations. The Cedar Revolution would have succeeded if it wasn't for Assad and Ahmadinajad's hired assassins represented by the Lebanese Basij, Amal and their useful idiots. Lebanon, the flame of freedom and democracy has been transformed by Hizbollah and Amal into a satellite of the region's worst two tyrants and extinguished freedom and free thinking. Beri and Nassrallah have led the Shia to the abyss and have made Shia stranger to their own culture and traditions. The game ios over!

Default-user-icon Gabriel (ضيف) 13:53 ,2011 أيار 31

March 8 will definitely set Lebanon back to the stone ages . The hypocrisy this dunce has .

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 15:04 ,2011 أيار 31

No, the Cedar Revolution put Berri back 60 years, not Lebanon. Lebanon, post 2005, except for the summer of 2006 has seen its biggest tourist seasons ever. With the tourism sector being one of the largest, the vote of people with their investments speaks louder than Mr. Snake here can.
He is one to complain of others using Lebanon as a platform for their foreign agendas. Berri has virtually opened the door, along with Hezbollah to Syria and Iran to use Lebanon as a platform for Syrian and Iranian agendas in Lebanon, which agendas are harmful to Lebanon and to the Lebanese.
He is now like Jumblatt, having been all over the political map with his statements, his statements are devalued into nothingness. Nasrallah too, is becoming this way. It is the Michel Aoun disease, whose statements are also worthless since at any given time he has said any and everything. Those joined to Aoun seem to contract his penchant for losing relevance.