ميقاتي ينتقد الاورثوذكسي ويؤكد انه "لن يمر لانه يخالف العيش المشترك"

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انتقد رئيس مجلس الوزراء نجيب ميقاتي، اقتراح الاورثوذكسي للانتخابات النيابية المقبلة، مشدداً على ان هذا القانون يخالف "جوهر العيش المشترك" في لبنان.

وعبر موقعه على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي "تويتر"، صباح السبت، شدد ميقاتي على ان مشروع الاورثوذكسي "لا يمكن ان يمر لانه يخالف جوهر وجود لبنان وروحية العيش المشترك".

ودعا الى التفكير في كيفية تحقيق التمثيل الحقيقي لجميع الطوائف اللبنانية عبر قانون انتخابي "لا يضرب في الصميم عيشنا الواحد".

كما تابع ميقاتي، مؤكداً انه واذا كان "الهدف الظاهر من المشروع الاورثوذكسي إعطاء الطوائف حقوقها الا ان جوهره الحقيقي ضرب الوحدة اللبنانية في الصميم وشرذمة العائلات الروحية".

واقرت اللجان النيابية المشتركة مشروع "اللقاء الاورثوذكسي" (حيث كل طائفة تنتخب ممثليها) وسط اعتراض نواب كتلتي "المستقبل" و"جبهة النضال الوطني"، والنواب المسيحيون المستقلون في 14 آذار.

وينتظر ان يحيل رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري المشروع الى "الهيئة العامة" لمناقشته وبته اذا اتفق عليه. يُشار الى ان عدم اتفاق الافرقاء على قانون انتخاب، يهدد امكانية اجراء الانتخابات النيابية في موعدها في التاسع من حزيران.

وتساءل رئيس الحكومة عبر "توتير" عما اذا كان المطلوب هو استسلام اللبنانيين لنوع من "الفيديرالية المقنعة"، مذكراً بأن الحرب اللبنانية فشلت في فرض التقسيم ومشاريع الفيديرالية على اللبنانيين "لانهم أصروا على العيش معا وتجاوز المعابر والحواجز والقتل".

الى ذلك، اكد ان "إرادة غالبية اللبنانيين هي العيش معا في وطن واحد ومن المجحف ان نسلبهم هذا الحق بمشاريع انتخابية كالمشروع الاورثوذكسي".

وكانت الحكومة قد اقرت في ايلول الماضي اقتراح قانون انتخاب مبني على النسبية وفق 13 دائرة انتخابية.

التعليقات 20
Missing peace 12:38 ,2013 شباط 23

he is right for once!

Thumb andre.jabbour 12:48 ,2013 شباط 23

For once!!!

Thumb mckinl 12:53 ,2013 شباط 23

Miqati is right ... the Gathering proposal invites division ... The problem for Miqati and Suleiman is that it is more than a sectarian division, it is a division between those that want to clean up Lebanon, the FPM, and those that want the corrupt business as usual, M14.

Missing samiam 10:53 ,2013 شباط 24

dream on nitwit--FPM is just as bad as the other parties--the reason the FPM wants the proposal is because it elevates the power of the parties and decreases the power of the people.

of course, i don't expect some indoctrinated idiots to understand that because they don't like getting facts in the way of their arguments.

Thumb chucknorris 21:20 ,2013 شباط 23

I say Twice!

Default-user-icon gfromod (ضيف) 12:51 ,2013 شباط 23

All Sunni leaders from Mikati, Safadi all three Karame, Hoss, Hariri, Siniora even Ossama Saad are against the Ferzli plan. The only Sunni to come out in favor of it is Omar Bakri who Hassin Na7ess Allah sprung out of prison back in October, coincidence?

Thumb mckinl 13:56 ,2013 شباط 23

Exactly correct ... the Sunnis and Druze have been gerrymandering the Christian vote. The current system is designed for stagnation to reward the Hariri mob, Islamists and Jumblat's shrinking Druze population.

Default-user-icon gerry mander (ضيف) 14:09 ,2013 شباط 23

Abbas Ibrahim is a nice christian boy, right?, nuff said

Missing thatisit 14:25 ,2013 شباط 23

you fail to understand that there are many christians in shouf and aley who are PSP supporters and will vote to WJ and no one else. For you to simplify matters along a stone age old law that divides lebanon into sects is a very dangerous and unprecedented event that needs to be stopped at whatever cost.

Thumb mckinl 14:37 ,2013 شباط 23

We shall see ... Jumblat is certainly worried about his position. Lebanon is headed for strong party politics ... The many parties that now exist will be absorbed into the stronger parties ...

Thumb smarty 16:21 ,2013 شباط 23

"The many parties that now exist will be absorbed.... "

Do you know what this means? The end of the plural society... A blow to democracy!

Default-user-icon aloush (ضيف) 14:44 ,2013 شباط 23

thatisit, don't bother reasoning with the Shiites pretending to be Christians that's an old shtick that they alone still believe.

Thumb Sanelebanese 16:01 ,2013 شباط 23

You do not screw the whole country, as a mean to screw Harir or Jumblatt. In a polarized country like Lebanon, we should try and stir away from religion. This law is like a miracle grow for religious segregation. It will also enhance extremism in each sect, and other sects have no say to elect moderates. Hizbullah like will emerge out of ever single sect. RIP Lebanon.

Missing peace 16:23 ,2013 شباط 23

"M14 are the kings of FAIL."

and M8 the emperors of stupidity....

Missing peace 17:50 ,2013 شباط 23

not at all but as i know you seek for justice and objectiveness i just reminded you that you forgot to mention M8 too....

Thumb Sanelebanese 16:30 ,2013 شباط 23

I care about the country not certain leaders, or religious fanatics. I have no respect for Jumblatt, Aoun, or Hizbullah... If you want Lebanon to be a country for all its citizens, and avoid recurrent civil war, sectarian tensions, or extremism, you got to stir away from isolating each sect in a shell. All Lebanese should elect all reps, one unit, one ( Daera). That's the only way to shut the extremist of any color.

Thumb Sanelebanese 21:28 ,2013 شباط 23

dear FT, its interesting how you just focus on one point, and ignore the whole implication of this orthodox law: whats so good that each sect is being isolated to elect their own, instead of integrating all lebanese in a real, unified, democratic elections. this way all lebanese will vote for the moderate in their or others sects. Do not be suicidal, kill the country to kill "Jumby". your essence for defending or opposing an election law should be: whats better for lebanon.

Missing thatisit 22:13 ,2013 شباط 23

small electoral districts is the way to go - it is the same anywhere you go in the world - or at least in the places where real democracy work. voters will elect represantaives from their area who know them and have direct knowledge of the needs of the ppl they represent.

The orthodox law or the one district law are only taking lebanon into the unknown and will destroy the fabric of the lebanese society that we all want to rebuild. This will be worst than the war itself - but for aoun and his supporters - this they will never understand nor they will accept. He claims to be the new coming christ and as a christian i dont want this guy to have anything to do with me period.

Thumb Sanelebanese 22:49 ,2013 شباط 23

thatsit...the way lebanon is: each town is usually one sect. you are proposing each sect to elect its own on a town scale. thats not better than the orthodox way. You want to compare lebanon to other democratic countries, thats fine. Do you see NYC electing its own, buffalo, Albany, Syracuse , Nassau or suffolk county electing their national rep. you know the answer. M8 or M14, even you are talking from a narrow, sect oriented mind. Grow up lebanese, or go back to your Phoenician era, where each town is a kingdom.

Default-user-icon Afamia (ضيف) 10:19 ,2013 شباط 24

Jumblat is against the law because he receives many more MPs than what he represents which is the main representative of the Druze. it's crazy that he has Christian MPs in his bloc as 0.1percent of Christians would not even vote for him. Look at the demographics of the chouf due to the massacres he perpetrated.
-The Future movement has monopolised the Sunni communities vote and will lose out to other independent figures. After bankrupting the country through thievery and incompetence they have 0 legitimacy amongst any part of the Christian electorate as technocrats so why should they receive any Christian MP seats??Who do Bassem Chabb or Nabil de Freige represent???