تعرض موكب لمناصري الأسير للإعتداء من قبل شبان على أوتوستراد سليم سلام

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تعرض مناصرو إمام مسجد بلال بن رباح في صيدا إلى الإعتداء من قبل شبان في منطقة زقاق البلاط ما دفعهم إلى مغادرة المنطقة وتغيير وجهة سيرهم.

وفي التفاصيل وبحسب ما أفاد مراسل لموقع "نهارنت"، ففي الساعة الثانية والنصف من بعد ظهر الأحد كان عدد من شبان المنطقة المذكورة يقطعون الطريق عند نفق سليم سلام ويتأكدون من هوية المارة.

ولدى مرور "فان" تحوي ركابا عائدين من مظاهرة للأسير في ساحة الشهداء، إنهال عليه الشبان بالضرب "بطريقة جنونية" على ما أفاد المصدر عينه.

وعمد الشبان إلى خلع باب "الفان" فيما تمكن عدد من الركاب من الفرار.

في هذه الأثناء شاهد المراسل عددا من السيارات التي تغير وجهة سيرها وأناس تفقز فوق حائط باطوني كبير يسيّج النفق بغية الهروب من المنطقة.

وبعد حوالى خمسة دقائق من الحادثة انتشر عناصر من الجيش في المنطقة ليتفرق بعدها الشبان ويتوزعون في الأحياء الداخلية.

إلى ذلك أوردت صفحة الاسير الرسمية على موقع "فايسبوك" أن "شبيحة حركة أمل أوقفوا سيارتين على جسر سليم سلام تقل مناصرين للشيخ أحمد الأسير وهم في طريق العودة إلى صيدا واعتدوا عليهم بالضرب وسط صراخ وشتم لمقام الربوبيّة ولشخص الشيخ أحمد الاسير علناً في الشارع".

كما ذكرت معلومات للـ"LBCI " أن احدى سيارات موكب الشيخ سالم الرافعي تعرضت للاعتداء عبر رمي الحجارة عليها عند نقطة سليم سلام.

يشار إلى أن أهالي الموقوفين الإسلاميين نفذوا اعتصاماً تضامنياً الأحد في وسط بيروت.

وقد شارك الأسير وأنصاره في الإعتصام.

التعليقات 20
Thumb Elemental 18:32 ,2013 شباط 24

This is what happens when you have 2 foreign militias operating in Lebanon...

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 01:40 ,2013 شباط 25

I may dislike the person but he does not operate a militia. It seems that this assault was one sided. If this continue, however, militias will be set up by various sides to protect themselves. It is time to build a real state where the organs of the state are the only ones allowed to carry weapons. M8 claims that the "resistance" is necessary because the army is weak. Then let us agree to strengthen the army - not to create multiple militias that distract the army, the state and further plunge the country into a cycle of poverty and despair.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:31 ,2013 شباط 25

Mowaten - Assir from all what I see have bunch of followers who like many (not all and may not be most) Lebanese have individual weapons. Few phone calls and you can get few dozens of your followers with Ak 47. But this does not mean he has a militia with structures, command and control, training, etc... The only one that has paramilitary structures are associated with m8 such as hizballah and the sarayat Al-moquawama that they set up in different parts of the country. You did not tackle the real point of this post - that if you really want a country, you strengthen the army and take weapons from ALL MILITIAS including the Hizb.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:31 ,2013 شباط 25

Mowaten - Assir from all what I see have bunch of followers who like many (not all and may not be most) Lebanese have individual weapons. Few phone calls and you can get few dozens of your followers with Ak 47. But this does not mean he has a militia with structures, command and control, training, etc... The only one that has paramilitary structures are associated with m8 such as hizballah and the sarayat Al-moquawama that they set up in different parts of the country. You did not tackle the real point of this post - that if you really want a country, you strengthen the army and take weapons from ALL MILITIAS including the Hizb.

Default-user-icon sanitycheck (ضيف) 19:01 ,2013 شباط 24

To starsky: Foreign militia is a body of individuals that do not report to the Lebanese govt. Regardless if they have clear command & ctrl like HA, as long as individuals, organized militia or whomever have weapons and they are not controlled by govt then they are foreign militias by definition. 2 wrong don't make it right, thus no one else wants to start their own "organized militia" under the banner they they are defending the north, east, west,south of lebanon.

Default-user-icon Bassel (ضيف) 19:02 ,2013 شباط 24

I'm Sure Neon u weren't there! Enta kezzeb w m3almak li bel soura Kezzeb

Default-user-icon Batman (ضيف) 19:58 ,2013 شباط 24

yeah... ali baba nasrallah and his hoodlums and not to forget those of Berri "the Godfather"...

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 21:06 ,2013 شباط 24

assir's supporters deserve to be beaten, if they cannot confront and resist ...stay home till u can, bibi ya hilween.

Thumb lebanon_first 22:06 ,2013 شباط 24

today's flare up of assir is mustakbal showing muscles, showing what it can do if the orthodox law were to pass.
somebody is paying this elf to pay his supporters and to incite strife. probably mustakbal, bandar bin sultan, qatar.
I hope they all rot in hell. And that hassoun joins them with his stupid weapons.

Missing ssnp4ever 22:46 ,2013 شباط 24

Scum attacking scum.

Missing feekahraba 17:04 ,2013 شباط 25

Scum, coming out of your mouth? Yah, that makes sense.

Thumb kanaandian 23:24 ,2013 شباط 24

lol @ shabiha from AMAL movement.

Default-user-icon probably_the_only_citizen_left (ضيف) 23:46 ,2013 شباط 24

Lol @ you all.. you're just a bunch of ridiculous Lebanese scums yourselves... lacking the minimal education or perception of sociology or geography or even that stupid little book that you were forced to memorize at school [history if you're stupid enough not to realize it by now]. I feel helpless not replying to all of your comments, very constructive, very insightful, very critical, and, of course, coming from the minds of highly intellectual and enlightened Lebanese citizens. I just hope one day you would actually take action instead of reacting to your stupid instincts.

P.S. @greenie: Antoine Saade and his party are theoretically against the Syrian Nizam [that's if you ever considered reading about the people you curse]
P.S. Lebanon First: Really? Lebanon first? do you really think your screen name speaks for you?

P.S. @ rudes: respect!

Probably the only citizen left

Default-user-icon probably_the_only_citizen_left (ضيف) 23:50 ,2013 شباط 24

you know I actually taught in my classes in Saida youngsters who supposrted Assir as well as youngsters who grew up supporting AMAL... The difference [and my personal views clash entirely with those of AMAL and HEZBOLLA] - but really, the only difference is that supporters of AMAL and HEZBOLLAH do have an argument, while on the other hand, supporters of assir guy make no sense at all.. And I have proof :) its just a bunch trying to make a stand by saying that they are opressed, while their leaders are the leading capital of Lebanon #whoareyoufooling #LebaneseBS #yearight #fakeappeal

Missing helicopter 23:57 ,2013 شباط 24

starsky...... weapons in every household is a stretch. Most law abiding citizens do not have weapons. Others who have mayhem on their mind have plenty of excuses to get armed (unfortunately). None of my family members (or extended family) have weapons beyond a hunting rifle.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 01:31 ,2013 شباط 25

So were you one of the thugs that assaulted the bus?

Missing greatpierro 04:12 ,2013 شباط 25

Regardless of wether we agree or not with the demonstrators, it is everyone right to demonstrate peacefully. The army and FSI have done a good job protecting the demonstrators and maintaining order. It is a shame that some men from the Shia community have aggressed the demonstrators.

Default-user-icon Charles Mo Darwish (ضيف) 10:22 ,2013 شباط 25

It is not the strongest nor most intelligent species that survives, but the one most adaptable to change.

Thumb normzz 13:22 ,2013 شباط 25

The way you guys are is shocking. your all brain washed.if you all gave up politics and following a political figure ,wouldnt you be better off? go have some fun man,stop hating eachother,dosnt matter what you say or do,you cannot change what happens in lebanon. what you are arguing about now will go on for years and years.to many different religions and beliefs.lebanon is controlled from the outside and no hezb or mestakbal or christian or druze can do anything about it. all you can do is either live with each other,or kill each other. lebanon is unlike any country in the world. change the way you guys think. your life is passing you by,get over it.and accept where you live.

Missing feekahraba 17:09 ,2013 شباط 25

GREENIE, well said