تقارير: تواجد احد قادة الحرس الثوري في لبنان تزامنا مع اغتيال الحسن
Read this story in Englishكشفت مصادر صحفية، الجمعة، عن تواجد احد قادة فيلق القدس التابع لـ"الحرس الثوري"، في لبنان، تزامناً مع زمان اغتيال رئيس فرع المعلومات في قوى الامن الداخلي اللواء وسام الحسن في تشرين الاول الفائت.
ونقلت صحيفة "الجمهورية"، عن مصادر واسعة الاطلاع، ان العميد "هنداوي"، وهو أحد قادة فيلق القدس التابع لـ"الحرس الثوري" والمرتبط مباشرة بالجنرال قاسم سليماني قائد فيلق القدس، حضر الى لبنان قبيل اغتيال الحسن، مشيرة الى ان "هنداوي" يتحرك حالياً بين سوريا والعراق ولبنان في مهمات خاصة.
كما اشارت الى ان هنداوي "لا يتحرّك إلّا في إطار التحضير لعمليات نوعيّة كبرى، وذات صلة بالصراع الذي تديره إيران على مستوى الإقليمي والدولي".
الى ذلك، كلّفته قيادة الحرس الثوري "المشاركة في مهمّات قتالية داخل سوريا لدعم الجيش النظامي الذي يخوض حربه الخاصة لقمع ثورة الشعب السوري"، وفق ما كشفته مصادر "الجمهورية".
يُذكر ان الحسن، اغتيل في 9 تشرين الاول الفائت، بإنفجار سيارة مفخخة في الاشرفية ادى الى سقوط قتيلين آخرين فضلاً عن الجرحى والاضرار المادية التي لحقت بالمنطقة.
Goethe judiciary to do it´s work you need the data. But Nicolas would not deliver. Wonder why?.
Ok FT: i was just pointing to the fact that neither you or geha are right as no one knows the truth apart from rumors or assumptions...
Well, the Middle East is full of operatives, US, Russian, Israeli, Iranian. You name it, you got it!
It's not like Sweden, Norway or Japan.
Moughnieh is HA operative and the death causality is not problematic enough to raise suspicion towards M14 camps... Moughnieh is directly involved in the Israel-HA conflict unlike politicians and government security stuff. Beside in this case, I don't see israel hiding behind their finger.
If they want to start a civil war, they would kill peoples from both sides.... Do you think Amal & snoopies thugs will stay home if their leader get assassinated? You are deluding no one but the like of you with such comments.
Moughnieh was killed in syria and was not a politician. No comparison. I do agree with you on the merit of the story. There is always a high ranking Iranian official in Lebanon at all times. So this isn't really breaking news. Also, the probability of Iran being involved is extremely high as I seriously doubt iran, hizb and syria don't constantly collaborate on their plans in Lebanon.
Mowaten- I have two questions for you.
how much did M8 gain from the killing of the M14 officials?
What could have M14 possibly gained from the murder/assasination of this mayor that YOU can't even remeber his name.
How many Americans and high ranking mozabeqians were in Lebanon during the assissination? This is either an important revelation or random irrelevant comment ment to heighten tensions.
Old news, we already told you that Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the High-Ranking Iranian Security Chief in Lebanon, was in Lebanon and not in Iran as rumored.
Unbelievable. I'd like all of you to let me know what it is about your favoured political group you so like. Would you rather live together as one or watch one by one each of your family die in a civil war whilst your leaders flee to Paris, Syria, Iran and Egypt? I bet none of you reply in a rational manner