سفارة السعودية في لبنان تدعو مواطنيها لأخذ الحيطة والحذر
Read this story in Englishدعت سفارة السعودية في لبنان المواطنين السعوديين لأخذ الحيطة والحذر.
وبحسب صحيفة "الرياض.نت" تمت الدعوة "نظراً للمستجدات الأمنية التي يشهدها لبنان حالياً".
ودعت السفارة مواطني المملكة "لأخذ أقصى درجات الحذر والحد من التحركات قدر الإمكان والتواصل مع السفارة عند الضرورة".
وشهد لبنان اليوم الجمعة توترات أمنية عدة أطبق الجيش عليها.
ففي صيدا نفذ إمام مسجد بلال بن رباح في صيدا اعتصاما في حرم المسجد مع إجراءات أمنية قوية وقال أنه سيتوجه السبت إلى المبنى الذي يزعم أن مقاتلين لحزب الله يسكنون فيه لاستهدافه.
وفي طرابلس تظاهر إسلاميون تضامنا مع الأسير ورفاق لهم قطعوا بعد الظهر ساحة عبد الحميد كرامي احتجاجا على ما أسموه "التعرض" لداعي الإسلام الشهال في مجدل عنجر.
كذلك حصل اعتصام للإسلاميين في سجن رومية الذي يشهد تمراد من حين إلى آخر.
وفي آب الفائت دعت السعودية مواطنيها إلى مغادرة لبنان فورا "ظهور بعض التهديدات المعلنة بخطف المواطنين السعوديين وغيره"، في إشارة إلى تحركات الجناح العسكري لآل المقداد الذي هدد بخطف خليجيين ردا على خطف حسان المقداد من قبل مجموعات مسلحة في سوريا.
that is what we our governments should be saying about saudi nationals, these people pose a huge security risk (terrorism mostly) wherever they travel..
why? because i believe marrying children is a crime?
only in saudi arabia does that make me sick in the head.
Most everyone will agree with you that marrying children is an atrocious practice. However, your earlier gross generalization about Saudis borders on malicious stereotyping and highly inaccurate to say the least. Just because some Saudis are bad apples does not mean that all are. Same goes for those of us who consider HA a menace akin to Wahabism and Salfism and maybe worse but it does not follow that all Shiites should be so branded. Come on you are more intelligent than to propagate hate statements.
As long as there are armed Shiite extremists, the extremists Sunni will continue to make a fuss about themselves and their arms. To say that only Salafism and Wahabism pause danger to Lebanon and the Lebanese is disingenuous at best.
The Shiites proved that the old saying "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" applies to them as we'll as it did to any other Lebanese sect that felt empowered at one time or another.
The ONLY solution for Lebanon is a secular one and for that to work HA must surrender its weapons to the state and integrate within the state. All other approaches to a solution will prove foolhardy and not workable.
Shat up you stuttering lilfaglee.....aka fagblower. Words coming from a mentally challenged idiot who only knows how to post childish quotes that reflect his level of intelligence.....ZERO! Mustool hable Nabatieh’s village idiot!
Yallah let's see some of your clever 'sutleih' response to reinforce my point here!
The best precaution we can give these crazies is this friendly one: 7ello 3an afena ASAP. raw7a bala raj3a ya tatar. nkeyeh fikon tole3 3endna naft. barra wleh!
I thought that saudi citizens were forbidden to come to lebanon since last august... The GCC countries are at a loss of ideas to show their disapproval of HA's grip on lebanon...
First, you take two watermelons one in each hand. Second, if you are strong enough, then you can bash them together. You really think one is better than the other?
Lebanon is a country going downwards, no doubt about it. All tourists including westerners are advised to stay away from this country for safety and security reasons. It is not a safe place. There are far better alternatives elsewhere.