إعتصام ثان للأسير ومناصريه وسط طوق أمني "كثيف": سلة مطالبنا كاملة وإلا التصعيد

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إعتصم إمام مسجد بلال بن رباح الشيخ أحمد الأسير ومناصريه السبت في صيدا وسط منع الإعلام من تغطية التحرك، في ظل معلومات عن ان الحشد منع من التوجه إلى الشقق التي يوجد فيها عناصر مفترضة "مسلحة" من حزب الله، ليعلن بعدها رفضه "للحصار الأمني والإعلامي" مصرا على تنفيذ مطالبه وإلا التصعيد.

ونشرت الصفحة الرسمية للأسير على موقع "الفايسبوك" قرابة الخامسة من عصر السبت صورة قالت انها "التجمع امام مسجد بلال بن رباح باتجاه شقق سلاح ايران المحيطة بالمسجد".

ومُنعت وسائل الإعلام من البث المباشر "وسط إنتشار مهول للجيش لم تشهد له مثيل مدينة صيدا منذ عشرات الأعوام" على حد كتابة المسؤولين عن الصفحة.

وفي ما بعد أفاد المصدر عينه أن "القوى الأمنيّة وأرتال الجيش اللبناني تمنع موكب المتظاهرين من الوصول إلى المباني" المذكورة.

وقال الأسير أمام الحشد "بالأمس كان السلاح الإيراني على أهبة الإستعداد في حارة صيدا وغيرها ولم ير ذلك أحد، لا قضاء ولا مجلس دفاع أعلى".

وإذ أسف أن "الكل في لبنان يعبّر عن رأيه ويرفع صرخة ألمه وينادي بأعلى صوته بما يراه من مصلحته ولا أحد يكتم أنفاسه إلا نحن تُمنع عنّا وسائل الإعلام" أضاف "شوّهوا وعتّموا كما تريدون، ليس عندنا وسيلة إعلام تنصفنا وتنقل الحقيقة كاملة بكل تفاصيلها، ولكن لن نسكت عم حقّنا في العيش بكرامة .. سلّة المطالب كاملة وإلا التصعيد".

وسأل "لو حصل هذا الحصار الإعلامي والأمني على أي فريق في لبنان، أو أي شخصية، كيف ستكون ردّة فعل الإعلام وأصحاب الحريّة والسيادة".

سياسيا سأل إمام مسجد بلال بن رباح "من الذي يريد هيبة الدولة ؟ الذي يريد مؤسساتها لكل اللبنانيين بالعدل والتساوي ؟ أم الذي يجعلها خادمة لمشروعه الإيراني ؟ ليغتال من يشاء ويهيمن على من يشاء ويرفع من يشاء ويكسر من يشاء ؟".

وتابع أن قتلة مناصريه الإثنين "لبنان العزي وعلي سمهون يسرحون ويمرحون في صيدا بحماية مراكز حزب إيران" سائلا "فلماذا هذه القوى الأمنية وكل هذه الأليات للجيش حولنا لا تذهب لتقديمهم للعدالة؟ لماذا لم يمنعوا سبعة أيار".

وبعد نصف ساعة أوضحت الصفحة أن الحراك "إنفض دون حصول أي حوادث أمنية".

وكان قد اعتصم الأسير الجمعة في ظل طوق أمني وإعلامي كبير وحصر الإعتصام ضمن المسجد والباحة الخارجية.

وفي 22 شباط، نفذ الأسير وأنصاره انتشارا مسلحا في محيط المسجد ردا على "المسلحين" المزعومين. وعلى الفور انتشرت قوة من الجيش اللبناني في المنطقة وهي تعمل على تهدئة الاوضاع، والحؤول دون وقوع اي اشكال.

وفي 11 تشرين الثاني من العام الفائت طالب الأسير بإزالة شعارات وأعلام المتصلة بمناسبة عاشوراء من بعض الشوارع، واعطى مهلة 48 ساعة لازالتها، ما أدى إلى اشتباك مع مناصرين لحزب الله سقط جراءه ثلاثة قتلى اثنين منهم من مناصريه.

التعليقات 36
Thumb karim__m1 18:15 ,2013 آذار 02

They are paid by Iran/russia/fari/kohemnie takfiri shia terrorists. These shia takfiris must be wiped out.

Thumb lebnanfirst 18:17 ,2013 آذار 02

So long as their demos stay peaceful they have the right to hold them. After all, Nasrallah misses no opportunity to appear on TV and spread his views. Nasrallah's latest warning about being dragged into sectarian strife because of Assir's behavior is laughable. HA has the weapons and the upper hand militarily and can damn well choose to engage in a sectarian strife or not. If it does, it will be because it CHOSE to and not because it was dragged into it.
That said, the Salafist are no panacea for Lebanon. Their ideology, aside of opposing HA, is not any more benevolent than HA's. Theocratic attempts at control of Lebanon must be rejected by all Lebanese regardless of its source.

Thumb karim__m1 18:21 ,2013 آذار 02

They are infidels. They must all be killed

Thumb geha 18:36 ,2013 آذار 02

karim, your comments are the most of the comments on this site that instigate sectarian strife.
who are you to define who is an infidel or not? no one has such a right.
we have 19 sects in this country and each has the right to live peacefully.
your comments are just the same of hizbushaitan who want sectarian strife by force, simply to justify their existence and their weapons, same like Israel.

Thumb karim__m1 18:45 ,2013 آذار 02

geha, you to are an infidel, it is evident.We know you have an opinion that differs to our iranian opinion, this makes you an infidel.

Thumb karim__m1 18:34 ,2013 آذار 02

Long Live Assad The Women Rapist & child killer

Thumb karim__m1 19:22 ,2013 آذار 02

Go worship your false leader, come touch our weapons and we will show you who is your leader

Thumb karim__m1 19:22 ,2013 آذار 02

We will burn every LF & FM house in Lebanon

Thumb andre.jabbour 20:33 ,2013 آذار 02


Thumb bananasplit 20:46 ,2013 آذار 02

You want to burn down people's houses just because they have a different opinion than you do? Great....

Missing samiam 00:26 ,2013 آذار 03

it's the iranian/syrian "democracy"

Missing helicopter 21:33 ,2013 آذار 02

We will not give up on our right to live in dignity... We will escalate our measures if our demands weren't met,” the Salafist cleric said.................. this is not the way to live in dignity or gain rights. This is the way to another Civil war, and impoverishment of a whole nation with thousands of causalities. We all want that and we can get by doing the right thing, winning elections and enlightening closed minds.

Thumb LightLeb 21:49 ,2013 آذار 02

Well... You can't blame him?! If you need to get anything done in. Lebanon you either grow a beard and start beating the drums of war or burn tires in the streets. This is the new Lebanon.

Missing peace 23:05 ,2013 آذار 02

it takes an extremist to fight another extremist....

Thumb lebanon_first 23:05 ,2013 آذار 02

Hey ouwette, can you imagine how stinking these beards are ? Karim double undersocre m1 must be getting off on their smell...

Missing samiam 00:20 ,2013 آذار 03

extremism gives rise to more extremism--

unfortunately, this is what brings these types of people to prominence. :(

Thumb Kalzyturks 02:10 ,2013 آذار 03

stop your quarells and holdsteadfast to the rope of GOD.

Thumb Kalzyturks 02:11 ,2013 آذار 03

fitnah at its best. so im figuring out who gains from all this fitnah

Thumb kanaandian 05:24 ,2013 آذار 03

Let Hezbollah and these guys clash but within defined perimeters. I am no fan of either, they want each others throats and I think the best thing is to allow them to do so. May the best beards win. My money is on Hezbollah for now, though that may change if Syria is liberated, though it looks by the time it's said and done with, both sides will be down to very few men as they will be busy slaughtering each other like diseased livestock for at least the couple years.

Thumb music66 09:17 ,2013 آذار 03

Salim timak, Masboot, too many chiefs and not enough Indians. A lot of men have ego trips, want to flaunt a lot a lip service. You want to look ugly that's your business, but to force people to live your way and think your way is wrong. I just want you all to know that most MODERATE Muslims in the world do not behave in such a manner. Ya abe ishoom.

Missing omar_eltrobolsi 14:01 ,2013 آذار 03

A muslim man can not wear tight clothes, nor have a shaved beard, nor imitate non-muslims in their hair styles as we see today when muslim men style their hair like the singers etc. All of this is haram.

The beard of the muslim man can be compared to the hijab of the muslim woman so don't hate it when it's a blessing from Allah swt. Islam is not unjust to women when it comes to hijab, as Muslim men as well have their own "hijab" to observe, it's just that stupid clerics have ignored this and instead focused only on the women making people ignorant.

With that said, stay away from salafism. Just because they get some things right, it doesn't mean they arent wrong in other things. As you know, islam is not about salafism or shiaiasm.

Missing peace 14:25 ,2013 آذار 03

dress code ? lol...
the pb with muslims is that they stick to old writings forgetting to adapt them with the current period and interpret the core of the message.
the veil for women was meant to avoid attraction at the time... now women with veil attract more attention than if they weren t... so they should stop wearing them if they want to adapt to the message! this dressing code for women was meant to protect them for attracting men s attention...
was the first wife of the prophet veiled? no...

Missing omar_eltrobolsi 16:03 ,2013 آذار 03

peace, no offence, but i don't need your help in understanding my own religion that i have studied from it's actual source (quran + sunnah away from all the madness of clerics), the dress code is written black on white, there is no room for missunderstanding or thinking it was only a temporary command. If we are to go by your logic, homosexuality is all fine and ok since today (at least in the west) it is the norm to support gay rights such as the right to adopt children and marry. Islam is not about human trends, it's about Allah swt and what he sayed should be done and not man's desires.

We can't make anyone dress or undress, but for our own sake (i mean muslims who are religious) we should abide by the dress code to avoid the sins that come with not abiding with it, this is islamic advice to muslims. You as a christian, do not need to worry about how we dress. I only gave the example to music66 because she is a muslim (i know this from her previous comment).

Missing omar_eltrobolsi 16:16 ,2013 آذار 03

Flame thrower, who said i want to force anyone to dress islamicly? Islam does not even allow forcing someone in to religious matter so if i would do that i would be sinning but i am allowed to clarify what my religion stands for. Especially when i was talking to a muslim, i was not attacking anyone, i was only stating what islam stands for in this regard. I don't force anyone to dress islamicly and likewise nobody has the right to force me to dress un-islamicly whether in my home or in the streets.

Missing omar_eltrobolsi 16:16 ,2013 آذار 03

As for hezballahs weapons, i understand that there is a deliberate hate campaign against them and i understand that may 7th was provoked by the munafikeen of mustaqbal who didn't do what they did for islamic reasons. I do not feel threatened by hezballahs weapon and i consider hezballah to be the most disciplined hezb in lebanon regardless of how i differ with them in religion. I will speak the truth and i will stand by the truth even if my own father is the one in the wrong. This is what islam teaches me and rest assured, that Muslims who actually follow islam (and not sects) have NO interest in forcing you in to changing your way of life. Those "muslims" who do want to do that, are not following islam as you can see from the satanic rulers of saudi arabia, they even ban women from driving while sponsoring killing muslims and christians in places where the US approved such as iraq and syria.

Missing omar_eltrobolsi 16:23 ,2013 آذار 03

thephoenix, yes the body of a human being will rot but as long as we are alive we are to obey the commands of Allah swt. Islam is a complete way of life concerning all aspects of human life. Even before we eat, we practice islam by saying bismillah. How we dress or rather cover ourselfs, how we marry, how we pray etc is all done or supposed to be done according to the islamic way of doing it.

I know this seems extreme to a secular christian, but this is what our religion is, you dont have to agree or do it yourself.

Missing jerjies_harb 16:54 ,2013 آذار 03

The1phoenix, what do you mean the blessed imam ali? Since when do we believe in a blessed imam ali? Only those who take jesus christ as their lord are the blessed ones. As far as i know, neither imam ali or muhammad did that, in fact they were against that.

Missing omar_eltrobolsi 17:13 ,2013 آذار 03

Jerjies_harb, you are correct. We muslims do not view christ (as) as lord, we view him as a prophet and as the messiah and that doesnt mean in any way that we love him any less than you do. We just believe diffirent things about him. Its the same within mainstream islam and shiaism regarding ali (ra). In mainstream islam, he is the cousin of the prophet (saw) and his son in law as he married his daughter fatima (ra) as well as a sahabi. He does not have any holy role. In shiaism, he is the first imam of a set of 12 that they believe are part of the imamah, something we dont believe in at all. Yet despite this diffirence we all love him and respect him and learn from him. Its the same with christ (as).

Missing omar_eltrobolsi 17:24 ,2013 آذار 03

Thank you as well for explaining to me. This is the first time a christian tells me that christianity is not a secular religion. You can also find muslims who say islam is secular even though the quran is clear that it is not. I havent read the entire bible so i should't have assumed that it was a secular religion based on what i have heard, considering that you can also find muslims say the same about islam.

Take care and God bless.

Missing omar_eltrobolsi 17:25 ,2013 آذار 03

shouldn't have assumed*

Thumb karim__m1 09:38 ,2013 آذار 03

Your a wahabi imposter

Thumb kanaandian 16:05 ,2013 آذار 03

I agree with The Phoenix here! I always felt the same way.

Missing omar_eltrobolsi 17:06 ,2013 آذار 03

thephoenix, i was told by a christian that christianity is a secular religion in the sence that there is no christian law. As an example, a secular law can be totally ok with christianity, while in islam, that same law might be considered a sin if it contradicts an islamic law.

If you say that you are not a secular christian then you are not a secular christian, i was just basing it on what several christians have taught me about their religion.

Those who want society to see them as god-fearing while not being that are called munafikeen in the quran. But that is not the same as growing the beard or wearing hijab because you want to follow a religious command according to your religion.

By the way, i don't have a sect as secterianism is actually condemned by God in the quran. I appreciate that you thank God for everything.

Thumb music66 02:40 ,2013 آذار 04

Omar_eltrobolsi , yes you are right I am a muslim, Maybe not a good one in your eyes and in the eyes of other Muslims because I chose not to wear a veil or I wear clothing for example Jeans which are tight fitting. Maybe or maybe NOT I will chose loose clothing and veil someday but it will be MY choice and not my mothers or fathers or anybody else. As for the beard remark, you know I love my dad and he is a Hajj, I am so glad he has never grown one seriously. The other day i saw stubble on his face and I offered to shave him. He grunted and said NO I will shave it myself. IN which he did. I sincerely belief in my heart that just because the prophet Muhammad whom we all love grew a beard in his time doesn't mean those people who shave completely love Muhammad any less.know many muslim women including my own mother who is too a hajji and sister in law amongst other family members and friends too who chose to wear the family I love them all the same.

Thumb music66 02:48 ,2013 آذار 04

As for the comment giving to the NEEDY, I can donate to a non muslim charity and that's a good thing. I can donate to muslim charity and that's a good thing too. YOU dont have to be an extremist of any religion of various sects to be a good human being. YOU see I know people of all sorts of nationalities and since we all belong to the same human race helping each other in a good manner on for good purposes is a wonderful thing.

Thumb music66 03:06 ,2013 آذار 04

And yes Omar I may go to hell for a lot of reasons, but I have heard that ALL many times before.