جعجع يربط تأييد "الاورثوذكسي" بالتوصل الى قانون انتخاب جديد
Read this story in Englishشدد رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع على انه "لا يمكن ان تقوم دولة فعلية في لبنان طالما القرار الاستراتيجي عند حزب الله". واوضح من جانب آخر، ان الدافع الرئيسي لتأييد المشروع الاورثوذكسي في اللجنة النيابية الفرعية "كان التوصل الى قانون انتخابي جديد".
وفي حديث الى صحيفة "اللواء"، يُنشر الاثنين، ان "هناك اختلافاً في وجهات النظر داخل قوى 14 آذار حول قانون الانتخابات، ولكن مساحات الخلاف في وجهات النظر هذه تضيق تدريجياً".
ولفت الى انه اذا استمرينا على هذا المنوال خلال أيام ليست طويلة "سنصل الى تصوّر موحّد حول قانون انتخابات جديد". كما شدد على "أهمية التقيُد التام بإجراء الانتخابات في موعدها".
كما لفت جعجع الى ان "أي تفكير بتأجيل الانتخابات من أي طرف لأي سبب كان، نراه تفكيراً قاتلاً لنظامنا الديمقراطي". الا انه اشار الى أن "التأجيل المقبول للاستحقاق الانتخابي هو التأجيل التقني لشهر أو شهرين لتُعطى وزارة الداخلية فرصة للقيام بالتحضيرات اللازمة".
وعن تصويت "القوات"، على مشروع "اللقاء الاورثوذكسي" (حيث كل طائفة تنتخب ممثليها) في اللجان النيابية، قال جعجع لـ"اللواء"، ان هذا المشروع كان "المدخل الوحيد الى قانون انتخاب جديد".
واقرت اللجان النيابية المشتركة مشروع "اللقاء الاورثوذكسي" وسط اعتراض نواب كتلتي "المستقبل" و"جبهة النضال الوطني"، والنواب المسيحيون المستقلون في 14 آذار.
وينتظر ان يحيل رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري المشروع الى "الهيئة العامة" لمناقشته وبته اذا اتفق عليه، الأمر الذي لم يتم بعد.
من جانب آخر، أكد جعجع في حديثه لـ"اللواء"، انه "لا يمكن ان تقوم دولة فعلية في لبنان طالما القرار الاستراتيجي عند حزب الله".
وعن تبرير حزب الله تدخله في القتال في سوريا بأنه لحماية الناس، أجاب جعجع "لا احد يستطيع ان يتجاهل دور ايران في سوريا، واهم موقف كان يمكن ان يُتخذ لحماية هؤلاء الناس هو التزام الحياد او تأييد الثورة، ولكن للأسف ذهب حزب الله الى المقلب الآخر".
واردف انه وبسبب موقف حزب الله "اصبح هناك تجييش كبير داخل الشعب السوري ضده وبذلك هو يُدخل لبنان في آتون كبير".
وكان مصدر في "حزب الله قد اعلن منتصف شباط الفائت ان بعض اللبنانيين المقيمين في الاراضي السورية الحدودية مع لبنان والمنتمين الى الحزب يقاتلون "المجموعات المسلحة" في سوريا بمبادرة منهم ومن دون قرار حزبي، وذلك "بغرض الدفاع عن النفس".
كما كان الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله قد اكد في تشرين الاول 2012 ان بعض المنتمين الى الحزب من اللبنانيين المقيمين في هذه القرى يقاتلون "مجموعات مسلحة"، نافيا علاقة الحزب بقرارهم.
واتت تصريحات نصر الله بعد تشييع الحزب في البقاع عددا من عناصره الذين قال انهم قتلوا "اثناء قيامهم بواجبهم الجهادي"، من دون ان يقدم تفاصيل اضافية عن ظروف مقتلهم.
Geagea is really running scared now ... His voters are evaporating. The old guard anti-HA are fuming over the opening of the party while others are seeing the real threat coming from salafists not HA.
It is clear that the LF will need a more expansive membership for the on the ground campaigning they will need to hold onto their seats. Yet this will dilute the power of the patronized old guard.
Geagea has real problems to confront. It is not clear that his patrons are willing to fund Geagea as they have in the past. Both Auon and Geymael are going to pick up many votes from LF.
The real fanatic is you ... Your hatred over rules your intelligence until your words are as vomit ...
10 more yrs "fa2ouss geagea" will fade away sloooooooooooooooowly
then he will have time to manage his bars in m3ameltein and pick up more flowers, if he's able to bend........
anyone who tries to flee the truth that christians have to be fairly represented as taef stipulates are the bad guys
this is the main point and all the rest ie electoral laws have to get this fact. be it orthodox or whatever law....
It is as deep of a political insight as the one from chouchou ..... sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.
No I do not know who it's a mistaken copy paste of a nr that called me and was trying to find who it was.
That us because he was the only one to be judged as he refused to capitulate to the Syrians. Had Aoun not sought refuge in France he would have had the same treatment.
come on man! are you going to deny the real beliefs of the shia community?
we all know those are their beliefs! these teachings are taught in your schools at an early age.
furthermore, the hate towards sunnis has been there for as long as I can remember, and I recall a story:
when we were at school a long time ago, we were to go for a trip to tyre in our schoolbus. it did not matter that we were Christians, we were asked not to call one of our friends by his real name: his name was Omar.
it was ordiary for any Omar to be attacked in the south, just for his name.
so spare us your BS.
this shiism of iran is the most extremist sort of extremism.
let us consider this matter a bit:
- 35% are Christians and they want to elect their Christian MPs.
- 35% are shia, and they want to rule he country.
- the above two do not accept that Al Mustaqbal is a multi confessional party, and they want to deny them the right to elect MPs that are not sunnis.
furthermore they empower sunni extremists to reduce the popularity of of mustaqbal.
so, yes your comment is correct, for as long as religious extremists rule the mind of the weak, we will have the same rulers.
Yes people there is grumbling within the LF old guard, but this is nothing new really. There has alway been a current within the LF (myself included, for what little my opinion is worth) that never felt comfortable with some parties within the M14 alliance that are connected to radical sunnis and marketing "Arabism" whenever given the chance. The LF is in a predicament: stay with M14 and be criticized for having played a role in the rise of radical Sunnis in Syria and Lebanon. Leave M14 and you will be criticized for strengthening HA's control of the country. Remain neutral and you will wiped out of the electoral lists... Shou 3al 3al2a.
there is nothing inciting hate in my comments: all I did was state facts.
if you want to hide the true image of extremist shia like hizbushaitan, then try to do it properly by telling us what I said is not correct.
but you cannot, because you know it is.
actually it was your aun who was promised the presidency if he could oust the LF. but he could not, thus they ousted him.
as for Geagea, he was offered good positins in the cabinet provided he would accept the Syrian regime, but he refused, thus he was put in prison.
this is to set the truth of things: we remember the details of that period.
The book is called al kafi. Go read your book if you call yourself Shia. You should know what's in your booksmabout your madhab. Why do the shia follow there imams blindly. I'm not sectarian but the Shia know very little about there own religion. Yes it is there own, the sunnah are innocent of these people, even though you may have some ignorant ones who think we are brothers and sisters. Nope that's not the case. It's all in there books, so don't say I'm spreading sectarian comments. By the way us sunnah are not a sect. We are 95% of the Muslim world, that's the majority and the majority cannot be defined as a sect
Even though stargaze and flamethrower may deny this is from there Shia books, you two are ignorant and like cattle, it doesn't matter what you say or do. We look at what your scholars are saying, your tv channels, there's is many videos on YouTube that expose you. Shiaism is a cult, may Allah guide them to the straight path, not the path of mutah and taqqiya and the wajib jihadi to killl Sunni Muslims. And there sistani forbade them to fight the Americans in Iraq. This is why America and Israel are not scared of the Shia, they pose no threath