تقرير: لبنان سيصبح من احد اكبر منتجي الغاز في الشرق الاوسط
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كشف المدير التنفيذي لشركة "سبيكتروم جيو" البريطانية ديفيد رولانس، انه والى جانب الثروة النفطية الموجودة في المياه الاقليمية اللبنانية، ثروة كبيرة من الغاز تجعل لبنان من اكبر منتجي الغاز في الشرق الاوسط.
ووفق ما نقلت صحيفة "التايمز" البريطانية عن رولانس، فإن ثروة الغاز اللبنانية، تضم 25 تريليون قدم مكعب تحت مياه إقليمية في الساحل الجنوبي تمتد مساحتها على ثلاثة آلاف كيلومتر مربع.
كما لفت الى ان مسحاً زلزالياً في البقاع كشف عن مكامن بريّة متوقعة للنفط والغاز. واشار من جانب آخر الى تدافع شركات الاستثمار النفطية، حيث ان 40 شركة تتنافس بحدة من بين 120 أبدت اهتماماً بالقطاع. وقال رولانس ان هذا التدافع ليس له مثيل منذ فتحت ليبيا باب التنقيب في العام 2004.
الى ذلك، كشفت "التايمز"، ان من بين هذه الشركات، "كوف إنرجي" البريطانية و"ماراثون أويل" الأميركية بالشراكة مع "كين إنرجي" البريطانية، و"رويال داتش شل" المعروفة باسم "شل" المتعددة الجنسيات.
وستعقد شركات النفط لقاءات مع مسؤولين في لندن هذا الأسبوع لبدء عطاءات التأهيل المسبق. وتقدّر وزارة الطاقة والمياه أنه سيكون بإمكانها تصدير الغاز وأنها قد تضخ أكثر من 90 ألف برميل من النفط في اليوم، مع نهاية العقد الحالي.
كما نقلت "التايمز" عن محلل لشؤون الطاقة في بنك "في أس إي كابيتال"، مالكولم غراهام وود، قوله أن معظم الشركات النفطية تقوم بمناورات أحياناً حين تسعى للفوز بامتيازات البحث والتنقيب.
وكان وزير الطاقة جبران باسيل قد اعلن أن " لبنان على موعد مع أول عملية تنقيب في نهاية عام 2015"، ومؤكداً أن "لبنان أصبح بلداً يسير على النفط والغاز والحلم أصبح واقعاً والواقع سيتحول ازدهاراً ".
ويُشار الى ان الموعد النهائي لتقديم الطلبات من قبل شركات النفط يكون يوم 28 آذار وهيئة البترول ستعلن بعد ثلاثة أسابيع على قائمة الشركات المقبولة ثم سيتم إطلاق مناقصات، والتي سوف تستمر حتى نهاية العام.
يشار الى ان مجلس الوزراء كان قد اقر، البند المتعلق بشروط تأهيل الشركات المختصة، للاشتراك في دورات التراخيص للانشطة البترولية (التنقيب عن النفط)، مع تعديل يقضي بإشراك بعض الشركات اللبنانية، لتشجيع الشركات الوطنية والمساهمة في تكبير حجم أعمالها واكتسابها خبرة في مجال استخراج النفط.

I hope they partition the country before production starts, could you imagine all that wealth in the hands of hizb and salafists and corrupted politicians from all sides because they are nothing but thieves the lot of them, we need a new generation of 21st century democratically aware young politicians in Lebanon we have had enough of the same cave men thats haa been sucking the country dry for generations.

yeah right! if they say $140 billion, it really means its $1 Trillion ... Lebanon should set up government company and drill the gas/oil itself!!!!!
Why commission others to do it, at a small cost of 1 or 2 billion lebanon can set it up independently and take all the money from it!!!!!!!
Giving it to others is discraseful and haram especially for those who spilt their blood protecting Lebanon!

i saw the previous comments from FT and mowaten, but decided it was not worthwhile to reply to these 2 stupid kids.
however, FYI, basil has already done impropriatries in signig contracts not properly tendered, and this is documented :)
so the thief in law is in action.
whatever you say will not change that fact.

Geha my friend, are you by any mean aware that there's a place somewhere named "Geha Junction"?

"Lebanon has been slow to exploit its maritime resources compared with other eastern Mediterranean countries. Israel, Cyprus and Turkey are all much more advanced in drilling for oil and gas."
This is all thanks to the moronic Hariri policies we had to endure. Thank God for FPM setting this issue on the right track.

Unless we throw away this religious mantra and grade people on their religious affialition we are doomed as a nation with or without energy. Lebanon should be for all based on merticracy. Religion should be in the churches and mosques and the religious people shoudl be at home tending to spiritual needs of people. Not acting that hollywood stars splashing millions on travel and show off. I had been a member of the church since the age of 5, now though I see that religion has been misused and is becoming meaningless. lebanon should rid itself from it and tend to business based on human abilities and standards, not fake religious nonsense.

I Agree with flame, oil is a thing from the past... At least in terms of energy source. It should be used for plastics (no alternative for this). We need renewable energies to light our homes and drive our cars.

Agree with @FT. @Cedar we do not have the capabilities, the money or the technology to drill for ourselves. @Andre is right. while other countries are shifting to renewable energies we are about to spend billions on fixing our old plants and increasing the amount of pollution. This is definitely an apportunity to erase our debt however i really think they should have an open door for consulting from young Lebanese who might have brilliant ideas but instead the old generation will just do what they do best; get hold of it as soon as possible and make tons of money without including anyone. Mafia style.

now for sureeee they will give some to the people .. money is gonna b rolling in...and all r gonna fill there bank accounts..while the people starve and struggle for work

its about time , hope with internal wealth lebanese politicians forget about the carrot and the stick

You guys owe a dept of gratitude to general Aoun and his caucus after all eight years of Change and Reform bloc's weekly meetings generated so much natural gas in that room in Rabieh Lebanon now has the largest reserve in the world. In fact Energy Minister Jebran Bassil is putting a solid framework for exploiting it by commissioning two truck full of empty Soha bottles so he can bottle all that natural gas and export it. Yes boys and girls we're rich! we're wealthy! Yahoo! we're comfortably well off! we're rich! we're wealthy! we're independent! we're socially secure!

It is good that GMA is here to stay, he is the "state" man that only can stop the mafias from robbing us anymore!!...It is time to get used to this, it's a new era of new Lebanon strong by this man n all clean people in town. All of us must be GMA; making a strong state where no one is above the Law...

i hope its good news for lebanon,i am afraid its not,do u think americans went to destroy irak if there was no OIL?they give a sh... about saddam or wartan its the OIL.
problems and genocide are where there is oil and gas.
120 companies competing for gas and oil, oh my god,i wonder why HAIG the foreign minister of "great" britain came to visit lebanon one or two weeks ago.
qatar prospered because they have one leader and only 300.000 population,in lebanon everyone can be a leader with enough money and a tribe (oil companies can employ anyone from anyside to create havoc)and dont forget we have already at least 1 mio refugees between palestinians and syrians,just imagine if the gas companies arms them?

Mustapha... Very true. Unfortunately, in Lebanon, your fears will most proberbly be true before your hopes.

Mustapha, the picture is changing dramatically. The US is about to become a net exporter of oil. Check the following link.
This could have a dramatic impact on the policies of the U.S. in the ME. As the U.S. grows less dependent on Middle Eastern oil, its propensity to get involved in the affairs of the region will decline. The biggest enemy of an oil-rich Lebanon are the Lebanese politician and us the people who put them in power. All of them, no exception whatsoever.

Guys guys guys,
M8 and M14, seriously take a deep breathe... Look at this opportunity in front of us.
Again Lebanon has a 1 in a million chance to reverse 40 years of war, pain and suffering. A chance to rebuild its social fabric to what it once was in the past.
It all starts with us the people in Lebanon and abroad who can make this change.
The chances are that, given the 20 year track-record of politicians on both sides, we the people will miss out again on the amazing opportunity and the value will be lost to the top 1%...

Question is how do we make this work to our advantage, and where do we start. In answering, you have to look at the big picture. With the wealth that this can bring Lebanon, there's no more debt, and people will have a true chance to live in an affluent economic environment, and if this is achieved, then believe me we'll never need M8, M14 or anything in between again.
The bigger question is whether we'll smarten up this time and seize this chance. Sadly, I think we'll miss this one again, and god knows when another opportunity like this will present itself again....

with the bunch of irresponsible people ruling this country lebanon is soon to become like nigeria where the rulers are rich from the oil and the people are just starving....
wait and see...

1/ it is not in the interest of the political leaders to improve the economic situation of lebanese because they would lose followers.
2/ well off people stop bothering about politics or at least stop following extremists...
3/ well off people tend to westernize which is not in the interest of the islamists groups shia and sunnis...

First, it is in Spektrums interest to make as much fuzz as possible of Lebanons potential in oil and gas. They have made a multi-client seismic survey that they want to sell to oil companies.
Having said that I dont doubt that there is a potential here, but keep in mind that oil discoveries are far more worth than gas discoveries. Gas discoveries takes a lot of investment in terms of subsea infrastructure (pipelines to potential customers). Proximity to payworthy customers are also an advantage. Where are these customers? Israel, Syria, Egypt, Cyprus, Jordan are either at war with Lebanon, have their own gas resources or havent got that much money. To the southwest we have countries like Libya, Algeria, Tunisia which all have abundance of gas resources. To the east we have the gulf nations that are masters of the game.
Lenbanon will surely benefit from this news, but it is not all easy-street. The biggest benefit will be self-sufficiance of energy. No more black-outs.