عون: لدى 14 آذار "الضعيفة" مسلحون قادرون على تعطيل الإنتخابات النيابية
Read this story in Englishأعلن رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون أن لدى المعارضة مسلحون قادرون على تأجيل الإنتخابات النيابية المقبلة قائلا أن "التطرف" في لبنان سببه الجماعات "الإرهابية" في سوريا.
وقال عون في مقابلة مع تلفزيون الحرة وزع مكتبه الإعلامي نصها مساء الأربعاء "لا نؤيّد المشاركة في القتال لأي كان، ولكن هناك قرى سورية على الشّريط الحدودي بين لبنان وسوريا يقطنها لبنانيون، وهؤلاء لهم أقارب وأهل في القرى اللبنانية المجاورة".
عليه أشار عون إلى " اعتداءات على تلك القرى من قبل جماعات إرهابية، ولا بد للسكان اللبنانيين في القرى السّورية من الدفاع عن أنفسهم وقتال من يهاجمهم".
وعن حل سلاح حزب الله قال "(إلى حين) استكمال انسحاب اسرائيل والحوار حول مصير الفلسطينيين".
وأشار إلى أن السلاح "هو سلاح دفاعي لا يعتدي على إسرائيل، ولكنه يدافع عن لبنان في حال اعتدت عليه إسرائيل وتجاوزت خط الحدود" مضيفا "سلاح حزب الله لم يعتد على أحد، هو سلاح مقاوم، موجَّه وموجود للدِّفاع عن الحدود الجنوبية".
وعن "سبب تنامي ظاهرة التطرُّف في بعض المناطق اللُّبنانية" قال رئيس التيار "الوطني الحر" أن "هذا التطرُّف جاء من سوريا بعد أن دخلتها كلُّ المُنظّمات الإرهابية الموجودة في الدّول العربية".
أما عن الإنتخابات النيابية أضاف "يجب أن تَحصل، ونحنُ من الدّاعين لحصول الانتخابات في موعدها".
وماذا الّذي يُمكن أن يمنعها من الحصول أجاب عون "إرادات التّعطيل".
وأوضح أن المنع يتم "من قبل المُعارضين للحكومة حاليّاً كتيّار المُستقبل، وخصوصاً أنّ جماعة 14 آذار قد تفكَّكت، فهم في موقف ضُعف ولديهم المُسلَّحين ويُمكنهم في أيّة لحظةٍ أن يفتعلوا حادثاَ أمنيّاً أو أن يُصرّوا على قانون الانتخاب السابق لإجرائها، وهذا الأمر قد يُعطِّل إجراء الانتخابات".
إلى ذلك أكد عون أن مواقفه من البحرين "قد تخطَّيناها الآن، ونريد مُشكلةً "بالنّاقص" وليس مُشكلةً "بالزايد" بالنِّسبة إلى اللُّبنانيين في الخليج، ولا بدّ من التذكير أن هؤلاء اللبنانيين يقومون بأعمال بنّاءة لمصلحة الخليج، ونحن كما الخليج، ليس لنا مصلحة من حدوث مُشكلة في ما يتعلَّق بهم".
lol! as if M8ers don t have the same... so what is allowed for M8 is forbidden to M14?
either you tell your hezbi friends to disarm and set the example or please just spare us your hypocrisy....
What are saying peace? We M14ers don't have such weapons. Only terrorists such as HA or Palestinians camps have them.
andre i am saying that if M8ers have the right to be armed then their logic should be to allow everyone to be... people like aoun should not complain if other parties than M8 are armed because they set the example of resolving everything through weapons....
scare tactics--typical of M8 and Aoun
remember May 2008 Aoun or does that memory not suit you?
Aoun or Nasrallah cannot live without having Bachar's hooves smashing their heads. That's why they'd do anything for the Giraffe to keep controlling our daily lives. Allez comprendre pourquoi,,, j'en sais rien, chui pas maso comme certains ^^
what revenge? of course any parties in the opposition want to win the next elections. is it bad in a democracy? lol!
but we know you do not like democracy, you prefer an islamist or a nazi like regime, don t you little baathist?
you are just a nothing bruce pee, a non person, insignificant. but you are entertaining like a red nosed clown in a circus...
waw! now you are copying from a book of teen age quotes! smart! brave little red nose clown :)
another smart thought! thank you bruce pee you are eductaing me ! without you i don t know how i d figured it out!
you are the genius professor! keep on! dig further you can do better!
stop it bruce pee!!! you are making me laugh too much! i can t hold it! my parents siblings!!! waw! that is a good one!
find me more!
waw!!! you flatter me ! how come such an intelligent person like you lowers himself to repeat what a stupid guy like me says?
mwah! too kind of you!!!
"I'm busy now. Can I ignore you some other time?"
oh my bad! i guess such an intelligent professor like you has millions of things to read to get even more intelligent! yes come another time and educate me!!!
you are soooo thrilling bruce pee!!! we do not waste our time reading you, you are a master!
Bonne nuit tt le monde. je me casse... faites de beaux reves. sweet dreams everyone.
MP Michel Aoun stated on Wednesday that the March 14 opposition has “armed men that can postpone the parliamentary elections, and Hezbollah and FPM media departments are busy Photoshopping various Hezbollah terrorists to look the part, haydar haydar.”
I can't believe this guy still has supporters.
God does not throw stones, when he wants to vent his anger at a nation, he subjugates them to the rantings of a lunatic like Aoun. I believe we are being punished.
on adopting a certain electoral law
he has a crystal ball that tells him the future ..i wonder if the retard will lend it to me..lol
that Lebanese residents of border villages “have the right to defend themselves and fight back at terrorist attacks”.
so people in the arsal region and others have the right to defend themselves too right? or is it that his allies are the only ones..
Aoun the evil one is preparing with is master Nousrala for more terrorists acts to prevent the elections from taking place on time and he's laying the ground work for that by accusing others...old dog with old tricks...
HA going to use their missiles in the elections? i don't think so..so please stop fooling around...everybody is armed nowadays....how about the money abuse in the elections in buying voters?!?! yes everybody has it as well...so ev body is armed both ways stop using that its not working...stay on the HA murderers it is more believable ;)
Why does Nahar still post up the babblings of this demented old man. He has given over completely to his mental disease.
Psychological projection was first conceptualized by Sigmund Freud as a defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own negative attributes by ascribing them to the outside world instead. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting faults onto others. The original idea was that projection would allow for reduced anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them.
What else explains how Aoun, an avowed Lebanese nationalist in the past, who has been required to ally with armed gunmen who had allied with his old enemy now accuses M14 of being allied with armed gunmen who could disrupt elections?
The only armed gunmen who have the motive and ability to disrupt elections with their guns is Aoun's ally Hezbollah. If they see that an election will be held whereby they lose their ability to select the PM and cabinet, then they will see to it that the elections are cancelled and a continuing mandate is adopted for the present government which Hezbollah controls from top to bottom and side to side.
Maybe some part of Aoun's now rotten brain is causing him to suffer anxiety over the fact that he has enabled this condition to persist in Lebanon and now he tries to assuage himself and his anxiety by projecting his worst conduct over to the rest of the world.
Once a sellout always a sellout. Either we disarm everyone, build a strong state together. Put laws in place where these politicians don’t give every project t highest bidder because they give back the biggest “commission checks” to the politicians in return or we stay a 3rd world country.