عون: نحن في مرحلة تشبه 1975 وسنواجه التكفيريين بالسلاح إذا أرادوا
Read this story in Englishأعلن رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون أن لبنان يمر في مرحلة تشبه الحرب الأهلية إلا أنه أشار إلى وعي لدى السياسيين لاستدراكها.
وقال عون في كلمة مباشرة نقلتها قناة الـ"OTV" مساء الخميس "أصبحنا في مرحلة تشابه كثيرا مرحلة 1975 الدولة تنأى بنفسها واعتداءات على الجيش ولكن الحمد لله هناك وعي سياسي من لا يريدون الرجوع إلى هذا المشهد".
وتابع متوجها إلى أنصاره "أنتم ترون المشهد الذي ينطلق منه بعض التكفيريين لكننا نستوعب الأمر لأننا أقوياء وإذا شاؤوا بالسلاح أقوياء وبالسياسة أقوياء وبالحقوق أقوياء".
عن القوانين الإنتخابية قال "لن يسطو أحد على حقوقنا بعد اليوم وسننالها كاملة".
وأشار إلى أن رفض تيار "المستقبل" والحزب "التقدمي الإشتراكي" لمشروع "اللقاء الأورثذكسي (كل طائفة تنتخب نوابها) سببهم "أنهم لا يرديون أي تفاهم على الأرض اللبنانية وهذا يهدد فعلا الكيان اللبناني".
أضاف رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" قائلا "لن نترك الأعطال الأمنية تمر ولا الدستورية تمر".
كذلك أشار إلى أن "إتفاق الطائف لم ينفذ إلا بما يعطي السلطة لغير المسيحيين أما في ما يتعلق بموقع المسيحيين في السلطة فهو منهوب كأمواله وأرزاقه التي هي مرهونة للجميع".
وأكد أنه "ما من عمولة في جيوبنا ولا عمالة في رأسنا وليس في ضميرنا جرائم اغتيال ونرفع رأسنا ونواجه ونجاهد".
وختم عون سائلا "هل أرجعنا اليوم سيادتنا وحريتنا واستقلالنا في 14 آذار؟ المجتمع اللبناني مقسم وأنتم فقط الأحرار ولستم مرتبطين بأي نفوذ خارجي".
why are all pro assad brown noses singing in unison from the same security treat hymn book?
“Only the Taef Accord stipulations that grant power to non-Christians were implemented, but Christian positions in power were robbed”
who robbed the Christians?
Syrian lackey Sleiman Frangieh was the only person to figure in every cabinet from 1990 to 2005
Ibrahim Abass, he holds a position that was traditionally Christian robbed and given to Shiites during the Syrian occupation but Aoun again failed to take it back after 7 years of screaming bloody hell and promising he will.
Two presidents appointed and their terms extended by Hafez and Bashar Assad
talk is cheap you senile coward and is the only thing you are good at other than starting war to become president and running away and deserting with the millions you were supposed to pay your soldiers with.
PS: Brucie my girl zip it the only thing you are good for is being barefoot and pregnent
Can someone please explain to me how can the "proportional distribution with lebanon 1 district" allows the christians to elect 50% of the parliament when they only represent 34% of the population?
Is this guy making fun of our intelligence?
Hizaballa needs to surrender its weapons, and no civil war will occur. Is it that hard to understand?
Less than 20 MPs total would be elected by Christians with a proportional distribution with lebanon 1 district law that Nasrallah favors and Aoun is threatening with. The "Orthodox" the law is based on a proportional distribution with lebanon 1 district with the sects vote for their own except the sects such as the Jews for instance who are not represented in parliament who can vote for whoever they wish. If you are Maronite living in Kesewan and your Mom is Catholic she can't vote for you but she can vote for a Catholic in Zahle, true representation they call it. I said it over a year ago that the only thing that Nasarallah wanted is proportional distribution with lebanon 1 district where their overwhelming birthrate is king and suckered the Christian parties of M14 via Aoun's rhetoric to go with the Orthodox plan.... continue
... When the Kataeb and LF realized the plot and tried to proposed that same Orthodox plan but with a majority vote which also have Christians elect their 64 MPs Hezbollah naturally flatly refused with not even a peep from Aoun, obviously it was never fair representation for Christians they cared for but proportional representation in 1 district. Ironically they can't get enough vote for the Orthodox plan not without Hezballah and Amal's Baathist, SSNPers and their other peripheral MPs, Salhab and others from Aoun's block and a couple of LFers already said they will not vote for it! On top of that every Sunni from Harriri and Saniora, Mikati, Safadi, the three Karame, AR Mourad, Osama Saad, are against it, the only Sunni to come for it so far was Omar Bakri who Nasrallah sprung from Jail.
hamoody, the mujahedeen you are calling upon to hunt him down are the Sunni version of Hezb. You can not demand the Shiites to have Hezb if that is who you support for Sunnis. I wish Lebanon to be rid of takfiris, Hezb, mujahgedeen, and similar titles so it can restore the glory Lebanon once had. We should pray for the rise of the moderate, educated, patriotic, and secular people of Lebanon and suppress extremists of all colors and sects.
Actually it is shia who are constantly saying they have the highest numbers :) your allies.
it is the shia who are refusing the expat votes:) your allies.
actually and according to the previous election numbers:
- 37& Christians
- Sunnis outnumbered shia by over 50,000.
Sunnis have always supported the Christians, while your shia allies want to divide in three the representation.
so what are you saying?
ta7iyatna min ein el rummaneh wu bi fadil el 3imad Aoun hala2 sirna bi America, wlak sinni willa shi3i hayda mish el mashkal bi libnan mish ma3 el shi3i aktar ma huwi ma3 sla7u lal shi3i. bil nisbi lal irhab ma 7ada a7san min 7ada wu ma fina nijmul kil el nas wu n2ul el sini 3imil kaza aw el shi3i 3immil kaza la2inu izza hayk el shaghli kilna ba3dna mnitzakar 3amiliyat irhabiyi 3amila 7izb alla yi3ni masalan wa2it 5atafu tiyarit TWA flight 847 from athens to Rome wu jabuwa 3ala beirut wu atalu muwatin amerkeni wu kabu el jiti 3ala ard el mattar minshan el 3alam bi 2asru yshufa kilna mnitzakar azamit el raha2in bi libnan wu tifjir el marines yali kanu bi libnan bi sifat UN peacekeepers wu tafjir el uwi el faransiyi rawa7u 300 zalami yawmita min 3ada kam safir ajnabi wu si7afiyi mathum 7izb alla fiyun wu ma ninsa yi3ni shuhada sawrit el arz innu wissam el 7assan min atalu natur el binayi yi3ni bas ana ma b2ul el shi3a 3imlu hal 3amal 3ayb 3layna ba2a hal 7aki el 3unsuri sirna bil 2013
what is going on in other countries should have been a lesson for us so that it does not happen here.
as explained above, we have the chance of the current firm positions of the sunni community towards the Christians in Lebanon, and what are aoun and hizbushaitan doing? they are radicalizing them by their constant attacks and marginalization.
if the sunnis turn into radicals in Lebanon, and already the shia are radicalized, how long do you expect we (as Christians) will last in Lebanon?
I believe in Lebanon first versus radicals.
you are seriously deranged!
who said bow to anyone?
what I said is do not radicalize them! and again the ones who want it all are your shia radicals friends :)
he is just playing with the minds of his stupid supporters.any excuse to stay in power...the only threat to Lebanon is the hizb weapons the Syrian and Iranian regimes .
Geha get it thru your head that the PLO was doing drive by churchs and kidnapping christains way before that bus massacre.so before you and any of your rat friends want to mention the civil war atleast have the nerve to mention who started it.
Long Live The Syrian Civil War!
No one should say that all Sunnis are takfiris or all Shia are Hizbees or all Christians are this or that....generalization is WRONG...
those idiotic FPMers who ally with a party they labeled as terrorist for years and defend a regime they always treated as terrorist too only deserve contempt because they have no dignity whatsoever and are insulting the memories of the aounis tortured or killed by their present allies.....
i dont get it. is aoun sad because when he decided to join the syria's friends party everyone left and he was there all alone?
isnt that what he always wanted, for the lebanese politicians to stop taking orders from syria? and then when they do but he starts doing it, it becomes the right thing to do...
aoun is a self righteous prick