تقارير: حزب الله دفن "بسرية" 38 جثة لعناصره قتلوا داخل سوريا

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نقل "حزب الله"، في اليوميين الماضيين، جثث 38 من عناصرٍ له قتلوا داخل الاراضي السورية، دُفنوا بشكل سري في لبنان، وفق ما كشفت صحيفة "الجمهورية"، الاثنين.

ولفتت الصحيفة الى ان القيادة المشتركة لـ"الجيش السوري الحر" اعلنت أنّ "حزب الله" نقل إلى لبنان في الـ48 ساعة الماضية جثث 38 من عناصره قتلوا داخل الأراضي السورية.

كما نقلت عن مسؤول الإعلام المركزي في القيادة فهد المصري قوله أن "معظم هؤلاء قتلوا في مناطق ريف حمص وخصوصاً في معركة تحرير حاجز الـ14 أخيراً في ريف القصير، كما قتل أربعة منهم في دمشق وريفها".

وأوضح أنّ "إثنين من القتلى هما من أبناء الجنوب اللبناني والبقية أبناء مناطق متفرقة في البقاع (بعلبك والهرمل)".

الى ذلك، نقلت "الجمهورية"، معلومات مفادها ان "الجثث التي وصلت سراً الى الأراضي اللبنانية، وُزّعت على مراكز عدة تمهيداً لدفنها سراً بعد شراء سكوت أهالي".

ولفتت المعلومات إلى أن "عشر جثث على الأقل تم التعرف على هويتها بصعوبة نتيجة تشوهها بحروق كبيرة أو تقطعها لأشلاء نتيجة إصابتها المباشرة بقذائف".

من جانب آخر، اشارت "الجمهورية" الى ان ناشطون سوريون، افادوا عن "مقتل عنصرين قناصين من "حزب الله" خلال معارك في ريف حمص".

وافادت وكالة "فرانس برس" الاحد، ان "حسن نمر الشرتوني (25 عاما) شيع صباح الاحد في ميس الجبل في الجنوب بعد وصول جثته من سوريا حيث قتل السبت في معركة".

وشيع الحزب خلال الاشهر الاخيرة عددا من مقاتليه الذين قتلوا في سوريا، الا ان ظروف مقتلهم ومكانه تحاط بسرية تامة. ويكتفي مقربون من الحزب احيانا بالقول انهم قتلوا "خلال تأديتهم واجبهم الجهادي"، من دون تفاصيل اخرى.

التعليقات 36
Missing maroun 09:50 ,2013 آذار 18

i wouldn't care less is 50000 were killed there ..they have no business to be there in the first place.

Default-user-icon Borat (ضيف) 17:10 ,2013 آذار 18

The question is why did you copy paste Buried and not sicretly... Especially when this text box has a spellcheck function. you are sanding the wrong message

Thumb geha 09:57 ,2013 آذار 18

may they burn in hell. they have no business to go there in the first place.

Missing peace 10:47 ,2013 آذار 18

of course elmanar or otv will not talk about this... why wouldn t it be true knowing how important the bashar regime is to hezbis? lol!

Missing peace 10:53 ,2013 آذار 18

AFP and sources close to hezbollah are also from FSA?

Missing peace 10:54 ,2013 آذار 18

so spanked that the regime asked the help of the BRICS.... lol

Thumb geha 11:03 ,2013 آذار 18

PS: i never heard you say the same about the talkhalakh fighters
most probably I was the first one to say so :)

Thumb dandoun 11:52 ,2013 آذار 18

ah bass u guys have the right to b there loooool

Missing mohammad_ca 14:07 ,2013 آذار 18

moooowaten wants evidence, like nasrocrap's google maps...

Missing biglebanese 10:23 ,2013 آذار 18

That is 38 less scum our army has to worry about ,more please ,,.

Thumb dandoun 11:56 ,2013 آذار 18

if the story is true and ur making fun of the dead....may u find peace with ur self....wait let me guess...am sure u went to the funeral of the other people that died...or did u deliver some milk and blankest and came back safely looooooooooooooooooooooool ....naive u r

Thumb Chupachups 13:27 ,2013 آذار 18

whatever dandoun says, i'll believe.

Default-user-icon npk (ضيف) 10:26 ,2013 آذار 18

now...Syrian Sunni's should say...who is your 1st enemy...Hisbullah/Iran or Israel...you should also show your gratitude when Hizbullah turns against Lebanon Sunni...

Thumb meridional 10:31 ,2013 آذار 18

they are helping Syria to get rid of the plagues .... May Ur souls rest in peace ..great soldiers

Thumb jcamerican 10:56 ,2013 آذار 18

If they want to keep it a secret, what is the reason of bringing them to Lebanon to bury them. There is plenty of land in Syria. Just tell their families, they are MIA. But the purpose of this article is to keep the war machine oiled.

Missing roxsheba 12:05 ,2013 آذار 18

If true then they have their cause to do so, just take a closer look who also are in Syria fighting, the Libyans , Egyptians, Turks , Jordanians Iraqis sudanians Moroccans Yemenis, so on , so on and so on, what would happen when these low life fanatics do when the war in Syria ends ? Where will they go next ? Lebanon is on their menu, wake up guys do you want them in our country after Syria? No thanks ! As far as I'm concerned let H A give them a taste if they dare try to penetrate us at lest H,A are lebanese not like the so called FSA mixed breed bastards, keep these low life scums out of our country, go HA keep Lebanon for only lebanese.

Thumb Chupachups 13:29 ,2013 آذار 18

i agree, im anti-hezbollah, but in this case they are the cake i'd prefer to keep in my fridge.

Thumb dandoun 14:02 ,2013 آذار 18

loooooooooooool ..thx for believing in me ,,,,u just rocked ma world hehehehe

Thumb Chupachups 04:11 ,2013 آذار 19

Thanks for replying to me , u just rocked my world looooooool

Thumb Lebanon4life 16:48 ,2013 آذار 18

if we were united and if nobody intervened in syria we would be strong enough to defend ourself against such scum !!!

Default-user-icon Jabal Amal (ضيف) 12:08 ,2013 آذار 18

The more the merrier !

Default-user-icon Sarbaz (ضيف) 12:08 ,2013 آذار 18

why Hizbullah should send its few members to Syria while Syrian Army is among the most powerful Arab armies? They do not need fighters from Iran or Hizbullah as they have been fighting FSA and AlNosrat since last couple of years.

Default-user-icon performing my jihadi duties, beer's on me (ضيف) 17:59 ,2013 آذار 18

Sarbaz for answers to you question and many more please to refer to hassin nasrallah, mohammad yazbek and naiim qassem they will clear up any misconceptions you have about the syrian army

Default-user-icon Yeah that's the ticket (ضيف) 13:37 ,2013 آذار 18

Obviously those soon to become saints brave jihadist martyrs Lebanese Shiites were defending their other Lebanese Shiites cousin's aunt's third niece's son in law's uncle twice removed and once replaced grandpa's brother in law's sister living in Syrian villages protected by the valiant undefeated Syrian Arab Army that happen to fall inside the Syrian border, that should have included Lebanon but the hated colonial Western imperialists invented to weaken the heroic Arab nations, attacked by the bloodthirsty godless Takfeeris.

Missing un520 13:45 ,2013 آذار 18

Syran army WAS big in numbers perhaps, but equipment/experience/morale are all low scorers. Hizbollah have all those attributes, and the supply-lines from Iran are so important that they are willing to sacrifice. Off course they dont want to go public in a bigtime way over their kias in Syria. Its not so glorious to get killed while messing around in a neigbouring civil was. So Nasrallah has public opinion to think about, both in his own shiah community and the lebanese community in general. It could well be that they are trying to do these as silent as possible. Most people can be bought, especially if they think its for a "good cause". There will always be someone that doesnt agree and dont need the money, hence the odd funeral here and there.
I have said it before, Syria will be a quagmire for Hizbollah, and they are likely to be stuck in it for years. Coffins will continue to be a growth industry in Dahiye and in the south.

Thumb dandoun 14:00 ,2013 آذار 18

@error lebanon on/off... u rock ma world heheheheh

Thumb Chupachups 04:12 ,2013 آذار 19

No problem sir/madam

Missing ya_kord 16:06 ,2013 آذار 18

you ppl are a perfect example of how polarized Lebanon is, full of doubts and mistrust of each other to a point where even if either side said a truth the other won't believe it . preoccupied with political coalitions who are more worried about what's happening abroad instead of Lebanon. even worse both sides would like to blame everyone else for our failed responsibilities as a country.

Missing peace 18:28 ,2013 آذار 18

lebanese have the country they deserve...

Thumb Elemental 17:16 ,2013 آذار 18

More Iranians thinking they can do what they want, no respect for Lebanon...

Default-user-icon saxo (ضيف) 17:29 ,2013 آذار 18

lebanon is going again to civil war. our comments don't help. someone have any solution to propose ???

Default-user-icon Khroj Bashkash (ضيف) 17:33 ,2013 آذار 18

Are you sure it is 38 not 39? Or could it be 37? I am sure the report is so reliable that when it says 38 they actually mean 36? Or could it be 41? I like such reliable reports! gabby321, have fun.

Default-user-icon abou abbass (ضيف) 17:47 ,2013 آذار 18

pisst mowaten looky here little lady, third post from the top, very funny


Thumb shab 18:20 ,2013 آذار 18

Keep them comming and more popcorn please

Default-user-icon XOLILE (ضيف) 18:26 ,2013 آذار 18

Its a shame Americans and Brittish are sitting in their countries and enjoy coffee and cake and watching TV how muslim brothers that their have confuse kill each other.

Wake up Muslims,it has become so easy for the Brittish and Amercans to insticate wars against muslims by first pretending like supporting one side in order for the muslim brothers to kill each other and there after come in and control oil.Puma fuel stations around the globe are making milions everyday while your blood flow for promised chair.

Default-user-icon Robert (ضيف) 12:48 ,2013 آذار 24

Send the whole Hizib there and all the Salafis, let this radicalls kill eachother in Syria.Like this we will have only normal people left in Lebanon without this extremists. Extremismus has to be destroyed from all sides.