قتيلان و17 جريحا نتيجة تجدد رصاص القنص في طرابلس والجيش يرد على جميع مصادر النيران

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قتل شخصان وسقط أكثر من 17 جريحا مساء الخميس نتيجة تجدد رصاص القنص في التبانة ومحاور القتال العروفة في مدينة طرابلس.

وأفادت قناة الـ"LBCI" في وقت متأخر من ليل الخميس عن "قتيلين و17 جريحا في اشتباكات طرابلس".

وعرف من القتلى معتصم الشمرة (26 عاما) بحسب وكالة "فرانس برس".

أما من الجرحى فهم "أحمد محمود شقرا ومعتصم البيرة وعنصر من مغاوير البحر في الجيش ومواطن من آل شمرا وآخر من آل فخر الدين" وفق ما أوردت قناة "المستقبل".

وتطورت الأوضاع ليلا مع جبل محسن إذ سقطت قذيفة على منزل المواطن وسيم الحسكة في جبل محسن وووقعت إصابات.

بدورها لفتت إذاعة "صوت لبنان 100.5" إلى "اشتداد وتيرة القنص والمناوشات على كل محاور طرابلس مترافقا مع حركة نزوح واسعة وتعتيم كامل للانوار".

ورد الجيش بالاسلحة المتوسطة على مصادر النيران سواء في جبل محسن وباب التبانة والبقار حيث مشروع الحريري والمنكوبين والملولة وشارع سوريا.

وحصلت أولى الإصابات بحسب الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" تحديدا "بجانب سوبرماركت خلف".

وأفادت "صوت لبنان 100.5" عن "اجتماع لقيادات ومشايخ التبانة داخل مسجد حربا" لدرس أوضاع المدينة.

لاحقا لفتت الإذاعة عينها إلى "إطلاق نار كثيف في مشروع الحريري - البقار - ساحة القبة وسقوط جريح يدعى معتصم البيرة".

وكشفت عن اتصال أجراه وزير الصحة علي حسن خليل من بعبدا بمسؤول العلاقات السياسية في الحزب "ألعربي الديمقراطي" رفعت عيد للإطلاع على أحوال المدينة.

ونقلت قناة الـ"OTV" عن مصادر أمنية قولها أن "الوضع مقلق في طرابلس والمعالجات الميدانية غير كافية".

وفي حين أشارت "المستقبل" و"صوت لبنان 100.5" إلى أنياء عن أن " قادة المحاور في باب التبانة قرروا فتح المعركة مع جبل محسن وقطع الاتصالات مع القوى السياسية والاجهزة الامنية" قالت قناة الـ"LBCI" في خبر عاجل أن "فاعليات التبانة ومشايخها يدعون إلى عدم الإنجرار للمعركة في طرابلس".

وكان قد قتل شخص من جبل محسن مساء الأربعاء بعد توتر شهدته المدينة إثر إطلاق نار على شابين من الجبل ينتميان للمؤسسة العسكرية حصل بعد الظهر في المستشفى الحكومي في القبة.

وكان قد حصل توتر بين باب التبانة وجبل محسن على خلفية إشكال فردي في سوق الخضار ليل السبت وسمع صوت اطلاق نار في جبل محسن.

كذلك صعدت الأطراف السياسية في طرابلس مواقفها في الأيام الأخيرة إذ قال مسؤول العلاقات السياسية في الحزب "العربي الديمقراطي" رفعت عيد أن "الامور لم تعد تطاق في طرابلس بحيث ان القتل اصبح على الهوية ولم يعد هناك امن وامان" مهددا أن هناك شماعة "إضافية" غير جبل محسن ستظهر في المدينة.

التعليقات 21
Thumb primesuspect 22:49 ,2013 آذار 21


Thumb jcamerican 23:49 ,2013 آذار 21

Lebanon will never rest. Hopefully all these fighters will meet what is coming to them soon and fast.

Thumb benzona 00:16 ,2013 آذار 22

putain quoi, c'est desesperant.

Missing roxsheba 00:17 ,2013 آذار 22

Where is the general of Lebanese army? Don't worry about our corrupt govt. just send in the army and obliterate these jihadist , no matter from whatever side their from ! Clean them out of our city and country , use your iron fist , cleanse the country form these fanatical pigs.. You are the one that's wearing a legitimate uniform representing us lebanese we don't want trouble makers' just wipe them out , even if you have to wipe the two suburbs out .

Thumb benzona 00:24 ,2013 آذار 22

Roumieh is too small to contain all of them.

Missing roxsheba 00:39 ,2013 آذار 22

That's why it should be spring cleansed..

Missing VINCENT 01:36 ,2013 آذار 22

Oh OK, this is something new. If it happens again, lets worry about it later. We've become the laughing stock of the planet.

Missing greatpierro 02:16 ,2013 آذار 22

What is interesting to signal is that Future TV has not accused the Alaouites of Jabal Mohsen to have ignited the fire but the extremist Sunnis in Bab el Tebbaneh. Thumbs up for Future TV for being unbiased.

Missing lulu 02:28 ,2013 آذار 22

this has never been a "jihad" thing or even a muslim thing-this is pure politics and ignorance...using islam as a "veil" to cover up their urges and thirst for power...its quite funny actually because these ppl call themselves jihadists,but they r not.jihadiasts are those who fight for God...but if you read the quran..war and killing is not the way.peace is the messagw of the quran...not this.this is the highest form of blasphemi...killing in the name of islam and im at home now,listenning to the bombs the house is shaking.my prayers go out to all the women and children who are still up...too scared to sleep and mothers who r petrified for the lives of theor children.
again this is politics,not islam.
these are not jihadists...they are murderous blasphemers.

Missing roxsheba 06:09 ,2013 آذار 22

No gabby you are wrong my friend . It is the wahibist Sunni , they should be executed from Malek Abdullah down , including Saad harirri and Co.. They are the root of all evil , don't forget that his father (rafik) sold his first wife to a Saudi so called Prince. !! That's how they made their money , " Family of Pimps" shame on them. I'm writing these as facts and on top of that I can match their wealth , let them answer to me I can also prove it... I'm willing to pay for all DNA .. Sign ROX

Missing rudy 09:02 ,2013 آذار 22

Then prove it

Missing roxsheba 12:28 ,2013 آذار 22

Rudy my fellow lebanese I have electronically sign up for it , I said I'm willing to pay for it ( ie DNA) Saad has half brothers' from his fathers' first wife which he sold her off to a Saudi.

Missing rudy 12:51 ,2013 آذار 22

so basically you dont have proof. you have an assumption and you are willing to prove it.

good luck with that.

doesnt every single person on this forum have his own assumptions (some about M8, some about M14) that they say are true and they are willing to prove it?

case in point: M14 people say gebran bassil and aoun are benefiting financially on a personal basis from their presence in government. how would you feel if i said i can prove it. all i need is gebran bassil's full statement of accounts

Missing roxsheba 07:28 ,2013 آذار 22

Malek Abdullah and Saad harriri as well . Throw your money away like Judas and hang yourself , otherwise someone else will do it fo you .... You traitors !!

Missing ghawwar 10:09 ,2013 آذار 22

Nobody is defending any government for that matter. Any sane person knows that all the governments of the world are criminals a d thieves. But some are worst than others. Hitler was a dictator. But he never killed his own people. To all the people who are still defending herb Iran and saying that there is a Zionist conspiracy to take down the muqawwama. Stop lying to yourself. Irans criminal regime killed the Iranians before they killed syrians. 90 percent of Iranians here in Canada will tell you this. Everyone knows the truth, all you have to do is change the channel

Missing rudy 09:00 ,2013 آذار 22

Roxy put the phone down and focus on your teacher. It might come on your exam next week.

W yalla t3aj

Default-user-icon Tony (ضيف) 09:55 ,2013 آذار 22

roxsheba, get a life man.

Missing ghawwar 10:05 ,2013 آذار 22

This is the manners of hezb Iran. They are always quick to label others blindly and throw out false accusations to make them look like they are ashraf al nas. Well you are exposing yourself , keep up the filthy language. Anyone regardless of there faith roxy can see that you haven't been taught any manners. Don't say you respect the Quran. The Quran doesn't teach your hatred. Prophet Mohammed PBUH was sent a mercy for all mankind. When I read your comments, I feel like puking

Missing ghawwar 10:35 ,2013 آذار 22

You are a big hypocrite, one post you say you respect the Quran , another one you say it's a pathetic way of teaching peace. You judge a book by it's cover. The Quran is perfect book, no contradictions. You can us all kind of names, no problem. But I challenge you to bring one contradiction, or one verse like the Quran. You can't, nobody can. There is alot of contradictions in your statements. You keep on talking about sunni jihadis. Yes there are people fighting . We don't deny that. But herb Iran kept on denying until god exposed them. And the worst part is they are brainwashed to believe they doing the jihadi duty by killing Syrian women and children, raping, massacring, the shia will pay the ultimate price in the end. So judge yourself before you judge others

Missing roxsheba 12:49 ,2013 آذار 22

Judge ? What judge ? I'm not judging anyone you little squirm, it's you , you just said it , no one can bring a verse or contradiction from the Quran , you fanatics don't even know what your on about !!!! Shove it all up your large hole , it's as good as toilet paper ..

Default-user-icon JCWillians (ضيف) 16:50 ,2013 آذار 22

Snipers are cowards. These fools can't read , know nothing, never will, and have no future. All they can do is show off to their idiot friends that they too are stupid. To put these idiots in prison is a waste of public resources. Both sides, in fact, anyone carrying a gun in Lebanon not associated with Security forces should be summarily executed. Salafist clerics expousing conflict ,hatred and the further destabilization of Lebanon should be tortured and hung in a public square. Christians should be put in charge since Sunnis and Shiites can't figure out that this is a no win situation that is a downward spiral. You'ld think 19 years of Civil War and a million refugees coming into Lebanon from Syria would be enough to convince all Lebanese to stop being yourselves before it's too late. PS, Isreal in loving it. Their Sunni collaborators are taking down their own ship and Isreal doesn't even have to pay bribes or spies.