القصار: أنا مرشح دائم لرئاسة الحكومة لما أتمتع به من ثقة بالعبور بالبلد الى مكان آمن

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أعلن رئيس اتحاد الغرف الإقتصادية والوزير السابق عدنان القصار أنه مرشح دائم لرئاسة الحكومة اللبنانية لما يتمتع به من ثقة بالعبور بالبلد الى مكان آمن"، مردفاً أن " قبوله في أي وقت برئاسة الحكومة مرتبط بحصول إجماع لبناني على توليه لهذه المهمة"، مشددا على أنه "لا يسعى أبدا لهذا المنصب".

واشار القصار في حديث لصحيفة "عكاظ" نشر الأحد، الى أنه "المرشح الدائم لرئاسة الحكومة اللبنانية، خاصة عندما ندخل بين الحين والآخر في الفراغ الدستوري، فتسارع الأقطاب السياسية في لبنان ومن كافة الأطياف لطرح اسمي لترؤس الحكومة لما اتمتع به من ثقة بالعبور بالبلد الى مكان آمن".

وأكد في السياق نفسه أن "قبوله في أي وقت برئاسة الحكومة مرتبط بحصول إجماع لبناني على توليه لهذه المهمة"، مشددا على أنه "لا يسعى أبدا لهذا المنصب، إنما الإجماع الوطني يجعل أية مهمة واجبة ولا يمكن التهرب منها".

ولفت الى أن "رئاسة الحكومة قد عرضت عليه سابقا ولكن ضمن شروط فرفضها"، مشدداً على أن "توليه لهذه المهمة لا يكون وفقا لشروط أي طرف بل وفقا لما يعتقد ويؤمن به أنه سيحقق مصلحة لبنان ومصلحة الشعب اللبناني وهو قادر على تحقيق هذه المصالح".

وأضاف القصار أن" الوضع السياسي حاليا لا يصلح إلا عبر إعادة تشكيل حكومة إنقاذية"، معتبراً أن "عودة (رئيس الحكومة المستقيلة) نجيب ميقاتي إلى رئاسة الحكومة أمر لا بد منه، فحكومته المستقيلة مرت بظروف صعبة على كافة الصعد، ونحن نقدرها، وقد حاول مرارا وبذل جهودا لتجنيب البلد الكثير، ولا ننكر أنه نجح ببعضها وأخفق ببعضها الآخر".

وأردف أن" كثيرون ينتظرون منه العودة إلى تشكيل حكومة إنقاذية قادرة على إرساء الأمن للوطن والمواطن في هذه الظروف المحلية والعربية الدقيقة، فلبنان لا يحتمل فراغا دستوريا أيا كانت الأسباب".

يُذكر ان ميقاتي أعلن مساء الجمعة استقالته بعد جلسة حكومية لم يتم فيها التمديد للمدير العام لقوى الأمن الداخلي اللواء أشرف ريفي وفي تأليف هيئة الإشراف على الإنتخابات، قائلا أنه يجب على جميع القوى تحمل المسؤوليات "من أجل إخراج لبنان من نفق المجهول".

وسلّم ميقاتي رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان، الاستقالة الخطية، صباح السبت في القصر الجمهوري في بعبدا، اكد فيها انه "إفساحا في المجال لإمكانية تشكيل حكومة إنقاذ وطني تشارك فيها جميع القوى السياسية والكتل النيابية، ويكون من شأنها أن تعيد الزخم الى الحوار الذي كنتم، فخامتكم، وما زلتم تسعون اليه في سبيل المحافظة على وحدة لبنان، وطن العيش الواحد بين جميع أبنائه، فإنني أتقدم باستقالة الحكومة التي كان لي شرف رئاستها".

التعليقات 19
Thumb mckinl 10:19 ,2013 آذار 24

Yeah ... let a banker run Lebanon? ... What Lebanon needs is a public central bank not bankers running the show.

With a public central bank the proceeds of money creation an the prerogative of loaning money would benefit the public.

We saw what the bankers did to Greece and Italy when their governments put them in office ... the looting of the nation!

If Lebanon really wants a banker to run the country why not just hire someone from Goldman Sachs and get it over quickly ???

Thumb geha 16:45 ,2013 آذار 24

guys, you need to understand that m8 likes only people like saad from saida. only someone who will execute their orders is to their liking.
they cannot realize that the sunnis have a right to choose who represents them :) they prefer illiterate who execute orders.

Thumb mckinl 10:45 ,2013 آذار 24

Kassar will first and foremost take care of the bankers even at the expense of the Lebanese people ...

We have seen this time after time in the EU ... Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland ...

What is needed is a Prime Minister that will spread the pain fairly not coddle the wealthy ...

Thumb lebanon_first 11:17 ,2013 آذار 24

if you do not coddle the wealthy, the wealthy will put their money outside Lebanon, and there will be less opportunities for our people, and more misery and islamism.
Opposite. you have to coddle the wealthy. Wealthy-haters got france into a mess it cannot extricate itself from.
While successful countries like singapore, dubai, the US, the UK are thriving because of their coddling the wealthy.
The wealthy who are investing and risking their money in lebanon and spending in lebanon are creating job opportunities, and moving the economy. They should be cherished. The communist nasserist wealthy-hating attitude is very unlebanese and will lead to nothing but misery... look at history.

Thumb lebanon_first 11:34 ,2013 آذار 24

Of course we need talent... which we got a lot of. And we need capitalists. whether u like it or not, no country in history ever thrived without being capitalistic.
I personally hate lebanese bankers because they make money without making any effort. But I am not talking about bankers. I am talking about wealthy capitalists, investors. These should be cherished.

Thumb mckinl 11:51 ,2013 آذار 24

@ lebanon_first

Lots of countries are prosperous without crony capitalism ... The old empires of Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China were prosperous without capitalism.

Bankers have one allegiance above all others: Private Banking. They will not give up their monopoly without a tremendous fight.

Putting a banker in as Prime Minister guarantees that when push comes to shove the banksters get saved and the people get screwed.

The only country so far that has put the banksters in their place is Iceland. After a few terrible years they are growing.

The countries that let the banks handle the financial crisis are looking at a decade or more of pain and paralysis.

Thumb lebanon_first 14:01 ,2013 آذار 24

Slash. You did not read my post. I was saying that Kassar is a good choice. I know of him, and I know his business capacities go well beyond Fransabank. I think he is a successful businessman who would bring good management confidence to the business community of wealthy people who mckinl wants to bash.

Thumb lebanon_first 14:40 ,2013 آذار 24

Ladies and Gentlemen, this conversation gave the opportunity to introduce "fvckuall" (with a V) of the lebanese communist party, a hater of everything prosperous, who has a very special vision for Lebanon. He even wants to change the mercantile nature of the Lebanese and turn them into commies.

The poor chap is confused between the complicated concepts of banking, interest, judaism, free masonry, and hence throws all these words he barely understands in sentences and types them out. This is good because it helps him vent his bottled up frustrations.

Missing moonsear 12:00 ,2013 آذار 24

Great, we get to have our own Berlusconi

Thumb jabal10452 18:22 ,2013 آذار 24

Mazboot! Plus he is not exactly from the street. He has plenty of qualifications.

Thumb lebanon_first 13:03 ,2013 آذار 24

i have to agree on that, Berri is THE most corrupt politician.... But weirdly enough, I am starting to appreciate him on some occasions. He is a factor of stability.

Default-user-icon HH (ضيف) 16:25 ,2013 آذار 24

I see absolutely no need for any kind of vulgar addressing. The idea that we need to coddle the wealthy is absurd, it assumes there is an unchangeable status quo and wealth is non-redistributable. There is a big difference between a sustainable prosperous economy relying on local production of goods and services and false economy like the one on wall street which continuously degrades the situation of the poor (all around the world and the US) while giving more fake profit to the rich. Capitalism just like communism is used in political rhetoric but is not what we can describe the global economy as which is more of a corporate hegemony. Lebanon first the only reason why seemingly prosperous countries are capitalist is because it so happens they have for the last few centuries hogged global wealth while claiming they advocate free economic policies, don't confuse the two.

Thumb lebanon_first 16:40 ,2013 آذار 24

just curious, V. what province of somalia u come from?

Thumb jabal10452 18:24 ,2013 آذار 24

Tide won't do. Prozac will. Lets start an on-line petition to raise funds and get him a prescription.

Missing lebcan 18:47 ,2013 آذار 24

I worked for this guy... Him!!! becoming PM!!! .... Were Screwed...

Thumb jabal10452 19:07 ,2013 آذار 24

@Lebcan Why is that? What did he do?

Missing lebcan 05:37 ,2013 آذار 25

he's a thief

Thumb lebanon_first 19:28 ,2013 آذار 24


Thumb freelebanon 20:38 ,2013 آذار 24

Wasn't *